4:37pm Jan 25 2012
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Jazz rolled over onto a soft ball of Iluvu as her 'alarm clock' went off. She grumbled and sat up.She looked about the room, no sunlight in the room. She sat there a minute, thinking about the dream she had last night. Bliza chirped again. "Oh fine!" She mumbled, her eyes shifting to IrrationalLove. "Love, time to get up!" She said, shaking the ball of fluff. Her Iluvu sat up, looking around. "There you go." Jazz said to her Iluvu. Jazz got up and walked over to her window. She ddn't see any creatu in the pen. She looked down. She was still in her work cloths she had on yesterday. "Eh." She said, lighting the candle in the window. She walked over to the doors to the balcony and opened them. She felt a cold rush of air as Bliza lighted down on the railing. She smiled a little, walking over to the easero. "How are you this morning?" She asked it. She hopped up and flew over to her master's arm. Jazz laughed and started petting her creatu. After a minute she set her down on the table and walked back inside, closing the doors behind her. She wistled a lttle and IrrationalLove jumped off the bed and to her side. Jazz opened the doors leading into the nursery. She walked into the room and closed the door to her bed room. She looked about. Everything was as it should be. The blankets folded on a rack, the toys put away in their places. She walked down the stairs and into her living room. She nodded, seeing once again that everything was in it's place. She grabbed her coat off of a rack and put it on before opening the door that led outside. She and IrrationalLove walked outside, the cool air blowing lightly on their faces. "Just another day on the ranch." She sighed to herself before getting to work, feeding the creatu in the boarding pen, weeding the garden, and then heading off into town for bread and other things she was going to need for dinner tonight.

6:42pm Jan 25 2012 (last edited on 6:34pm Jan 27 2012)
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Name / Nickname: Shay Three to Eight main creatu: Solil the natural Zenirix, Solera the silver Zenirix, Allesa the blonde Aukira, Elektric the cream Malal, Jaywhisper the silver Otachie, Maryu the sepia Kayoki, Rinniy the natural Veram, and Sellus the silver Paor. Home world: Relcore Class: Rancher Home: Shay lives in a somewhat small home, fit for herself, her creatu and any possible guest. On the outside it is an ivory color and the half-hipped roof is brown. The interior includes one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, one guest's room, Shay's room, and a large room for any creatu that would like to be indoors. Shay's room is medium-size but contains many items of use. The creatu room has beds specified for the types of creatu, some that Shay even made herself, and toys and open space. There is even a "secret door," which is in the far left corner of the room and is pretty much just a flap, however it is made so wind does not make the whole room cold. She enjoys being with her creatu very much. Every other room is pretty standard. The outside includes Shay's ranch, which is a huge, classic red barn with areas for all of the ranch creatu inside. If you exit the barn doors, you are in a large, enclosed pen with one double-latched door that Shay enters through. A large artifical pond that gets deeper in areas is in the far corner of the pen for any Atquatian creatu or creatu who enjoy a good swim. Food and water is both in the barn and in the pen. A garden is not too far away from the barn, and there is a space for vegetables, a space for fruits, and a space for flowers. She enjoys eating this food herself and sometimes even selling to some who want to buy. Behind Shay's home is a small forest in which she sometimes takes a walk in. Her main creatu are allowed to roam as well as be in the house, since she always knows they'll come back. Shop: Shay has a quaint and small little shop located near other shops of its kind. It has a row of filing cabinets in the back and a desk running from wall to wall blocks guests from getting into them, however there is a swinging door "in" the desk. It has a few chairs, a cash register, and two computers along with drawers holding paperwork and information. One large and locked drawer holds the safe. One large wall has photos, names, and prices of every creatu - it's basically a giant collage of ranch creatu photos and info. The public is open to view these or ask Shay for something specific, for those filing cabinets mentioned earlier hold all information. One sorts names by alphabetical order, one sorts prices from low to high, one sorts it by color name, and another sorts it by species name. Each individual creatu's file has their biography, name, photo, and price, along with every other known piece of information about that creatu. There are also extra filing cabinets. Shay's rancher shop is called Destiny's Arrival. Friends: No friends, however she would enjoy some. Other: My personal nickname isn't Shay, I hope that's alright DDD: (FINISHED! :DDD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:46pm Jan 25 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Awesome, Iceheart. ^_^ ))
6:47pm Jan 25 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Awesome Shay))
8:49am Jan 26 2012
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Posts: 3,426
((Will be lurking in this one. :3 Looks interesting, but it's not exactly fun for me to RP with a bunch of female characters, nor do I have the money to create the HA I would use for my character. xD; ))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:45am Jan 26 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Glad you are here Loki^^))
10:14am Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 10:15am Jan 26 2012)
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(( Fine with me, Loki. Thanks for stopping by. XD ))
10:49am Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 10:50am Jan 26 2012)
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OOC: Ohey, just one thing about my roleplaying style - I took English Literature for an A Level, and one of our upcoming tasks will be to make a piece of creative writing written similarly to an author we've chosen. The person I chose was Cormac McCarthy, who wrote The Road�and No Country For Old Men. I'd like to have a headstart in adopting his writing style, so I'll try and use it every now and then in my posts. This should explain, therefore, why my style might seem to change or fail to fit in with usual roleplaying styles xD If it distracts or annoys you guys, just let me know.
Light spilled into the room like a sheet of unfolding gold. Wood groaned. In her stall, the Valabex and the Malal looked up from the shadows over their wooden divisions to the figure that chased after the door she'd pushed too hard. In her wake trotted a bright scarlet Shaefu, ribboned with lemon, streaked with two strips of ivory teeth. He explored the hay-strewn floor, thrilled with something, before turning and bounding out into the green of the outside again.
"Ahah, good morning, my lovelies," Wolfeira said. "It's not a bad day out there. But it makes in here look like night." She gathered up a lead rope with the brass clip and the halter from a peg in a wooden column and approached the Valabex first. The ungulate's massive ears twitched eagerly and her tail whipped her sides.
"I'd stay here today and enjoy. But the Copse needs opening, of course..." Without any protest she gently slipped the halter onto the Valabex's head and around the horns. She clipped on the lead rope near the bit and opened the stall and encouraged the Valabex into the open. Velvet hooves cascaded, one tunefully following the other. The Malal watched on, envious for her own freedom.
But instead of doing anything particularly useful, Wolfeira unclipped the lead rope, and gestured to the open field. "Not time to go yet. I have some stuff that needs taking to the Copse. Enjoy the sun for a bit, cupcake. I need to get the cart loaded."
The sepia Valabex gave a grunt, vaguely aware of her master's meaning, before making a trot towards nowhere in particular. She bucked a little like a springy colt, raising her feet playfully. The Shaefu sped into the scene and began to follow her, bouncing on his feet like springs. Wolfeira returned to the Malal's stall and did the same, turning out the ginger, goatlike mammal into the pasture as well. Being younger she mimicked the Valabex with more spirit and seemed to dance as opposed to prance. Her cloven hooves kicked up disturbed storms of dust.

12:44pm Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 3:17pm Jan 26 2012)
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The steady clopping of Clone's hooves echoed down the streets, the clattering of the wagon following as he rounded the corner. He slowed to a stop, the cart rocking back and fourth as it found a resting place in the road. She looked up at her shop, setting the reins down on the seat beside her. She gathered her skirt in her hands, hopping down off the wagon. After a minute more, Clone had been unhooked from the cart and was wandering into the back lawn to graze. She smiled as Kritze jumped down from the back of the cart, plodding over torn rub on her hand.
Turning away for a moment, she pressed the tiny, silver key into the lock, twisting it with a quiet "click". She pushed the door open, bells ringing overhead as she walked into the store. Behind her, a signboard swung idly back and fourth, white letters glistening with morning frost. She ran my finger across the petals of one of the flowers just inside, looking around.
Soft golden light filtered in through cream, silky curtains, dancing across a light, wooden floor. A counter set bare in the back, waiting for the first costumer. Over to the left was a door, leading into the hatchery and playroom. She moved forward, peering through the glass at the eggs waiting inside. Nestled in soft, fluffy bedding, they rested silently, so many kinds it was difficult to count. She noticed a small crack in the top of one of the Uilius eggs, and nodded happily.
"Kritze, would you have Qince take a look at that little Uilius, later?" she asked. The Liyure looked in at the egg, pressing her paws against the glass as she looked in. Bright, blue eyes, much like Cay's, glowed in at the eggs.
"I do that." she purred in a smooth, gentle voice. "Qince in back room?" she inquired. She shook her head.
"I believe so, yes."
Kritze hopped back down, patting towards the door on the opposite room. Tugging on the short rope attached to the handle, she let herself in without a second thought. She disappeared a second later, searching for the Jahra.
Moving down to the second door on the left wall, she quietly pushed the door open, glancing in. Ivangeline looked up, rocking back and fourth in her chair as she nursed a tiny, baby Zenirix. The pup mewled when she paused, the bottle accidentally pulling away from him. The Roditore looked back down, turning her attention back to the other creatu.
"G'morning, Miss Cay." she said, glancing between the human and the baby.
"Good morning, Ivangeline. How's the baby?" she asked, stepping in. The rest of the children were bundled on their beds, sleeping soundly. Cay kneeled down in front of her, brushing the tiny, blind pup's nose with the tip of her finger. The Zenirix yipped weakly, clinging onto her finger with fragile paws.
"Just fine, Miss. Only a little hungry, is all." Ivangeline cooed. Cay beamed, rising.
"Be sure to get some sleep, yourself." she reminded her. She nodded, hardly listening to her as she watched the child.
Her eyes lingered on the creatu for a minute, then she pushed the back door open with a creak.

1:45pm Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 1:46pm Jan 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Okay. I read the FAQ at the start, but can Creatu actually fluently talk in this? I know NPC pets like Phaeda can have pretty developed vocabularies - does this same principle exist here? Or can they vary? :3 EDIT: I read it again xD No need to reply to that.
3:07pm Jan 26 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Edited. ^_^ ))
3:33pm Jan 26 2012 (last edited on 4:32pm Jan 26 2012)
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The wagon bumped as Jazz and her creatu came to her shop. She shook the reins and Routed stopped. Jazz hopped out of the tan colored wagon, patting Routed lightly. She walked around to the back of the wagon, watching as her Iluvu sat up.
"Time to go!" She told IrrationalLove. Jazz walked around the wagon and to the shop's front door. She slipped a small key out of her pocket, then put it in the key hole. She turned it and the door unlocked. Jazz turned the knob and pushed it open, walking into the store. She stood by the door a moment, looking at the small dark brown desk in the left corner. Her eyes moved to the right where another small desk stood.
IrrationalLove slipped by Jazz, walking to the back of the room. IrrationalLove then jumped onto a chair behind the desk on the right, seating herself in her usual position. Jazz walked over to the desk on the left and grabbed a sign. On the front it read "Open" in bold red letters. She walked back outside, hanging the sign on its hook bye the door. She walked back to the desk, watching her Iluvu.
She looked at the desk, pulling another key out of her pocket. She put it in a lock and turned it. The lock popped open, the doors to the cabinet opening slightly. She peered in. Everything was still there where it was supposed to be. She smiled a little, then closed and locked it back up. She heard the door open and she looked up. There was a rather large man walking towards her, a small scared looking easero at his side.

10:39am Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 10:44am Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I added my Malal to the cast, and replaced my Leverene with my new Ivik :3
Preserved in the cold of the freezers in a special lean-to by the barn were several species of fish, hanging by hooks in the tight gloom. Caught by Wolfeira's crafty crew. It had mainly been the Easero's doing, but they'd all helped gather the meat. She began to sort them into ice-lined plastic crates. No two species were allowed to mix in the frigid confines of the coolers, which were marked with white stickers bearing faded names.
A gangly Ivik hovered nearby. Svotri. He eyed the cold crates with trepidation, so his owner offered him a reassuring smile. But he didn't accept it, and slunk away awkwardly on his stilt-like legs. Wolfeira chuckled at his surrealism.
Quarter of an hour later (OOC: No time skips!) she had packed and labeled the coolers. Then, once by one, she carried them down to the awaiting trailer sitting patiently in the barn. Wolfeira fetched harnesses and reins. Then she whistled for the Malal and the Valabex, who trotted over as obediently as dogs and neared the cart with anticipation shuddering in their legs and flanks.
The cart wasn't designed for a Malal and a Valabex to stand side-by-side whilst pulling the cart. To begin with, Querestia stood taller than Cymraes. But Cymraes was stockier, sturdier, better suited for draftwork, and younger and leaner. So Wolfeira, with the help of a more talented rancher, had adapted the harnesses of the cart to be tugged along by animals in single file. Like the drawn-out carriages of a train, one behind the other. For now Querestia would take the brunt of the weight and allow the Malal to lead in front. But as time would go by, the places would turn; the stronger animals would conveniently be placed nearer to the load, and the faster animals would be assigned further on.
The neat little arrangement walked out of the barn with Wolfeira sitting on a tiny seat near the front that almost jutted completely over the edge. A flash of copper. Her Easero - suitably named Copperia - settled on a wooden barrier surrounding the cargo, close to her master. Eyes bright and attentive. The bird was quite unique, as her feathers sometimes blazed a metallic orange in the best sunlight. But only in the best, and for the rest of the time, they were a duller chestnut-brown.
Then excited segments of colour flurried around the travelling train. Nelle and Mary Sue, unable to climb the woodwork, trotted and sniffed alongside the cart. The drab, pale Ivik wandered helplessly close by before Cymraes stopped and let him climb her mane. Then they continued, carefully trekking out of the green and onto the dusty path that stretched like a long ditch in the direction of the unseen city. The lack of concrete subdued the thuds of hooves a little, but not by a lot, so that the Malal and the Valabex beat out a rhythm that made Wolfeira's head tilt to one side a little in thought.

11:41am Jan 27 2012
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Cay glanced up from her work, looking at the man who entered her shop. The bells rattled at his presence, and she smiled in greeting. It was one of her regular costumers, an Udalvian who had bought three hatches from her just yesterday.
"Why hello, LaCortori." he said with a nod of his robotic head, a dull, grating voice crawling from his throat.
"Call me Cay, Mr. Sullen." she reminded him, possibly for the hundredth time. He laughed, a low, monotonous 'churr'.
"Yes, yes, of course. Hmm... I've come to retrieve the Zenirix creatu you sent me the notice about last evening." he droned. Cay nodded, pointing to the back room with her pen.
"Just in there." she said, continuing about her work. The Udalvian bowed shortly, turning towards the back room. Cay looked back to the log she was writing, letting out a startled cry as a long, lanky hand reached over the corner of the desk. She cupped her hand to her forehead, panting in relief when she realized that it belonged to Sullen's Ivik, Crezle. She felt the Udalvian look back at her, churring again when he saw his creatu.
"Crezle, don't go around frightening the humans." he chortled, picking up the tiny, baby Zennie. He rocked it back and forth, slowly having it settle to sleep. That was something Cay liked about Sullen; he was different than the other Udalvians.
Crezle crawled up onto the desk, showing a fluffy, massive head. Red eyes burned curiously at Cay, looking inquisitively at her long, feather-quill pen. She laughed, handing it to him. He eyed her outstretched hand, opening a tiny, pale paw to reach forward. He took it from her carefully, glancing between her eyes and the pen. Then he sat back on his haunches, studying it with intense scrutiny. It's eyebrows seemed to furrow as it ran a finger along the edge of the feather, appearing lost in thought. His gaze trailed up the spotted plumes, feeling it so delicately they didn't even stir. His olive fur gleamed in the light shining through the window, long, lithe tail curling behind him. Iviks were the strangest of creatures, and by far the most interesting, at least to Cay. Ha, probably the most interested themselves.
((Lol, sorry about the post fail. Lot on my mind. XD))

12:02pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(thinking of joining, but i have some questions first. 1) can we use any name(s) for our character and the creatu. 2) does it matter that im a guy 3) can we use any creatu we want in our rancher type thing? Please let me know and if you have any good tips or ideas since im at a somewhat blank spot XD)
12:06pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 12:07pm Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( Drenn: 1. You can use any name for your character, but your main creatu characters must be actually owned by you. Names and all. ^_^ 2. No, it doesn't matter that you're a guy. An all-female RP is boring anyway. :D 3. For your rancher shop, you can make up any creatu you like.
And then, I have to admit I don't have many ideas. I don't know what you like, so I don't know I can help you there. XD Thanks for looking at this RP, by the way. ))
12:11pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(ok cool, cuz for a shop i was thinking of ebilia and uilus those are my most favorite and maybe some gondras ^^. so i will think something up and will post as soon as i can.)
12:12pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Perfect, Drenn. Great to have you. ^_^ ))
12:26pm Jan 27 2012
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Jazz watched the man walk to her desk. He was a tall slim man. His face was blackened with grease. Jazz stared at him in wonder for a minute.
"What do we have here?" Jazz asked him, looking at the small cream easero at his side.
"I would like to board my easero." He said in a rough voice. Jazz shifted on her feet uneasily.
"Right this way." She said, grabbing a quill from her desk. She walked over to the desk on the other side of the room. IrrationalLove jumped off of the seat, and Jazz sat in her place. "How old is she?" Jazz asked him, pulling out a piece of paper.
"It's three weeks old." He said, looking down at the easero. Jazz asked a few more questions and wrote them down on her piece of paper.
"Okay, she is all set!" Jazz said, taking the paper and putting it in a drawer in the desk.
"Good. I will be there to pick her up in four days. Have a nice day." He said, walking out of the shop, closing the door behind him.
12:28pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Fluzz, why do I feel you're copying me? -_- ))