12:28pm Jan 27 2012
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"We staying long?" Nelle said in that good-natured way of his. Wolfeira looked at him.
"Probably not all day, no. See, we'll drop off the fish and then one of you will stay at the shop with me. The rest of you will go and trade. You can have the cart. Copperia will be in charge."
"Who stays with you?" the Easero asked quietly. Her vocabulary was better developed than many of the others'. Wolfeira had encouraged all her animals to talk but the birds were stronger at it than the rest. Copperia's age and intelligence and patience only strengthened her fluency.
"Svotri will stay with me." Wolfeira thought. "He's too little for the city, he'd get squished. And Sue as well." The orchid Zenirix bristled and glared at her owner but did not slow down.
"Don't stare at me like that. If you go to trade you'll act up again. You always do, Sue. Plus you make a great guard. You know you do. So don't sulk. Please."
"Fine," the Zenirix muttered, but said nothing more.
"No whinging," Querestia scolded. "You don't have to pull the cart. So quiet." The Malal gave a low laughing bleat. Nelle flashed his teeth.

12:54pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 1:51pm Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
(Deions on next post, sorry new to this *rubs back of head embarrassed*)
Home: I slept peacefully until Artevus came into my room and gently shoved me out of bed. I woke with a start and looked at him with a sigh, knowing that the others would be up as well. "I know boy, you are looking forward to starting our new shop. We have to feed everyone first." I slowly got up wincing slightly because of having fallen to the floor. I headed to the kitchen after petting Artevus on the head. I quickly wolfed down some food before heading out to take care of my creatu.
I specialize in raising ebilia and uilus but i do have a small handful of gondra. I was going to sell some at my new shop I had just bought a couple of weeks ago and was finished renovating a couple days before. The name of the shop was "Tyrant's Stars", I had named it after one of my favorite books. I shook my head and went back to the task at hand. Feeding the creatu. I went to the storage barn and set to work.
An hour later all of them had been fed. I looked at my main creatu and smiled. "laocrahc, you will be coming with me. the rest of you could you please look after the house and the younger ones? I will be taking some of the adults with me and will try to sell them and maybe get some more eggs while im out." They nodded in response and I went and picked out fifteen of my adult creatu. Three gondra, five uilus and seven ebilia. I then set out for the shop.
Shop: Once at the shop I soon had everything set up. It was early afternoon now and I grinned as my creatu layed down for their afternoon nap. I soon had everything set up. Including a typed list of the prices and which of the creatu they went to. I sat down in a chair behind the counter waiting for customers to come in.

1:01pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 1:02pm Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( Lol, umm, Drenn? The home and shop sections are where deions for them go. Just so we know what they're like, where you are, ect. XD You'll start actually RPing once the forum is complete. ))
1:18pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 4:02pm Jan 29 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
(*bangs head off wall.* im confused now, ok never mind figured it out so i will do the thing now so yeah...its backwards XD rp first desc[injection]ription second. so here is the info.) Name: Drenn
Main Creatu: laocrahc (Male Black Gondra) KalZakath (MaleSilver Ebilia) ev[injection]alena (Female Orchid Ebilia) Artevus (Male Black Uilus)
Class: Rancher
Home World: Relcore
Home: A small one floor log cabin on Uldavi near a lake with a large open plain for the creatu. which is about 35 miles from any other civilization. Owns a hovercraft that had a tailor like look in the back for carrying/transporting creatu. He chose the location because it reminded him so much of his home. The cabin is two bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen and a sitting room with a stone fireplace.
Shop: A small store specializing in Ebilia, Uilus and Gondra creatu. Name is "Tyrant's Stars." The most creatu it can hold at one time is fifteen. The decore in the shop is a mix of gothic and ancient roman architecture. Buys eggs, hatches and raises the creatu before selling them.
Family: None
(I think that's everything. Let me know if I messed up somewhere ^^ thanks)

1:30pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Try reading my forum, Drenn. It's somewhere on the first page, it might help you out. XD ))
1:45pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Sorry Drenn, I do see a few things. In the FAQ, it states that the planet everyone in this RP lives on is Udalvi, that's basically what the RP is about. XD (Homeworld is in there just to state where you came from.) And then, there aren't exactly trucks. There are carts/wagons what are usually drawn by Malal, and there are Udalvian hovercraft ships. You can read the FAQ, it might help answer some of your questions. ))
1:47pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,290
(i did but for some reason i was still confused...sorry ill edit the post. *hangs head ashamed*)
1:53pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Aww, you're fine Drenn. I know it's a little confusing. ^_^ That sounds perfect, thanks! Now, you can start RPing. :D ))
1:54pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,997
((Drenn, You didn't do anything wrong! It can be very confusing at times. I remember the first RP I did. I was horrible! There is nothing to worry about.))
2:01pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 4:03pm Jan 29 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
(ok i did so to speak earlier, so i did things backwards *laughs* and thanks for being so patient with me ^^ also when i have shop, home, etc in blue that is an indicator where i am. it makes it easier for me as well since I'm partially autistic -among other things-, just enough where I have to have things spelled out/written down or else i will forget, so thanks again for being patient with me.) Shop: I sighed and got up and looked at laocrahc. "Could you watch the shop for me. I'm going to go look around and see if anyone is selling any eggs or baby creatu." He grinned back at me and nodded.
"Of course." Was all he said. His vocabulary was lacking compared to KalZakath or Artevus. But he does do pretty well. Well enough in my opinion to handle the shop.
"Thanks." I told him and headed out.
Town: I wandered around looking at shops trying to decide what looked the most promising.
5:25pm Jan 27 2012
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Posts: 3,950
(Finally finished my bio :DD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:25pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 5:29pm Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Welcome to the roleplay :)
The party passed through the stretch of green that eventually levelled into the glittering grey of the lake, but averted the direction of the water. The road wound into a short pine forest.
Since landing on Uldavi, Wolfeira had watched from her Nordic stronghold humans and Uldavians planting seeds on a broad stretch of upturned soil. Creatu had worked into ploughing the earth with their masters to create crevices that would home the seeds of the pines. By now they were human-height and numerous, stretching for at least half a mile on both ends of the path.
Querestia and Cymraes sniffed the growing wood and the fresh sweetness of their tender buds. The canine Creatu set off into the growth and didn't come back until the cart had trudged out of the young trees. Now ahead of them was a long stretch of flat earth, mainly marshland. Grey rectangles loomed out of the horizon ahead. Blobs soared and flew, sometimes to cast away across the land. One or two ascended and faded out of the atmosphere itself.
"Such a clear sky," Wolfeira said. "You can see the skyscrapers so well."
"And the ships!" Nelle added.
"And the ships. Look at them, rising. Rising into space."
"Going into space? Real space? The.... type with stars?"
"Yeah, that type. I wonder where they're going."
"To steal Creatu from their planets," Mary Sue murmured bitterly.
Wolfeira quieted. "Yeah, maybe that."

5:29pm Jan 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Great, Ice. ^_^ And Drenn, that's fine. I never mind helping out. ))
7:32pm Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 7:35pm Jan 27 2012)
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Posts: 3,950
Shay felt soft fur rub against her neck, then the rasping of a slobbery tongue. Turning her head, she saw Solil curled up beside her, wide awake. His eyes lit up when he saw his girl wake up, since he knew that now the day would really begin. Looking to her alarm clock, she noticed that if Solil hadn't woken her she would've been late to open Destiny's Arrival and tend to the ranch. "Thanks, buddy," she said and hugged her zenirix. "Alright, time to get going." Solil jumped off the bed and trotted outside through the door that was partly open and Shay heard his pawsteps as he went down the stairs. She first made her bed and then got dressed before exiting her room and peeking inside the creatus' room. Jaywhisper and Sellus were the only ones that weren't awake yet, and Rinniy and Alesa weren't in the room, meaning they were probably outside; the rest of the creatu lifted their heads to see who might've come through the door this morning. Maryu ran over and leapt up and Shay barely managed to catch her. "Good morning to you, too," she said, amused by the creatu's greeting. Maryu only replied with a smile, then Shay set her down. The kayoki went to wake Sellus and Jaywhisper as Shay went down the stairs. Solera followed her and opened the front door for both herself and Solil, who was sitting next to the door. Opening the door was a nifty trick the silver zenirix had taught herself, and Shay thought is was sort of funny and cute. The two zenirix ran outside together, tails wagging. Shay yawned, ate a quick bowl of cereal, and went outside, closing the door behind her. She didn't see any of her main creatu except Solil, but they'd turn up - they always did. Almost all of Shay's main pets had good vocabulary, but all messed up sometime or another. Solil was probably the most advanced. "One of the draqua started a fight with another late last night," he said, concern edging his voice. "You should check up on that. Plus, the food and water troughs need to be filled again and one of the rosebushes is doing very poorly." Shay sighed. "I'll do all that. And is it the same rosebush as the one we noticed last week?" Solil nodded, "Yes, it's the same rosebush. It's only deteriorating - the poor thing." Shay unlatched the two latches and entered the pen, Solil following suit. She latched it up again and then went into the barn. Pulling over a ladder, she climbed up it and looked around for the food bags. Taking a few, she dropped them down and descended down the ladder. Leaving the ladder in its place, she opened the food bags and poured them in the food troughs in the barn. For water, she went to the well located beside the barn and took several buckets to fill up the water troughs. For the Atquatian creatu, she filled their troughs outside in a reachable spot from the pond. The ranch creatu happily ate and drank, and Shay went to go peer inside the pond. Solil padded up next to her. "The fight wasn't too serious, meaning that nobody got injured, and I broke it up. It was between the single ginger draqua and the adult cream draqua," he explained further. Nodding, the fifteen-year-old human called out the two draquas' names and they came up to the top of the water. What could she say? She had a bond with all her creatu, loving each of them. "So, what happened last night?" The two draquas' faces hardened. "He call name me," the ginger teen said. The cream scoffed. "No I dinin't! You hit me!" "Be quiet! Called me chicken! I no want to do stupid thing!" "Was not stupid!" Shay held a hand to her forehead and tapped her foot impatiently. After a few more seconds of their bickering, she held up her hand. "Ok, ok, so... What I'm hearing is that you called him a name and wanted him to do something he thought was stupid," she began to the cream, "and you hit him with your tail," she told the ginger. "However both of you are denying it. How 'bout this? You guys just stay away from each other and forgive and forget. Anything serious happen? Was it a physical or verbal fight?" "Verbal and tiny bit phys'cal," the ginger teen admitted. "No serious stuffs neither. We no do it again, promises," the other draqua said. Shay shook her finger at them then waved her hand, signalling that they were done now. Her attention now shifted to the garden, which was next on her little list of chores. Shay entered the garden soon and watered all of the plants, going back for a refill four times. She picked some of the fruits and vegetables, knowing she had a request for a basketful of corn from a fellow who had stopped by her shop. When she got to the final flower, the sick rosebush with light pink roses, she couldn't help but shake her head. "I wonder what's gotten into you... Poor baby, poor, poor, baby," she cooed, giving a tiny bit more water to the sagging plant, its leaves and petals starting to fall off, whereas the others were doing beautifully. "I'm going to try my best to make you better, understand? How about a little stake, to help with your small wilting issue? Would you like that?" Shay took the tools she needed to build one and started to create it for the rosebush. "If it doesn't work, I'll take it off, ok? I'm just trying to help." Maryu somehow made her way over. "Is plant ok? I liked its smell when it was healthy," she commented with a frown, seeing the stake and then noticing another petal drop from a flower. Shay shook her head 'no' - the plant was not ok. "I need to go. Can you hurry quick and get Elektric for me? I need him to pull the cart," Shay asked. Maryu nodded and ran off as Shay put a basket of fruits and veggies in her kitchen and took the basket of corn with her and then walked towards the cart, ready to go to Destiny's Arrival. The basket was put in the back of the cart, the "storage" area, and then Elektric came clopping over. He nudged the area where he pulled the cart and Shay smiled. "We're going, Elektric, don't worry." The malal liked taking walks. The girl put on the reins and then situated them to the cart. She petted Elektric's neck and Solera and Solil jumped up onto the two remaining spots, Solera's head resting on Shay's lap. "Let's go, Elektric," Shay ordered, and he began to go at a steady but slightly fast pace towards Destiny's Arrival. (Sorry for the giant post DDD: )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:04am Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 5:20am Jan 28 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
"Remarkable," Querestia commented lightly. "Trees on Uldavi."
"It is," her master agreed, swaying in her seat in time with each lean the cart made. "Uldavi's not a place for growing things. Too barren. The forest might not last. But as long as a few trees survive, it will be alright."
"Like our fields."
"Yeah, just like the fields. They managed. So maybe the trees will too."
"I hope so. Trees remind me of Relcore," Cymraes said from the front. Svotri hugged her fur tightly.
The party discussed the likelihood of the fragile trees surviving another year. The favours leaned towards them not surviving. Uldavi was unique from the other Four because of how unfruitful it was. The wood behind their home was small and wan as it was. Sue was always complaining how dried logs littered the grounds like corpses, gazed over by their living neighbours, sad and crusting. The lake only managed to house fish because several devoted Atquatians had purified the water enough for a small population of fish. Uldavian fish. A rarity.
Which was why Wolfeira was trudging through the barren moors towards the city towards the Copse. To make money out of the rare wildlife that existed on the planet. To feed its inhabitants. A wind silvered the grass, turning them into sinewy waves. Copperia ruffled her feathers. The dogs stuck closer. But other than than, nothing much changed. The scenery remained constant, the city standing closer now.

11:22am Jan 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Beautiful, Shay and Eira! Also Shay, posts can be however long, -or short-, you feel they need to be. It think you did splendidly. ^_^ ))
Mr. Sullen eventually moved back out into the main room, with the Zenirix still clinging to his chest. Crezle looked up at the Udalvian with large, glistening eyes, then carefully set the pen back on Cay's desk, jumping with a single leap up onto Sullen's shoulders. He circled around the robot's head, looking down at the squirming, wriggling pup. His tail found itself wrapped around the humanoid's arm as Sullen sorted through some of his TU, placing a few of the coins on the desk.
"Thank you for your business, LaCortori, as always the results are more than satisfactory." he said, placing the coins on the wooden surface. I caught the Ivik watching me with a strange look on his face, but it was hard to tell what with through the curtain of fur.
((OMG, short post failure. Sorry guys, my creativity is gone at the moment. ))
12:12pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 12:18pm Jan 28 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Thanks Cortori :D By le way. Your cat is so beautiful ^^ And don't worry about post size. :3
They reached the city. Ranchers had chains of glossy Creatu connected by leads urged along the roads in and out of the system. Many were specialists. Others displayed mixed stock. As it was, all the passing animals attracted attention of anyone who crossed paths with them. Wolfeira didn't miss the longing stares of some of the Uldavians. Those without animals had their narrow faces angled prolongedly towards the glorious animals.
Her own crew rocked through the streets in the flurry traffic of other carts and vehicles. They waited patiently when they needed to and hurried onwards when there was space. A Myotis alighted on the cart and tried grabbing onto one of the coolers, so Sue sprang near the wheel and snapped at his tail. Copperia also demonstrated herself in any angry flurry of feathers, and the Myotis scarpered for a sign on the pavement saying "NO LOW FLYING PERMITTED".
"Busy," Querestia remarked to her master.
"I was just thinking!" came the reply. "Oh, wow, look at those Tesuries. Is that a full batch?"
"All dyed I think," Copperia said. "The full collection. But the breeder is missing Lemon. Probably sold already."
Wolfeira glanced at her own dogs. Nelle was staring at the winged wolves with an odd sadness in his eye. It was their wings he would be admiring. But Sue glared at them with scathing. The Tesuries seemed ignorant of her sourness - they sat like exquisite statues, their perfect faces held too high for Wolfeira's liking. Their overdressed master was just as offputting. She eyed Querestia's fur for a second - duller by comparison to her rainbow dogs.
"Not ever done a day's work," the Valabex sighed gently. The crew moved down the street and didn't look back at them. Except for Sue.

12:17pm Jan 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Why, thank you, Eira. I'm so jealous of your guy's writing skills. ;_; ))
12:21pm Jan 28 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: It's practice :) I used to despise my writing style. I wanted it subtle. But, hey. Reading good books helps a whole lot. And I don't mean Eragon or Harry Potter. When I compare them to older writers, they look pretty naff. Read the classics if you want to develop a nice writing style, by authors from any country :)
12:24pm Jan 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Actually, I literally just went off to read Tom Sawyer. I realized a little while back that my writing improved when I read classics. XD Looks like I'm not the only one. Thanks, Eira! ))