12:31pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 12:32pm Jan 28 2012)
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OOC: It's fine :) A lot of roleplayers only seem interested in modern novels, it seems.. :c The classics, once you read them, truly are in a league of their own. Not just in content but in style. I compare Cormac McCarthy to Christopher Paolini - both contemporary American writers - and McCarthy just.... blows my mind away. I cannot put The Road down. It's probably not appropriate to compare them since they have such different themes. Paolini isn't that good at all. Some of his deions are quite effective and interesting. But he rambles so much. D: There is no subtlety in his writing at all. And... I don't intend to sound racist, but when Americans try to write in a medieval or formal English style, it just.... fails completely, a lot of the time. I read what he writes and think "Oh Lord! Stop it!" I guess if you want to capture a way of speaking, you gotta go to the country that way came from. And live there for a decade xD He lets himself down by using phrases like "figure out" and whatnot. Eh. Ramble. Sorry :c

12:58pm Jan 28 2012
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((Eerp, Sorry I was offline for a while. I over slept XD ))
1:15pm Jan 28 2012
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(( I actually agree, Eria. The modern American writers have a style completely different than the classics, and they don't flow as well. The classics use such beautiful language. Paolini uses too much for his deions, and although it makes it very easy for a reader to picture the story, it makes it bland reading. Writers like Poe, Mark Twain, and the older-style artists have timeless works, that will probably be around as long as people remember how to read.
Sorry for getting off-topic, guys. ))
1:31pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 1:32pm Jan 28 2012)
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OOC: Yah. I'm in love with Steinbeck's style xD Even if I have only read Of Mice And Men. To be honest I haven't read many classics, not to mention American writers... Meh, I just get sick of reading about Eragon's every thought and doubt and desire. Paolini goes to great length to explain so much, whereas Steinbeck and McCarthy can do the same in maybe one or two sentences without being so... obvious. Paolini doesn't let you think for yourself. Interpret anything your own way. And that's no problem. :3 In OOC chat, you can talk about anything nearly I guess. Plus we're discussing literary works. Seems appropriate for a roleplaying thread xD
4:21pm Jan 29 2012
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(sorry i wasnt on yesterday, i was taking care of a friend of mine who just got home from the hospital along with her mom who had a hysterectomy a couple days ago. so yeah im back) City: I continued to wander, not seeing anything that caught my I at first but soon I came to a shop called "LaCotori Corner." I hoped to find what he was looking for. Plus it looked quaint and looked to be a very nice place, though small.
Shop: On entering I looked around and saw a little hatchery and a nursery for the baby creatu. I thought the babies looked so cute especially when at play. I then walked to the counter and rang the small bell there for assistance.
4:52pm Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 29 2012)
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A few minutes after Sullen left, Cay went briefly into the back room. Upon hearing the bell ring in the main room however, she set down the book she had begun reading and hopped up to go answer it. She smiled in greeting at the man standing in her shop, walking up to her desk. He had dark hair and light blue eyes like her own, and he was a bit taller than her. Most men were, however; she wasn't very tall.
"Welcome!" she beamed happily, resting her elbow on the desk. Her gentle gaze met his, her voice soft and sweet. She stuck out her hand. "The name's Cay. Is there something I can help you with?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side. She had this odd way of crinkling her nose a bit when she smiled, but she hardly ever noticed. Wavy ringlets cascaded over her shoulders, her petite fr[injection]ame pressed into the desk as she watched him. A moment later she heard the door to the room behind him open, and she saw a flash of white fur and pale feathers.
The smile faded when she saw the horrified look on her otachie's face, and with an apologetic nod she glanced back at the costumer.
"I'm so sorry, I'll be right back." she excused herself, moving out from behind the register. She called out to her liyure, voice letting through a hint of her panic. "Kritze will take care of you, I'll only be a moment!" she promised the unnamed man, pulling her chestnut hair back in a sloppy ponytail. She knelt down in front of the albino, holding his face as she stared into her eyes.
Dark tears had began to rain down his cheeks as he sobbed, baring his teeth.
"I'm so sorry..." he choked, pawing at her shirt. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." he repeated over and over. She stroked his face, hushing him quietly.
"It's alright, it's alright." she cooed reassuringly, helping him towards the back room. Kritze had appeared in the doorway, holding it open so the pair could get past easily. As soon as she and her otachie were inside the room, she shut and locked the door behind them, leaving Kritze with the costumer. Cay curled up with the crying ball of fur, rocking slowly back and forth in a soothing manner. Although he didn't mean to, small beads of blood trickled down her arms where his claws broke her skin. He let out a terrified yowl, burying his face in her shoulder. "Shh, shh..." she said softly, cradling him in her lap.
Kritze looked apologeticly towards the man, ignoring the creatu's tortured cries coming from the next room. She grimaced when a scream rattled the cupboards, glancing from the man to the door. Then, reluctantly, she paced over towards the desk, hopping up on the human's chair.
"Very sorry, not supposed to happen yet." she said, eyes flickering to the human's. "So, what you need?"
((Sorry for the drama, guys. Numbers has a character to him, and I can't just dump it even for the RP. I'll explain what's happening in the next post.))

8:33pm Jan 29 2012
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Posts: 1,997
I led the easero to my Iluvu at my desk. "Loves?" I asked her.
"Yes Jazz?" She asked me. I watched the fluffy ginger Iluvu hop off of my chair and to my side.
"Would you please take Shasta to the room in back?" I told her. She nodded then took the cream easero to the back room she would stay in untill we left for the evening. A few minutes passed and I found myself fumbling with my hair, braiding my bangs. I laughed quietly to myself, letting it drop. "Eh! Why not?" I asked myself, finishing the braid. Just as I was done, I snapped my fingers, remembering what I had to do today.
"Loves?" I called to my Iluvu. "Would you please go get Shasta? We need to go do something!" I said, standing up. I heard my Iluvu walk into the back room. I walked over to the door, the keys to the store in my hand. The Iluvu and the Easero walked up to me. I nodded and opened the door, a cool breeze blowing on my face. I walked outside, the creatu following me.
"Loves, please take Shasta to the back of the Wagon and get redy to go." I told her. I turned around and the Iluvu walked past me followed by the Easero. I locked up the shop and turned the sign so that it read: "Closed." I hopped into the wagon and snapped the reins, the wagon taking off down the small road. It must have been an hour before I arrived at the shop. I peered in the window, seeing a man at the desk. I coked my head slightly in wonder. "Huh!" I said quietly to myself.
"Loves?" I called my Iluvu. She hopped out of the wagon and to my side, smiling. I opened the door amd walked in, the bells ringing over my head. I walked up to the desk behind the man.

1:40pm Jan 30 2012
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I looked at the Liyure and then at the door the young woman had gone through, then back at the Liyure. "Is everything alright? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked worried that something was truly wrong.
2:10pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 2:10pm Jan 30 2012)
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They wound through one more avenue and then down a quieter street thick on either side with the houses of richer merchants - named appropriately "Gold Road". It didn't matter which species owned which house. They were still grander than any humble dwelling a novice trader had. And the only reason why Wolfeira didn't join their ranks was because she had never wanted cities that close to her.
The cart was encouraged down to the very end of the street. The corner of the final building was snugly fit between a post office (not on Gold Road) and a shop selling wares for animals. Probably close to the luxurious houses to attract the attention of any human or Uldavian vaguely dreaming of a special collar for their Shaefu or a new lead for their dyed Otachie. Querestia and Cymraes led the cart into a compartment outside the window that was barricaded with black metal fencing, at least a metre apart from the Copse. Before they entered Wolfeira had got down from her seat and opened the gate. The cart went trough and she shut the gate again behind it, trapping the cart in the narrow space.
Wolfeira went to the door and opened it. She turned the sign over. Sue, Nelle, Copperia and Svotri bustled inside before she could. Their claws clicked on the wooden floor then subsided into the back rooms, separated from the public selling space by a curtain. But Copperia had instantly assigned herself to the perch overseeing the desk, fixing her eyes on her master.
"Time to break the ice," Wolfeira said. "Get the ice sacks out of the freezers. Get them on the display. I'll need Sue's help to unload the cart."
"Yes," was all the Easero said, and she landed and dipped underneath the curtain to the areas of the Capercaillie Copse Wolfeira couldn't see yet. Then she approached the cart with her patient steeds mouthing their bits and began to take each cooler to the floor, carefully and one at a time.

2:48pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 2:49pm Jan 30 2012)
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((So sorry for the enormous post, I don't expect you guys to read it all. XD))
Kritze shook her head.
"There nothing we can do." she said sadly. "He be like this for long time. Ever since book... it hurt him. Nothing we can do..." she trailed off, falling silent. It was apparent her thoughts were in the past, but she didn't say more. She glanced to the hatchery room. "So, you here to buy eggs? Creatu? Have lots!" she said as if nothing were happening. She hopped down from the chair, circling around the desk. She hooked her paw around his leg, pulling him towards the room with the children inside. She dragged him in, glancing pitifully at the door to the back room, then she looked towards the others, paying sole attention to the costumer.
Numbers. They swarmed around his head, flashing, turning, screaming at him. He sobbed in horror, pain coursing through his body. It hurt to think, it hurt to move.
"Five, six, nine, four, one, one, two, three, two..." he chanted under his breath, choking as his body convulsed with tears. They flashed around the room wherever he looked, so he squinted his eyes shut, trying to block them out. "Seven, one, four, three, zero, one...!" he screeched, his voice rising. "Zero, three, one, six, eight, two!" he was practically screaming, digging his claws into the human's soft flesh. The scent of blood burned his nose, but she refused to push him away, cradling his trembling form in her hands. Even as his claws dug deep into muscle, she continued her steady, back-and-fourth rocking motion, hushing him soothingly. Voices screamed in his head, jumbled nonsense echoing around his mind. His heart was pounding, feeling like it was melting in his chest. He felt as if needles were digging into the deepest parts of his body, his worst fears coming to life. "ONE, FOUR, EIGHT, SIX, SIX, SEVEN!" he yowled, tears burning his face. His skin felt like it was being torn away, his wings being twisted at gruesome angles. His bones were snapping, his nerves were popping, and his head felt as if it were about to explode. "CAY!" he shouted, begging for the voices to stop, the endless flow of codes to cease. "CAY, THEY WON'T STOP, THEY WON'T STOP!" he howled, pushing away from her.
He felt himself slipping away again. That was perhaps the worst part of all of this. He was loosing himself to the horror, to the pain, and to the darkness. He could feel himself falling. He couldn't let anyone else get hurt.
With what little remained of his strength, he tore out of the human's arms, skidding across the floor into the cupboards. He arched his back in agony, doubling over in shock as spasms shook his body. Shadows came alive before his eyes, ripping at his blood-stained pelt as he jumped away from them, dancing across the floor. A part of him knew they weren't real, but they were so frightening, so terrifying that he couldn't stop himself from going mad at seeing them. Still, more streams, lines, floods of numbers engulfed his mind, voices roaring in his ears. They were a deep, single entity, or so it seemed. So haunting, so deadly. They chanted as if in one thought, one idea, one code.
"PLEASE!" he sobbed, "YOU'RE HURTING ME!" he screamed at them, ears flattening against his head.
"The book." they said, words echoing around his mind. "The book..."
"Turn of the stars, turn of the night..." they whispered, "...forever inside the chosen one's mind."
He dug his claws into the tile floor, chanting to himself the streams of code racing by.
"One, one, seven, eight, four, nine, zero, seven, zero, two..." he choked. "Three, five, four, -WAIT, STOP- seven, six, two, zero..." his innards seemed to twist, his feathers being plucked out one by one. "Nine, four, six, three, -CAY!- five, two, one, -I'M SO SORRY!" he screamed, staring into her eyes sorrowfully. She had come nearer to him, but had now stopped, resting on her knees with a hand stretched out to him. He eyed her fingers like a rabid animal, cringing with a sudden blast of pain. She watched him with the most sympathetic, torn look in her eyes. His gaze flickered over her blood-stained collarbone, her shoulder dripping blood down her arm. She didn't seem to care, though. She hushed him soothingly, resting a gentle hand on his side.
He froze. At the contact, he bristled, but he refused to attach like every primal part of him was yelling for him to do. He knew none of it was real outside his mind, none of the pain, none of the hurt. He couldn't harm the human.
But he was slipping. He felt the part of him- the numbers, taking over. He struggled to breathe, croaking hoarsely at her.
"Get away, Cay!" he wailed, "I'm going to kill you!" he sobbed, pleading for her to leave before he could further hurt her. She was his only friend, he would do anything to protect her.
"I'm not leaving you..." she said softly, stroking his bristling fur. She knew he could do all he was saying he could, but she refused to leave his side. He grimaced as the numbers flashed even brighter, drawing his attention back to them.
In his last, conscience attempt to save Cay, he rose to his feet, and sprinted madly for the door.
"Wait!" she called after him as he turned the handle, dashing into the main room. She rose, chasing after him as quickly as she could. He disappeared into the main room, and she ran straight out after him. As soon as she had passed, the albino whirred back into the isolated room, slamming the door shut behind him. With the click of the lock he left her out there, now alone as his mind crumbled like ashes.

3:06pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 3:08pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Poor Otachie, bro. o.O
Copperia reappeared and opened the door which was held open by Nelle's stocky body. She laid down a small ramp at the foot of the doorway and stood back. Sue emerged. Trailing behind the muscular wolf was a small wheeled trolley, made of metal bars, strapped to a harness on the violet Creatu. She approached her master and sat obediently down.
"I don't like that face," Wolfeira said collectedly. "Lose the scowl, or I'll make you pull more coolers than you can cope."
"Try me," Sue spat back.
Alarm. "Wait, I... please don't."
"Then cheer up. Stop sulking. Everyone pulls their weight around here. You know I appreciate your help. Your prowess. Be happy. You don't mind being my husky. You like it, I know you do. You're not a human so stop acting like one."
"Yes, alright..."
Wolfeira dropped a cooler on the trolley. Then another. "Please don't be sad. You get more freedom and attention here than you did on Relcore. Is something up?"
"Really? Then okay then. Take those in. The rest of you start assembling the ice. Quickly, hup-two!"
OOC: Gotta go... sorry for the strange post xD

3:12pm Jan 30 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Lol, yeah. I promise not to make him an overwhelming part of the story, but I had to explain what was happening to him. XD Hope you guys don't mind too much. ))
3:13pm Jan 30 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Don't mind at all))
3:24pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 3:25pm Jan 30 2012)
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(( So, yeah. The story behind Numbers. Some of you guys asked. :P
When he was younger, he found a book in an ally when Cay was shopping one day. Curious, as always, and entranced by the black, leather-bound book with the odd, golden letters, he opened it. Cay raced into the ally when she heard her otachie's horrified scream. She found him curled in a ball against the side of the building, crying like he never had before. The book, unnamed, had "imprinted" on the otachie's mind. Body racked with unspeakable pain, he shrieked to Cay that there were numbers in his head. He was hallucinating, or so she thought at first. Still, she was scared for her creatu. When she tried to help him, he pleaded for her to leave. She tried to comfort him, to find out what was happening. He said "The shadows are alive, they're screaming at me". Still not knowing quite what was happening, she didn't listen.
Cay's blood ran cold when she saw something form from the darkness behind the creatu. In an instant, a claw-like hand formed from the shadows, and grabbed the otachie by the wing, dragging him away from her.
Neither of them quite remember how it happened, but someone heard the screams of the pair, and came racing into the ally. Fortunately for them all, he had brought a light. As he neared, the shadows slid away, hiding from the torch. They were able to escape from the ally, leaving the book face-down on the cobblestone street.
After a few hours of the albino's hysterical screaming and pleading, telling them that there were "numbers, every where he looked, in everything he thought", faded into silence. They were all still horrified, but relieved.
But a week later, it happened again. The otachie begged Cay to take him back to the ally, telling her of a book. He said he needed to go back to it, to return it. He said the voices told him where to go.
It didn't take a lot of convincing for them to go back. Cay somehow knew that the shadows had been real, not just the light playing tricks as others had suggested.
It took months, but they were eventually able to destroy the book. After that, the shadow stayed in their places, but the otachie was still haunted by the mind-altering episodes. They were less frequent, and after a few years he would be able to have a normal life between them. They came unpredictably, however, and when they occurred, without warning the creatu would slip into madness. He sometimes resorted to scribbling the nonsense codes on paper, or simply locking himself away with Cay in a protected room. But they always came, and they never faltered in causing him pain. During the episodes, nothing was left of the sweet, innocent creatu that everyone loved. When the numbers came, the otachie would turn into nothing more than an animal.
To this day these episodes still occur, and they have still found no way to find a pattern in their occurrences. And still, no matter how they both try to forget, they can hardly ever go down a ally alone.
I guess it goes without saying, but they have a right to fear the dark.
(An excerpt from Number's pet page. Just gives a background story. Again, this will only be a minor part of the story, I promise. ^_^) ))

6:40pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 7:26am Feb 1 2012)
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Posts: 3,950
(Awh. :'c Poor little guy... Ilu Numbers..) Elektric continued on his way, clop after clop. The roads were familiar to him, the shops were the same as always, the sights and sounds identical to every day. He snorted as he turned the corner, some Uldavians staring at his brightly colored pelt and sharp horns and, overall, foreign appearance. However it wasn't a mean glare, rather an intrigued wonderment. After a while Elektric stopped and looked back at his girl. Shay smiled and patted Solera's head as she lifted herself up and waited for Shay to go first. The human exited the cart and unhitched her malal, then gave him a carrot as she petted his muzzle softly. Solil and Solera were entering Destiny's Arrival since Shay had seen a green tail disappear inside and the pitter-patter of pawsteps. "C'mon, big boy," Shay said, leading Elektric. "Time to go to work. Or, rather, do more work." Entering through the door, the bell propped up at the top gave a light jingle as she stepped inside. Opening the door inside the desk, she continued leading the Malal and she let him roam the space behind the desk - which was carpeted and plentiful. A bookshelf was on the right wall and some toys were scattered about for any creatu that were going to be picked up and for Shay's own creatu to wait out the day. The malal laid down and promptly began to rest, as he always seemed to want to do. Elektric was a quiet guy; laid back and mellow, and all he ever wanted to do was whatever anyone else wanted him to do. Shay left her creatu to it, and Solera and Solil were fighting for the same seat. She went to the cart and locked it to her own makeshift 'parking spot' and then took the basket of corn, returning inside her shop and depositing the corn at her feet behind the desk. Sitting down at her regular seat in the middle of the desk-space, she booted up the computer to check up on any offers that were sent virtually. A few were; two people wanted a few of her ranch pets. One of them only wanted a ginger draqua - the same one she had dealt with earlier in the morning, ironically enough - and the other wanted a natural paor, sepia otachie, blonde chimby, and natural ardur. This would certainly get her more than a handful of tu, Shay was certain. Tip-taps rung out in the mainly quiet atmosphere as her fingers danced over the keyboard, quickly finishing up the job. The person who wanted four creatu responded quickly, saying that he'd drop by soon today, whilst the other hadn't replied yet, which was perfectly fine. Solil and Solera had sat at different chairs eventually and Solera was spinning around on hers (all the chairs were swivel computer chairs). Solil put his paws up on the desk and perked his ears, supposedly hearing something off in the distance or maybe just on the lookout for a customer. Jaywhisper was soaring through the sky, the air on her wings being a regular and soothing feeling. The quietness that hung in the sky was nice and peaceful, and the otachie enjoyed flying. She did a few loop-de-loops, aerial backflips and frontflips, and many more flying tricks. Jay was quite the exuberant one and a great flyer if she did say so herself. All of a sudden, another otachie's crry hit her ears like a truck. It was earsplitting and shattered her heart. Angling her wings downward, her ears were tuned in to the horrifying sound as she wanted to see what the heck was going on here on Uldavi. Swooping down, she saw a white and gold moving piece of fur inside a shop's windows. It seemed to fool its master and then isolate itself in the room. Well. Strange little one that is, Jay thought to herself, watching through the windows. But perhaps there was something going on that she didn't know about, that she wasn't priveleged to know about. Looking up at the shop's sign, it read, "LaCortori Corner". She hadn't particularly ever seen this shop, as it was not on the route to Destiny's Arrival, but it was quaint and had a warm feeling to it. Maybe I should get out of here before that girl notices a stranger silver otachie staring through her window... rnJaywhisper turned around and started padding off away from the girl's line of sight, then took off once more. However she didn't want to leave, she wanted to follow her curiousity's pull to find out what was happening inside that "LaCortori Corner". Maybe she'd come back later..
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:41pm Jan 30 2012
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Posts: 3,950
<p><br>(Sorry for double post but.. I... don't know what's going on with the coding. O-O )</p>
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:29pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 8:30pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
<span style="font-family: arial;">(( Not a problem. Love your style of writing, Ice. ^_^ <br><br>Edit: Lol, wth is up with this coding, huh? XD ))<br></span>
8:45pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 8:45pm Jan 30 2012)
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Posts: 1,997
((I think Pat messed things up like he did with the DKs... Edit: My post is not a failure! XD ))
12:44pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 1,314
I'm gonna quit posting for a bit, until this glitch gets sorted.... sorry, chaps.
12:45pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Me too. The glitch is SO annoying...))