12:48pm Jan 31 2012 (last edited on 12:48pm Jan 31 2012)
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((That's fine, guys. We'll just wait until the glitch is fixed?))<br>
1:59pm Jan 31 2012
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I looked around before looking at the Liyure. "Do you have any Ebilia, Uilus or Gondra eggs or babies?" I asked hoping that she would say yes. I heard a commotion back in the main room, but did not think to much on it since I was so focused on what was at hand.
My Shop: laocrahc had had a few customers come in and had sold all the creatu his father had put out. Yes he thought of Drenn as a father figure, especially since he had been raised from an egg. KalZakath, Artevus and young ev[injection]alena thought the same. He and his three siblings closed up the shop, after putting some of the money in the safe. The rest of the money they went and deposited in the bank. They all went back to the shop to wait for Drenn to come back.
2:02pm Jan 31 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Let you guys post a bit, 'cause my last few were so huge. XD ))
2:14pm Jan 31 2012
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OOC: ... Test.
.... Test number two.
.... :o
2:21pm Jan 31 2012
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(( :D Yay, they fixed it! ))
2:37pm Jan 31 2012 (last edited on 2:40pm Jan 31 2012)
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The metal clattered. An avalanche of frosty cubes spilled down the sloping counter with Copperia shaking a plastic sack on a stool behind it. Svotri's paws were encased in rubber on the metal surface and he slipped and scrabbled over the oncoming ice. His movements spread them across the counter quite evenly until the waves ceased and Copperia was left assessing him.
"Bit more on your left... No, that is uneven now. More here. Here! Too many gaps. Yes, your paws are numb but carry on. There we go. Good. Very good. Job well done!"
The Ivik shivered off the counter and stood on his gangly legs like a malnourished cat. Except his eyes glared like a loris'. Nelle cocked his head in sympathy. "You are a natural."
"I know."
"No, natural at ice-placing. Follow me."
The Ivik - with some difficulty in his rubber footwear - and the Shaefu shuffled towards the curtain and into the back room. Nelle first helped peel off the protective pink covering whilst the Ivik was settled in a small cushioned bed and then curled up around the skeletal creature to warm him.
Sue drew the trolley into the shop's main room and came to a stop near the counter. Copperia grabbed a hold of one with her foreclaws and Sue pulled the trolley so that the cooler slugged off onto the floor. They repeated it. Then Sue trotted outside again to receive two more coolers from Wolfeira. Copperia tried her hardest to push the coolers into a tight cluster together on the floor but she was not as strong as the Zenirix, who pulled the hefty trolleys with almost no effort.
"That's all the coolers inside," the human said, rubbing Sue's face with her hand. "Time to pack out the fish. Could you take the trolley to the back? Thank you Sue. You were superb."
The Zenirix beamed and hurried off through the curtain again.

10:34am Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 10:35am Feb 2 2012)
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(( Waiting for Drenn and Ice... ))
1:30pm Feb 2 2012
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I looked at the Liyure waiting for her to reply. Deep down though I was worried about the young woman who was in charge of the shop. -I hope everything is alright.- I thought to myself.
My Shop: After a while they decided to play a game. laocrahc went to the back and soon game back with Pente. Before long they were playing with the stones trying to see who could win the fastest. KalZakath ended up winning almost all of the games they played.
1:48pm Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 1:49pm Feb 2 2012)
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Kritze nodded to the man, plodding over towards the egg shelf.
"We have Uilius, Gondra, but no Ebilla." she said, bl[injection]inking her blue eyes. Her pelt rippled as she rolled out several Gondra eggs, and a single Uilius. "We have hatching Uilius chick in hatchery. Not know color yet." she said, grabbing a wicker basket from the corner. "How many?" she asked, preparing to set a few in the basket for him.
The yowls of pain were fading slightly as Numbers underwent his "Episode" in the back room. She set her hands on her knees, doubled over as she panted. He had tricked her? That wasn't like the young otachie.
She merely rested her hand on the door, listening to the creatu's muffled screams as a tear streaked down her cheek. It wasn't from the pain of her new-found wounds, it was for the scars that were reopening for her friend, for her companion. Every time this happened, she would think, she would wish that she had never let him leave her sight that day. It was so easy to see the right way once it was behind you... and still the future lay in a fog. She was still struggling to accept the fact that there was nothing she could have done, or could do for him now.
Cay glanced behind her to see the customer still in the hatchery with her Liyure, and sighed with relief. She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, clasping a hand to her bleeding shoulder. Hoping that Kritze could keep the man busy enough for her to get cleaned up, she reluctantly went into the third room, walking across the lounge area to the bathroom. For several minutes she worked to clean and bandage her arm, holding back a cry of her own as she tried to disinfect the deep wound.
By the time she was done, the blood was gone, but it had been replaced with a cold sweat. She did her best to freshen up after that, cringing every time the otachie would cry out her name.
"And this is my hell." she muttered.

6:35pm Feb 2 2012
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Posts: 6,296
((Can I join, please? :3)) Name / Nickname: My name is Imagine. Hey now, I didn't name myself. Three to Eight main creatu: I love all my creatu, but there are a few special ones that are my favourite. Bluetuff, an Azure Valabex, Dzovig a Natural Cyid, Malaway, an Amber malal, my little girl Sinne, who's a Sepia Iluvu, and the leader of the gang, Ohiboke, a Natural Zenirix. Home world: I came here from Reiflem. Being used to the heat there makes it seem quite cool here, but I'm adapting. Class: My class is a Rancher. I sell and save creatu, and rehabilitate them. Home: I live in a brightly painted house, about a mile east from town. It should be easy to spot, with a long gravel driveway and a sign reading 'Imagine's Rescue'. Lots of barking, meowing, and growling can be heard, from my Rescue and pet shop, which is attached to my house. I have no backyard, but rather no fence surrounding my house from the forest. A small, clean stream runs by my house. The water is so clean, I oftentimes draw water from it instead of using my tap. The house itself is two stories; the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and craft room downstairs, the living room, my bedroom, my creatus' playroom, and my balcony (facing the back of my house) upstairs. Shop: My shop is attached to my house, much like a garage, and is surrounded by a high pen with a gate. The calm ones I let roam free, but the feisty or abused ones I keep in roomy cages, to prevent fights. Go through this gate, through the pen, and there is the counter. I also sell leashes, collars, assorted pet stuff, and make custom creatu name tags. Friends / Relatives: I don't have many friends, as I recently moved here. But I'm very social, and I hope to be visiting my neighbors soon. My relatives are all somewhere else. They do occasionally send my letters.
6:59pm Feb 2 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Wonderful, moon. You may want to start by reading over the other posts, just to get a feel for things, then feel free to jump right in. ^_^ ))
2:01pm Feb 3 2012 (last edited on 4:47pm Feb 4 2012)
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I smiled. "I will take all that you have, if you don't mind. I enjoy Gondra, but I specialize especially in Uilus and Ebilia. Also, could you let me know when the Uilus hatches? Here is my number to reach me at. The top is my home and the other is my store." I knew I had to hurry if laocrahc and the others had sold that days batch of creatu already.
My Shop: "I hope father gets back soon. I'm bored of playing." Artevus told the others. They all nodded in reply.
"It's always more fun when he's here." KalZakath replied.
Artevus continued. "Do you think he will find any new eggs or little one's for us to take care of? I hope so. We have don't have any young ones at the ranch save ev[injection]alena here." ev[injection]alena glared at him, but said nothing. Deep down though she hoped that they did have some more young ones.
2:45pm Feb 3 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Kritze flashed an animal smile, gathering all the Gondra eggs in a single basket. Then she passed the basket to the man.
"I give to Cay." she nodded, leading the customer back out to the desk.
The human woman stepped out of the back room just as Kritze lead the man out into the main room, and smiled grimly, but politely. She tossed her shawl over her bandages, disguising them, even if poorly.
"Find what you need?" she asked, letting her hair back down. She heard the otachie still himself in the back room at the sound of her voice. She knew he had stopped to spare the Udalvian man, as he often did whenever he knew there were others that could hear him. She had a dull look in her eyes as she stood behind the desk, glancing into the basket that the Liyure had given him. She noted the eggs, thinking it over for a moment. "Hmm... would you be able to do 1.2mil?" she asked, picking up her quill pen once more. She thought briefly back to the Ivik who had been toying with it only this morning, cringing internally. It felt like so much longer ago than that.
Numbers curled into a ball in the windowsill, his claws digging into the wood. Suddenly, he caught a flash of silver somewhere outside, but when he looked up to find it, it was gone. He briefly remembered the shadow of wings, but already he wasn't sure what it was. He let out a shaky breath, wondering if he had merely imagined the otachie peering at him through the glass.

2:55pm Feb 3 2012
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I smiled and nodded. I pulled out the money and handed it to the young women. Once she had given me my receipt I took the basket. "I will return you the basket first thing tomorrow or I will have one of my children bring it by later if it is alright." I chuckled lightly to myself as I said children. For some reason my closest creatu, which I had raised from eggs and wanted to call me father...at least the ones who were wanting me to teach them to talk.
I knew the young woman was hurt. I always knew when someone was hurt for some reason ever since I was little. I said nothing, knowing that she would try to deny it. She had a strong stubborn streak to me. I waited for her to reply to what I had said about the basket. I then remembered what I had told Kritze earlier. "I gave Kritze my card in order to reach me once the uilus egg hatches." I gave her another smile.
She seemed young to be doing such a job as raising creatu and owning a shop. I may be twenty-two but being a rancher has been in my family for generations. I was taking care of young creatu by the age of five. I loved it. They were so full of life and all had their own distinct personalities. There was never a dull moment when taking care of them.

3:13pm Feb 3 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Cay laughed lightly at his remark.
"I'll be sure to get back to you when it hatches." she beamed, "And as for the basket, you can keep it. We've got a few more, this one wouldn't be missed that badly." she let her eyes flash up to his for a moment. "Thank you for stopping by, I apologize for the slow service." she rested a hand on Kritze's shoulder, stroking the silky fur absently. She felt the creatu's chest rumble softly as the Liyure rubbed on the human's leg.
The identical sets of eyes might have seemed strange, but that wasn't all that made the two similar. They were the same in heart, and in spirit. Although it didn't always show, if one were to be switched from creatu to human, or from human to creatu, it would be a mirror of the other. They hadn't been born together, but the bond was close enough.
((Outta ideas, atm. xD))
3:29pm Feb 3 2012 (last edited on 3:31pm Feb 3 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
Wet, crunchy slappings. Copperia shuffled the fish across the la[injection]yer of ice. She'd put on a pair of rubber gloves with thicker fingertips to survive her talons. She was done in a minute. Shiny, damp bodies glaring up at the ceiling with one clear eye. She ruffled her feathers in a soft cloud around her, pleased.
The clearer a fish's eye, the fresher it was. Pick one with cloudy or mottled eyes and you'll have food that was a few days old. Not the tastiest choice. Go for the ones with the eyes transparent as ice.
Sue slipped out of the curtain without the rattle of the trolley behind her. She approached the walls and set her teeth carefully around a gold-coloured chain that was attached to fabric flaps running down the sides of the shop. She pulled them and they jumped to the ceiling. Behind them were shelves. Several were glass cabinets. which held the more precious products.
Seeds in jars. Dried fruits. Candles. Mugs. Clothes on racks in a compartment that slid out like an external wardrobe. A squishy shelf. A few Easter Eggs on tiny metal stands in the cabinets with their prices, several digits long, on tiny white cards folded to make a "^" shape. One glass case bestowed a tall, narrow scimitar. It was blurry on the blade with a tiny fog.
Lights from the Victorian lamps sprang on. Copperia hustled to the perch, just as her master walked in. She looked around.
"Nice," she surveyed. Sue's tail started thudding on the floor.

3:43pm Feb 3 2012
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Posts: 2,290
I nodded. "Thank you. And the service was fine. I hate doing things in any sort of rush unless absolutely necessary." I said and gave a bow before leaving. I soon reached my shop and entered. My Shop: I was almost tackled by my "children" before they caught themselves and beamed happily when they saw the basket of eggs. "Will they hatch soon?" ev[injection]alena asked excitedly. I laughed at her joy. "It all depends. Now then. Let's get back to the ranch and incubate these little ones." They all nodded, laocrahc took the basket and they all got into the hovercraft while I closed the shop. I soon joined them and I drove us home. Ranch: I put the eggs in the large incubation chamber I had built and installed in the big barn my great grandfather had built. The barn was in excellent condition and could easily hold over three hundred creatu. Right now it only housed one hundred and fifty. Once I had fed the creatu and my "children" I had them begin to brush the creatu in the barn, while I went to the house. Once in the house I put some of the special healing ointments I used whenever I got a good cut or burn. I made it myself using some of the normal and rare herbs I found growing around the place. I put it in the basket along with a couple loaves of bread and some squishies for the little creatu at the shop I had been to earlier. I then wrote a note to put in it. "I hope that this small gift will help out. In the basket contains an oinment cream I have made and perfected for any cuts and burns one might get. I know you were hurt earlier but I knew you would just deny it so I thought I would do this for you instead. I also put in a couple loves of bread for you to do with as you please. There are some squishies here for the little ones. The one who brought you this basket is my "son." You might think it weird for me to call him son but all my closest creatu call me father for it was me who raided them and taught them to speak. His name is KalZakath. I don't mind for I love them dearly. Anyway I hope this helps. Please take care and I will be seeing you for more business."~DrennI called my male silver ebilia over. "Kalzakath, could you take this to the shop I was at earlier. It is called 'LaCortori Corner.' Make sure the young lady there gets this." Kalzakath nodded and took the basket from me. He then left the house and flew off.
Lacortori Corner: Kalzakath entered and went up to the counter. No one was at the counter, but he did see a young lady in the nursery. He stood there to wait, since she looked busy and he did not want to disturb her.

4:38pm Feb 3 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Cay watched the little, squirming Uilius as it wriggled in her arms. It's light, chocolate feathers fr[injection]amed gleaming, amethyst eyes as the creatu peered up at her, letting out the occasional, trilling chirp. It fluttered tiny, fragile wings as she stroked it's head, the baby burying it's face against her palm. She laughed lightly, rocking back and forth in her seat. It's clawless, soft paws padded at the side of her neck, the owl-like hatchling giggling at her. She smiled, thinking of a name for the little one.
Before she could come to a solid conclusion, she heard the faint pattering of footsteps out in the main room. She hadn't heard Numbers for a while, and jumped up at the thought of him coming out of the back room.
"Watch him for me, Kritzie?" she asked, setting the baby on the Liyure's padded bed. The large she-cat nodded, curling her body around the creatu. The Uilius watched Cay as she lifted herself from her seat, then looked to Kritze with sparkling eyes. The Liyure set her head on her paws as the Uilius planted both front feet on her muzzle, eyeing one of the long, blue tufts that poked from her head.
Cay watched the pair for a moment as the hatchling reached out to grab the feather, rolling over the Liyure's tail with a cry of joy. Then she shook her head, opening the door to the lobby room. She bl[injection]inked in surprise when she saw the silver-furred Ebilia waiting for her, blue eyes literally glowing in the darkened room. She managed a smile as she stepped out into the room, shutting the glass door behind her.
"Hello, sweetheart, is there something I can do for you?" she asked, glancing around as she looked for the creatu's owner. Even further to her confusion, there seemed to be nobody around. It wasn't often that creatu were sent out alone, so part of her realized just how special this particular Ebilia must have been to it's owner, whomever that might have been.

4:56pm Feb 3 2012
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Kalzakath gave a bow. "My father asked me to bring back the basket with some contents he added for you. There is a letter inside explaining everything." He replied to the young lady. Inside he was smiling but that would not show outwardly since his face was all bone. He picked the basket up with a clawed hand and held it out for her. "We are all thankful for you having been willing to sell us all those eggs. This is father's way of showing his thanks."
Ranch: I went out to the barn and helped to get all the creatu brushed and bathed before doing the same to my "children." When Kalzakath came back I would brush and bath him as well. I would also polish his bones to make then gleam. For some reason that he would not tell me, he enjoyed looking pristine. I chuckled at that thought as I went about my work.
10:23am Feb 6 2012
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