5:55pm Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Hmm, seems this is dying and being reborn. xD
Bye Ice, we'll miss you. ))
6:44pm Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 1
this rp use the creatu or the players?
8:20pm Feb 10 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( The main character it the human, but the creatu can be minor parts of the RP. ))
11:23am Feb 11 2012
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Posts: 27
I sigh again and walk back into my house, time for breakfast, I open the fidge and pull out the milk, I unscrew the lid, phew! that milk is BAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! I gag and throw the milk straight in the bin, time for a shopping trip!
I grab my keys and shut the door behind me, I turn around.
"AGGH! Hiphop you need to stay behind!" I scream, hiphopstar is beaming up at me and churrs,
"aggh, fine" I huff, I really can't be bothered today, he's just find his own way out anyway!
I walk down the posh Japenese path and out into the street, everone living around me says I don't belong here, my house is out of the country-side placed in the busy city of Uldavia!
I walk down the street to search for a shop, I am suddenly knocked down by a huge orchid Jahra.
"oof!" I puff, I push myself up off the ground,
"Hey boy, so who do you belong to?" I ask and see if the Jahra has a collar.
Dance is Power!- Diversity \r\n
5:09pm Feb 11 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(if you need help with ideas let me know. i am enjoying this quite a bit and want to continue.)
12:18pm Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Bumping. I should have something for you by tonight, Drenn. :D ))
4:11pm Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Traore stared for a moment. Then she picked herself up and say up tall, looking as dignified as possible.
"For your information, I'M FEMALE." she said. "And I belong to Becky. She should catch up any minute now. Must've left her and Toruki behind."
((BTW, Toruki is teen-stage now. Also, may I change one of Becky's main Creatu? Instead of Alynia the Vaspi, could she have Kirikizan the calico female Vogar?))
4:25pm Feb 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( That would be fine, Becky. ^^ ))
4:24pm Feb 16 2012
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Cay hid a laugh, thanking the Ebilia gently. So, she hadn't done as good of a job hiding her wounds as she had hoped. She was rather touched at the man's concern, and even more so at his gift.
"Would you thank Mr. Drenn for me? Tell him I'll be sure to put everything to good use." she smiled, pausing for a moment as she looked back at the nursery. "One more thing..." she started, excusing herself for a moment. She stood, walking towards the glass door. She disappeared for a moment, talking quietly with Kritze. Then, a minute later, she came back out with another basket, a soft, red blanket draped over the thing inside. Part of her found it funny that there was this constant exchange of baskets, but knew they were the nicest, easiest way to transport things in the day.
As she bent down to hand the basket to the creatu, a muffled chirp rose from under the blanket. She chuckled softly. "You'll have to be careful with this one, the contents are... fragile." she winked lightly.
6:13pm Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 6:19pm Feb 16 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
KalZakath smiled. "I will, Miss. And I will tell my father what you said." He carefully took the basket. "How much for the little one? I am sure my father had not paid for him when he was in here, just the eggs." He then did the strangest thing, he cradled the basket like a mother would her baby. "He will be well cared for." His smile widened.
Ranch: I went to the incubation room to check on this and saw that two of the eggs were hatching. Soon the two hatched and there was a baby mutant vogar, which I named Valcua, and a Mutant Drindian, which I named Vomar. I took the two to the nursery and handed them off to Evelena who was no longer a juvi but a full grown adult. I knew she would look after the two as if they were her own children. The vogar i planned to keep. We shall see about the drinidian.
I went to the house and wondered what was taking KalZakath so long. I then chuckled as I imagined him trying to be a gentleman for the young woman at the shop. -He's probably helping her out with things around the place.- I thought with another chuckle. I then sat down to wait, Artevus laying down on the floor next to me. I smiled and started to pet him as I closed my eyes, tired.

5:45am Feb 18 2012
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Posts: 27
I am rather taken aback by this Jahra, I can't believe she can talk. I look at her
"ok well where is she?" I ask,Hiphopstar starts dancing around my legs,
"stop it!" I tell him, "she might attack!"
I am worried that the owner of this Jahra 'Becky' might think I'm trying to steal her rare orchid Jahra...
Dance is Power!- Diversity \r\n
6:55am Feb 18 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Traore laughed.
"Oh, she'll be here any second now. Don't worry, she won't think you're stealing me. Everyone stops to pet me, so she's used to it." she said. Then, Becky turned up with the rose Noctis, Toruki, coiled around her.
"Oh, hi!" she said, waving.
2:40pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Cay smiled at the Ebilia.
"The little one is on me." she laughed, watching the creatu fondly. She didn't notice the creatu that slipped the door open behind her, the azure jahra creeping inside. The creatu paused when she saw the visitor, eyes meeting his for a moment. At this her face flushed with color, and she dipped her head, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. She moved smoothly towards the back room, trying not to run or seem at all embarrassed.
Damn, she thought as she pressed on the handle, hoping the Ebilia wasn't watching her, I didn't realize those hell-cats could be so handsome...
As dusk began to blanket the night sky, a white-furred creatu lay resting on the windowsill. The numbers had left him for the most part, only small flashes of the codes appearing in the shadows. Well, left him for now. The pain still left his muscles sore and tense, but to him this was complete and total bliss. As long as his mind was clear, the little feline was fortunate.
He watched the passing creatu and their owners as they finished up business for the day, finding their ways back to their modes of transportation before leaving to their homes. And for a while, that was the only place he wanted to go.
His ears angled back as the door clicked open, pushed inwards by Qince. She removed her front claw from the lock, looking up at Numbers before entering.
"Are you alright?" she asked in a gentle, worried voice.
The albino blinked, ruby eyes softening.
"I'll be fine." he said quietly, lifting a reddened paw as he studied the bottom. "Is Cay alright?" he asked, almost afraid of what the Jahra might answer. The silence was almost tangible.
"She's going to be just fine." she said, jumping up in the window beside the other creatu. She watched him, metallic wings flashing in the evening sun. Numbers sighed in relief, studying the young female.
"Your mind seems elsewhere." he observed, ignoring the integers he saw in her glistening lilac eyes. She blushed as he watched her, looking out the windowpanes. "I need you to do something." he murmured to her, "I'm not all the way through this. I don't trust myself, not yet." he looked towards the door. "Would you talk to the male outside? Tell him, at least so he can deliver my message to the human, that I'm sorry?"
Qince didn't speak for a long while, unintentionally betraying her thoughts. Then she sighed, smiling.
"Of course." she lept down from the ledge, glancing behind her at Numbers before reluctantly leaving the room once more.
(( So sorry for the delay. D: ))

11:57am Mar 7 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Le bumpeth. ))
1:18pm Mar 7 2012
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Posts: 2,290
(its ok ^^ and i like that quince might have a thing for KalZakath XD its cute) KalZakath smiled as the Jahara passed, well smiled inwardly at least since he had no lips to show that he was smiling. He gave her a slight bow, but doubted she saw it as she slipped into the other room. He looked once more at Cay. "Thank you. I am positive that we will continue to do business together." The little uilus poked its head out of the basket and chirped. KalZakath bent his head and gave it a gentle nuzzle. "We will feed you once we get home, little one." He told it in a quiet, calming voice, which was far different from his deep almost distant sounding voice. The baby uilus gave another chirp before curling up and falling asleep.
KalZakath nodded at Cay. "Now if you will excuse me, I must take my leave." He turned to go, but noticed the Jahara, out of the corner of his eye, enter the room once more. He turned to look at her. "What is it you wish me to relay to Cay?" He asked in the same calm manner he had used with the uilus, knowing that that is what she was wanting. That was a blessing of being an ebilia. Since they were both living and dead, they were better at knowing, feeling what people were thinking and their moods.

2:36pm Mar 7 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Qince glanced between the Ebilia's eyes, then up at Cay.
"The message I have is for your human, actually." she said to the other creatu, taking a short bow as she placed her left foot before her other. "Numbers-" she paused, "The albino, that is, wanted to know if you could tell your human that he is sorry." she lowered her voice.
She tried not to blush when she met his gaze, her purple eyes quickly flicking away.
(( Sorry, I see now that was a little hard to understand. /kicks self ))
2:44pm Mar 7 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Becky was about to speak when Traore burst out laughing.
"Catch me if you can!" she giggled, before shooting away, running at top speed with Toruki (who, by the way, is now Adult stage) and Becky not far behind.
"For the love of Uldavi, will you just STOP, Traore?" Becky called. But Traore just laughed in response. The orchid Jahra kept on running, but Toruki the rose Noctis began slithering after her at top speed.
"This is FUN!" Traore giggled.
"No. It'sssss jussst annoying..." Toruki muttered.
3:16pm Mar 7 2012 (last edited on 3:37pm Mar 10 2012)
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Posts: 2,290
KalZakath tilted his head. "Sorry for what? He did nothing to hurt my father in any way. I can tell you this though. My father was worried for him. If he needs anyone to talk to we are here for him. Though I will relay that message to him. Now if you will excuse me, I must go and take this little one home. I am sure I will see you again before long." He gave her a small bow before turning and walking out the store. Once outside, he spread his wings and took off into the dusk sky. Before long he reached home.
Ranch: KalZakath took the little one to the nursery where Evalena was waiting. "When he wakes could you feed him?" Evalena nodded in reply and took the little uilus to a little nest. KalZakath then went to the house where he saw his father and the others sleeping. He gave a quiet chuckle before going off to get something to eat, before laying down next to his father's chair and soon fell asleep.
8:59am Apr 14 2012
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Posts: 27
I stare after the Orchid Jahra darting away into the crowds, with a frantic girl running after her. "well that was interesting!" I say and look at Hiphopstar, he is churring contentedly, obviously not caring about what just happened. I sigh and walk over to a market stall selling milk. I pick up a carton and pay for it, then dumping it in my back I turn around an head back the way I came, teh suddenly something stops me, I remember the girl chasing after the Jahra, what if she was the known 'Becky'? I want to know where she got the Jahra from as they are extrodinarily rare, I dart back around and run the way the girl went, knocking an old Uldavian as I pass, "sorry!" I say but I don't stop, I have my heart and mind set on something and I will get it!
Dance is Power!- Diversity \r\n
2:25pm May 2 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Going to bump in case anyone is still interested in this. xD ))