7:05pm Aug 3 2010
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Hawkfrost thought to himself Great Starclan! What do I do? "I'd love to." He meowed. "Let's hope no Riverclan cat decides to Tressp*censored*." He added.
7:38pm Aug 3 2010
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Snowkiss was worried. She went to Treestar. "Treestar, Stripepaw is hurt!"
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:42pm Aug 3 2010
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Hawkfrost turned around. Starclan! Why? Why? he cursed himself.
7:43pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 228
Treestars pelt started to rise "What happened?!"
Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!
7:44pm Aug 3 2010
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Hawkfrost we will go on the patrol later ok She yowled over her shoulder
Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!
7:47pm Aug 3 2010
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OOC: Tiger, Rainspark is RiverClan's deputy... There can't be 2 of them...
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
7:49pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 673
Hawkfrost nodded as he headed out of camp. Oh Starclan, what have I done to you? he thought. *Sniff Sniff* Riverclan. "Great just what we need." "An injured kit a single cat on patrol." Oh starclan hey gasped as he saw a badger carrying Moonstar's body. He ran back to camp as fast as he could as he burst through the gorse tunnel. "Treestar!" He yowled. "Moonstar is being carried by a badger!" "It is nearing our Territory!" He yowled again. Is it me or all all the cats deaf? he wondered.
7:49pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 224
Cricketheart had watched as the badger carried his leader out of the camp, and he raced after the badger. He caught it's scent, and ran, trying to find it.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
7:52pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 673
Runningbrook caught it's scent as she started running. "Oof!" She hissed as she collided into something. --------- Morningmist followed. She collided into Runningbrook. "Mousebrain" she hissed but she was cut off.
7:53pm Aug 3 2010
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"A gopher bit her leg really hard. It might be broken. I gave her some herbs."Snowkiss said.
 (Banner made by Kina)
7:55pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 224
OOC: Tiger? I said that I already had amde the deputy of RiverClan, so Runningbrook can't be deputy... Don't know if you saw it... Cricketheart saw the badger with Moonstar, and he went up a nearby tree, ready to pounce on it's head.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
7:55pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 228
Great Starclan What now she ran Out of the camp and followed Hawkfrosts sent
Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!
8:07pm Aug 3 2010
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((Very sorry. Let me change that.))
8:10pm Aug 3 2010
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((Would you mind if Runningbrook has a crush on Cricketheart? If that's okay with you.....))
8:12pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 224
OOC: Do you think it would be OK if I changed Rainspark from being deputy to Cricketheart by the way? And it's OK :P
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
8:12pm Aug 3 2010
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OOC: That's fine :D
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
8:14pm Aug 3 2010
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((OOc: Thanks, :)) Runningbrook ran as she saw Cricketheart up a tree the badger had it's back to her. Now! she said to herself. She clawed it's back after claw after claw. She bit it's back as she jumped off.
8:16pm Aug 3 2010
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Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!
8:16pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 224
Cricketheart saw Runningbrook attack the badger, and he jumped. He landed on the badger's head, and he mewed triumphantly while he clawed at it's eyes.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
8:23pm Aug 3 2010
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Posts: 228
Treestar sees the badger and all of the cats attacking it she runs over to the badger and starts attacking its legs.
Morning is ONLINE! :D Yay!!!!