Hawkfrost nodded, stunned. "Do you want me to get traveling herbs?" He asked. He grabbed a rabbit and put it infront of Snokiss, Snakeheart and Stripepaw. "Hope you feel better soon." He meowed.
Cricketheart was panting as he watched the badger run off, and he looked at Moonstar, wondering if she was OK. "Moonstar?" He asked, perking his ears.
Rainspark awoke in the warrior's den, and she stretched and walked out, wondering where the the leader and deputy were, Moonstar and Cricketheart. "Moonstar, Cricketheart?" She called out.
Jaystorm looked up, alarm in his eyes. "OK, I need to grab some herbs from my den, Wait here, I will be back as quickly as I can!" He raced off to the camp, and grabbed the herbs he needed. He started racing back.
Cricketheart lookeda t Runningbrook, "No," he said gently, "If this is anyone's fault, it's mine. I'm the deputy, I should have dine better." He licked her shoulder comfortingly.