I am tired of seeing Private RP, RP with limited slots, Ones with where you of had to read the book or see the movie to under stand whats going on, Or even ones that catch your eye but its too late to join. So I have made one that isn't private, dosn't have limited spots or you dont have to do anything extra to join.... But I do have to tell you that I kinda got the idea from a book I have read, Garden Of Eve, but its not related to this RP one bit :D!!!
Legend has it, that deep in the Forest of Whispers there is a redwood tree that has the reddest leaves, and the sweetest greenest apples. It whispers so quietly and so beautifuly, trying to lure people in to have them eat its apples. No one knows for sure but in the legend it says that those who eat the whispering apples, will be transported to a opposite universe, and there the tree will slowly dissapear, leaving them trapped there. Only the strongest can survive and get back.
Ok so I didnt know how to fit this into the plot so I will put it here! At a bording school. You dont know how you got there or why you are there. You dont even know where it is, all you know is that there is no way out and The Forest of Whispers is never ending. There arnt even any animals in there. The only up side is that you dont share your doorm room with any one eles. Oh but the worst thing is, is that you know no one.
1. I know we all hate Rules but we need them soo KEEP READING. Please :D
2. No PP or Gm or Mary/ Gary Sues
3. I have to accept your bioz before you can Join. Oh and please put alittle effort in your Bios, dont go 'Rp it out' for every thing or 'sweet and kind'.
4. This is a lit or semi lit RP meaning 3 or more sentences (Writters block is forgiven)
5. I like a fast going RP so just keep that in mind. Oh and put one, two or three but in number form next to your charries name so I know you have read the rules
6. Romance and Vilance (If any) stays at PG-13
7. Gender Ratio Even please or closest to even.
8. All you lurkers out there have to JOIN! If not Im gonna eat you!
9. Please dont speed the RP and finding the Tree on the first or second or third day of school.
Name (First and last):
Gender (Female or Male):
Age (No older than 18 no younger than 14):
Apperance (Pic or Deion):
Personality (Give atleast a sentence):
Crush (Anyone):
Other (Anything else?):
Girls are this color{.:AH HA PEOPLE!:.}Boys are this color
Hiroyuki Talkima~Kohawko
Aza Leppie~Leo
Holly Greenwitch~Snowwolf
Damien Schlieffin~MooMooMoo
Yorie Sazos~Koolgirl