3:15pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 3,318
[[ Homg I was reminding myself to do that and guess what? I forgot xD ]]
3:23pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[Hahaha Its fine! Wanna start? PEOPLE CAN STILL JOIN THOUGH!]]
3:30pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 3,318
[[ I'm not realy good at intros.... Dx ]]
4:03pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
((I guess I'll start)) Stretching her limbs Holly rolled around in bed before tumbling down onto the floor. Opening her aqua blue eyes she searched the foreign room. The pale yellow walls and white carpet defiantly was not her room. Startled she quickly made the bed and scanned the room around her. It had a small oak desk with a matching chair, her bed, a small kitchenette with some appliances, a sofa, coffee table, and a tiny television. Peeking out of a tiny window next to her bed she saw a campus full of people. Not recognizing any of them she hopped to a small dresser that she overlooked and found clothes that fit her and where her style. Changing out of her pajamas and into something more comfortable she headed out of the room looking for something to jog her memory. The halls twisted and turned but she saw no one she recognized. The whole building was foreign to her. Why am I even here? She thought looking around the crowded place.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:08pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Nov 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
[[Sorry mines all over I am watching a movie and tryping so..... YAhhhh]] It had been a year since Aza has been here so she is use to the life here. Some days she would skip cla,ss and some days she wouldnt. But today was one of those days that she was gonna Skip. The teachers didnt realy know what they where going to do with her. A coupple of times they have sent her to East Lake. Its a school for kids who dont listen to the principal and do what ever they want. It was horrible there, and thats comming from some one who had to sleep with pigs for a week when she was younger. Aza Got up from her bed and got dressed. Cla,ss had already started and as she left her room with her side bag she noticed a note taped to her door reading "Dear Aza, please see prinipal Deden as soon as possible." With a little giggle Aza crumpled the paper and threw it on the ground walking through the empty hall way. She twirled and skipped until she was out side and in the forrest of whisper. She had heard the legend many of times and believed it. She even went out to search for the tree before, but ended up just failing. She tryed to find the tree yet again but failed. Sighing she made her way slowly to the principals office Today was the day that she was suppose to give a tour of the school to the new students. Or so the principal said. Yay! She thought waiting at the garden for the students to arrive.
4:18pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly returned to her room only to find a small note tucked under the door. The lettering looked almost like her sisters but the E looked different. Quickly glancing at it she threw it on her desk before putting on a small necklace that had been given to her when she was younger. It was said to bring her good fortune. Fortune was something that she always needed in new environments because even though she is outgoing many people find her very annoying and chatty. She skipped down the halls looking for her way to the garden. After p*censored*ing the principals office several times and the chemistry cl*censored* room twice she made it outside. Looking around she finally found the garden. Skipping over to the garden she saw a girl there. She couldn’t wait for the tour so she could devise a plot to escape from the place and go back to her home. “Hi my name is Holly I’m a new student here. Are you giving the tour?” She asked with a big smile when she reached the girl. Her sandy hair reminded Holly of the beach and she went off into a daydream. One of her flaws was her short attention span. Many doctors told her she had ADD but she convinced herself that she had the mind of a great thinker that always went off topic to make great inventions. Even though she never created a material ob ject she has quite the imagination. When she saw the girls emerald eyes it reminded her of a festival in a garden. When she thought of a garden she was reminded that she was here for a tour. That brought her back to reality and back to her question.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:33pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[I am going to the store but when I return I shall post <MUHAHAHAHAH>]]
4:36pm Nov 7 2010
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Yorie awoke suddenly and let out a long yawn. She stretched slowly and headed to the bathroom. After she got out she noticed something. "Where am I?" she asked herself. Shrugging it off she put on a clean pair of clothes and spotted a paper on her door. "Tour of the school" she read with fascination. Placing the paper onto the table carefully, Yorie headed out of her room and down the hallway. Her steps were echoed and she smiled slightly. She found herself in a garden and in the distance, she could see two girls standing. Yorie kept walking at a slow pace until she was next to them. Introductions weren't really her specialty so she just nodded in greeting.
4:48pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"Hi my name is Holly whats yours? Whats your birthday? Whats your favorite color?" Holly chirped happily when the new girl came into the garden. She couldn't help but let her curiousity get the best of her. She remebered Shadow's reaction when she first met him. He looked at her as if she was fresh out of an asylum. She chuckled thinking of his responce and looked at the girl with a huge smile.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:59pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 3,318
Yorie was surprised by all of the questions and she sighed. "My name is Yorie, my birthday is 1-31 and my favorite color is blue" she told the girl, now identified as Holly. She didn't dare question her back or act rude, the questions didn't really bother her, they just struck her as surprising. Yorie smiled at Holly, her mind elsewhere. "This place has such friendly people" she thought to herself as she looked up at the sky. She was starting to get bored and so she looked at her surroundings. Her STEP team's routine came into her mind and so she started to step, it was a habit when she was bored.
6:18pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"So you are an Aquarius then?" Holly asked Yorie. "I'm a Sagittarius born on December 20. And my favorite color is blue too! My name is Holly." She gave a small bow. She watched Yorie step curiously since she had not seen anything like it. She never was really with a group of friends and she didn't participate in teams or sports. She would usually day dream giving the other team a chance to score of making her team fail at whatever they were doing.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:33pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 7:02pm Nov 7 2010)
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Posts: 243
Hiroyuki looked around, this place was odd. "WHAT THE F!" He yelled as everyone turned to look at him. He had no clue how he ended up here, in fact he didnt even remember falling asleep! When he had woken up that mornning he had not been in his room. In fact it wasnt even his house! He had been walking in circles for what seem to be hours, but in reality on a few minutes had past. He never ran into the same face twice. Finnaly he had found a door the would take him outside. At least out there he could scope the place out. Seeing a group of girls he walked over to them. The one seemed friendly enoff by the way she talked. She fired questions at the one who seemed to be able to fallow when he himself could only make out two or three words. "My dears, by any chance whould you happen to know where I have stummbled apon?" He said trying to be as kind as possible. He had a good vocabulary when he chose to use it. And he had spent his weekends and breaks working at the Ren. Fest. so he knew how to smooth talk girls and be in character at all times. ((He he I didnt see the pg 2))
7:08pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"Your in the garden where us new students are going to get a tour! My name is Holly. Whats your name? Whats your favorite color? When is your birthday?" Holly asked the new guy who entered the garden. She could tell he was a charmer but she would not fall for his charm. Besides she was still grieving for Shadow even though she didn't show it. "My birthday is December 20 and my favorite color is blue!" she chirped happily.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:18pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 3,318
Yorie stopped stepping to look at the guy who has just arrived. "Yeah... actually I have no idea where I am either but I'm just gonna go with my gut" she told him truthfully. The thing was, she normally did follow her sense of direction when in a new place with new people. It never seemed to fail her before so why stop now? Yorie looked back at Holly. "You are correct. Oh, my cousin's birthday is also in December." Yorie found it cool for them to have the same favorite color. Her preference of colors of course, changed over the years but for now it was blue.
7:23pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 243
He looked around for any help one what she had just said. "I think what you said was my name which is Hiroyuki Talkima. Then um... I like purple. I think I was born Jan 29. Did I get it all?" He thought that is what she had said any way. "It a pleasure to meet you." He looked to the other to see what they would say about where he was. Looking up he noted the sky was a unbelieveable shade of blue. The trees and the gra,ss are breath taking he thought.
7:25pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"Depends on what day it is. December first to twenty first is when you are considered a sagittarius." Holly ask intreged. "Hey look a butterfly!" She said seeing the small creature with white wings float to a purple flower. She ran over to it and put her hand out for it to land on it landed on her finger before it flew away. As she watched it recede she looked back at Yorie. "I'm sorry where you saying something?" Her mind started to wonder about Yorie's clothes preference to whether she had any relitives and then back to her cousin. "If her birthday is after that she is a Capricorn." Holly concluded before th butterfly came back and she started to chase it.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:35pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 243
(( I kinda would like to have Hiroyuki crush on Yorie if its ok with kool)) He looked between the two as Holly ran off to chase her butterfly. "Does she always do that?" He asked in a questioning tone. He could remember when he was just a pup, did I say pup I ment child, that he used to chase the falling leafs with his friends and comrads till the one fatefull day. Getting to that thought he changed his miind on what had happen and were he was. A frown came over his face as he looked back at the ground thinking.
7:36pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[Ahhh You guys are making me read to catch up?!]] Aza looked at the newbies that stood before her. "Only three" She told herself as she examined them. The one who was doing some stepping exersise seemed bored, the girl who would not be quiet bugged her, and the guy who had just appeared seemed confussed and angry. Just like how I was last year, except I ran, I ran to the woods getting lost, lucky to be found by another student. She appeoched the new students. "Hey guys!" She said in a cheerfull voice though deep inside she just wanted to run again. "Dont try to run, thats just a heads up. Once you run beond those woods you dont come back." Aza paused then looked towards the woods and looked back with a playfull smile that said evil. "Legend has it, that deep in the Forest of Whispers there is a redwood tree that has the reddest leaves, and the sweetest greenest apples. It whispers so quietly and so beautifuly, trying to lure people in to have them eat its apples. No one knows for sure but in the legend it says that those who eat the whispering apples, will be transported to a opposite universe, and there the tree will slowly dissapear, leaving them trapped there. Only the strongest can survive and get back." Aza then shrugged. "Shall we get on with the tour?" Her smile went away as a strait line took its place.
7:44pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 302
Ooc:// Aghhh! D: I'll post intro tomorrow or something. Don't leave me anymore!
7:45pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Nov 7 2010)
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Posts: 243
He listend to the girl who seemed to be in charge as she told the legend. "Its a good thing I dont believe in legends" He told himself. The to the rest of the group he stated "Why try and freek us out THEN ask if we want a tour? Thats kinda backwards dont you think?" He wasnt sure on how things ran around here but if he still had his witts them things were going to go backwards and for a loop. "Eigther why if you lead I guess I can fallow what else is there to do." He wanted to run and run as far as his leg whould carry him. Find a cave of some sort and curl into some soft pelts, but seeing that the only thing around was trees he wouldnt risk it. His stumic(sp) grumbled as he looked to the others to see what they would say. ((Sorry I'm leaveing you moo D: I didnt see you post))