7:48pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"Oh wow an apple tree!" Holly said after she stopped chasing the butterfly. "I like apples." She said looking at Aza expectantly as she anticipated memorizing the building to be able to skip curfews and other stuff. "Huh stuff is a funny word." she said as her mind wandered again. Her mentor always wondered about her ever learning anything. He was the only one she would really listen to. "Do any of you have any candy on you?" She asked. She was dying to have some of the sugary goodness really soon otherwise she would lose a lot of energy. Bisdes the only sugar she ever needed was the sugar in her mother's cinnimon rolls that she only baked once a month. "I would really like some candy." She said licking her lips.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:54pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Nov 7 2010)
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[[I will give you a recap tomorrow k moo?]] Aza tossed the girl a peice of candy and laughed as the guy commented on what had just been said. "Did I do that?" She walked toward the school and waved for them to follow. "Im Aza by the way, I have been here for a year now and well I want to leave just as badly as you do." Her voice was a little sharper but she didnt care she just kept walking. As they approched the front door she gave them a map of the school. "ok well thats it. Here is your map and if you have any questions well ask now cause I am about to leave." She let them look at the map while she took a few steps to the side about to run if no one had questions. "Oh and you have to be at every cla,ss on time and curfew is at 10." She looked to the tree line and back.
7:59pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
"Have you ever found the magic tree?" Holly asked raising her hand quickly. She wanted to know more about this tree. Legends and myths captivated her and made her want to learn as much as she could. These two things are the only things that grab her attention and keep her attention. Anything else would get boring in a couple of minutes or secounds until her mind wove it's way back to the original topic. She looked at the map and found little to no forest was marked on it. "Why doesn't the map include parts of the forest? So we have to start our cl*censored*es today? What are we doing here anyhow?" She asked curiousity creeping up on her.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:04pm Nov 7 2010 (last edited on 8:05pm Nov 7 2010)
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[[Aza isnt in the gratest mood, sorry!]] Aza mimiced the girl and raised one eyeborw too. "If I had would I be here?"Aza sighed again as the girl asked her share of question. "The teachers here dont like the students wandering in the forrest so they leave that off, And as for the cla,sses no you start tomorrow." She tured about to leave until she remembered that the girl asked another question. "Oh and I have no clue to why we are here. we just are, and trust me I want out of here as badly as you do." she sighed and remembered how bad life was at home but how she would rather be there then here.
8:13pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly smiled gratefully before skipping away into the forest. When she was a fair distance away she found a small pool of water. Water droplets started to splash into the clear water but they weren't rain drops, they were tears. She figured out why she was here based on her memories. "He sent me here didn't he." She said looking at he sad reflection in the water. "To keep me from telling the others. I want to go home." Drying her tears she scolded herself. "You never let him get to you before so why would you let him now." She stood up ready to fight him when he came at her. Suddenly a green apple fell from the sky and hit her on the top of her head. It bounced into the small pool of water. She looked up and saw a small blue bird fluttering about the branches. "Thanks but it fell in the water. Can you show me tomorrow where it is? I'll meet you outside by the garden!" The bird seemed to nod before it flew off. Holly skipped out of the forest unscathed and back at the garden. "Lets see what can I do before cl*censored*es start?"

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:17pm Nov 7 2010
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[[ok now I am gonna wait for the others ^^]]
8:21pm Nov 7 2010
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Posts: 548
((Yeah and I got to go sleepy sleep. Stupid school is tomorrow.))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:23am Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 243
((Hmmm.....How to start)) Hirouki Listend as the girl finnished the "introduction speech." He didnt care in the bit. Walking away from the group og girls he walked up to the building. Looking into room after room till he came to the one that he had woken up in. A note had been slid under the door. Reading it he sigh "I guess it was a little to late for that." he said placing the note neatly back onto the desk. Looking around the room the only thing of conciquecne, or to him anyway, was a single picture. This picture had him at the wolf reserve with his favorit wolf. He picked up the picture saying to it "Why did I have to end up here?" Granted all he had going in his life was the reserve but still it was his life almost literaly. ((Heading to school sorry))
4:50pm Nov 8 2010
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[[Haha I am home from school!]] Aza Walked away from the group headng back to her dorm room. She sighed looking at its Forest Green colored walls and its hard cherry wood floors. The principal had always said that each room was special like us and each room was diffrent never the same. Aza's room had a bed up near the left corrner of the room, it was twin sized that had a mustared orange bed spread and off white pillow cases. To the left side of it had a light oak dresser that had leaf designs all over it and to the right just a plain dark polished brown night stand that looked like it had green apples carved all over it . The right side of the room was a shiny old vintage looking wrighting desk. Out of every thing in thr room she loved this the best. carved vines twisted up the legs of the desk curving up and over the side of the big reddish brown top. And some spots on the carved green vines there where a pretty pink roses that grew out of it. She sighed loving the vive it gave off. She plopped on her bed and staired up at the celling.
5:05pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly walked back to her dorm with a small container of blue paint. Now it was time to give that boring room a whole lot of Holly style. When she entered the room she snorted at the plain boring room. She started to paint waves on thw walls bringing them to life with the beach atmoshphere. On one side their were waves and on the other side a calm lake. She placed a small blue rugg over the creamy yellow one to give the floor some color. Using a small waterbottle as a vase she put the vase on her desk and filled it with a couple flowers she had picked from the garden. "This feels so much better." She said before looking at her bed. The blue spread concealed the white sheets below."At least they got me a cool bedspread." she said taking a black marker from her pack. "Now to spruce it up a bit." she said as she started to doodle on the bedspread at the foot of the bed. Minutes later the bed had come alive with pictures of nights riding horses, butterflies, video game characters, small animals, fantasy creatures, and many other things. Holly sat their doodling the day away finding it relaxing to let her mind wander freely without the stress of other people watching. If she needed to releive stress she would do this. She never ran out of space to draw because the marker she uses is washible and all the doodles get washed out creating a new canvas for her artwork.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:18pm Nov 8 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm Nov 8 2010)
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Posts: 3,318
[[ @ Kohawko. The crush thing is fine with me^^ ]] Yorie looked at the building, not wanting to go back to her room just yet. "But what else is there to do?" she asked herself as she looked around. letting out a sigh she entered the building, her footsteps quiet and light. She finally reached her room and she walked in. The room was mainly two colors: blue and black. The doors were black and the rest was blue with a little of purple added on her bed. With another sigh, she sat down on her bed and started to think about her day so far. "Sounds completely boring, Yorie" she told herself as she walked over to a small cabinet that was placed in the room. Inside, were many drawing tools such as: a notebook, colored pencils, crayons, paint and paint brushes. "Cool" she whispered as she picked up the notebook and headed back to her bed. Yorie began to draw some of the things that she had saw that day, including people, plants, anything that she could think of. When she was finished, she smiled slightly at how good it had come out.

5:42pm Nov 8 2010
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[[Snow~ my idea wasnt that people would go out and re do there room but what ever :D cause ike where would you get the paint? Hahaha And for all: I will post when I am done with my Homework! Its spanish YAY (Not!)! ]]
7:23pm Nov 8 2010
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[[UHG Finnally done!]] Aza heard soft raps at her door. She was supprised when she opened it. No one was there, just another note taped to her door. She wasnt acctually suprised she just was shocked that this was the third time this had happened this week and it was only tuseday. She read the note and groaned. Again it said that she had to meet up with the tour group for some activitys in one hour. Letting out a sigh she went over to her desk and took out a peice of paper. It was her little secret. It was a map of the woods she had drawn four months ago. She didnt want any one to find it. She stuffed it in her back pocket of her shorts and headed out to the garden. Waiting one hour will be long. Once she got there she sat down and took out her map making sure no one saw it while she studied it.
7:35pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly stopped doodling when a note was slid under her door. She read it before changing into a special outfit that she made with a shirt and some of the curtain fabric when she got bored of doodling before doodling again. The shirt would allow her to glide over the air because of the design. Two minature parachutes were made of a light fabricand sewn onto another shirt to create bat like wings. The wearer could then jump off a cliff and slowly glid down to an area with control, but not complete control. Heading up to the roof she paced around trying to find to garden. Once she found it she flew down using the shirt. Gliding in the air she tried to land next to Aza. Unfortunatly she got cuahgt on a tree branch which tore the wings off and sent her plumitting into a bush. She fell from the bush onto the ground before seeing Aza a couple of yards away. "Hi!" She said getting up and going over to Aza.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:31pm Nov 8 2010
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Aza fiddled with her map until she finnaly stuffed it in her boot instead of in her back pocket. "Oh, Hi!" Aza stood up putting her hand out and taking it back realizing how stupid it was. She laughed slightly and then shook her head. "Well, uh." She stumbled over her words. "Why are you here? You still got 45 minutes. You didnt need to come so early." She looked at the girl noticing that she is the one who was up and talking. Aza sat back down later laying back in the gra,ss clossing her eyes.
8:34pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 243
((Haha! Well not really...I'm in spanish 3 at my school. It sucks.)) Hiroyuki had been lying on his back reading a book he had found in the night stand beside his bed. The scarry part was that it was the same book he had been reading back home. Hearing a slight tapping on his door, he walked over to open the door. Seeing no one he looked back into the room almost shutting the door he saw a note flutter to the floor. "Well at least this time I acctualy got it." He commented as he walked out shutting the door softly behind him after making sure his book was book marked on his bed. In the garden he saw the girl from erlier. Why was she lying in the bush? Seeing her get up he walked over to the two. "So what was that note about what acctivetie do I have to do now?" Looking between the two before he sat down on the ground linning into the bush that the girl had recently accupied.
8:35pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 548
"I really don't know. Hey did you know I met this cute little bird in the forest today?" Holly asked Aza sitting down next to her. "Well you must not have because I haven't seen you since it happened until now. Hey do you have any candy? Anyway the bird dropped a green apple on my head so I asked it if it could take me to the tree it got the apple from tomorrow and guess what it responded?" Holly said before she saw a butterfly. "Hey look a butterfly!" She chirped happily getting up to go chase it.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:48pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 243
Watching the girl run off for the second time he asked "ADD much?" He loved to chase butterflys, in fact he saw one, through the window in his room, and sat watching it till it had flown away. Even if he chased butterflys he wouldnt go running in the middle of a conversation, or if anyone would see. "Hey Holly you do know that you were talking didnt you?" ((Brain fart!!!!))
8:54pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 548
"Huh? Oh yeah! The bird said yes, he is going to take me to the tree tomorrow!" She said happily. "Hey we all can go and then we might end up in the same place after we teleport. Wouldn't that be cool!" She said. "Hey whats your name? I don't think I asked you before." Holly looked at him with her head cocked to the side. She looked deep into his eyes trying to find out about his past but she stopped remebering one very important thing. "Do you have any candy?" she asked.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:59pm Nov 8 2010 (last edited on 9:01pm Nov 8 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
[[Im not gonna take spanish 3, seems too hard. I am thinking about taking French 1 junior year... Im a freshman so 2 more years]] Aza looked at the girl confussed about the whole bird incident. "Well thats verry interesting, but I doubt that will happen. The woods are a very confussing place, pluse I didnt know there where birds here." The guy from before came as he asked a question. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Well I dont know. What ever I guess. I am not the one who set it up." She lied down once more closing her eyes. "Oh and here." She tossed a peice of candy towards the girl. "My whole year of living here I have never seen and animal." She said once again talking to the girl who now went by Holly.