9:03pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 243
He looked at her in utter confusion. "ou did ask my name I'm Hiroyuki Talkima. And No I dont have candy! I dont even eat the garbage. Do you know what the shizz does to you?" He shooke his head. Never in all his years had he meet someone so....so....off topic! But back to the bird, Hiroyuki ((I'ma start calling him hiro...)) thought maybe just maybe this all wasnt a dream. That would be nice, to pinch himself and wake up back in his own soft bed. This all just seemed to wack for his taste. He only believed in things he could smell, fell, hear, see, or taste and this curtanly fell under all of thoughs thing.
9:06pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[Heyy Im gonna take a shower so be back in like 20min!]]
9:08pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 548
((Goodnight Guys and Gals.)) "Oh you made a big mistake!" Holly chirped as she caught the candy. "Sugar, sugar, oh sweet sugar!" She said opening the wrapper slowly. She popped the candy into her mouth laying down on the gr*censored* savoring the taste. Only a couple minutes of time went by before she was up and running around like crazy. "Hey look a butterfly! Isn't that flower pretty! Do you like peanuts? My name is Holly if you didn't already know! Do you know if their is a pool in this school? I love swimming! Wee! I'm going to be like this for hours now!" She said rambling on while running around the garden. She saw the bird again perched on a branch. "Hi Mr. Birdy can my friends come along tomorrow morning?" She asked. The bird seemed to nodd. "Great should we meet here?" She asked quickly. The bird nodded again before flying off. "Bye bye bird!" She said before she started running around again.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:13pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh! Join? c:))
9:16pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[YAHH!!! Just post your bio and then hop in.]]
9:26pm Nov 8 2010
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Aza now realized giving holly candy was a mistake. She made a mental note of that. But Aza now knew that Holly was insane. She was talking to a branch. There were no bird. "Hey Holly you ok? you seemed like you where talking to air just a minute ago." Aza laughed as she got up from the ground. "Hey Hiroyuki, can i call you Hiro? Any ways we should get started on some of those activitys as soon as two more people show up." Aza skipped in a circle taking out the map of the forrest and was now sitting again taking out a pencil that she stuffed in her boot making a side note on the paper. 'Holly- Bird that may lead to tree.'. The map wasnt done. She had only gone a few miles deep.
9:28pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 243
((night guys Ill post in the marrow....try not to leave me behind? And leo spanish 3 is alot easyer then spanish 2 I had to take 2 my freshmen year I get a d first semester a b- seacond.....I have a B at the moment))
9:45pm Nov 8 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[*Claps* awesome! In spanish 2 I have a B at the moment too lol!! Oh and I will post in the morning about 8 ish]]
6:55am Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 3,318
[[ Wow I'm only taking Spanish1 xD But I already know some spanish sooo =P ]]
Yorie noticed a note that was slid under her door, she got up and opened the door but no one was there. With a sigh she read the paper and headed out of the door and into the garden. She spotted Hiroyuki, Holly, and Aza. "Hello" she told them with a slight smile. Yorie suddenly felt the urge to step again, it was just a habit. Whenever she was just standing somewhere doing nothing, she would step. Sighing, Yorie controlled herself and stood still. A song came into her head and she started humming quietly, waiting for Aza to tell them some instructions.
7:12am Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly saw Yorie arrive ans seized at the chance to talk to her. "Hi!" She said still hyper from the candy. "Oh! guess what, guess what, guess what!" She said really fast. "A birdie is going to take us to the tree tomorrow! Isn't it exciting?" She concluded before running around. I wonder how long it's going to take... She thought looking at the group. She would preform this test on everyone she would meet. Yes she was hyper and she had ADD but when she meet new people she would ramp it up to see if she could reach their limit. After they cracked she would return to her normal standards but candy was candy. She would always become crazy after eating anything with lots of sugar.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:10pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 243
((sorry I couldn't post this morrning I was in a rush my alarm didnt go off...so yeah...)) Hiro felt something as he walk Yorie walk toward them. He pushed it to the back of his mind as he welcomed her. She looked a little twichy, like she wanted to mobe but didnt. "You do know that you dont have to stand still right? We do have over 'twichy' people here." He nooded to Holly who was talking about the bird agian. Looking away from the others he listend. It was quite like a forest before a storm. Not even the cry of a baby animel(sp) looking for its mother. Looking back to the others he asked "Do you hear that?"
4:32pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza was annoyed at Hollys hyperness, she just wanted to tell her to shut up, and it didnt help that she was in a bad mood already. She forced a smile "Ok well I guess the first thing to do is share about your life" She was stitting on the gra,ss. As Hiro spoke aza laughed lightly. "Hear what?" She quieted down so she hear what Hiro heard but still she couldnt hear anything. This is calming She thought as all of the annoyance that Holly had built up in her flew away. She sigh at the relif.
4:45pm Nov 9 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm Nov 9 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Name: Aiyah, preffers to be called Ai (Aye-ahh) 3
Gender:Female Age : seventeen
Apperance:  Personality: Ai is very nonsocial, nd preffers to be alone, using her imagination to creat simple things into something much greater. Crush: none, open Other: Could she have a cat named Taroh?
4:49pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[Accepted *Needs more guys!*]]
4:51pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 6,296
4:58pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[You dont have to I was just Hinting to all those LURKERS out there that we need guys, but if you want to you can]]
5:17pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
"Hear what?" Holly asked curiously. She listened hard trying to find the sound but hearing nothing. However, she soon heard wings beating and looked up. Flying above them was a red tailed hawk. "That has to be a good omen." she whispered to herself holding out her arm for the bird to land on. It flew lower and lower before flying up high again. She put her arm down suddenly calmed by the birds presence. "Aaron," she muttered, "Are you tryng to warn me?" The hawk screeched arcoss the land before flying away. "I'll take that as a yes." She went over to Aza and sat on the ground trying to meditate. After several minutes of trying to be calm the sgar caught up with her and made her hyper again. She started running around nearly forgetting about the hawk... nearly.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
5:49pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 3,318
Yorie listened to Holly and felt a little confused. "Um, hi.... that's nice" she managed to say before she listened to what Hiro said to her. She smiled at him "Oh, haha. I'm sorry, I just wanted to step again..." She sighed and sat down on a bench, closing her eyes and listening for any sounds that might seem familiar, but to her 'shock' there were none. Her mind flashed back to her drawing "Oh! I drew a picture of each of you" she told them, not sure if she had just sounded weird. Shaking the thought away she felt proud of herself, the pictures looked exactly like them. Once again, her drawing skills had come through.
5:50pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[*Waits for others* I added a rule and added a little to the setting. You dont have to cheek out the setting just please read the rule]]
6:12pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
"You don't say." Holly muttered stopping by Yorie. She looked up at the clouds seeing a figure swooping along. Concentrating on the figure she didn't realize that she was walking toward the forest. She kept her eye closely on it making sure it never left her sight. THWAK! Not paying any attention to where she was going Holly ended up smacking her head against a tree at the outer edge of the forest. She stumbled backward falling onto the gr*censored*. "Owie." She growled. She saw the figure again and decided to keep her eye on it without moving.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V