7:48pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 243
((I add my second oc? He is a guy....they are brothers though)) This Holly character was crazy she talked to air for gods sake! He looked at the picture that Yorie gave him, dude it looked exactly like himself. He looked back to Yorie "Dude this is awsome!" He smiled as he hugged her, but realiving how accward it would be he jumped back. The bad thing about that though was the bush. He ended up on his rear end in the bush and a blush on his face. He looked over to Holly who had ran into the tree. This day was not off to the best start. He slowly worked his way out of the bush ducking his head in imbaressment. "Thanks" head said as e folded up the paper to put it in his back pocket. ((evil post...so short!))
7:59pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly yawned before crawling up in the gr*censored* like a small cat. She flattened the gr*censored* where she was laying before she closed her eyes. The sun warmed her skin a little and provided a warm blanket. She soon started to fall into a small nap. For a couple minutes she was peacefully asleep until she realized she didn't have Mr. Snufflies. Without her small fuzzy companion she could not sleep but it was not a sercurity issue, it was a nightmare issue. Every time she did not sleep with the little guy she would have horrific reocurring nightmares. Startled knowing the nightmare would creep up on her she woke up and sat up alert. She would have to make sure she didn't slip up again before she couldn't be woken up.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:02pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((How can I get in?))
8:07pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
((Well after we woke up and were all confused we all met up in the garden for a tour. We went back to our room for a little bit before we got a not saying to meet in the garden again for some activities. Your person could have overslept and only got the note about the activities or something like that.))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
8:12pm Nov 9 2010 (last edited on 8:13pm Nov 9 2010)
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Posts: 243
He lookat Aza so she wanted to know about his life? Well He guess it really didnt mater any more. "You want to know my life well here it goes. When I was born my parents died, mom giving birth, dad got in a accident or so my leader said. Some people found me in the car, but being that they are human dropped me off the first place they found. At that point my leader had ben fallowing behind the humans. When they left me, he picked me up and brought me to the pack. From what I remember I was about 5 or so my pack got picked up by some nature freacks and seeing me with them took me in as their child. They let the pack live on thier lands in some nature reserve and they stay around the house. The littlest pups ot the sick stay in my room at night and we are a desenct pack I guess you could say." He left out the part of leader trying to kill the humans and getting half the pack killed in the long run. But these people didnt need to know that. Not even if he was the alfa and him being here was bad for his pack. Looked at the few people standing there. "Did you get what you wanted to know?" He said looking at Aza with saddness in him purple eyes. (( why is it we all seem to post at the same time?))
8:24pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 548
"You're hiding something." Holly said in a calm tone. "But I won't press you seeing as though we are all strangers. I'd tell you about my past but I don't really trust any of you yet." She looked at the group before putting a smile on her face when she saw a butterfly behind Aza. She got up and started to chase it like she had been all day. By chasing the small creature she could connect with her inner child, the child from her early days that she could hardly remember. "But I can tell you about my brother William. He used to annoy me so much! But I knew he loved me otherwise he could never put up with me. Also I was the lead singer in his band since he couldn't find anybody else willing enough to make lyrics and sing them." She said as she tried to catch the butterfly. "I could also tell you about my brother George. He was always so cute but he never did get his chance to shine. He would make things for me in art cl*censored* that he would think I liked. I always accepted the gift even if it wasn't what I like just to build up his confidence. It's such a shame though..." she said trailing off as the butterfly landed on her hand the small fragile wings flexing.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:21am Nov 10 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Nov 11 2010)
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Posts: 243
Name: Yoichi Talkima Age: 16 Gender: Male Looks: Personality: He is calm and colective. He knows all kinds of martal arts. He is on the gothic side((or the dark side)). He likes to play jokes on other people. He is very mature for his age though. Crush: n/a Other: brother to Hiroyuki (though neigther of them know it so SHHHHH!) (("But Carol that kills people!" or fruits basket way- "But Momiji that kills bunnies!"))
4:12pm Nov 10 2010
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Posts: 3,318
Yorie looked at Hiro and was shocked as he hugged her, She watched as he fell into the bush, she stepped closer to help him up but he had gotten up by himself. "Welcome" she told him softly. She listened closely as Hiro talked about his life, she was really interested and wanted to ask some questions but she knew that one's past could be a touchy subject. When it was her time to answer she had already thought about what she was going to say. "I was born in Philadelphia, my father was murdered on the streets, my mother tried to take care of us but she soon got cancer... my brother ran away from home. Let's just say, it wasn't very good." She knew that she shouldn't have told them this stuff but it made her feel better when she talked about her past with someone.
4:22pm Nov 10 2010
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Posts: 548
"Hey my dad was murdered too." Holly said doing a handstand. "And he wasn't the only one in my family to be killed." She fell on her bum before getting up and dusting herself off. She looked around trying to get her mind off her father's image. She could remember every detail of his murder but she wasn't prepaired to talk about it to anyone. "So who is next?" Holly said wanting to know more about these people. She loved looking at gravestones in a cemetary and trying to figure out that person's past. She had uncovered some family secrets that had helpped other people in the family understand their family heritage. She wondered if any of these people would be connected to some of the people she researched.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
4:55pm Nov 10 2010
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Posts: 1,329
[[Can some one do a quick recap for me? I have a ton of hw and dont have time to read all of the posts.]]
5:22pm Nov 10 2010
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Posts: 3,318
[[ Umm so, Yorie gave the picture she drew of Hiro to him and he fell in a bush, Holly bumped into a tree and they were answering Aza's question about their lives. ]]
2:59pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 1,329
Aza nodded, not careing about what they had to say. Not even listing. It was what the principal wanted her to say so she did. She was sorta day draming about the map, but shook it off after Holly finnished. "Wow! Interesting" She nodded and stood up. "Well the day wont last for ever, so we should probably do the next activity." She tryed to think what they where suppose to do next. "Oh ok! Uh... So I am suppose to talk about some activitys here and try some of them out." Aza was walking to a big group of people. [[And full, you can maybe see the group and go over being a person that was late]]
4:04pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 243
((I'm not sure what to do...When would like me to bring Yoichi?)) Hiro looked at Aza as she walked over to one of the groups in the yard with them. What activies did they do here? He looked to the other one by one then eyes landing on Yorie he swiftly looked away making sure no one could see his face. He shouldnt be acting like this, he shouldnt ever show a weakness but here he was blushing! He ran to catch up to Aza to listen to what she was talking about. He felt so stupid when it came to this place. It selled strange and the people taked and acted diferent, it was kind of unsetteling. He didnt like this place anymore then the next guy.
4:17pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 548
Holly was bored out of her skull and she wanted to do something fun. Right now all she could think about was Shadow. She wanted something to distract her from her thoughts but nothing came. She walked over to Aza awaiting the next activity and hoping it was something like paining pumkins or baking cookies. Just drawing would be good too. She looked at the building before the place where her wings were clipped if you could say that. She yawned feeling more drained then before. "When is lunch?"Holly asked feeling her stomach rumble. She looked back at the garden and then back to the group. Her life started to drift into her mind and she suddenly became sad. Her happiness was drained from her and her hyper mood was washed away.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
6:05pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Nov 11 2010)
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Posts: 1,329
Aza was bored out of her mind and didnt care for explaing this sport so she thought she should just name them. "Ok you know what? Screw this. I will just name the two sports and you can do what ever for the rest of the day, and lunch is at 12 in and hour." She paused, wondering if she would get in troubble for shortening the tour activity by an hour. "Ok so there is Blazer and Jupiter." She thought about explaining but then shrugged it off still thinking about the map in her boot. "Ok well if you need me I will be in room 212" She had a worried look on her face before she left in a hurry up to his room. [[Oh and you can bring your charrie in by like....I dunno. Maybe Hiro can can run into him?]]
6:31pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 548
"Well that's great." Holly muttered taking out her phone. She flipped the one part up to reveal a keyboard. She typed fast with her two thumbs sending a text to someone she knew would never answer. Every time she did this she felt happy for some odd reason. Putting her phone in her back pocket she looked into the woods and then at Aza's retreating form. Well let's see what our options are here: Option 1 we can go after Aza and ask for an explanation of the sports. Option 2 we could go into the forest. Option 3 we could go and see what everyone else is doing. Option 4 is to go back to our room. And Option 5 is that we go to our room, get Mr. Snufflies, and go take a nap somewhere. Her inner voice said. She had named the voice Agwang when she first heard it. I want to see what is behind door number...3! Holly thought skipping over to the others. "So what are you guys planning to do?

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
7:40pm Nov 11 2010
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Posts: 3,318
Yorie looked at Aza with a blank ex pression on her face. "Well, that's just great. I'm here to learn something but... I didn't learn anything" she thought to herself as she let out a sigh. All Yorie wanted to do was draw, she had gotten some new ideas. For some reason she wanted to draw Hiro, more than anyone else, by looking at the expressions that he made she could draw him in new poses, or something like that. Yorie always found someone to be the subject of her drawings, this time it was Hiro. Letting her thoughts slip away she looked around at everyone and thought about heading back to her room but, something told her to stay around for awhile.
8:43pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm Nov 11 2010)
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Posts: 243
"Well I plan on going into my room shutting my door and reading." He replied. He wasnt really going to his room he was curious to what the games in frount of him were. "I could tell you all about the book if you like. I can tell you word for word." with a ominous voice. No one in their mind would want to recite that book word for word it was reaaly boring at times, like any good book. The glint in his eyes told everything if someone cared to look but when they did he hid it well. He caught Yorie's eyes as see looked around the group. Looking away agian he went over to one of the trees, as if to take a nap in the up most braches, and watched a the games played out in frount of him. ~~ Yoichi was in the middle cla`ss but lord was this cla`ss bring. He had been at this school his whole life. It got really boring at times. Asking the teacher he would be alowed to use the restroom he grabbed his bag and headed out the door. Most teachers new that you couldnt keep him in a cl*censored* for the entrity of the period. Walking outside he grabbed his speachers out of his bag. The one thing he never forgot to grab when he left his room. This morning he had heard the door next to his room open for the first time. No one had had this room in years, so it was surprising. He had taken a peek out of his room but the person had long since left. Now he sat under one of his favorit trees in the yard and startred to listen to his music. He watched as what seem to be the new kids get introduced to the school by Aza. ((Happy Vets. Day thank you to all you people who have protected our country))
5:35pm Nov 12 2010
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Aza was walking fast to her room, not a run or jog, not a weird un normal fast walk just a walk that allowed her to drift in and out faster. She looked back, the newies, as she liked to call them, had blank expressions on there faces. She felt bad about leaving them like that but she really needed -- no felt like she had to get more ground covered so she could get the hell out of here. As she got to her room she sat on the chair that was behind her desk and looked out the window that was infront of it. Outside her window was the forrest and infront of that was a huge rock with stange wrighting on it. To the left was the garden and to the right was the feild where all the games where played and where she left the newie. Looking down to the deeply deatailed map that was sprawled out on the desk she tought, Oh god I will never get this done, never get out of here and UGH! they cant keep us here for ever. her mind fluttered darker and deeper to the future she imagined. Her eyes widened W-what will happen when we past the age of 25? Will they kill us off and... and then what?! She got up and paced arround her room until her frustration was gone and she decided that it was time to explore. She floded up her map and stuck it in her boot where the pencil still was. "ok" she sighed and took the sign that said 'if this sign is up then that means that I am either sleeping, In cla,ss or I dont want to talk to you... but if what you have to say is Uber inportant than write me a not and slide it under my door! Thanks, Aza' And hung it up in front of her door before heading out - trying not to get seen - to go to the woods.
6:02pm Nov 12 2010
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Yorie watched patiently and he mind went blank. "Man am I bored!" she thought. Finally deciding to go back to her room she walked slowly, not wanting to exactly go anywhere. With a sigh, she sat down on a bench and started thinking about her life, it had been a normal one, but crappy at that. "Maybe this school has something that I need.." Yorie laughed at the thought and quickly pushed it away as she let out another, exhausted sigh.