3:41pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 4:32pm May 24 2010)
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for i will tell you a story Water,Earth,Fire,Air my nana use to tell me stories when the avatar kept balance between the three lands the avatar could controll all of the elements then the fire nation attacked and the avatar vanished (did i forget the avatar comes back in different bodies and is reborn but there is a stage called the avatar stage and if the avatar gos into that stage and gets killed the avatar will sees to exist) 100 years later me and my bro found the new avatar in a iceberg he started aut as an air bender hes pretty good but he must learn all of the bending elements before he can save anyone but i believe that Aang (Aang is the avatar) can save the world bio name: age: gender: type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water: looks: personality: other: parts left open for the rp katar (me) toph(ssather) aang(ssather) sokka fire lord unkle of zuko zuko(me) sukie azula mai(ssather) tylie and more parts will be comeing turns out this will be a private rp between me and ssather
3:46pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 9:36pm May 24 2010)
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name:katara age:13 gender:female type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:water bender looks: 
crush:aang personality:shy cute funny other:Aang has a crush on her, secretly she has a crush on him(oh and i need some one to be aang)
3:46pm May 24 2010
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((i will not start till at least two people post their bio))
3:53pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 4:00pm May 24 2010)
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((OMG. JOIN? I love avatar!8D)) bio name:Toph Bei Fong age:12 gender:female type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:earth looks: personality:All Tophish...Sorry I am horrible with characters already made. other:Nothing really... bio name:Aang age:112 gender:male type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:air looks: personality:Um...Rping it out. other:He is the avatar. ((Can I make a new chaaracter too?XD))
4:00pm May 24 2010
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4:01pm May 24 2010
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((but in your bio you should put hes 112 but he doesnt look like it))
4:02pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((oh and also when you put what bending he does like power put all of them))
4:06pm May 24 2010
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((but you dont have t they are just tips))
4:07pm May 24 2010
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((yes you may make a new character too))
4:14pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 4:24pm May 24 2010)
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((Thanks! Darn. I forgot my favorite character.8()) bio name:Mai age:I do not know...O_O gender:Female type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:None looks: personality:Rping it out. other:None name:Cricket age:13 gender:female type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:Fire looks:She has short black hair that reaches her shoulders. Her skin is very pale and almost makes her look sick. She has golden red eyes. personality:Rping it out. other:She is great with bombs.>D
4:25pm May 24 2010
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((ok want to start))
4:29pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 4:35pm May 24 2010)
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((wait)) name:zuko age:14 gender:male type of bender wich would be fire,earth,air or water:fire looks: 
personality:rping it out other:he is princed zuko of the fire nation and eair to the thrown
4:33pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((hey im going to turn this rp into a private one between me and you heres a secret im madly in love with this show))
4:33pm May 24 2010
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((Okay, do you want to start or should I? I am not too good at starting, just to warn you.;D))
4:36pm May 24 2010
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((Okay, cool!XD))
4:36pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 4:37pm May 24 2010)
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Posts: 2,264
((i will start)) katara was walking when she slipped and screemed for aang((by the way lets say sokka is away with sukie for now)) zuko hurd the noice and he new the avatar was near
4:48pm May 24 2010
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Aang heard Katara's scream. He started to run towards Katara. "Katara?" He called trying to find her. Cricket heaard someone scream. She hoped up from where she hd been sitting and started to walk towards the noise, wondering who had screamed. She watched the water bender slip and fall and couldn't help but giggle. She walked over to the girl. "Are you okay?" She asked.
4:54pm May 24 2010
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"NO"katara screemed"im not i think i broke my foot"she screemed louder as zuko approached "what do you want"she said angrily "wheres the avatar "he said as he glared at her "i dont know" she said "well if you wont tell me then your coming with me"he said as he pushed the girl aside and picked up katara
5:00pm May 24 2010
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Cricket looked at Zuko. She hated it when people pushed her around. "Excuse me, but why must she go with you?" She asked curiously.
5:01pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,264
katara threw some water balls at zuko she screemed louder and louder for aang the zuko punched her in the head and knocked her out