The Four Worlds

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4:34pm Apr 22 2014

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Posts: 698
((Yee! welcome to Four Worlds Sona;) ))


10:34pm Apr 22 2014 (last edited on 9:06am Apr 23 2014)

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Posts: 4,355
Elias C. Daniels.
Eli to those closer to him.
About as as pretty as they come and twice as conceited to boot. Elias is your stereotypical pretty boy; tousled, loosely curly blondish-brown hair, dark brown eyes and evenly tanned skin. He's rather tall, standing at a rough 5'11, and has developed a toned boy after years of physical labor. He's not really what you could describe as extremely buff, but he's physically fit enough to be considered athletic. His body is free of any tattoos or piercings, and his face lacks any stubble (as hot as that all would be). He dresses down, despite what his egotistical personality might suggest. Hoodies in one solid, usually dull, colors, jeans and practical traveling shoes such as boots are his usual casual attire.
It's not hard to guess that Elias may not be the brightest. Under his pretty face, he doesn't have a whole lot underneath, so to speak. He doesn't mind not being too terribly intelligent, though, because he makes it as a worthy opponent by fighting with brute strength (which he has plenty of). He's a dirty fighter and isn't ashamed to kick someone while they're down. He's a conceited little brat 99.9% of the time, and has trouble taking no for an answer. He's not used to rejection, nor is he comfortable with it. He's very strong-minded, and the only way to get him out of his comfort zone is to turn him down. He likes flirting; a lot. This doesn't make him a bad person, just a heart-breaker. Really, he's a nice guy who just happens to get bored of people, says the wrong thing too often and isn't afraid to take you down. He has feelings, too, and the few people who are stupid enough to stay close to him over a long period of time knows that he can be a loyal friend who'd never hesitate to help you out in your time of need.
rank or w/e;
Sage of Scria.
Elias is bisexual to an extreme, meaning he'll flirt with you, flirt with your mom, flirt with your dog, and then end up making out with your boyfriend. No one is safe.
He can twerk it. Just in case anyone was curious.
just 4 fun: ;)


8:25am Apr 23 2014

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Posts: 2,186
((Oh gosh, Kenny and Elias are both huge flirts! I bet they'll have a flirt of in some point in time XD
And YAY we can start!))


9:56am Apr 23 2014 (last edited on 9:56am Apr 23 2014)

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Posts: 1,997
((irratically heavy breathing
Bronson omg I can't tell you how much I love him hhhhHH <33
Will start a bit later today; have work, but will do this on breaks. c:))


10:41am Apr 23 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Elias is bisexual to an extreme, meaning he'll flirt with you, flirt with your mom, flirt with your dog, and then end up making out with your boyfriend. No one is safe."

bless u madi))


3:46pm Apr 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( *claps slowly* good bio Madi XD ))


7:16pm Apr 23 2014 (last edited on 11:20am Apr 24 2014)

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Posts: 1,997
The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon as the young man made his way over the swampy terrain. It was earlier than one might think, as it was currently summer on the waterlogged planet. Not that it mattered much, as the seasons were typically a blur here. Spring and summer were hot and soggy, and winter simply meant colder water and shorter days. There was no real fall here.

Maku lifted up his soaked leg, taking a step out of the old wooden boat that had so kindly taken him across the rather large distance between islands. He silently slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a few coins, slipping them into the boatman's open hand. It was quite the sum of Tu, but there was no other way to get around so quickly under the radar. Not that there was any real need to be under the radar, but the teenager figured it would be for the best.

As the boat sped away, Maku turned his gaze to a place not far away; a small house, in which lay his next vict-- the person he was to retrieve. He sighed at the impossibly long distance in which he had to walk to get there, running a hand through his hair. 

"Hate this stupid swamp," he grumbled to himself, watching his hair fall back onto his face. The humidity wasn't something he was used to on Acea, and despite having been on this world for nearly a month collecting information, he still wasn't quite fond of it.

It didn't take him too long to arrive at the house, at which point he proceeded to fix his clothes, though the simply tank-top and shorts didn't require much fixing, and knocked on the door.


The sun was shining, the gondra were out, and it was going to be a wonderful day. 


Not even close.

Marcus groaned as he made his way through the city, running a gloved hand through his blonde hair. He squinted up at the sun, regretting not bringing his sunglasses to this world. Acea was covered in plants, the trees forming a pleasant canopy above them, unlike this rocky place. Lucky for him it was only the start of spring, and therefor it was hardly above room temperature outdoors.

A small jostle brought Marcus' thoughts back to his immediate surroundings, and he quickly uttered an apology to the person he had bumped into. 

"Are you alri--" he cut himself off, his body twisting around to find it had simply been a light-post. "Wonderful scene you've made of yourself, Marcus. I am truly impressed." His words were spoken for only his ears, though he caught a few other people laughing to themselves. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the smile now on his face.

As he continued on his way, the man recollected exactly where he was heading. The sages had sent him on a mission to retrieve a young girl from Relcore, though he didn't quite know why. In fact, there were only four sages on all of Acea who knew; they were the oldest, and had been in charge of their little world for many decades. And, unfortunately for him, being the grandson of one of these sages didn't earn him anything. Not that Marcus would ever dream of getting off so easy, but it would've still been nice to know a few things.

The blonde was once again brought back into the present as he arrived at the house he had been searching for. He hesitated only a minute before knocking, hoping dearly that the girl, or at least her family, was home.

((Sorry I didn't type up Marcus' post last night, but I was insanely tired and a bit irritable. Also, I changed Chaster's name to Marcus because I didn't like it xD; As far as posting order goes, feel free to post whenever you like. It might be best to have the sages go first, and then the guardians, but to me it doesn't much matter <3 If you need help with anything, feel free to Rmail or Skype me @ kenanialadorath c: <33 also please forgive the powerplaying on where your homes were I just wanted to move things along lD))


3:00am Apr 24 2014 (last edited on 3:01am Apr 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
{LOL, it's pleasing to see that you all love Eli as much as I do before we've ever started. c;
he's great.

I'd post, but honestly I'm not sure how to start and where to start. if someone who's a little more familiar with the story line would like to post, go ahead and I'll follow shortly after~}


5:52pm Apr 24 2014

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Posts: 2,186
Demi sighed loudly as she laid on the couch. "Im so bored!" she cried out, returning to her pouty face. Slowly but surely, Demi rose from the couch and dragged her feet to the kitchen. Once she reached the pantry, she glared. "There isn't even anything to eat!"

After returning to the couch, Demi was convinced this would be the most boring day of her life. 

Her parents were on vacation, leaving the house all to herself. At first Demi was psyched, but her excitement dropped dramatically when she realized she had nothing to do.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door. Demi's head quickly turned to the door. A smile grew across her face. "Company!" She shouted to herself. Scrambling to get the door, she swung the door open. "Welco--" She started, but paused. "Who are you?" Demi asked, her head cocked to the side. A young attractive man stood at her door. 

The confused look on her face was soon replaced with a smile. "Sorry, that was sorta rude. My name is Demi." She held her hand out for the male to shake. "Whats your's?"

((I hope this is good. :3))


10:44am Apr 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((It was perfect <3 I'll wait to reply until everyone has gotten their first posts up. c:

Also, just letting you all know in advance, I'll be gone from Saturday through Wednesday, though I can probably pop on once and a while. You can still Rmail me if you have any questions, just don't expect an immediate reply. <3))


10:02am Apr 29 2014

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Posts: 2,186


3:40pm Apr 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((I'm officially of break, and I see that there are no new posts? :c))


3:41pm Apr 29 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Fluzz, Dodo said he was gonna post soon but I'll remind him and all the rest of us r waiting))


6:32pm Apr 29 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

((Apologies, I was at camp this past weekend and that's pretty much left me beat. I'll edit this post once I go back and read over the previous stuff.))


3:26pm May 1 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((Alrighty <3))


6:35pm May 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((I don't mean to be a bother, but no one has posted since the last reply...??? I don't want this RP to be abandoned.))


6:37pm May 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( Angel, be patient Fluzz has been busy and Souda has as well, I'm just waiting cause I'm a guardian ))


6:47pm May 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((I was actually going to bump this. You don't have to wait to post if you're a guardian; it gives those who are sages a bit of a setting. <3))


12:21pm May 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( oh ok well then I might post just give my mind a bit of time to think, it was on vacation for the past few days x.x lolz, but I'll get to work<3 ))


6:46pm May 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,186
((Sorry >.< I just was so excited for everyone to post! In any case, I'll probably post for Kenny, since I thought we had to wait for sages, but I'm going to get Kenny's intro up.))

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