The Game and the Kill

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6:32pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 8:23pm Jun 7 2011)

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Det and Loki are my all mighty co-owners. Bow to them as you would to me. :U
Okay, maybe bow a bit lower to me, but ya know...


They took us away from our homes when we were young so they could train us. We weren't old enough to understand what was happening at the time. All I remember was that first look at one of them; one of the animals that were mad with power, needing more, always needing more. Human on the outside and beast on the in. We knew that we were to become one of those beasts if we managed to stay alive.

We realized quickly about the game and about the killing. Each of us was injected with a shiny silver liquid. Each of us in that one small room together and we watched as our powers grew. We got to know each other and then we were taken away, locked up and forgotten. They let the liquid run through our veins and control our minds. I fought it, but that urge to kill never left. It was always there, a new instinct that was bent on keeping me alive.

Then the doors opened again and I was pulled out of my imprisonment. I was stuck in a battlefield and still, thirteen years later, I can describe it to you. My feet were bare as they touched the rocky surface of the ground. Ahead of me lay a few boulders and an outcropping of more rock. The battlefield was small in circumference and I knew what was happening.

I waited in the shadows until my prey emerged from the rocks, my new hunter's senses kicking into gear. I was able to trace every movement and every breath my prey made. The girl was probably four, a year younger than me at the time. Her blonde curls were plastered on her pasty face and I wonder what power she held. I waited.

She walked past where I entered the arena and she sniffed the air. My eyes narrowed as I followed her every movement. When she turned her back to me, I struck. The shadows that had curled around my fingers shot into her back as I ran up to her. She thrust her chest out as the shadows ripped through her before convulsing on the ground. When I approached, her golden eyes looked up at me and she shot a hurricane of wind in my direction. She was an air elemental.

I was pushed back into the rock as she gained her footage. When she looked around, I was gone, blended with the shadows, but I wouldn't run. I would never run until her blood ran red and her body grew lifeless; as was my purpose. She whipped around as I struck again, the blurred form of a dagger made of shadows plunged through her heart. I did as I was instructed by the videos I was made to watch and grasped her hand.

I felt her energy flow into me as she died and as he lifeblood poured onto the ground. Something in me changed and when I tilted my head down to hear her last gasping words, I heard. "Fight it." She shuddered once and I released my grip on her, feeling her power flowing into me.

That is the Game. We are trained to kill and take the powers of those we fight. Their goal is to create a superhuman that is immortal and invulnerable. Right now, at eighteen years old, I am number one in the arena and I have killed many, but for a higher purpose. I will escape and I will take all others with me.
I will protect them.


1. You must be literate and use some form of Ooc;
2. Your character cannot be unbeatable.
3. Ask before killing another character.
4. If you're aiming for your character to have more than two powers, ask.
5. I am the girl above and yes, she will have an excessive amount of power. If you don't like it, don't
6. Ages are between fourteen and eighteen
7. Romance is fine and encouraged.
8. Violence is a must.


Arena Name:

hello my name is elder price

6:34pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 11:38pm Jun 11 2011)

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The Contestants by Rank

Shadowspawn: ?
Bane: ?

1. Shadow Castor: 87 Kills
2. Anima: 82 Kills
3. Fallen: 77 Kills
4. Thorn: 68 Kills
5. Bone Collector: 57 Kills
6. Tigress: 57 Kills
7. Firecracker: 54 Kills
8. InvisibleInk: 54 Kills
9. Wallflower: 34 Kills
10. Thunderbird: 34 Kills
11. Dare: 26 Kills
12. Crystal: 25 Kills
13. Sage: 20 Kills
14. Spirit: 18 Kills
15. Cassandra: 16 Kills
16. The Northern Lights: 3 Kills
17. Silverdust: 2 Kills

The Documents

The contestants have been in for a while now. Around one month ago, a new child, Silverdust, had been entered in the games.He is still ranked bottomly at only two kills and we have set the bar lower for this particular young one. He is not as strong-willed as we expected, but the Shadow Castor seems to have taken him under her wing. Maybe something will become of him. ~

So far, we have not seen many other alliances. Tigress has had some interaction with Silverdust, but we are unsure if the Shadow Castor has taken notice.

Tigress and Holly have been spotted outside the cave where we just found Shadow Castor has been hiding in with Silverdust. Fallen has stumbled upon the two girls and Shadow Castor has finally revealed herself. Where the others are, we do not know at the time.

It seems Shadow Castor and Silverdust have left with Tigress hot on their trail. We are waiting to see what will unfold with Fallen and Holly left alone with each other; will another fight ensue?

They have gathered under the waterfall now and our cameras have failed to reach. We hear the sounds of fighting, but we can't be sure if one has died. We can record all voices, so we say they are all okay. Shadow Castor and Silverdust have taken note of the tornados that are brewing. Someone has taken over the control room, but I am still here. I will write in the Documents as long as my power can withstand and I can see everything going on in the Arena.


hello my name is elder price

6:50pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Omgizzles! So cool, mind if I join with 2 mabye 3 powers?))


8:43pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 4:35pm Jun 7 2011)

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Sure thing, Em. c:

Arena Name: Shadow Caster
Name: Riley Castor
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Looks: Standing at a height of 5'6'', Riley can seem intimidating to most. Though her stature is tall, it's how she holds herself that makes others recoil to the sight of her. Her stance is usually feline, eyes alert and senses trained to watch her back all the time. Her thick black hair has gentle waves to it that cascade down to her middle back. In the sunlight, the raven black locks glitter with copper specks. Her cheek bones are high and her facial features cut very angular which gives her another feline-like quality. Her eyes are a dark black and when angered, a ring of crimson appears around the irises.
Her voice isn't soft, but rather raspy and rugged. Like someone who hasn't gotten their tonsels removed and needs to.
Like that girl, number 6, from I Am Number Four. I love her voice. <3
She is usually seen wearing a dangerously low tank top that shows her bust. She's typically wearing extremely short shorts so her legs can move about more freely and she can be more flexible.
Kills: 87
Powers: Given - Shadow Manipulation
Kill 1 - Air Elemental
Kill 2 - Raven Shifter
Kill 3 - Power Senser
Kill 4 - Night Vision
Kill 5 - Telekinesis
Kill 6 - Wing Developement
After her sixth kill, her powers only grew stronger; as did her physical form.
Personality: Riley's attitude is portrayed through her movements and her clothes, but never her face. She is a quick thinker when she needs to be, but will attempt to assess the situation before acting out on it. Her thoughts are very dark and she tends to be rough with almost everyone.  She never reveals much of her plan to anyone and her policy is, "don't trust anyone, don't get hurt."

Arena Name: Silverdust
Name: Dustin Hazel
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male
Looks: Dustin has sandy blonde hair that is always tousled. He's small for his age, standing only at a height of 5'3'' and his stature isn't intimidating in the least. His hazel eyes are soft and are typically wide-eyed that resemble a frightened deers.
Kills: 2
Powers: Sparrow Shifter
Kill 1 - Truth Seer
Kill 2 - Molecular Density Manipulation
Personality: Dustin looks up to others in a way that's perpetually dangerous to him. He tends to trust others too much and that's probably what puts him on Riley's soft side. He hates killing and most of his kills have been accidents or pure instincts.
Other: He calls Riley by his own given nickname for her and that would be Hazard.
She'd kill anyone else who called her that.

Have a nice day. ;D

hello my name is elder price

8:53pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Ah, LOVE the plot.  Join, please?  I'm thinking of a shapeshifting power of some that okay?  o3o

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:57pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Talking with my buddies on Skype. Here are some basic rules for the powers

1. If they are a shape-shifter, they have to have killed different shifts to gain different shifts.
To be a raven and dog shifter, your character must have had two different kills; one a dog and one a raven shifter.
2. After a certain amount of kills, some powers are unable to be absorbed because they are incompatible with the already available powers.
3. Your character can have a lot of kills. Just not as many as Riley. :3

Post a bio, Lola. :D

hello my name is elder price

8:58pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 9:02pm Jun 6 2011)

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Arena Name:
 Jaiden (Jay) Tallon
Jaiden is a fairly tall male standing at about 6'1" and weighing around 126 lbs. He has a muscular form that has a lithe quality as opposed to the body-builder type, matching his powers perfectly. His skin is pale and caucasian. He doesn't seem to have anything in the lieu of freckles or moles. He has messy black hair that, while still short, tends to have a ruffled look to it no matter what he does with it. Jaiden has large blue eyes that tend to have an innocent air about them, occasionally tricking his opponents into thinking Jaiden isn't prepared to kill another. 
Jaiden wears a tatted black hoodie that he nearly almost keeps the hood up to hide his face and a pair of plain knee-length white shorts with black stripes on them. Underneath his hoodie Jaiden has a black t-shirt. On his feet are running shoes that are close to nearing their due-date.
Thirty-one (one absorbed)
- Air elemental (given)
- Lightning elemental 
Jaiden's...well, Jaiden, to be precise. He marches to the beat of his own drum and hates complying to another's will. That is why he is one of the strongest fighters against the instinct inside him. Because of this his killing history is rather small and a bit saddening to look at (from the point of view of another mutant) but he doesn't mind. Jaiden is a rather quiet boy who is thoughtful and prefers a tactical approach rather than a physical one. Part of this is because of his abilities, which are generally not touch-and-tackle kinds of powers.
Arena Name:
Thelessa (Tessa) Tiberius
Thelessa is a petite girl with a rather loud appearance, which she does nothing to hide. She has smooth tawny skin and a rather graceful body, despite being only 5'2". She weighs only about 98 lbs. Thelessa is fairly muscular and most of her body mass is muscle rather than fat. Her hair is coal-black and tumbles down her back in wild curls, though not quite curly enough to be ringlets. Most of the time she braids it for pratical reasons. Her eyes are almond-shaped and bright gold flecked with black. She has a small, pert nose and mischievous lips that love to smile.
Thelessa usually wears a pair of threadworn white shorts that are about thigh-length and a plain sky-blue tank-top. On top of that she wears a red-and-white plaid shirt. Thelessa prefers to fold the sleeves up to her elbows and keep the front unbuttoned. On her feet she has worn out sandals. To avoid people grabbing her hair during a fight Thelessa ties it with a spiky ring of wood holding it at the end. This way it stabs anyone who dares touch her hair.
Fifty-seven (one absorbed)
- Fire elemental
- Tiger shape-shifter (given)
In one word? Thelessa is damn ruthless. She doesn't give a whit about someone else's feelings and kills with a single-mindedness that would scare even others of her kind. Once engulfed in a battle for Thelessa it's either kill or kill, because she won't accept losing or fleeing ever. It's funny though, since Thelessa smile a lot, and not because she enjoys killing (which she does anyways, but that's not important), but because inside she's a bubbly person who doesn't really get the chance to show it. But again, not that is matters, because she'll kill and kill again just to win. To survive. Thelessa isn't sure if it's the tiger in her (since that was her original ability) but the thought of dying at the hands of another terrifies and horrifies her all in one stroke. And the survival instinct-thing is strong. 
She knows Dustin and Riley, but she knows Dustin better and feels more comfortable around them. It's said to be a height thing, but Thelessa denies it. 


8:59pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm Jun 7 2011)

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Posts: 2,962
Arena Name:
Sage Danskill
Shoulder-length dusty blonde hair and pale green eyes.  Sage has a delicate-looking frame, but is fast, graceful, and very agile.  She's pretty small, standing at about 5'4", and can make herself look smaller.  This is probably one of her biggest advantages in the arena.  She has pale skin and a faint smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks.  She's pretty, but not beautiful.  And very, very good at looking helpless--one of the biggest mistakes one makes is falling for that act.
Horse shifter (Given)
Wolf Shifter (Gained)
*Air elemental (Gained in introduction) 
Sage is very clever and not trusting to almost everyone.  She likes to give the appearance of a shy, innocent girl, but really, she's always thinking of what to do next to survive.  Given, she could be called a coward, and runs away from fights she isn't certainshe can win, but she also schemes a lot.  Sage also enjoys killing those who tease her or are rude.  In short, she's a nice-looking girl with a ruthless personality underneath.
Note on Sage's character: Random surge of inspiration, lol.  She may need some work.
Arena Name:
Marim Sommers
Marim has light brown hair and dark blue eyes.  He has a boyish charm, but it hasn't been apparent much since he entered the arena.  He is average in height and build, but is lean and fast.  His muscles aren't big, but don't be decieved--they are plenty supple.  His skin is slightly tanned and doesn't burn very easily.  He has no freckles to speak of.
Manipulates Light (Given)
Clouded Leopard Shifter (Gained)
Electricity Elemental (Gained)
While Marim was a friendly young boy, he's changed a lot.  In the arena, he's cold, and doesn't like to talk a lot.  Generally, he does what he has to to survive, but in the earlier days of his "career," he killed more frequently.  He's disgusted by this whole thing, but doesn't want to question it, for fear of being singled out as a weakling and being "exterminated," so to speak.  He wishes he could heal the children forced to fight--not end their existence.
Ooc// So I gave both chars more powers than what I put, simply because I was like, "Hey, that'd be awesome!  |D"  So feel free to smash them if you wish~

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:59pm Jun 6 2011

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((Reserved for Emie chan!!))


9:12pm Jun 6 2011

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Ooc; Sure thing, guys.

hello my name is elder price

9:15pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 8:42pm Jun 7 2011)

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Arena Name: Anima
Name: Alec Amour
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Kills: 82
Given - Spirit/Energy Manipulation
Alec is capable of taking energy from himself and his surroundings, such as plants and animals, but not other powered fighters, and turning it into a physical and visible weapon. Most often, he just creates spheres that can be "thrown" at his oppenent and damage them if coming in contact, but he can also shape the energy into weapons and sometimes even into the forms of creatures, but he uses this sparingly. The more he uses this ability, the more it wears on him. Although he's trained his body to produce large amounts of energy, even he'll reach his limit if the fight goes on too long or he uses too much energy.
1st Kill Gain - White Serval Shifter
Taken from a young male nearly a decade ago, this power gives Alec the ability to shift into a pure white Serval. Even in his human form, it turned his originally black hair pure white and gave him the serval ears. This is not from a lack of ability to control the shifts. The male who had the power before him had the ears too. (Note, he still has his human ears, they actually increase his hearing ability, but they're hidden by his hair.) When shifting, his clothes shift with him into his new form, so when he shifts back to his human form, he'll still be wearing them. His senses are also heightened, even in his human form.
2nd Kill Gain -  Increased Movement
Gives his body an increased ability to move around. He can run faster, jump higher, and dodge quicker than others. This makes him very hard to fight if he's not restricted.
3rd Kill Gain - Blood (His Own Only) Manipulation (Just Gotten)
This is a bit like his Energy Manipulation, except with his own blood. A simple prick of his finger and he can draw the blood out of his body to create weapons and even shields. He has to be careful though, because if he draws too much blood out of his body, it'll shut down. He can prevent this by controlling the amount of blood his body creates and circulates, but he only just got this power and still can't completely control it. Sometimes, his body will randomly create more blood and he'll have to release it, or his body won't create enough when he needs to use it. It's a very risky ability for him at this point, but he's been lucky enough to have not pushed himself too far just yet.
Alec can best be described as bloodthirsty and powermad. Under the effect of the drug, he's worse than a wild beast, tearing at the throat of anyone near him. He has some control, but it's limited at best. He can be in the same room as someone else, and even talk to them, but it's on his terms. If they get too close, or speak to him without being spoken too first, he'll flip the **** out. He embraces the drug, wanting the power to slauter everyone who's done this to him and break free of his control, although he'd never admit it. He likes to think he only kills to gain power enough for revenge, but he's done it for so long it's almost an addiction to the killing and the drug.
When he goes without killing for a while, and he's more able to push the drugs affects away a bit, he's quiet and calm and even a bit shy, a big contrast to Anima, who's loud and violent. When his mind is clear, he'll refer to his "drugged personality" as Anima, as if he's a different person. Most likely, it's the way he keeps himself sane, pretending that the muderer he is in the ring is a different person from who he truly is.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:29pm Jun 6 2011

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Posts: 5,310


-wants to join so bad-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:08pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 10:44pm Jun 9 2011)

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Arena Name: Fallen
Name: Also his real name is Fallen Harder. The people in charge though it was fitting enough to keep.
Age: 19
Gender: Male





Ok, his given power is slightly different. It can't be explained in just a a couple words. He senses people. It is kind of like his night vision or the eyes in the back of his head or even a echo that can run over humans without them ever knowing. He senses when someone is near him, thinking and feeling and moving around, their bodies, their physical energys. Its only when they are thinking about him that their physical energys give them away and he can sense their thoughts. He couldn't tell if you were considering eating duck for dinner or if you thought the sky was very blue, but the moment your thoughts turned to him, finding him, hurting him, plotting against him, lying to him, he knew. In a fight, its quite usefull, even though if he knew your intentions and could tell every movement of your body, his physical attributes could stop him from getting away.  The more he knows you, the longer he is around you, the better his sense gets.

No one knows that this is his full extent of his given power. They think he was given the power to be able to fight without effort. By this, he is simply good in a hand to hand fight. It does not enhance his archery or his strength.He is just able to tell if someone is trying to throw a punch at him. 


He is a Transporter. If he has been there before, seen it in a picture, or had any memory of it whatsoever, he can teleport there in an instant.


Manipulation of Gravity. He is able to control the weights of gravity around him and in the vacinity of him.


He is simply hard. Easily put, he was metal, set into a fire and formed into a steel that only fire can once again remelt. Fire... or perhaps something more that he hasn't found yet. He is a strategist, cunning and manipulative, though his tongue is amost as sharp as his skills.


Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:11pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 3,991
((Oh I know Drago. I wanna join too, but I'm not sure if I will. Scratch that. Can I join Shadow? And thats Riley from that story you were writting right?))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

5:38pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; The very same. ;D That's why I kicked up this roleplay. :3  I'd love it if you joined, Serenity.

hello my name is elder price

6:01pm Jun 7 2011

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Arena Name: Crystal
Name: Jadaria (Jade) Katanna
Age: 17
Gender: Female

((Her hair is jet black with a blue streak on the right-hand side. Her outfit is a black dress that fits close to her body until her waist, then the skirt flows out in a beautiful manner. She can move easily in it and is a very acrobatic fighter, so she will sometimes use the skirt as a weapon.
Kills: 25
Given- Manipulation through song
Kill 1- Levitation
Kill 2- Power reader
Kill 3- Soul Search

Personality: Jade is a quiet girl, very cautious but not fearful. She is always on her gaurd and not trusting of others. She knows of her beauty and uses it to her advantage, acting sweet and innocent and scared when she really is a ball of twisting rage inside. Nothing can slow her down, her sense of hearing far better than that of a normal human's. Her eye sight wasn't all that great and so her ears make up for that fault. She has a good sense of when she can win a fight and when she can't, but she has a slight stubborn streak. She will try to fight no matter what, but will only retreat after many wounds are inflicted upon her.

((Is this ok? I know that a couple of powers might not make sense but I promise I will be careful not to make them seem like power playing and to explain them through my posts.))


6:31pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 8:15pm Jun 7 2011)

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Posts: 1,586

Arena Name: Thorn

Name:Rose Harder

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Looks: (getting picture)



Electric Barrier, It is like a physical la
yer that can be formed around herself or into random shapes and objects It is hard to keep up for long if someone is attacking, but she can hold it for a while  in dire need. She is immune to its shock and its touch, though if it comes in contact with another human and she hadn't turned the voltage down, it will knock the socks off of them. So its like a weapon of her own energy, electric and terrifying, but only if you get to close


Chameleon powers: Can alter her own shape,color, voice and such to blend into her surroundings.

  Lastly, (if allowed)

Matter Cloning: Anything she in front of her, or is in her vision can be duplicated and dispelled later on. Humans, weapons, a cookie etc. It does need to be in her view though.


She didn't ask for this, never did, never will. The girl was captured only enough to remember her parents. She remembered their smile, their laugh at her funny jokes... she remembered their faces. The only thing she doesn't remember is that she had a brother... a twin brother who was also taken. Every moment Rose fights the desire in her to hurt others. If everything was normal, she probably would have been a sweet and pretty gentle girl. Instead she is calculating, and sarcastic, though quiet as well, prefering to watch then speak. Rose does have a sharp tongue, but mostly she is decently friendly. Better to make friends and live, then to be hard and die.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

7:20pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I like the bios, but I find the blood controlling one a bit God-modding seeing as she could just walk up and kill someone by cutting off their circulation. :I

hello my name is elder price

7:39pm Jun 7 2011

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Posts: 3,426
((Ffff, another blood controller... And everyone's adding more Kills than Alec. D:
Shad get on Skype already. >:/))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

7:49pm Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 7:41pm Jun 8 2011)

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Arena Name: Bone Collector

Name: Jethro Reagan
Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Looks: Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a crooked grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. On his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction  and underneath that he has a tattoo of three dragons shaped in the trinity knot, the sign of the gang, underneath that, he has on that says Evil is just a point of view.  on the inside of his left forearm he has  another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forarm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell.

Kills: 57

1. Body Part Manipulation -He is able to twist and distort his limbs and use them as weapons.
2. Bone Manipulation - He is able to jut out his bones like projectiles, create new bones and twist his bones into odd shapes.

Personality: Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all?

Also in the ring he is cut throat and to the point. He doesn't tend to play around with his 'prey' although depending on the girl he will XP

- - - - - -

Arena Name: Wallflower

Name:  Ellowyn Grey

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Looks: Ellowyn is relatively attractive,in a california beach girl way. She stands at an average hight of 5'6'' and gets her tanned/fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls have blue and pink streaks, fall just bellow her shoulders, and bounce whenever she moves her head. Her eyes are a pretty grey-ish blue, that light up whenever she laughs.  She has no visible scars except for one  faded one on the side of her left forarm from when she fell from a tree as a child. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin, so she is a pretty curvacious girl. Although, she lacks in both the upper and lower departments, probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. She has a small nose that fits her face, and when she smiles her pink semi-full lips show off her straight white teeth. On her long legs she wears skinny jeans, her long model legs helping her with speed and her parkour. Elle's ear ar peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peirce on her left ear, and on her right she has an industrial piercing. 

Kills: 35

1. Wall Crawling - This gives her the ability to climb any solid surfaces, hence the name. (Kind like Spider-Man. She can't walk up them XP)
2. Disentigration - This does more harm then good, mostly for her. She can disentigrate objects but not fully mostly holes and not all the way though. She hasn't quite mastered this power. She can also distegrate skin, but not the bone, maybe through to the muscle, if concentrating hard enough.
3. Accelerated Healing - This comes in handy considering she often hurts herself. She is able to regenerate skin and heal herself. Minor cuts and bruises in a matter of minutes, broken bones require cast/sling and take a few days.

Personality: (Well she's rather new and her personality changes in every roleplay so I have no idea how this will turn out. But I will try typing something here XP)

In the Ring, she goes with the element of surprise, hidden in a tree and jumping down using whatever weapon she has at hand. Many of her powers are useless in fighting and she uses them for survival.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
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