The Game and the Kill

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8:40pm Jun 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Yeah I don't know what to post. I have the beginings of a post but XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

8:44pm Jun 10 2011

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Posts: 5,310


Expand on what you already have. -headtilt-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:46pm Jun 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Honestly, guys. This is turning into a status update thread more than there's roleplaying going on. It's like we either have speed-posting or nothing at all. .__. Ser; just expand on what you already have. It doesn't have to be something big, just enough to move us along. Then you can post something better when there's a chance. Okay?

hello my name is elder price

11:11pm Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 4:40pm Jun 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

((Fail XP))

"What do you want?"

The girl asked, by the looks of it it seemed she was fighting something. Probably the bloodlust that Ellowyn could now feel rising within her. She clenched her fists and tried to control her rising instinct. She stood up and looked at her eyes slightly narrowing. "Shelter. Maybe you didn't notice but it's raining giant hail. It's not natural." She felt one hit her arm, cutting it. She cursed as she glanced down and saw the rain was already washing away the blood, the wound healing, skin closing back together.

She looked back at the girl, she looked maybe a little older than her. "Yo you wanna make a truce or something? At least for the time being. I really am in no mood for a fight." She looked at Thorn expectantly. She hoped the girl agreed, fighting was the last thing on her minds with this weather.

- - - - -

Jethro was now running through the woods his arm held over his head, but of course his arm was no longer his arm, but twisted and widened, bones out like a makeshift umbrealla proctecting his head from the hail. Each giant piece sending a sharp pain through the exposed muscle. "Good Lord." He muttered as he ran. He neared a river with a water fall. He had heard rumors of hidden caves so he hoped to god that one was there. By the hazy look of the clouds there was now way the hail was the worst part of this storm. He quickly ran around to the waterfall mutated arm still high above his head. His blue eyes spotted a cave entrence but the deafening sound of the waterfalls roar stopped him from hearing what was going on inside. He sighed when he went looking at the waterfall protecting the hole. Then he heard a voice and turned around and raised an eyebrow. Dropping his arm to the side, he took in how many people were in the cave. He couldn't believe how many people were there, and how dry they were it was as if they didn't know about the storm going on outside. "The hell type of party do you have going on in here?" he asked raising an eyebrow as he saw some kid passed out on the floor. Although as soon as he spoke his bloodlust rose and in his saw himself killing them all keeping their ribs as trophies. They didn't call him the bone collector for nothing although he had stopped doing that a few kills back. He scratched his wet hair as he fought the temptation and waited for an answer.

((All done ^^''))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

12:37am Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 9,641
BUMPS for Seren c:


1:42pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Looks like Seren's done guys~ Just a heads-up in case no one saw. c:


2:13pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 3:17pm Jun 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
[Will wait for Dragon.]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

2:14pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Lol, I believe Dragon said she was going to post after Seren, Lake.


3:16pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
[Hm... didn't see it. Ok then ;)]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:33pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


It's fine, Det. I was doing something with my mom that involved a lot of leaving the house and coming back in for very short periods of time.



Draek watched his half-blood sister with some, small amusement. She liked what they were doing, but he also wondered how far she would go before her own unstable blood-lust kicked in and she destroyed them all. He sighed slightly and glanced back at the controls, wondering to do next. But out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his sister lean in and point at one of the caves a camera was pointing at. It was the entrance and the view only went in about three inches.

"There," he heard her say. "There are no cameras inside the cave and I can sense several minds in there; hiding away from the cameras."

Draek tilted his head before he expanded his own conscious as his eyes closed. Minds flickered into being. What his sister said was true. "You want to herd them all there?" he asked as his mind came back into his own head.

She shook her head. "No. There are caves dotting the Arena. All are beyond cameras. If we can get them into those caves we can use the shadows to get them all in one place," she said, turning to face him. Her hazy crimson eyes had lit up with the slight exceitment she felt.

Draek nodded slowly. She was right. Then, he flashed a wicked smile. "Let's see what else this machine can cook up, hm?" he asked as his eyes narrowed mischieviously. Ariskye grinned as well as she walked over to join him.

His eyes caught on a button that said 'earthquake' and he pressed it lightly with one finger before setting it so the biggest rumbles were in the center and decreased as it fanned out across the Arena.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:38pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496,, InvisibleInk, was having a hard time fighting the blood lust that urged her on, whispering to her secret messages, telling her to kill, and yet, she could not. Fallen was stopping her. 'Change of plans,' InvisibleInk thought tentatively, 'he dies first.'. Then she felt it. Like someone had just poured a glass of ice cold water down her back, and the hit her simutaneously. Brie screamed in pain as the first few chunks of golf ball sized hail hit her fragile body. She wasn't built for this. 'What's going on?! Ow! Everywhere hurts! It hurts so much!!!' she thought, Brie gaining control as the pain racked her small body.
She could barely bear the icy pain that sent spasasm through her scrawny body. Everyone else was relatively under the shelter of the cave, but she had remained outside, partly because she wasn't willing to get too close, and partly because that was where Fallen held her. 'Would he really let me die like this?! I need help!' Brie thought, no longer the Invisible hunter that stalked up on her prey until it was too late, but the scared, fourteen-year-old girl who was in pain.
She decided to go ahead. If the end was really coming, she would much prefer it to be fast. 'Fast! I want to die fast! Not like this!' she thought as another crashed into her back. Her lips were trembling, and she couldn't get the words out properly, although the look in her eyes said enough. "H....He.......Helll.......Hhhhhee...HELP!" she screamed, her whole body in tremors as she fought the pain.
The clouds which hung above them all were black and looked as if they might fall and crush them all without warning. They were sagging, and rolling with great blasts of lighting, and the rolling of thunder as it echoed over the whole arena. The wind around Brie's feet quickly began to push her, willing her to lean and fall, to where there was no hope of getting back up.
Crash. Another chunk of frozen pain in a punch hits her, square in the back, making Brie scream in pain again. Surely someone out there had the heart to make this misery stop. 'Anyone!?' Brie thought, still held still.
She saw something that looked like another illusion, except this was real. It was coming from the North, most likely from the center of the arena. The ground was rippling, and great tremors roamed the lands. Safety was out of the question. Survival meant diving somewhere. 'The cave? No. It will be crushed in seconds. The forest might provide some shelter. Yes, if only I could escape.' Brie thought, the earthquake still a while away.
Amongst the pain, the worry for safety, and the sheer terror as for what was to come, Brie wasn't paying attention as to who was approaching the cave. Another piece of hail hit her arm, and two more following that hit her right legs. She screamed as a young male approached. She knew him, at least, she thought she did.
He spoke, almost in unison with another scream from Brie as some hail hit her neck, barely missing the base of her skull and back.  Brie, holding back another ear shattering shreik, answered, still shaking. "I....I...I....I came....because I....I heard them when.........." Brie can't finish the sentence. The pain is too great, and she collapse.
Brie hits the ground with such force, that she can hear her wrist make a snap, but she's to paralysed in fear and pain to utter even a small scream.
((I know it's a bit, OK a lot dramatic, but it adds to the scene? Right?))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

5:39pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((She'll end up with maybe a broken rib and A LOT of bruises, but she's never been this badly hurt before, so it's a lot for her to take.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:12pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 6:40pm Jun 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Saved for my post and Nom, I don't think Hail can do that to a person. You want to try to stay realistic. Dx It's not like acting where things are over-dramatic. Also, you could have edited your OC post instead of posting about her ribs underneath it. ._.


 "See that? That's tropical forest. It's thick, warm, and most importantly, will protect us from any of the crap falling from the sky. I can navigate that place and if it really worries you I'll go back for Sh-Riley. but right now we need to get out, and you need to cooperate." Tigress said and Riley silenced Dustin's protests. She knew Dustin didn't want to leave her, not when he knew she was so weak. Then again, he shut his trap after a glare from her, knowing it was best not to argue with Riley. The boy gave her a sad smile and a thumbs up. "Good luck," he said, a frown obvious on his face.

Dustin nodded to Tigress once and began to jog ahead, knowing the tiger shifter would be able to catch up. Riley turned her back to them and her black eyes blinked when she realized the cyclone had gotten closer. More violent winds made her hair swirl around her and slash across her face. The black plumage on her back ruffled violently and she pulled in her wings against her, her muscles clenching as she tried to stick them as close to her back as she dared. She didn't want them flaring out by the force of the wind when she was out here.

With a huff, she watched as the cyclone got closer, dirt and rocks flying at her face. She flung out her hands to her side and a strong gale shot up from behind her. She let out an animalistic screech as she threw the torrent of air at the cyclone. As the tornado spun to its right, the wind pushed on its left, attempting to force the swirling wind to turn around and backtrack.

A drop of sweat fell from her brow and still, the cyclone advanced. She cut off the energy from the wind and bunched over, holding her stomach as she let out a few dry coughs. She pulled herself up slowly, black eyes turning crimson with determination. She set apart her feet and swirled her wrists around her form, bunching up a ball of pure air energy. She flung the ball forward and it burst, howling wind attacking the cyclone again.

She fell to her knees as the cyclone drifted away and she hoped it would stay at its path. On the ground, she paused in her panting and pressed her ear to the ground. A tremor wracked her body and her eyes widened just as the earth below her split and she was catapaulted into the air. She forced her wings to stay tightly shut, the wind still too strong for her to fly safely.

She fell to the ground with a loud crack and cried out. And here she was, in the middle of the Arena, at the mercy of cyclones, hail, and now earthquakes.

hello my name is elder price

6:49pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((Sorry about the OOC, and I've read that hail of that size can at least bruise any out in the open. Plus Brie's power's meant that she's never been hurt terribly before. The worst she might of ever suffered would be a sprained ankle, so yeah, to her, this is pretty dramatic.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

7:24pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 7:33pm Jun 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((If they are in the cave behind the waterfall it doesn't make sense that the hail could through the waterfall. I don't think the force of the water would allow it. But I'm no scientist.))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:26pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((Wait, what?))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

7:37pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; To tell you the truth, I'm not giving a rat's hat about y'alls characters so I don't know what's going on. It seems like Brie isn't behind the waterfall. o_o

hello my name is elder price

7:42pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((I assumed it was wet after your guy's post's but I based that of rain or something. I thought the waterfall was still by the lake, and the cave was off to the side... O_o  ))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

7:44pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; The cave is inside/behind the waterfall, Nom. That much I know. o3o

hello my name is elder price

7:45pm Jun 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((I'm terribly confused now, because I kind of based all of my posts about the cave so far believing that the waterfall was some where else..... I guess it's a fail on my part..... O_o ))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
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