The Game and the Kill

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9:28pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 9:32pm Jun 11 2011)

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Posts: 6,409

Holly watched in horror as Anima ripped at his paws. Kingsley had blocked her view again, so she pushed him out of her way. Her muscles tensed and she said, "You are one sick little boy." It was directed to Alec. Her eyes were wide in fear, but her words were brave. Holly was beginning to see the true Anima: a small, terrified boy.

Kingsley's protective straight face dropped to a frown. He looked at the blood spattered on the wall, and clenched his fists. Blood. He couldn't stand it, but he had killed three people. He shuddered, and let in a deep breath. He recited the only known piece of poetry he could remember in his mind.

Though temptations seek me out,
I will resist the urge.
Though the darkness threatens to swallow me,
I will bathe myself in light.

Holly heard something hitting into the water at the base of the waterfall. Hail. She looked to the clouds, and gasped. They were as black as night. She saw the trees shaking in the wind, and began to get scared. And then the rumbles came.

The cave began to shake, and Kingsley turned to Holly. "I'm not doing that," she said, raising her hands in innocence. Pieces of rock began to fall and hit her on the head. She put her hands over her head, and yelled over the rumbling of the ground and thunder. "The cave is collapsing! We need to get out!"

Love is all we need~


10:25pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 1,586
[I think Alec needs to post... and Jay and Fallen *tries to think of who else is in the cave* I will go after the other 2 do ^^]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

10:38pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 9,641

Jay, torn between helping the other mutants and escaping himself, did the only thing he could in such a moment. Letting go of Fallen and Anima the air elemental shifted his powers to the cave, straining with his mind as he held up the falling rocks and debris. However, Jay skipped the smaller clumps of dirt and pebbles. Despite the fact they hurt he couldn't afford to waste power on non-lethal projectiles.

Wincing he backed out of the cave slowly, passing by a girl writhing in pain from the hailstones. Eyes bright with sympathy Jay added some power above her as well, shielding the girl from the worst of the downpour. "Everyone, get out now!" he shouted frantically as rain thundered down from the heaven's, pouring down his face in large rivulets. Though slightly blinded by the water and the dust clouds spouting in the air, which were slowly turning into a river of mud, the mutant just managed to keep up his air barriers.

"Oi, Fallen!" Jay screamed again, trying to be heard over a crack of lightning. "Can you help with the cave? I'm going to try and get the winds to calm down!" Coughing, chest heaving wildly, Jay turned his eyes on the forest beyond. Though optimistic Jay knew they'd never get out in time if some of the stronger mutants didn't lend a hand. Shooting a glare at Anima, who was by far the least useful of the people around him, Jay walked back a few more steps.

Thunder rumbled again overhead as a small shock tore through the ground, bucking fiercely. Stumbling as he tried to keep his footing Jay blinked again, his eyesight covered by even more rain. This isn't natural, he thought, cringing when a clod of earth hit him in the forehead.


Growling at Dustin encouragingly Tessa leaped after the boy, paws churning up the ground as rain soaked through the earth. Mud spattered on her pelt as she sprinted beside Dustin, slowing her own speed slightly to match his. Amber eyes glowed in the growing darkness as clouds covered the sky, their unnatural blackness heaving and spreading. 

It took them only a few minutes but it felt like hours to Tessa as they made their way through the growing mire that spurted up disgustingly through the cracks in her paws. Grateful for the naturally webbed feet of the tiger Tessa managed to get into the forest without sinking, Dustin safely beside her.

Shifting into her natural form Tessa grimaced at the muck that covered her body, wiping at it ineffectively. "Looks like we made it," she whispered, body aching with exhaustion. Today had really been too much for her. First nearly dying at the hands of another, then that irritable Fallen, and then cyclones and storms had to start brewing.

About to make a snide remark on the weather Tessa was abruptly thrown onto her back when the ground rolled forefully. Groaning as her elbow struck a protruding root the shape-shifter tried to get up, though tumbled down for a second time when an aftershock made the terrain jerk again.

Cursing loudly Tessa leaned on her good elbow and glared at Dustin. "Do you know what's going on?" she asked in a loud voice, the brashness covering up the fear she was feeling. 


Arena Name:

Cassandra (They didn’t bother change it)

Cassandra Reed (This is a play on words of sorts. Cassandra for Cassandra of Troy)





Cassandra is what they describe as china-doll fragile. Despite the fact that she lacks the red lips and blonde hair to go, the rest of her is pale and almost breakable. Standing at 5’4” tall Cassandra isn’t short, but despite her average stature she still seems very small, a bit of a trick of the mind. She weighs about 114 lbs. and her frame is small, with delicate bones and long limbs. As said before her skin is very fair and she doesn’t seem to have any freckles or beauty marks on visible parts of her body. On the other hand she has her fair share of scars, including a small one in the hollow of her neck, a longer scratch just below her chin and three claw marks that have healed over recently on her left forearm. Cassandra’s hair is dark brown with hints of an even darker brown, almost black. She keeps it cut short to avoid getting it in her eyes and keeps it messy, mostly due to the lack of actual scissors to cut her hair with. Cassandra’s facial features are also dainty, with a small nose that perks upwards slightly, pale pink lips and high cheekbones. Her eyes are somewhat doe-eyed with a bit of a slant to them. The color of her eyes can only be described as electric blue. While not unnaturally neon or bright they do have a gray-blue color overall with extremely pale blue ‘wavelengths’ overtop. They are framed by long black eyelashes.

Since she’s been in the arena for a while Cassandra wears scavenged clothes, most of them starting to tatter. For a top she has a fraying, too large, indigo t-shirt and gray shorts, which are also starting to show some wear. She hasn’t been able to find any shoes yet so her feet are dirty and have a few cuts here and there. Around her neck Cassandra has a necklace that she’s held onto for as long as she can remember. It has a delicate silver chain with the Egyptian symbol the Eye of Horus on it.




Clairvoyance (Original ability)

- While Cassandra’s clairvoyant powers are strong, she does not have the ability to control her visions and doubtless never will. Despite this she has can see into the future, the past, and on rare occasions, see things that others would normally not be able to. When seeing into the future Cassandra sees flashes of what is to become, and that can change in the course of when she sees it to when it happens. It is best described as a sudden image piercing her mind and then flitting away, typically replaced by another version of the same event. The time and date is not exact, nor even accurate, but Cassandra has long since realized she can only see a few days ahead at most, and usually it is only a few hours. When seeing into the past things are much more clear for her. The visions come in entire pieces, playing like videos in her mind’s eye. Though some of these pictures are fairly long (these would be events that span a few hours) it only takes Cassandra seconds to absorb them. No one is quite sure why the time flow is so altered in those cases. Lastly, her ‘hawk vision’ is very rare and she rarely gets this, and half the time it is useless when it does come. Cassandra’s eyesight is more or less enhanced for as little as five seconds to as long as a few days.


- Ferrokinesis is the ability to control metals, and Cassandra does just that. However, this is not just willing metal to fly at someone and having it do so. She cannot defy gravity with her metals. When manipulating metal, which is an entirely mental process, Cassandra can form it into different shapes, meld different metals together without the use of heat and even form it into temporary weapons or armour.


- This is the power of manipulating magnetic fields. Combined with her ferrokinesis Cassandra can attract and repel all magnetic metals. Using this ability Cassandra can cause metal to float, move from one place to another and even pull people wearing metal objects to wherever she directs the magnetic force attracting it. If she has enough power Cassandra has been known to pull up metal particles from the earth and use them as miniature darts that, when enough of them hit, actually slice through her foe’s skin and burrow deep in their body until they hit a major organ. However, that sort of usage requires a lot of energy and Cassandra rarely has the strength to complete such an action.


Cassandra is as quiet and thoughtful as they come. However, do not take this for being a wonderfully social person on the inside. Rather, Cassandra’s terribly awkward when it comes to other people and her reactions range from running away to accidentally flinging them about with her magnetokinesis. Usually it’s former. Cassandra isn’t really sure if this is a blessing in disguise or just a way to isolate her further but she hasn’t been able to break past her social anxiety.

Besides that she tends to act beyond her year simply because she’s seen quite a bit for a seventeen year. Her IQ is higher than most, though she rarely puts that into play when around others, and she’s seen enough foretold deaths in her visions for any combatant. 

On another note Cassandra is very serious when it comes to death. She does not necessarily avoid it (it’s mostly the people themselves she evades) but nor does she find it amusing or a way of life. When the bloodlust comes upon her, then yes, she will fight to kill, but because she rarely interacts with others long enough for this to happen she’s gained a name as another one of the ‘fighters’. However, that’s an untruth.


While not singled out to be the winner or anything such nonsense, Cassandra is viewed as the ‘pet’ of the arena by many of its managers. Left on their doorstep as a month old baby for an unknown reason Cassandra was brought up inside the compound, growing up learning her only power rather than at home with an actual family. At five she was deemed ready and set loose in the arena, earning her first kill only because she stumbled across an already dying child. This was the kill that earned Cassandra her second ability, therefore leaving her with some defense.

Also, when it comes to her personality. Cassandra grew up very closed in without any playmates of any kind. Her entire world was made up of adults and she had never seen a child before arriving in the arena. This is what adds to her social anxiety.

She also does not know that the arena is underground as she was drugged before being put in there.

And again. She is not favoured in any sort of way. She was simply raised by them because there wasn’t an alternative.

Cass has been approved by Shad. c: I'm allowed to make her as she was planned beforehand. ^^ 


11:51pm Jun 11 2011

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Posts: 3,426

Alec's ears perked up at the sound of ploping into the water, his crimson gaze going to the outside and his eyes widening and his ears flattening. He could feel the air pressure going all screwy. This was no normal storm. 

Not a few moments later, the earth shook, causing him to stagger in surprise. His concentration and bloodlust broken, the blood around his fingers broke form and splattered to the floor. He could hear the cave starting to collapse even before Holly's shout. Dropping to all fours, he shifted back into his serval form, ready to bolt out the cave.

At the exact time his body finished shifting, a large chunk of rock dislodged itself from the cave roof, too large to be kept up by the amount of power Jay was exerting, crashing right on top of him. His powers lagged right after his shift, so he had little time to do anything other than look up with wide eyes before the stone came down on him.

An intense amount of pain followed and he blacked out momentarily, coming too with an almost painfully numb sensation in his front left leg. He groaned and looked over, realizing he'd been pinned. He struggled to get out as more rocks fell around him. Panic flowed through his body and became turquoise energy around his body, suddenly dispersing with a forceful blast. The rock was sent flying and cracked against the cave wall, his energy only shaking the cave more.

Shaking, Alec pushed himself up, falling back down when he leg just wouldn't support him. However, he couldn't just lay there. It'd kill him! Gritting his teeth and ignoring the pain, he pushed himself up again, his injured leg tucked close to his body as he half-lept, half-hobbled over towards the outside. If he got hit by another rock, he'd be done for.

However, near the exit a sudden thought came over him. If the others were killed by the falling rocks, he wouldn't gain any kills. It was useless blood. He had to protect them, at least until this storm passed and he could kill them without worrying for his own safety. He could fight another experiment, but not nature itself.

The fur on his shoulders bristled and his ears tucked back as he focused. A dome of turquoise energy forming against the roof of the cave, keeping all the rock and dirt from falling.

"All of you, get out now!" he howled over the roar of the storm, ignoring the rain and hail that was blowing on his body from standing on the outside. Everything seemed to be against him, fighting to break his focus. He didn't know if he could hold the dome for too much longer.


A short distance from the cave, the shaking of the earth and pounding of the hail and ran shook a boy from his napping place up in the tree. Letting out a loud yell of fright, he crashed to the forest floor, groaning.

Nathan sat up, rubbing his now bruised side as he looked around, a little confused from how the world wouldn't stop shaking. His tree was thick and protective, but on the outside of it he could see rain and huge balls of ice falling to the ground as if the world was trying to end. He crawled out from his protection and was hit on the head with hail. Automatically, his body shifted to his ghost form, only causing him to shudder as the ice and hail past through him. It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world for things to pass though him, especially rain.

"What in the world is going on?" he muttered, taking off in a run. He needed to find sold shelter, and a flash of lightning followed by a loud crack that hurt his ears told him he should be far from the trees. He ran as fast as he could, his legs passing through plants instead of kicking them as he ran, looking for shelter. A cave, he thought, a cave would be good. 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:16am Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 1,586

Everything happened faster than he could keep up with. A scream pierced the air from the entrance of the cave, and then a moment later he was dodging a rock that was about to knock him out cold with a solid hit on the head. All his powers were running dry. His protection, his gravity power, gave out just a moment before all of this began to happen, just his luck, and when Jay called out for help, the only thing he could do was stare at him. 

Fallen gritted his teeth, not loving the feeling of being weak. It made him feel helpless, and helpless was something he would not be able to put up with. If it was just him he would have run for the hills as fast as his feet would take him, but he couldn't do that. Crap, why did this have to happen now of all times? Hail, Earthquakes, seriously it was like some sick overlord of the world had looked down at them all and deemed them to horrible to live. Of course, they were horrible and they were all not exactly worthy to live but still, what the heck?!

He stumbled towards the exit, trying to call back his power in a vain attempt to help, though the most he was able to do was block some rocks from hitting deadly marks. It didn't even stop them from hitting, just in places that would have caused some terrible accidents. Usually he seemed all cool and calm but it took a cave and an earthquake to make the boy panick for once.


Rose frowned as she did indeed feel a wack of something about the size of a pool ball hit her shield. It was surprising enough, that it did just enough so that it dug its way through to the inside, almost coming down on her foot. Even without electricity, with hail pelting down on her, her shield wouldn't last for long. She released the wall tenetively, not wanting to waste the energy to make it if it would just be broken through anyway.

"A truce isn't really my style." She said after a moment of thinking, "But maybe we could just find some place sheltered where we can post-pone this battle." In truth, Rose was just trying to find a way to not make this a truce... truces meant alliances and alliances lead to people putting a knife in your back as you slept. Not the way the girl wanted to go. She had no way of knowing if this wall climber girl was work trusting, though Rose was willing to bet her powers that no one in this arena could be trusted completely. Not as long as they had that poison in their bodies....Even she couldn't trust herself anymore, since Thorn came around

"We must hurry though if we even want to make it through this alive to fight another day." Rose said bluntly, beginning to take of at a running pace through the forest, glancing this way and that, attempting to find someplace that was covered from the sky. A cave perhaps, or a rock ledge.

Then the ground began to shake, and hard. Damn, really? Hail and an Earthquake? Seriously, what her luck. Cave was out and the rock ledge to since it would probably kill her more than save her now. Unsure where to go or what to do, Rose glanced around, scrambling for an idea.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

12:27am Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Holly was being pelted by rocks, but she was helpless as to what was going on. Her arms were bleeding now from the scrapes that the rocks had caused, but she didn't care. She just didn't want her eye to get put out.

Before she knew it, Kingsley had picked Holly up in an attempt to rush her out of there. He passed Anima, Fallen, and Jay. He ran across the ledge that was behind the waterfall, and put her on the ground beside Brie.

Holly looked at the girl, who had passed out. Fallen's gravity powers didn't seem to be holding her down anymore. Holly picked the girl up with her bloody arms, and carried her into the forest. The trees would help stop the hail from hitting her. She placed her on the ground underneath a large oak tree, and tried her best to keep the ice from hitting Brie. She wasn't so worried about herself now.

Kingsley ran back to Anima, Jay, and Fallen. He held his hands up, and yelled. A large barrier of light appeared on the inside of the cave. With four of the boys' powers combined to keep the cave from collapsing, their only source of shelter wouldn't be destroyed. Even though all of the people were out of the cave, he wasn't about to let his home be destroyed.

Love is all we need~


12:54am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 12:03pm Jun 12 2011)

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Posts: 9,641

Jay hissed under his breath as the rain worsened, the neverending pounding ringing through his ears and giving him a painful headache. Seeing a bright turquoise light spill out from the cave Jay grimaced and let his power go, feeling slightly stronger as the power flooded back into his body. Muscles yowling in pain Jay nodded at the ones who had gotten out of the cave so far. Fallen was backing out of the cave and Jay felt a small pang of sympathy for the usually brash young male. This weather was harsh on anyone.

A few moments after that Northern Lights flew out of the cave with Holly in his arms, setting her down on the wet ground. The girl, though exhausted, did the unexpected and picked up the other girl...InvisibleInk, and carried her into the forest. Shrugging at this Jay set his sights on a different direction. 

"Good luck," he whispered, throat too raw to say anything more. "I'm going...try and stop this madness." Glancing up at the crackling sky Jay winced, wondering where in the world he'd find the energy to halt an entire storm. He doubted even Shadow Caster, also a wielder of the air element, would be able to stop it. Shaking his head Jay gave one last look at the cave before jogging off, legs protesting.

It was a few minutes before he found himself in the forest, the thick branches protecting him somewhat from the hail and rain. However, it did nothing to stop the wind from buffeting the trees and causing them to wack him painfully every time Jay didn't jump quickly enough. Lashing out angrily at a branch that had just opened a cut on his nose Jay slunk through the woods, his tired eyes missing a ghostly form that ran past him. If it were not for the large branch that smacked him directly in the face again Jay would have missed it.

Intrigued Jay set off at a sprint after the form despite his aching muscles, wondering if this was another mutant that had gotten caught in the storm. Dashing water from his eyes Jay had nearly caught up to the phantom when he tripped, falling heavily. Letting out a loud 'oof' of surprise as the breath was knocked out of his lungs Jay rolled over slowly, feeling the cold water seep into his clothing and chill his skin.

"Lord," he mumbled, closing his eyes against the falling droplets of water.


Cassandra crouched under the shelter of a spreading pine, holding her hands above her head as a meager sort of protection. Blue eyes watched the sky wearily as she shivered in the dark. She had missed most of the hailstorm due to a fortunate vision but her body was still bruised from running into multiple trees that seemed to have sprouted out of nowhere in the dark woods.

Closing her eyes and trembling a bit more Cassandra lowered her arms and hugged her belly with a mournful ex
pression her face. Wishing that the storm would let up Cassandra crept out from her shelter, a bit unwisely on her part, and stumbled through the woods slowly. Kicking a few slick pebbles out of her way the girl found herself standing at the edge of the forest, right by a large open plain. Glancing upwards again her eyes widened at the sight.

A large twister ravaged the sky, surrounded by dark thunderheads that murmured ominously. Large streaks of lightning lit up the clouds in intervals, serving only to highlight the disasterous weather in an eerie sulfurous yellow. Biting her lip worriedly Cassandra hung around the trees still, not wanting to go out in the open where the wind would tear at her fragile skin.

Closing her eyes Cassandra felt a shudder pass over her body and whimpered softly. Letting out a low moan she blinked her blue eyes open, a white film covering the pupils. Cassandra's hands fell limply by her side as she convulsed once more, unseeing eyes watching the sky blankly.

Images began flickering at the edges of her eyes, flashing past too quickly to begin and then slowing down as the future settled. Mind reeling Cassandra could only watched stunned as a series of astounding events unfolded in front of her.

Ghosts and phantoms drifting...fluttering in the woods. A young boy? Glowing eyes and pale skin, running through the forest. He seemed washed! He was seethrough!

The image cleared and Cassandra nearly gained control of herself when another wracked over her body.

Another mutant tripping through the forest. Covered with water and bleeding from a cut on his forehead. A tree branch! Falling over and moaning on the ground...death...

The crow-child! Rising to meet this calamity...falling through the sky, feathers blurring out her form. A limp body lying on the grass, broken and battered by the forces of the great Mother. 

Grasping her head Cassandra bent over double and groaned as the sight left her, leaving behind a pale girl who was shivering slightly in the rain. White eyes faded to blue as she glanced around wildly. The vision had taken place nearby but she could not see anything that resembled what she had seen. Mumbling to herself Cassandra stepped out of her cover and into the field of grass. Hail crunched under her bare feet painfully and Cassandra looked down to see blood leaking out of one foot.

Too cold and shaken to take note of the pain Cassandra moved a few more steps, her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what her vision had meant. The plains had obviously been shown in her trance, but where? The area was not too large, for Cassandra could see to the other side of the grassland.

Nudging the broken body of some bird out of the way Cassandra blinked at the sight she now beheld. A girl who looked slightly older than her lay draped on the earth, obviously wornout from whatever ordeal she had faced. Ebony feathers spilled to one side and Cassandra gasped at the obviousness of it all. This was the crow-child!

Putting a hand to her mouth Cassandra crouched down by the girl and touched her shoulder gently, azure eyes worried. "Wake up!" she said frantically, though made no other move. Knowing the combatants she had met Cassandra was fairly sure of the girl's reaction if she shocked her into wakefulness. The usual response was to attack the nearest being.

Ooc; Note about Cassandra's visions. They usually come as sort of 'prophetic' things, meaning that she interprets things her own ways. Such as Riley being the crow-child due to her wings etc. :P

Ooc; Oops D; Sorry about not waiting Dragon. I'll repost with the vision afterwards. o_o


7:48am Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 496

The pain. It didn't hit Brie anymore. Yes. It didn't hit her at all. 'What strange world is this?' she thought as her eyes flickered open. She couldn't make out anything, for the rain was blurring her vision. She could see something. A shape, weary and bloody. "H..Holly?" she whimpered. The girl who had decided not to kill on the very first day. The girl that had saved her life ((tell me if this seems to be god-modding, and I'll change it)).

Yet again, Brie found herself in Holly's protective, yet caked in blood arms. They were cold, but they felt like a warm, protective sheild to Brie. Someone had answered her, finally.

The rain poured on them, never relenting as it hit them with blow, after blow. It surely pelted Holly, and it stung as it berated Brie's wounds, some which were still bleeding, but more that were simply black and blue blotches of ink. Ink on an Invisible person. 'Interesting' Brie thought, still scared for her's and Holly's life.

Holly carried her, even though Brie could sense that she was almost out of energy herself. "Why are you doing this for me?" Brie said, still shaking as the rain pelted her face. It felt so cold, so lifeless. As if some cruel maniac had taken it upon themselves to do this to her.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

10:25am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 10:39am Jun 12 2011)

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Posts: 6,409

Hail pelted Holly's arms as she was protecting Brie from the worst of the blows. Her arms were all bloodied again, but the rain was cleansing her wounds. She looked to the north, only to see a swirling mass of air. A cyclone. She gasped, and her eyes got as big as dinner plates.

"What the hell?!" She yelled, turning to the black-tinted sky. This was insane!

Then, she heard Brie ask her a question. She was so great to see that the girl had gained conciousness.

"Because you didn't kill me on the first day. You let me live, so I'm paying you back," Holly yelled over the relentless thunder. This storm wasn't normal. It was like someone was up in a little control room, letting the heavens topple down on top of their very heads.


Kingsley frowned as Jay left. He could immediately feel the pressure on his light barrier increase. It was like placing bricks on a piece of glass that was off of the ground; sooner or later, it would break.

Kingsley groaned, and put all of his energy into his barrier. The ground slowly stopped shaking, but the hail didn't cease. Once the world wasn't vibrating, he let up his hold on his cave. It didn't collapse. Great!

"Anima, you can let the barrier down. The worst of the earthquake is over. There may be some aftershocks, though," Kingsley said. He was now soaking wet, and he was shirtless, due to the fact that Holly had caught his shirt on fire not too long ago. He shivered, and looked up into the sky. He could banish the dark clouds with his light, but he simply didn't have any energy.

Love is all we need~


11:29am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 11:53am Jun 12 2011)

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Posts: 3,828

Riley groaned as someone touched her shoulder, causing her to shudder and come to. "Wake up!" she heard someone say frantically and she cracked open her black eyes with much effort. Her eyes widened when she met the girl's soft blue eyes that were looking worriedly down at her. She felt more tremors in the earth and she knew another earthquake was coming. Wind ripped across them, causing Riley's hair to swirl around and she grimaced. She felt so weak after that and she knew that last move, releasing all of her energy in that ball of wind, had been a terrible mistake. It would take days for her to get better.

Unless someone let her swirling tendrils of darkness that seeped from her wings feed on their shadow. It was a strange way to take in energy, but she figured she could manage to scrape by if she had a little. Riley's cold hand grabbed for Cassandra's shoulder, but she looked in the girl's eyes to show her she meant no harm. With an enourmous amount of effort, Riley sat up. She closed her coal black eyes momentarily and felt a rush of relief.

"The cyclones have moved away, but I fear there may be more. I won't be able to ward them off again," she said, black wings ruffling anxiously. She rounded her black eyes on the girl once again. "You're a psychic, aren't you? Clairvoyance. That and you recognize me," she said above the wind. Rain had long since soaked her to the bone, but she was relieved that the hail was located farther in as she earthquake had thrown her near the forest.

"I need some energy to," she panted and sucked in another breath before continuing. Black dots were lining her vision and she attempted to whisk them away with a shake of her head which only made her lightheaded. Growling to herself, she continued. "Energy to replenish my strength. My shadows-they can only take a little. If you'll let me," she said. She wondered if Dustin was safe with Tigress...

hello my name is elder price

11:42am Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 496

Brie took in the words. They were like a fire among this cascade off ice, bringin warmth to her weak bones. 'Someone cares? About me?' Brie thought, gasping at the very idea. Noone, not in her entire existence as, well, whatever she was now, had cared about her. "But you've already paid me back. You didn't kill me either." Brie whispered, her lips on the verge of another trembling fit.

She didn't dare let her eyes creep up to the thing in the sky that Holly had gasped it. 'No, I'll feel better if I don't'. Brie thinks, gaining some control. InvisibleInk can't force her way into Brie's mind, plotting evil lies, conusing the poor girl. Not any more.

"I can stand. I can walk from here." Brie says. Although she only ways 108 pounds, it is still pretty heavy for someone who's having their arms ripped to pieces, and being blinded by thick and dreary rain. 

The rest of the people, she didn't know what had happened to them. Holly's act of bravery had prevented that. They were probably still trying to hold up the cave. 'This world is falling to pieces and we don't have enough glue to stick it back together.' Brie thought as the words struck her mind.

Her hair was plastered against her face in long, dark brown strips. Her clothes--the tattered material that she wore-showed her complete figure, as thin and ghastly as it is. Her jeans were soaked to the point that they might take hours to dry out, and don't even get me started on her shirt. Little warmth was able to stay sustained in her frozen, beaten body, but she was able to regain some energy. 'Consciousness may be temporary, buthope is everlasting.' 

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

12:07pm Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Sorry about another Ooc post but I will wait for Dragon, Lake, Grave and Seren to post before going again. ^^ Sorry if that hampers anyone else, but they need to go too. D:


2:58pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 2:58pm Jun 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,586

[I will wait for Seren for Rose, but here is Fallens.]

Rain pelted the boys back through the torn holes of his thirt where hail had skinned him. It wasn't working. Human against human fighting was one thing but human vs. mother nature was a whole different ball park. They couldn't out-run a storm, they couldn't stop it, all they could do was slow it down. Why were all these natural disasters happening at the same time anyway? It should have been like a one in one thousand chace that hail and an earthquake would happen at the same time. It just didn't make sense.

Once again, the boy considered the fact that someone purposely had it out for them all. Whoever it was, God... Zues, you name it, but this was not the way he wanted to die, bleeding to death not by anothers hand but by chunks of ice that should have evaporated but were to stubborn to.

As he ran, the boy glanced over at Holly and Brei, well more like Holly carrying Brei. The girl illusionist seemed to be handelling herself quiet well but Jay, he had disappeared. Skidding to a halt, he considered his options. One, he could go find him and help him since Fallen was pretty sure that Jay had left for a reason. Two, he could continue with these girls to make sure they found shelter safely... Three, well right now a three didn't really come to mind.

Making his mind up, he yelled over the storm the best he could. "Holly, find shelter. Head south, there should be something. I will find you both later!" Whether she heard him or not, the boy turned and began to run back where he came from, mind reaching out in exhaustion for the boy who had before asked for his help. The lack of protection around him had allowed him to conserve a little energy, but he probably wouldn't have even a drop left to help Jay by the time he found him... Lets just hope he hasn't gotten to far yet.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:12pm Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 5,310


Ariskye let out a loud hiss as she watched the people on the screen run from the caves. Her crimson eyes flashed as they took on a very alien appearance before they were cut in half by a very narrow, black pupil. Her lips curled up over her teeth into a snarl as she bared her fangs at the screen. Her fingers twitched as the scales that curved around her wrist and her arms moved to cover the rest of her skin. The shadows also eveloped her for a few minutes before melting away to reveal... well... a mass of black scales and feathers.

A long black tail sway at her feet which were now tipped with long, curved talons as they dug into the white floors tainted with blood. The spade on the tip flexed and showed its silver marks before close up and lashing to the right. A small set of wings that were located near her hips unfurled slightly. The larger feathered mass on her upper back remained furled tightly against the scales.

The long nails at the tips of her fingers retracted slowly before sliding out quickly again. She was mad. Leaning over a different machine, she let her claws sink into the metal with a soft screech, and flung out a mental message that she knew would carry the length of the Arena while entering the minds of the people being bombarded by the elements.

"Hide in the caves you idiots! The earthquakes are weaker at the caves than in the center of the Arena." 

Following the mental message was an animalistic growl and it sounded how a wolf would sound before it attacked.

That is what Ariskye felt like doing; attacking all of them and leaving no survivers. But she held back on her rising blood-lust, reminding herself that she vowed to help others escape after her half-blood brother and herself did all those years ago.


Draek stepped away from the controls and glanced at the three doors leading deeper into more dangerous places. The tips of his ears twitched slightly at the sound of Ariskye digging her claws and talons into the floor or the metal unit beside the controls. But behind that sound was another. The faint sounds of footsteps slowly getting closer. He growled softly and slipped towards the door which the sound was originating from.

Waiting for the person to get closer, his own lightning sparked in his hands. The silver and black bolts danced up his leather-clad arms as he raised one hand to strike. When he did, the lightning fanned out around the person as Draek wrapped his fingers around the person's throat. Blood trickled from his victum's ears, nose, and mouth before falling to the ground convulsing by the sheer voltage they had been given.

Which would be around a billon volts.

How Draek managed to weild such power without killing himself was a mystery. Even when he was here, the scientists behind these walls wondered how he did it. He flashed a smile as a single bolt lanced from his fingers to strike the downed person's heart. Giving a brief scream, the person died.

Simple as that?

Not so much.

The scream probably attracted more attention than the two siblings needed. But still, Ariskye wasn't paying attention to him so he continued to watch the doors.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:23pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 6,409

Holly grabbed Brie and put her over her shoulder. The girl didn't weigh very much, so it wasn't a challenge for Holly. She was about to run out of there when Fallen yelled for them to go south. She did as he said, and began running clumsily southward. Luckily for the two girls, she went under the trees to prevent the hail from pelting them.

She ran, and ran until she finally stopped. She had gone as far south as she could. She looked around, and found a huge cave. It was sturdy, and upon closer inspection, she noticed that it was on the side of a mountain. She entered the cave, and set Brie down, just in time for another earthquake to hit. This cave was much sturdier, therefore, she had no worries about it caving in.


Kingsley watched as another earthquake hit, and his cave collapsed. He groaned, and kicked the dirt with his foot. A piece of hail hit him on the shoulder, and he cursed loudly. "Yowch!" He looked to the sky, which seemed to roar with anger.

That was when her realized that he needed to find shelter. Fast. He ran through the area, and heard Holly's footsteps. He began to follow them, and made it into the cave about ten seconds after the two girls did. He ran a hand through his wet hair. Now he was shirtless, drenched to the bone, and had cuts and scrapes all over him. The storm was relentless, and he knew that it wasn't going to stop any time soon.

Love is all we need~


10:15pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 3,426

Anima nodded and released his energy, returning it to his body. A few rocks that he'd been holding up fell to the ground, but the cave stayed mostly stable... until another earthquake hit and the whole thing collapsed. 

He let out an annoyed growl, shaking his head as a voice tried to enter his head. He wasn't in the mood for someone else's tricks and ignored it. What a waste of time. What's worse was everyone was scattering now thanks to the storm. Not wanting everyone to get away, he shifted back into his human form and raced after Kingsley, ignoring the hail and water pounding down on him and tearing into his shirt and leaving cuts on his skin. It was easy to keep up with the other boy and Anima reached the cave soon after he did.

"Ugh," he groaned, squeezing the water out of his hair with his good arm. The other hung limp beside him. No matter what he tried, it wouldn't move. He hoped it was just dislocated and not broken...

He raised his right hand carefully and made a barrier around the entrance of the cave. It would shield them from the storm if the winds shifted, but would allow them to see outside for others. With that done, he slumped against the wall of the cave, clutching his left shoulder and hoping the others wouldn't freak out about him being here. His shoulder hurt like crazy... he wasn't used to being injured.


Nathan was so focused on doing his own thing that he didn't notice the other boy as he passed him. He was too busy darting among the trees and trying to avoid as much hail and rain as possible, the task becoming difficult when another earthquake hit.

It wasn't until a voice entered his head that he stopped running.

"Hide in the caves you idiots! The earthquakes are weaker at the caves than in the center of the arena." 

He blinked and looked around. He was no stranger to hearing voices. Ghosts trapped in the arena, unable to pass on, were common and often told the horrors of their lives here to anyone who'd listen. Often, Nathan was the only one that could.

"I know that, Mrs. Ghost," he said, a bit of annoyance entering his dull voice, "How about telling me where a cave is." 

However, oddly enough, he couldn't find a spiritual body to pin to the voice. He did see a human, though, and hurried over to it, kneeling beside the male and turning solid again to shake his shoulder. The rain drenched him and a few bits of hail hit his back painfully, but he ignored it.

"Hey," he said, his voice still dull. Hopefully he wouldn't freak the guy out. Someone with a blue eye glowing like fire tended to freak some people out. "You can't sleep here... we need shelter... a cave." Trees could collapse and get struck by lightning. They were never a good shelter except from a light drizzle, which this storm was far from.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:40pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 3,991
((Yo I hate to post on this thing like a freakin' twitter page but I have exams all next week and projects to do. I was planning on dropping out of my roleplays but I might stick to this and l'd hate to keep you waiting (although it doesn't seem like you really are XD) So anyways I lost my train of thought but I'll see if I can get around to posting tomorrow if not I'll drop out so I don't waste your time and spam the board XP))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

11:05pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 9,641

Jay mumbled under his breath as a quiet voice sounded above him, unwilling to open his eyes despite the hard knocks of the hail hitting his unprotected body. Shifting gently on the wet earth Jay finally succumbed to curiosity and blinked, blue eyes going wide. A boy hovered above him, pale skin shimmering with water droplets. But what was strangest was the blue light shining in one of his eyes. A bit like a beacon. Struggling upwards Jay grunted and rested on his elbows for a moment, head hanging with exhaustion.

"Ah, thanks," he groaned, pain lancing through his leg as he crawled onto his knees in painful slowness. The water dripped down his back and head slowly, a chilled river of ice trickling down his spine and sending burning shivers through his body. A small piece of hail bounced off his ear sharply, causing a small red line to appear then be washed away by the driving rain.

Breathing heavily Jay glanced up at the other boy, nodding deliberately. "You're right," he said in a low tone, voice hoarse from fatigue. "But...can't hide now. I'm an air elemental...and lightning. I try and stop this storm." Wheezing slightly Jay shook his head fitfully when a raging call surged through his mind. Fighting against the invasive force Jay found himself pausing at the strange words.

"Hide in the caves you idiots! The earthquakes are weaker at the caves than in the center of the arena."

That was a bit informal for a prophetic voice from the Gods.

Grimacing Jay clambered to his feet, aches appearing all over his body as he slumped gently against a tree. "Never mind that," he muttered. "Did you hear a voice? Because apparently we've got to hide at the caves near the edges of the arena." Glancing towards the south his eyebrows rose slightly. "Which appears to be that direction."


Cassandra flinched when the crow-child awoke, black eyes watching her with a directness that made her feel very uncomfortably. Shifting slightly to get farther away from the girl Cassandra nodded her head quickly, wondering what this fellow arena member was getting at.

"Yes, yes, I'm a clairvoyant. Seer, oracle, whichever you want to call it." Her words were hurried, pained even, as the storm rumbled menacingly above. "I saw you in one of my visions...hallucinations? It doesn't matter, I know you, you know me apparently." Cassandra was babbling again, she knew. That happened during moments of extreme fear and/or rather exciting events she did not want to take part of.

Wiping her brow to remove most of the water accumulating there Cassandra listened with barely concealed impatience at Riley's next words. "You feed on my shadow?" Cassandra asked incredulously. If the girl was speaking the truth then she had to be Shadow Caster. Cassandra shuddered, now all the more certain that she needed to be somewhere else.

"How can I trust that you won't drain me and leave me for dead?" the seer asked bluntly, eyes narrowing slightly. Her muscles tensed visibly, though it didn't really matter. Cassandra wasn't planning on fighting hand-to-hand with this contender of the Arena. Her pale, weak limbs were not built for something like that. "How can I trust you at all, anyways?"

Blue eyes were more worried than angry though, showing that Cassandra felt a bit like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Unable to run away yet knowing that as death crept closer she could easily run away. 

"Hide in the caves you idiots! The earthquakes are weaker at the caves than in the center of the arena."  

Jerking upwards Cassandra tumbled over, grabbing her head again. "Damnit," she groused in a frustrated tone. "Not another vision!" Squeezing her eyes shut Cassandra curled up in a ball, resting on the balls of her feet as she waited for it to end.

Only, nothing came as an image. It was a loud voice exclaiming, rather rudely, to get to the caves. Blinking Cassandra sighed at what this implied. "Someone's in my mind...did you hear that? Someone just spoke to me. The caves...what caves?" Sighing heavily Cassandra fell onto her butt, curling up her legs slightly.


11:16pm Jun 13 2011

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Posts: 3,828

"You can't trust me," Riley said simply, black eyes darkening like the storms. "But I've been fighting the drug since my first kill. I can promise you that I won't allow the shadows to end your life. Besides, a psychic like you could be useful if we're talking substantial stuff," she said with a light shrug. The tendrils of darkness that poured from her wings swirled around the girl, but she held them back, wanting the okay.

"That and I could most likely take from you what I wish, but I'm being polite," she said with a hint of malice in her voice. While she waited for the girl's answer, another tremor wracked the earth and Riley frowned. She pressed her hand to the ground and waited for another tremor. "The earthquake's in the center. The waves are--" she began before another voice cut into her mind.

"Hide in the caves you idiots! The earthquakes are weaker at the caves than in the center of the arena."  she heard and blinked.

"I was getting to that," she snapped with a raise of her brows and she shot another look at the girl next to her, eyes wild with fear as she realized it wasn't a vision after all. "Yes, I heard it, too. That's...odd," Riley said with a tilt of her head. "Best get to the caves, then. Your decision?" she asked as the shadows whirled around her fingertips.

Ooc; Fail, but I gotta go. Dx

hello my name is elder price

6:30am Jun 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((I think I'm gonna wait for Seren and just see how things go. Brie's kind of semi-conscious, so she won't be adding much anyway. I'll just sit back and wait until I'm needed. Sorry Holly, Kingsley and Anima! Post in OOC in another post if this is a problem!))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
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