5:22pm Jun 8 2011
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[Its all good Wolfie, I am a fast typer to so I understand. ^^ Maybe a bit slower would be helpful to others though.]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:11pm Jun 8 2011
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Riley scratched the back of her neck thoughtfully, her eyes still clearly agitated at Fallen calling her Dear. She cocked her head to the side when she heard Tigress's comment and she gave her a toothy grin. She stretched a hand up and gently scratched the side of the silver sparrow on her shoulder. Dustin let out a slight chirp and fluttered off of her shoulder. When the blade of the dagger grew hot in Holly's hands, Riley raised her eyes at Tigress. She drank in their scents, her nostrils only slightly flared, and registered all of their powers. She was aware of Fallen perched up in his tree from above, but she did not turn her attention to him. He would probably enjoy it. Contemplating Tigress's question from before, Riley cracked her neck and splayed her hands out to her side. Her eyes burned crimson as she looked at all of them, assessing their abilities; their physical speed and strength never overlooked by her eyes. "Tessa, I envy Jay. If I could throw away all I had right now, I would. I'd have anything to do to end this, but I stay here, at the top because of a different matter. Dustin's only had two kills, at the bottom he is." she said, her eyes twinkling lightly as she nudged the little bird. "Honestly, I could kill you all right now if you really wanted and trust me, part of me wants to, but I can't." she said as she flung her hands out to her side. Shadows swept around her form and her wings unfurled, reaching their full extent. As she twirled her wrists, the shadows fell on the floor beneath them, making the grass seem to vanish in darkness. It swept over Tigress's, Holly's, and even her own body. She let each and every kill of her own, every memory, flow into their minds through the tainted minds of the shadows. When she pulled back, her eyes were black and cold. "We are not sane and we are not human, but that can't stop us from reaching humanity." she said as she turned her back on them. Dustin, on shaky wings, glided his way over to Tigress. He nipped on her ear once with a gentle prod of his beak before following after Riley. The dark haired girl turned back to them, hesitating, her black eyes cold and uncertain. "And I'm not Shadow Castor. I'm Riley." she said as she flung herself into the new dawn of the sky.
hello my name is elder price
6:28pm Jun 8 2011
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The boy watched as the girl sprang back, dealy close to him. One throw of his dagger and she would be dead, but this one could be useful in the end so she would live to see anyother day. Of course, what Casto-Riley said was true, most didn't wanted this, but he kept fighting in hope to get out one day. The best of the best after all would be set free on the world. Then he would be able to do what he wished. Until then though, maybe it was best just to follow the crowd. "No one will die today." He said after a moment, specifically looking at Tigress and Holly before shifting the weight of gravity around him so that the weights that used to hold him to the earth disappeared and he floated upward into the sky. "But I must actually give you a warning Riley, you have someone coming after you at the moment, Watch out for him."
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
6:29pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 6:30pm Jun 8 2011)
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Tigress could only watched stunned as Riley coolly contemplated them all, her black eyes sweeping over the assembled children. The shifter could feel her muscles coil and spring loose against as she stood cautiously, swaying slightly after such a controlled usage of her abilities. But despite the fatigue she felt Tigress could only explain the feeling that swept over her as...serendipitous? Lips quirking upwards at the thought Tigress gently kneaded her knuckles, the tiger claws sliding into her hands like quicksilver. But at Shadow Caster's mention of Jay...Tigress could only shake her head. Anyone could envy Jay. For all they knew he was the only one who actively disobeyed whoever had put them in here in the first place. The only one who could truly resist. Sobering at the thought Tigress could barely crack a grin at Shadow Caster's little prod at her only 'friend', but her lips twitched again of their own volition. About to shoot back a playful retort Tigress had only just opened her mouth when freezing darkness prickled over her skin. While not actually causing actual paralysis the images that accompanied the shadows stopped her in her tracks. Part of her relished in the sights, sounds and smells. Blood everywhere, covering the ground, covering her...no, Shadow Caster's, hands. The metallic tang of it as Tigress/Shadow Caster sniffed the air delicately. It was exhilarating. But another side. A buried side that only just managed to force its way upwards past the death and destruction, shuddered into Tigress as well. Wincing the mutant now felt sorrow and guilt at the deaths of these children. Their lives ended so young and marked with a cross of red. She had never experienced something like this before. For her killing was her only way of redeeming who she truly was. Letting out the inner tiger and allowing it to run freely. It was agonizing. And then...it was gone. As if Shadow Caster had not just violated her so roughly. "Wh...why?" she gasped out, clenching her hands to her chest. Tigress' heart was thumping painfully and the blood rushed through her ears, a deafening roar. "Why?" she asked again, this time her voice stronger. About to berate Shadow Caster, wait, no, Riley, for doing such a thing Tessa was distracted when Dustin fluttered over and picked at her ear affectionately before flying off. Now Tessa was at loss for words. And when Riley flew off into the sky? That was even more irritating. "I can't follow you know," she grumbled. With a fluid motion she hit the ground running, a sinuous golden-and-black form that dashed off in the same direction. With a flick of her ears Tessa pinpointed Riley's general location and followed, wondering if the top killer in the arena had any idea of where she was going, or better yet, what she was doing.

6:48pm Jun 8 2011
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Holly was surprised at how calmly Riley had handled the situation. She was about to use her compulsion when she was swallowed by darkness. It was cold, and Holly shivered. She was about to run out of the darkness when the images came. Blood. Blood everywhere. A young blonde girl's blue eyes going lifeless. Many, many lifeless eyes. Blood on rocks. Blood on trees. Blood on Riley's hands. Before she knew it, Holly was crying. Tears were streaming down her face. Now she knew that she really had to resist. Tears fell off of her chin and wet her shirt as she fell to her knees. Her eyes were glazed over, still caught in the darkness. Eighty seven bodies. Eighty seven lives. Eighty seven children. Eighty seven kills. The darkness finally retreated, and Holly gasped for air. Her eyes were red and puffy with tears. She didn't have near as many kills as Riley, but seeing what Riley saw made her realize the wrong in what she had done. She had stolen others' lives. She had manipulated them, acting as a puppet master. She played with their minds, using illusions. And finally, she killed them with her fire. She clenched the hem of her shirt, and tried to stop the tears. However, they simply weren't stopping. Her hand was beginning to blister.
Love is all we need~
7:44pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Alright, my bios are done I beleive, I have added Ring Names and their powers XP Intro coming soon XP I have some typed up on my iPod so I shall be editing it))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:48pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 8:03pm Jun 8 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
"Are you having fun yet?" His voice dropped to dangerous seductive tone. The blond girl he was leaning over let out a garbled noise, cleary begging. He smiled and moved back his lips brushing her ear. "Good." He said using the same tone thrusting his hand into her back causing her to scream, birds flying out of the tree before it turned into a garbled whimper and she went limp. He stood to his full towering height and pulled out his arm from the girls back revealing it wasn't natural. It was bloody, of course, but ellongated and pointed. It looked nothing like a human arm, his bones were jutting out at odd angles through his skin and it looked allmost spear like. The girl fell onto her stomach the gaping hole where his arm once was was bleeding out quickly. He grinned again, the deep dimpled smile that might have caused butterflies, a smile that made him seem like a joker, an innocent man, almost angelic. Never would someone assume that was the smile of the devil, they would never have guessed all the atrocities he had commited. How many he had killed for the game, for the sport. He looked once more at his deformed arm and watched as the skin stretched and pulled, the bones after a series of horrible snaps like broken bones, his arm returned to normal. He clenched his hand a couple of time inspecting the blood covered arm. Happy with his work he moved his large foot and kicked the girl over onto her back. Her soul had long left her body there was no use trying to absorb whatever power she had, an air element wasn't compatible with his powers anyways. He sighed becoming bored. He unlike the others he learned at a young age not to bother fighting the instinct. He barely felt remorse except for the few children he had killed. In a fight he allowed instinct take over he became the animal locked away inside. Now that didn't mean he killed everyone sight, just the ones who attacked first. He seached the girls body finding nothing useful he grabbed a branch with leaves and drapped over the dead girls body. It was his last attempt at kindness, sure it didn't cover much but it was Jethro. He scratched his head, he knew he was in danger now, that was his fifty-seventh kill, he was trying to move himself up the board once more. He remembered a time when the Bone Collector was one of highest, but he had let that get to his head and others, some younger, quickly surpassed him. The thought of that made his blue eyes turn to steel. He clenched his fist. I'm going to catch up. I don't care how many kids it takes, he thought to himself. He looked at the body once more, shaking his head slightly. "Lucky 57." he muttered to himself, he wasn't even looking for a fight she just jumped out of no where and tried to kill him. It was pitiful, only 11 kills, to bad it was too late for her to learn now. ((God, I lost my train of thought XP. I will try and fix this, maybe XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:29pm Jun 8 2011
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OoC;// -decides to join because it is very violent and bloody- Hehehehehehe....
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:29pm Jun 8 2011
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Ooc; Yey. And guys, me and Drago have discussed this. Her characters will not be on the roster. ;D
hello my name is elder price
8:33pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// XD Do you want me to rmail you Draek's and Ariskye's powers? 'Cause there is a lot and... -trails off; unsure how to finish-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:59pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Dustin knew something was wrong as he struggled to keep up with Riley. Her powerful black wings were made for speed, the crude-cut wings cutting effortlessly into the wind. They were more agile in the air and provided better movement, but they were not made for long flights. After a good half hour, Riley began to tire, and the silence had still dragged on. Typically, Riley would tell Dustin what was on her mind, whether it be a snarky comment or a rare heartfelt moment. He knew better than to bother her, though. The tiny sparrow glided gently toward the ground and skidded to a stop before falling over, too exhausted to even attempt to land right. He shifted back into his human form which drained even more energy from him. When he blinked his eyes open, he saw Riley's wings slumped against the ground, the dust particles collecting on her beautiful wings and marring the dark feathers. Something was definitely wrong. "Hazard--" he began, but she cut him off with a small glance up to him. Dustin blinked, not comprehending what he saw at first. Blue. "Hazard, your eyes," he mumbled as he looked into their aqua blue depths. Riley flicked her gaze away and snorted with contempt. "You're seeing things, boy," she said and when she returned her gaze to him, her eyes were their normal soulless black. It was another one of those not-so-heartfelt moments when she was telling him what was wrong. He tried to figure it out as best as he could. ___ While she had flown through the air, every death at her hands, at her ruthless hands, had invaded her mind. Starting from the blonde, she had forced herself to go down the list and live every moment again. Every kill was stored in her mind, all eighty-seven of them flashing before her. Like when she had shown the others the price to pay for being the top. She was broken and no one could fix that, not even herself, but that didn't mean she couldn't put the pieces back together. The darkness seeped off of her black wings and rolled around on the ground, shadowing the grass and the dirt. Angrily, she flung the malevolant beings away and left herself to be basked in the approaching sunlight. She dragged her finger along in the dirt and let all essence of the shadows leave her mind for a moment. She was surprised when Dustin caught her now blue gaze and realized she hadn't shown her true self to him before. Well, enough wallowing in self-pity. Riley kicked at the sand once, folded her wings behind her back, and glanced back the way they had come. Her strong eyesight could barely spot the moving form of Tigress off in the distance. "I better be able to trust her, Dust. If not, I don't know how I'll ever teach you." she said as she lightly ruffled his hair. He grinned at her, but the appearance was painted on his face, a crappy copy of a true smile. Riley knew he hadn't figured her out.
hello my name is elder price
9:30pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Erm... catch up? o3o
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
9:55pm Jun 8 2011
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And though you be done to dead, what then, If you battled the best you could? If you played your part in the world of men, why, the Critic would call it good! ------------------ Rose glanced down at the scenes below her, silently staulking the form that shot across the grown below her. Tigress running as quickly through the trees. The shifter was following someone, someone who was also flying but far enough in front of her that she couldn't see them. Either way, she needed to land soon. Her electric barrier was wanning in power the longer she used this mode of transportation. Pushing foreward towards a clearing she spotted in the distance, the female plotted to land, slowly decending, circling around once before letting her bare feet touch the soft grass under her. Only till she had stood there for a moment did she realize she wasn't alone in this area. Her keen ears picked up the conversation behind her, but it was to close for comfort. Turning around, eyes wide, her natural instincts kicked in blending her into the background but maybe they had seen her before she could change. ------------------- Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce, and whether its slow or spy... It isn't the fact that your dead that counts... but only, How did you die.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:59pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Blood splattered the white lenolium floor. Its crimson colour standing out brightly against the relfecting white. Along side the blood, corporeal shadow tendrils creaped along side a femine figure as she strode with the grace of a predator after whe ones that escaped her claws. Once side of her face was completely covered in blood and her eyes were a dark, alien crimson for the colour took up her entire eyes. Only a thin black pupil cut the eye in half. Her long black hair was down and covered the left side of her face, and a jagged scar she recieved earlier in this Arena days. She stopped at a closed door, knowing it was barricaded. A smile as cold as death curved her lips as the smile turned into a snarl. Thrusting out the powers of her mind, she could feel objects move on the other side. The snarl turned into a smirk and she thrust her hand forward, jagged silver lightning lancing from the palm and conducting itself through the metal of the doorknob. On the otherside, she could hear the cries of death and nodded in satisfaction. She lowered her hand and the lightning ceased. But the cries did not. Turning on her heal, she walked towards the room where they controlled everything that happened in the Arena. She forgot the technical term for it. But when she arrived, she spotted her half-blood brother attempting to figure out the controls. Blood coated his knuckles and his chin. He also had a shadow mist at his back. "Staring at it isn't going to help, Draek," she growled in a gutteral tone. Like that of a wild animal. The man named Draek glared at her for half a second before turning his attention back to the controls. He had already figured out some of them since he ripped the information of the minds of the scientists he had faced before he killed them. He smiled and flipped a switch before turning a dial and pressing its corresponding button. Whatever it was, it was happening fast. From the monitors in the room, she could make out dark, angry rain clouds that threatened at least a tornado or three. She grinned slightly. "Time to enjoy the show, Ariskye." That made her grin wider.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:01pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Lola, there's a thing in the second post under the rankings that I called, "The Documents." It's basically a summary of the story so far. c:
hello my name is elder price
10:06pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Didn't see that, thanks~ Posting in a moment, gotta get my thoughts together. >_> Day or night right now, and how much time has passec?
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:09pm Jun 8 2011
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Ooc; Just the beginning of dawn right now and not much. It was barely night by the time we started.
hello my name is elder price
10:17pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Alright. Editing this with a post~
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
10:20pm Jun 8 2011
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Holly grabbed the grass, squeezing it so hard that she singed it with her fire powers. She was shaking. Finally, she got up, and wiped her eyes. She sniffled, and went to find a hiding spot. Her eyes rested upon a waterfall. She had heard the rumors about certain waterfalls having caves behind them, so she walked up to it. As she snuck around the ledge just inches from the raging water, she came upon an opening. As she entered, she lit her hands on fire, so that she could see. She had left her dagger, but she didn't need it. It was something that she had found in the Arena one day. Holly's eyes lit up when she saw the pile of sticks. It was perfect! Too perfect... Just as the thought that something wasn't quite right popped into Holly's mind, she was attacked from behind. She felt someone stab her in the shoulder, and she yelled. She spun around, setting the boy's shirt on fire. The boy cursed, and threw his shirt aside, leaving it to burn in a corner of the cave. While the boy was fiddling with his shirt, Holly had grabbed his knife, and tossed it into the pool at the base of the waterfall. "What do you want?" Holly asked, although the answer was clear; he wanted her life. "I want your blood. Plus, this is my cave," the boy said, pinning her arms to the wall to prevent Holly from burning him. "C'mon," Holly said, her pupils dilating. "You don't really want to kill me, do you?" "That sh!t doesn't work on me, doll." The boy smirked. "Fine then. Team up with me. I can help you. Plus, the only thing that killing me will do is add another ounce of bloodlust in your mind." The boy mulled it over for a bit, and sighed in defeat. It was true. The girl didn't want to kill him. He could tell. That was one of his powers. He could see into the minds of others to view past experiences. And Holly had some pretty nasty ones. He even saw the whole shadow experience with Riley. He released Holly and said, "What's your name?" "Holly. Also known as Firecracker." She brushed herself off after the fire on her hands flickered out. "And you are...?" "Kingsley. Also known as The Northern Lights." "I've never heard of you..." "That's because I've been hiding here. I've only killed three people." He sighed. "And I hated it, but the bloodlust made me crave more death." "I understand," Holly said, nodding. It was amazing how people could get along if they didn't want to kill eachother. ((Bio for Kingsley coming soon.))
Love is all we need~
10:31pm Jun 8 2011
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Arena Name: The Northern Lights Name: Kingsley Age: 17 Gender: Male Looks: Kingsley stands at six feet tall, and has dark brown, almost black, shaggy hair. His skin is nicely tanned, and he has lean muscles on his torso, arms, and legs. Kingsley has amber eyes that stand out, but don't resemble the vampires' eyes from the twilight series at all. Kills: Three. Powers: - Light Manipulation (Given) - Snow Owl Shifter (Absorbed on second kill.) Personality: He's new, too, so I'll rp it out.
Love is all we need~