4:50am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
When is a dream, More than just a bet on the future? 'Should I kill, or not. The first choice is ever so tempting, yet, there's rumor that People are beginning to change. To choose life over death. Word passes quickly if you know your sources.' Brie thought, although, she wasn't really Brie, she was InvisibleInk currently. Brie was tucked away somewhere in a corner of her fragile and amnesiatic mind. The golden orb was beginning to make it's way into the world, and Brie knew that a new day, meant new blood. 'The question remains to be seen, who's will it be, and who's hands will shed it?' Brie thinks, slowly inching her way down, and out of the tree that had been her roost for the night. Brie had heard the noise, the excitement, if you could call it that, of the past moonlight events. She had even heard the Shadow Castor, the highest ranked in the Arena. 'Some use she is against me. Her main power can only help me kill her**' Brie thought as she dropped from the tree. Brie, no InvisibleInk, quickly began to move. There is only a short window of opportunity in the mornings to get any killing done at all, and that is to sneak up on a late sleeper, and kill them. InvisibleInk was wise, to rise early. ----- "I should kill you." InvisibleInk said maniacally. The shaking brunette before her screamed in terror, and then tried to plead for mercy. "Please! Don't kill me! We could be allies! Friends!" she says. "Aww, too bad I don't need any friends." InvsibleInk shot a burst of fire at the brunette. A piercing shreik hit the air, quickly giving off InvisibleInk's location. The brunette slumped and hit the ground with a thud, adding only more noise. InvisibleInk sighed as the girls death passed. "No one wants to go quietly, do they?". 'It's a good thing that so far, I'm the youngest opponent in this Arena. At just fourteen, people think that I'm harmless. Too bad their wrong.' InvisibleInk thought, skipping merrily away from the burnt carcass which was giving off a pungent smell. ** Her main power is to blend in completely with her surroundings, and her shadow is the only thing that can give her away. She thinks that the Shadow Castor can only help her because her main power is to cast shadows, which will just help her hide better.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:25am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Several hours had past and Alec had come up with no results. It was frustrating and made his fur prickle. He needed to kill. The more he killed, the more it fueled his bloodlust and also the drug inside him that created it. Some may fight the feeling, but he embraced it. His route on searching for victims had taken him in a loop, ending him on the other side of the waterfall he'd started at. This was probably a good thing. Running around made him hungry, and all he'd had was a fish earlier. Often, he'd feed on his victims blood and flesh to keep him going. Since he'd found none, he was ready for a food hunt. Approaching the pool again, an odd smell attracted his attention. One that was fresh and clearly that of another fighter. He blinked, then a twisted grin formed on his muzzle as he realized where the trail lead. Back behind the waterfall, of course. A good hiding spot for those weak enough to need to hide. All senses alert, the serval crouched down in a hunter's form and slowly crept towards the waterfall, following the ledge that lead back behind it. Before he reached the actual cave, he paused, his ears perked forward as he listened intently. The roar of the waterfall made it hard to hear, but he could ever so slightly make out the sounds of voices. Two. One male, one female. His grin returned. It was his lucky night. Quickly, he jumped out from his hiding place, blocking the opening as he straightened up. His eyes quickly sized up his opponents and he let out a low, growl-like chuckle. "Well well well," he growled, amusement playing at his voice, "If it isn't two little mice hidden in their hole. Look's like the cat's found his next meal." His crimson eyes flashed, seeming to glow from the bloodlust pumping through his veins and making his heart pound. The thought of ripping his claws through these two excited him greatly.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:03am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 9,641
The day had been so nice thus far. The sun was rising slowly, casting the entire arena is a pale orange haze. The weather was nice for once, no raging thunderstorms or sudden sheets of hail plummeting down on the combatants just to make a miserable day even worse. With a contented sigh the tall male leaned back against the rock, his pale skin absorbing the sunlight. Pillowing his head with his arms the mutant relished in the power of the swirling winds on the high plateau, bringing him news from near and far of how the contest was going on. From all the screams and fearful yowls...not so good. Rolling over Jay dipped a hand into the water, cautiously, afraid of sending a bolt of lightning through it. The same had happened a few weeks ago and killed every fish in the stream, a useless waste of good food and life. Needless to say, Jay had eaten well that night. Snorting the male sat up and strolled down the back, heading downstream. His ears, aided by the winds, could hear the rough thundering of a waterfall. There wouldn't be much to eat there but he reckoned it should be nice and quiet, somewhere to settle down for a few days until he was found again. Letting out a small yawn Jay clambered down the rocks. Halfway to the pool that lay at the bottom Jay's ears caught the quiet burble of voices. This voice was taunting and judging by the noises previous, there were two inabitants caught by this predator. Grimacing Jay slid down the bank again and casually dipped a hand in the water, eyes flashing. "Tsk, preying on some poor children are we?" he asked in a taunting voice, overcome by anger at the thought that anyone would do that to another. The thought was irrational in the arena, as, after all, their reason to live was to kill. But that didn't help the rage. "Oh, and if you twitch a finger you'll find yourself electrocuted," Jay warned with a frown. The entire area was soaked with water, meaning that anywhere one stood they were about to get a nice, good shock. A conversation stopper if anything.

12:23pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
Brie heard the voices. 'Not to far away. Easy prey.' She thought evilly, turning once againback to InvisibleInk, the Invisible Hunter, that stalks up on her prey, which is unaware of her very location, until it's too late. She felt herself beginning to disappear, to go 'Chameleon', as her last kill had called it. It started with a tingling in her toes, just small ripples, but they grew with intensity and size once they reached her feet, the her calf, then her thigh, and so on, until, she was nothing more than a shadow among the shades and hues of the morning sun. 'Lets go get me some blood.' she thought. She began to run, listening for the voices, the very noise which would give them away. She was a 54 kills, and about to make her 55. An evil grin spread across her pale and sunken face; the kind of face, that you would see on a dead person's. So ironic. Her smile was one that included to much teeth, and very little lip or gum. Brie was on the verge of a kill, and she knew it. InvisibleInk slowed down to a slow jog as she scouted out the area, which was covered in a dense forest with twists and turns everywhere, making it hard to navigate. The floor was covered in a thick la yer of leaf litter, engulfing anything that fell into it's clutches. A small thorn pierced InvisibleInk's foot, sending a shoot of pain through her body. 'I've dealt with worse.' she thought, and she wiped the blood, which was visible, from the cut. Then, down in a small dip, most likely the beginnings of a large ravine, was a cave. InvisibleInk could hear four voices, three males, and one female. She could recognise one of the voices. He was widely known throughout the arena for being one of the few contestants to have some true control on himself. He was a lighting elemental, called Jay. The other three could be anybody. InvisibleInk started listing her tactics. The whole area seemed to be fairly wet, giving Jay an advantage. She would have to stay far away, to avoid being shocked, most likely to death. Thsi brought a disadvantage to her. So far, most of her kills had been made within three feet of her, for that was as far as her fire bursts could go, without burning out. This, was a sticky situation, and for once, the amnesiatic psycho didn't know what to do. 'Think Brie! Think!' she thought to herself, hoping there was some way of saving her butt, and killing her opponents. It wasn't that she was nervous of killing them all at once, far from it, but one of the down there had to have some power over sensing objects, or mind control or something. 'These mind powers are common, after all.' InvsibleInk thought. So it's a pretty good bet that if she didn't make a move within a few minutes, she would go from being the predator, to the prey. She stalked up, careful to not make a sound now. The slightest rustle of her foot moving the leaves on the ground, and it would be all over for her. Someone would shoot her dead. She began to crouch within fifteen metres of the cave entrance. She could see them all properly now. It looked like there was Anima, the second highest opponent in this arena. If she could take him down, then there was a pretty good chance that she could take down the shadow Castor, and his little apprentice Silverdust. She also spotted Jay, a new arrival apparentely. There was a girl, almost hiding in the shadows of the cave it seemed. 'I know her. She's that girl, the one that I saw on the first day...Holly!' Brie thought, now the actual Brie again. 'Don't feel any relativity to her. She wants to kill you, remember?' a voice from inside uttered. 'But she was so nice! How could she want to kill me?' Brie thought, confused. 'Everyone here wants to kill you sweety, it's just a fact of life.' the voice whispered. 'I don't want to die!' Brie thought, scared now. 'Then you have to kill her first...' it whispered a final time. There was one more boy in the cave. 'Funny, I don't think that I've seen him around before.' InvisibleInk thought. 'He must be new or something, or maybehe hid out and has only surfaced now. Smart kid.' InvisibleInk thought, inching closer. She was so close, only six or so metres away, and yet, she couldn't strike, not just yet. The drug that possesed her mind made her crave blood, crave in a way, that she couldn't stop, not even if she wanted to. It was like a parasite, and her fragile existence was the host.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
12:36pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((I am so sorry, I couldn't get on ata ll because of finals. With school shortened to half days from now on, I should beable to post. Let me catch up with everything... T.T))
2:08pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Holly found herself surrounded by three boys, but Kingsley was on her side now. She was terrified. She stepped into the back of the cave, and lit her arms on fire. The sleeves of her shirt burned off, but nothing else was singed. She looked like a trapped animal. She saw the serval first, and then her eyes drifted to Jay. Finally, she found her back against the cave wall furthest away from Anima. Her brown eyes were darting around the room, looking for a way to escape. Kingsley, being the more courageous one, stepped in front of Holly in an attempt to calm her down. However, that only made Holly even more scared. She couldn't see her opponents now. She inched her way over so that she could see around Kingsley, and clenched her fists. "Now, now, boys," boys, Kingsley said, stepping forward. "This is no time to kill. Especially you, Anima. Imagine how many lives you've taken." Before Holly knew it, the whole cave was stretching and twisting, in one huge illusion. She had lost her control, and used her powers involuntarily.
Love is all we need~
2:54pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Wow. You guys totally ignored my post. Thanks for that. -mutters mutinously-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:01pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
(( Dragon: It didn't say when the tornadoes were coming. In the rp, it's still early in the morning. It could hit at noon, or something. ;) ))
Love is all we need~
3:05pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Nomen, my girl already has the power to blend into her surroundings. I would prefer if yours didn't as well.]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:14pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// You could have mentioned the clouds. -growls-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:18pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Holly and Kingsley are in a cave for pete's sake. They can't see outside right now. Anima, Jay, and Brie are around and in the cave, too.))
Love is all we need~
3:19pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((@Lakeore She only has three powers, blending into stuff which was her first power which she didn't take, Visual Enhancement, which means she can have night vision and such, and she can shoot a small burst of fire three feet. I can't really take away her main power, as then she could be killed in the bl ink of an eye. Sorry, but you're kind of stuck with it. ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:22pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 3:36pm Jun 9 2011)
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Posts: 1,586
[Yes but you can replace it with something else like I had to do with the blood manipulation earlier. Its not hard to change it around like I did and since I did have the power before you decided to join, I would really appreciate if you changed it. the Chamelion is sort of Rose's thing.....]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
3:27pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 3:30pm Jun 9 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
((Aww poor Drago XP God there are so many characters I can't keep up. I'm gonna go check all the bios once more XP
I don't wanna add to the fight but it would be hard for Nom to Not have her power considering her character is focused about that one. It makes who who she is. Plus lots of other people have the same powers. Butthen again I might be upset if someone took Jeth's so, you know what ignor me XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:28pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Not everybody is inside the cave...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:29pm Jun 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((Okay. Well talk to them about the clouds and tornadoes.))
Love is all we need~
3:30pm Jun 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Note the "you guys" on my first post for this page.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:32pm Jun 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((I know, but on your second post for this page, you adressed me directly, saying, "You." That caused me to think that you were adressing me about the issue. If you weren't I'm sorry.))
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jun 9 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Hey Drago, I shall have my characters notice just for you XP, Also once I get my old glasses my new ones are trippy XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:36pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[You could make it so that her power was putting it into other peoples heads that they aren't there... suggestion wise so it still fits into your character but the Chamelion thing.... well I am just not liking that its being duplicated from my character.]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.