3:40pm Jun 9 2011
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Alec's crimson gaze flicked to Jay and he sneered. This boy very much underestimated him. Without even blinking, Alec formed a bit a bit of energy under his paws, barely even noticable, but enough to cut off the link of the water to his body as if he was floating in air. Still, he didn't move, not wanting to spark anything just yet. When the time came, however, they wouldn't even realize what had happened until they saw the red blood gushing from their throats. With this night, he'd be ever closer to succeeding Shadow Castor. For a moment, his ears flattened to his head, showing a bit of distress in his body. He'd gotten so wound up at the thought of a quick kill that the amount of blood had shot up in his body. It made the skin under his fur prickle from the heat his body felt, and his breath was becoming a little more ragged. Not only that, but the bloodlust was making his head pound. It was hard keeping control. He'd like nothing better than to just flip out and kill them all, but he wanted to play with them first. It wasn't like when he first started. When he needed the drug so badly and needed to that wild animal to get his kills. He had the power to play with his victims first. Talk to them. Make them nervous. It made the kill so much sweeter, their cries louder and longer. When Kingsley spoke, Alec turned his head ever so slightly to look at him, although not letting Jay out of his vision for a moment. He didn't recognize the boy, but he could tell he was soft. Very few kills, so he doubted he held much threat at all. Less kills meant less chances to get powers. Less experience. He was just a toy. Another growl-like chuckle formed in his throat. "I see I'm famous even to the ones who hide away like scared rabbits," he said, smirking, "I have taken eighty two lives, and I will not stop there. You all will just become another number and maybe another power. You're useless to me when you're alive. You fail to realize exactly what you are dealing with. I kill to live and live to..." His voice trailed off when the cave started to twist. At first he though he'd been hit with a poison dart, but the others were still in fine shape. Just the cave... an illusion! Immediately he crouched low to the floor, his paws firm on the ground. It was just an illusion, nothing more. As long as he stayed still, he was still on the ground no matter what happened. A sudden spark in his mind caused his pupils to dialate with the immense amount of bloodlust that followed. He didn't have to wait out the illusion like a coward, he could just kill the one creating them! With a bloodthirsty yowl, he lundged at Kinsley, razor sharp claws ready to tear through him and then at the girl he knew was doing all this. "Die!" he snarled.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:56pm Jun 9 2011
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Fallen sighed to himself as he slipped towards where he knew a large group of humans stood together. One, two, three... four was it? The closer her got towards them, the better he was able to use his gift. He was not able to tell who was friend to each other and who was the enemy from the distance he had between them, because his gift only let him know things that were related to him, but from the words spoken, one was against three and by the sound of the one, it had to be Alec. He wouldn't call him by his arena name. He wasn't worth it. This one thirsted for blood. Any blood. But perhaps today he would be a liberator instead of a killer. Willing gravity to shift once again, the blonde haired male decended from the sky and landed on the ground without more than the sound of leaves bending under his bare feet. Standing outside the cave, he listened to what they had to say until a wave of different pictures began to swarm his vision. One sense was gone for the moment, but not the other. He could still hear, smell, feel, and even see with his gift. Illusions only blocked the eyes, not the mental mind. Though, it did seem to phase Alec for a little bit. Strange, he thought the boy was unperturbed by everything yet his thoughts ranged on the hint of scared. When the words die reached his head, he stepped into the cave and willed gravity to form around the outstretched male, encasing him like a bubble before he sent the weight of the worlds down upon Alec's back. It wasn't enough to hold him there, he didn't specifically want to keep the second place killer down on the cold ground, but it might by the two he was springing at enough time to jump away from the attack. As he was doing this, the part of his mind that was gifted with his unique power touched a mind that was familiar to him. One he had sensed only a few hours ago. Holly. "You always seem to get yourself in trouble don't you Holly dear." He whispered, though the cave's echo perhaps made the words louder than needed. After a few moments of presure on the ravenous Alec, enough so that Fallen assumed it would be sufficient for the others, he released the weights and stepped back out so that he was now in front of the cave. Still in sight, but able to leave if he must.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:01pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 4:16pm Jun 9 2011)
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Kingsley stopped calmly, and placed a barrier of light in front of him and Holly. It was strong, and it was blindingly bright. Holly's breathing got faster as she lost energy from creating the funhouse, and the illusion got crazier. The cave started to feel as if it was distorted, like a mirror room. The cave walls turned into raging ocean water, but it still stayed in the shape of a cave. Holly finally fell to the ground, exhausted from the illusions that she created. She was face down, and her fingers were scraping at the dirty floor. Kingsley shook his head, and kept one hand up to keep the barrier steady. He heard a thud, and turned his head slightly to see Holly on the ground, barely moving. "Now look what you did, Anima." A familiar voice penetrated Holly's ears. It was Fallen. She pushed herself up, only to find that she didn't have the strength to sit nor stand.
Love is all we need~
4:16pm Jun 9 2011
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Alec tensed when he seemed to stop in mid-air. Before he could figure out what had happened, he felt himself slam to the ground, sending a shock through his tense body. Unprepared for the sudden fall, even if it was only a short distance, Alec was momentarily stunned, recovering after a few seconds and pushed himself up with a great deal of energy. Someone had put a gravity field on him, he realized, growling slightly. Experimentally, he lifted a paw. It wasn't too horrible, but it certainly crippled him, and now that he was trapped, the gravity could easily get worse. He turned on Fallen, growling lowly and trying to figure him out. Did he have the will or the power to crush him to death with the gravity? However, soon enough the pressure was gone. He almost frowned. Just another weak stomach. Kingsley's voice caused him to turn again and he narrowed his eyes to slits to see past the light barrier. "She was too weak to use her power," he said mildly, calm for the moment despite the pounding in his head from the extra blood in his body. "I say let me kill her now. I'll make it quick, if you like. She won't feel a thing." He was more concerned with a bigger prize than torturing small targets. A kill was a kill. Carefully, he approached the barrier without touching it, his claws clinking against the stone of the cave. "One little bite or cut and she'll be asleep forever."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:23pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Wait Loki whats a Cerval? Unless you mean Serval, that cheetah like cat. XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:28pm Jun 9 2011
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((When did I say Cerval? O.O; Yeah, I meant Serval. xD Alec's a white one. He usually stays in that form because it's easier to live out in the wilderness as an animal. :3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
4:33pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Pfft. The reason Holly's so weak is that she hasn't eaten in days. And having a charrie that can create illusions is very fun. >D))
Love is all we need~
4:34pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((@Lakeore I like your suggestion for the mind thing, but Brie suffers from Amnesia, and we couldn't have her just "forgetting" that her power was on, or turning it on without meaning to. I think I'm going to have to stick with the Chameleon thing)) BIC; InvisibleInk watched the four Unawares as she liked to call them continue on with the matter of arguing. Anima was halfway through a sentence when things began to get really interesting. the cave, seemed to start to move, as if it were being warped, as if it were only a Background sheet that was being crumpled and twisted up at random. Anima looked furious at being interrupted in mid-sentence. He crouched to the ground at first, but then, he stood up, a white serval. 'So that's what he can do...' InvisibleInk thought, although she'd probably heard of it somewhere before, and just forgotten. She's like that. He rose, and yowled, springing himself at the Boy in Hiding as InvisibleInk had dubbed him. InvisibleInk was so wound up in the events playing before her, she almost forgot what she was supposed to be doing, why and how. She almost forgot to be on guard for herself. Seconds too late did she hear the Male, 'Fallen, is it?' she thought, approaching the cave, riding apon some invisible thing, most likely an orb of some kind. 'He's certainly talented, and it befuddles me as to why people like Shadow Castor and Anima are at the top, while talented people like him are further down. He must be one of the one's who's trying to control his blood thirst that I've been hearing about. Hmm, maybe after this, I'll follow him, see what he's up to.' InvisibleInk thinks evilly. Her intentions could only be malicious and for the good of herself. She watches as Fallen enters the cave, muttering soemthing too low for InvisibleInk to hear. She sighs, but moves in closer, still in Chameleon. A few leaves have started to stick to the dried up blood that is on her foot, and she must hastily wipe it off, before anyone notices random leaves floating in mid-air. Then she'd be giving a dead give away, for sure. InvisibleInk focuses in on the party in the cave. Anima is face down on the cold, wet floor of the black cave. She can tell in an instant that Fallen is doing it. 'So he is trying to keep the peace. Petty...' She thinks. 'Now would be as good a time as any.' InvisibleInk decides. She has the element of surprise. She rises, and allows the rippling sensation to overtake her body again. She reaches to her belt, where she keeps her small dagger. She's become quite good at throwing it at her targets. Her evil smile, still strapped against her pasty face gleams as the sunlight is finally able to hit it. She utters the heart stopping words, "Hello. Welcome to your death."
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:35pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((I swear to god, when I read your bio the first time it said Cerval, with a C so I was all like what the hell is that? A whale o.O'' But I read it over, there is an S so either way I'm a fail XD Anyways, I'm gonna try and make a post to keep up with you kids))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:36pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 4:47pm Jun 9 2011)
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Fallen sighed slightly, and stepped back in as he watched the girl struggle, hand held straight out, he got to work again, this time on the girl. She seemed to have reached her limit, and was to tired or more likely, to scared of Alec to control herself. She couldn't even stand much less protect herself. If this Kingsley knew what was good for him, he would leave Fallen to his work and just continue to be the protection for the girl. "I am not a weak stomach, just strong enough to understand that when it comes to us finally fighting, I don't want anyone else around. Plus, its not hard for me to crush you now, I just don't want to get my hands dirty." He said, directing his comment on the male who was trying to sweet talk the two into yet another tally mark on his kill sheet. All the while, Fallen was changing gravity around the girl, making the hold on her lighter than it was. Usually the pressures one faced on earth were the very cause of exhaustion, and even if they weren't the main source, removing some weights would be a sure fire way to get back energy quickly. After severing enough ties to gravity on Holly so that she could even float if she jumped, he crossed his hands, and watched the boy with the light shield. With his second sense, he could still see and feel the way the boys body was built and what he looked like. Given an even match, Alec would pulverise him. Of course, this could turn into an enemy that would one day be trouble for him... Perhaps he should just kill them all right now and save him the trouble. It was a opportune moment for it. He could easily just send the rocks above their heads crushing down on them. They would dye instantly, no pain needed. Hm.... "And you Invisible." Fallen said slowly, turning to look directly where he knew she was, raising his other hand to put a barrier between the girl and himself. "Why do you think, if I might ask, that you can sneak up on someone who knows all? If it is pettiness that I save someone so that I can mark them as my own, then I am not exactly sure what cruelty is." Fallen smirked, grinning to himself. Of course he didn't really know all, but he did know everything that had to do with him. "You are not a surprise to me little miss Disappear."
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:42pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[I rmailed Shadow about this. I am really not comfortable with the camelion power doubled and there are solutions to this that you could change it to.]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:59pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((Ok, I really don't think that it should be a big deal, but Ok))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:59pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Well Lake, her power is really just being invisible. While yours is more complex, she can alter her face, voice, shape. So technicaly speaking aren't they different? I'm sorry, I just hate conflicts and such XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:03pm Jun 9 2011
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((I didn't memorize everyone's powers/bios/etc but if Serenity is right then it shouldn't be a problem since they are different powers. *pokes Alec boredly* I'm waiting for the others to catch up before posting again. Also, Nom, Alec hasn't been in his human form in the RP. He's been a Serval since my first post, but he can still talk and make facial expressions as he's not a total Serval in that form just like he's not totally human in his human form.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:28pm Jun 9 2011
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[*waits for Alec* >:3]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
5:31pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((Oops, must of missed that in your posts. xD Fail on my part))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:34pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Guys. No one post anymore until I say it's okay. Speed posting, arguing, and everything else. Calm down and let me read this.
hello my name is elder price
5:35pm Jun 9 2011
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 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:40pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 5:41pm Jun 9 2011)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Alright. Dragon: I can understand where you're coming from with the whole tornado things and I do think it's unfair that no one's noticed it. In my next post, I am definitely going to include that. Lake: Your chameleon powers aren't stolen. There are a ton of air elements, fire benders, and shadow manipulators and really, no one else is complaining. Nom: I think you're fine. Your character is a chameleon while Lake's is more just invisiblity...or is that flipped? xD Everyone, take a chill on the speed-posting. I can't freaking keep up...Rmail me if you have anymore problems with anyone. Thank you. D:<
hello my name is elder price
5:44pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Mine is more of a Chameleon I think.... but if you really think its fine then I guess its ok with me to :3 ]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.