7:02pm Jun 9 2011
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((I'll just wait for Lake's decision before I post. That just leaves Jethro, he needs something fun to do XP. God I feel as if I am spamming this board XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:06pm Jun 9 2011
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Ooc; I'll be making a new character if that helps. c:
7:08pm Jun 9 2011
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[Its fine with me. ^^]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
7:14pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((New characters are cool ^^ Thorn is in the forest right? If not I can edit)) Ellowyn awoke to the sun rising slowly, casting an orange haze over the arena. She blinked her blue eyes slowly and reached onto the trunk of the tree she had fallen asleep in. "Good Lord." She thought aloud. Looking down, she noticed she was on one of the strongest branches in the tree, well strong for such a height, she was rather close to the top. Being as high as she was, it was pretty much impossible for a normal human, but she was far from that, having that bloodlust locked away deep inside, and her superhuman ability to stick to any solid serface, she couls walk up a wall but she could only do that if her feet were bare. She bite her lip and moved one hand and moved some curls from her face. Her bouncing hair with the blue and pink steaks made her different from the others. Her powers even set her apart, she was basically useless in the ring, she couldn't shift into a killer animal, or had an amazing element, she couldn't even sense others. She had a measly thirty-four killss, which might have been considered good considering she did that all by herself with barely any help from her powers. Really just jump out of a tree and shank them with the knife she kept hidden in her combat boot. She had to rely on purely instinct, her powers barely helped her, one in particular causing her more harm then good. She let out a shaky breath. "Alright Elle, slow and steady." She moved her legs to the side and slid down and slowly made her way down the tree dropping onto the stronger looking branches. She got a little cocky, her dropping onto little branches and hanging on. Her powers were for her own amusment. She slipped on one of the branch and fell but managed to grab onto a branch. Holding on with one hand she looked up and heard a sizzling. "Oh god no." she said as she looked up and saw her hand slipping through the branch slowly melting the wood. It went clean through and she fell screaming along with the he other half. Yet she somehow managed to twist and landed hard on her feet before flipping onto her side. "Thank god that wasn't to high." She gasped as she sat up and looked down, she could see she had small cuts on her arm and stomach, she even felt a stinging on her cheek. She looked up at the sky once more and saw dark clouds were now coming in. "Just my luck." She pulled herself to her feet and dusted off her butt. She started walking, hoping to find a better place to hide from the incoming storm. She began to limp along, already feeling some of her cuts begining to close. That was one power that actually come in handy. She heard the sound of running water and cocked her head to the side to make sure she was hearing that right. She pushed her way through the bushes and saw a river. She walked up to it, her bruised ankle already healed and was now just a dull ache. She looked down at her disheveled appearence. She pulled leaves and twig from her curls before she thrust her hands into the water and wash uff the blood. She looked at her wet arms and saw no visible marking even suggesting she had fallen from that tree. She quickly wipped away the blood from cheek before she felt the sleet and hail pelt down on her. "What the hell is going on!" she cried it was fine a few minutes ago except for the slowly progressing clouds, now they were ight above her pelting her with both ran and sleet. "F------ bi-polar weather." she muttered to herself as she turned away from the waterfall back into the wood, arms above her head, in some attempt to protect herself from the weather. As she ran through the forest she certainly wasn't expecting to see anyone else, which was naive of her. She had seen a deer, and some rabbits but they paid no mind to her as they ran too. So she wasn't expecting to literally run into another girl. She being herself, fell back onto the now wet ground, she knew she was in the worst possible position now. She had no powers to defend herself, she could only attack from the trees. "I-I am so sorry." ((Elle talks to herself XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:29pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 2,962
Ooc// Sorry I didn't post last night. Some stuff cropped up~ Blah, I think it'd be best if I dropped out of this one. x-o Hopefully this won't cause any inconveniences, but I can' log on as frequently as the posts come. It will be a chore having to read through everything, and even then I might not be able to respond. This way, I won't slow anyone down through late interactions. So sorry about this. :c
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:33pm Jun 9 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:45pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
Arena Name: Evergreen Name: Eric "Ever" Tilfe Age: 15 Gender: Male Looks: He has sandy hair with a few darker streaks of light brown in it that hangs straight over his forehead. He is slightly tanned, and his face looks full, not sunken or pasty like some other opponents. He has nice muscle tone along his legs arms and torso,and even has teh beginnings of a six pack. He doesn't work out too much surprisingly, although he does like to run quite a bit. When he smiles his seemingly perfect smile, with just the right amount of teeth and gum, not to much lip,and no crooked teeth, his rather obvious dimples show,making him look slighty hot. His eyes are a pale turquoise in color which lightens and darkens in certain area's. There are flecks of green in his iris due to the drugs and his powers. His eyes are both equal distance from his nose, and look about the same size and shape. Despite his surfer body and his stunning looks, the first words out of his motuh should send anyone packing. It's not that he's harsh or anything, but he's quite a nerd. Anyone who isn't "totally obsessed with Physics" is either weird or mentally ill. Kills: He doesn't believe in killing, and only has twelve deaths under his belt. 1st Kill: Light elemental 2nd Kill: Hawk Shifter 3rd Kill: Precognition (tempermental) Powers: Plant Elemental (Given) Eric can use his own energy to make plant life appear or disappear (live or die). He can grow any plant that he wishes at his command, but the larger the plant is at full height, the more energy it drains from him. Ex. An Oak Tree would nearly kill Eric to produce, but a small flower such as a tulip would take as much energy as waving to a friend (for about five minutes straight). Precognition (tempermental) (Taken) Eric can see parts of the future, but this power is almost useless, because it will only give him small pieces of a huge puzzle. Ex. Eric might see someone being killed, but the killer, the date, and the time of day are completely left out. Not very useful at all. Personality:
He is a complete nerd to begin with, and can explain everthing from the theories created by Nostradamus, to the Industrial Revolution. He loves sharing his knowledge on a subject, and can, and will go on for hours on end about everything he knows on a certain subject. He has a rather large memory, and almost never forgets. He can tell you word for word, exactly what happened to him when he was injected with the drug, for example. This, of course, requires massive brain power, making him a bit of a brainiac. He's very talkative, and will talk about nearly anything, whether or not he actually knows anything about the subject, or even what the subject is. There's a joke going around that his first kill died from him talking his opponent to death. He doesn't believe in killing, and wouldn't hurt a fly. In fact, a few of his kills were merely accidents, from when he wasn't paying attention. Due to the drug, he does get the odd raging moment when he thinks about nothing but spilling the nearest person's blood, although he has the drug well under control. He spends most of his days either sucking up more knowledge, or on the run so as not to be caught and killed.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:58pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((*Really wants to post with Holly and Kingsley, but patiently waits on Lola.*))
Love is all we need~
8:05pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((Wolfie, Lola quit. *sadface* I think it's okay since Dragon and Serinity posted. We just gotta not spaz out on our keyboards. >.>; *kinda guilty* Roleplaying as Alec is fun. o3o))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
8:09pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((feels kind of guilty too. Brie's posts tend to be lengthy..... :( ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:09pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
Absorbtion/Transfer/Redirection: Physically able to redirect Elemental forces around her body and be able to take the energy for herself to shoot out again like a boomerang. Usually she uses it as a fuel to keep her going but this power is risky. If she takes to much energy into her, she will have a build up happen and it would be to difficult to hold it all in. She would most likely end up releasing it all in one explosive blast, whatever the element was, killing herself and everyone around her. Sound through Air Manipulation: Able to control the phyisical sound barriers around herself to make them hypersonic or quiet her own voice so that none but specific people can hear her. Sound must go through air though so its sort of a morph power from absorbing an air and a sound human. Personality: Tbpo
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:10pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,586
[Rping with Fallen is fun as well ^^' May I put his post in reply to Jay and Alec?]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:11pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Roleplaying as an illusionist is fun, too. Especially if she's kinda crazy...)) Holly felt her energy come flooding back to her, and looked up to see fallen with his palm towards her. He's doing this. He must not be out to kill me... She stood up, and lit one of her hands on fire. She pushed Kingsley out of the way and said, "If he wants to fight me, let him fight me." She had a grin on her face that could put the cheshire cat to shame. She was quite happy about this situation. Kingsley looked at Holly with a strange curiosity. Just a minute ago, she was on the floor, exhausted, and now she was pushing him out of the way. What a strange girl... Kingsley let his barrier dissipate, but if Holly got injured, his barrier would go right back up. He wasn't about to let this girl, whom he had just met and made friends with, die on him. He knew that Anima was fully capable of killing her, too.
Love is all we need~
8:20pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Jun 9 2011)
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She has just been backing up slowly, very very slowly from where she heard the voices of Riley and Dustin, when something began to sound behind her. Footsteps, running at only a speed that only a power could give. Maybe the power wasn't running but everyone who was gifted was always faster then the ones who weren't. At least, that is what she assumed from what she remembered. Shaking her head, she kept her barrier close to herself, making sure she was invisible to the nacked eye but that the electricity part was of. If it had been turned on, it would be sparking and that would just draw more attention. Now it was just like a steel wall. Shaking her head, Rose slipped through the forest, ignoring Thorn inside her nagging to go find out who those footsteps belonged to. Rose was trying hard... trying very hard not to be Thorn anymore. It didn't help when she felt something hit her shield. Turning around in surprise, she let her camelionness fall down so that she returned to her normal self, eyes wide until they settled on a girl she had never seen before. Thorn laughed inside her as the girl scrambled back, actually trying to apologize. One move, just one and she would be dead, laying on the ground, blood running cold. Thorn smiled, but Rose's eyes narrowed as she tried to contain the monster from releasing and lashing out. "What do you want?" Rose/Thorn said in a muted growl, fists clenched as the good part of her willed the electricity to stay inside her body and not to form into a dagger to piece this frightened girl through the heart. ----------- Fallen chuckled slightly. "If I planned to hurt her, she would be hurt. Why don't you look at you friend Holly now and tell me what you see." He said, pointing with a free hand towards the girl who was now clearly in an anti-gravity zone. All the weights of the world had been released as he talked, leaving her without any pressure. Yes there was still air in there, unlike in outer space, but she wasn't being pushed down on by the limits of gravity anymore. He was helping her, not harming.
"I have no quarrel against you Jay, you Kingsley, or even you Holly. If I had, then I wouldn't have stopped the attack in the first place. Your friend Holly and Kingsley couldn't stop Alec by themselves, Holly especially being tired and exhausted as she it. Let me do my work at saving their lives here and then later if you want to call me names, you can talk to me afterward." His tone was cold, untouched, and even sharp as he glared at the man. It really was to bad that his power didn't let him speak to others in their minds. Or if it did, then he had no clue how to make it work. It would have been a lot easier just to tell Jay in quiet that his words were only meant to mess with Alec and he didn't actually mean to hurt the other two. Invisible on the other hand... well she might be trouble. Night Vision, Invisibility, and fire. Not a problem for him as far as the invisibility but the fire would be hard to block since his gravity powers were getting less effective by the minute. The other three would be a bit confused if he wasn't there to point out where she was. Of course, they would probably end up with a knife in their backs or a slit throat if he left.The boys green eyes stared into Jays for a moment, trying to convey the message that at this point, he was on their side.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
8:37pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 496
((I'm gonna go ahead and post, since Brie is falling kind of behind. I'll wait for Eric to be accepted by Shadow before doing his introduction)) Brie hadn't anticipated Fallen to move on her so quickly. 'He must be able to sense thoughts when they are directed at him. Lucky son of a b****' She thought angrily. Fallen had taken her advantage straight away from her, like taking candy from a baby for him. "I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear that I'm actually not after you. You see, I've already shed my fair amount of blood today. It was a brunette, a silly girl with little power. She ran into my clutch, like a fly to honey. I came here, to kill someone else." she said, her voice rising and falling, making her words sound ever so effortless. Although surprised, she was not going to be out-witted. It appeared so obvious, to her at least, who she was after. Anima was sitting there in his White Serval form, a sitting duck. She was within range that she could run up and burn him to death with a fire blast, if only Fallen would take the pressure of her. It felt like a million tons of earth was pushing her back, crushing her, yet, the weight felt light enought that she could still move, at least a little bit. To her horror and embarrassment, Fallen let Holly get back up. He had clearly taken some of the weight off of her, and she was able to stand and move about. She even wanted to fight Anima. 'The nerve of some people. Hmff!' she though, even angry than before. She felt her rage boiling up inside of her, activating the drug, making her no different from a starved carnivore. A bloodthirsty animal with no real purpose in life.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:04pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 3,426
Alec's crimson eyes passed over everyone in the room, sizing them up and sizing up their abilities. If they all teamed up on him, he might not escape the night without a few injuries, but he had no doubt he could still take them. The Illusionist would be the most difficult to fight. Even a fool could be a difficult opponent with tricks like that. "You vastly underestimate me, and will pay for it with your lives," the serval growled, his breath becoming ragged. He needed something to tear through, and he needed to release some blood. With a loud growl, he tore at his own front paws, splattering blood against the slick stone and staining the fur on my paws. A moment later, he pushed up his body on his hind paws and shifting into his human form. Soft white hair fell into his face, the long part in the back split in half and pulled over his shoulders, reaching down to his stomach and tipped with crimson red. Two gold rings that seemed to float without hold circled each part, holding it together. His clothing was clean, a little big with some of his chest showing where his shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way. Two serval ears poked out through his hair on his head. Perhapse he would have been attractive if it hadn't been for the maddened sneer on his face with two fangs poking past his lips and still crimson eyes with slitted pupils practically glowing with excitement and bloodlust. The blood flowing freely from his hands formed claws with jagged razors over his fingers, gleeming and ready to kill. Alec seemed a little better now that most of the extra blood was out of his body. "Anyone who wants to die fighting, attack me now!" he snarled, his grin widening. "I'll flood this cave with your blood!" He let out a mad laugh, eyes darting from one face to another to see who had the guts to attack him first. ((I fail at describing pretty men. :U))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:06pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((I think I might have to bow out of this one/ It moves to fast for my end of the year schedual and it will be impossible for me to catch up. Sorry guys.))
9:09pm Jun 9 2011
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Ooc; It's a shame Em, but we'll miss you. D:
9:20pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 9:21pm Jun 9 2011)
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Ooc; Guys, I like the new characters, but really, the roleplay is already overloaded enough with all the speed-posts and such. :X I can't even handle the amount of characters being thrown out and being brought it. So, Nom and Lake, I'm sorry, but we can't have those two Charras. It's getting to the point of stressful for me. D; Det and Loki are keeping theirs because I already gave the okay and they are my co-owners. And sorry about this, Lola and Em. :<
hello my name is elder price
9:23pm Jun 9 2011 (last edited on 9:29pm Jun 9 2011)
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Posts: 1,586
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.