9:36pm May 14 2010
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Morana's ears prick and she snarls wickedly clawing Katai across the face with her dagger like claws, Katai's blood is dyed on Morana's sharp tallon and she knows the young dragon is in pain. Morana's eyes were filled with anger, "Never talk to your superior officers in that fashion!" she snarled. "Learn respect and perhaps Feyth will spare you a punishment." Morana growled darkly..."apologize at once!" she snarled again, with a harsher, and colder tone
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9:45pm May 14 2010
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"I was wrong to send you back, but that doesn't excuse you from this!" she slashed her tail across Katiai's back, making her scales run red with blood...
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9:59pm May 14 2010
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Morana nodded toward Feyth..."teach the young one a lessson, we dont want her speaking out again." Morana stated. Watching the attack
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10:06pm May 14 2010
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Feyth clamped her powerful jaws on her tail, "Go back where to belong." she said, ripping her teeth off of Katai's tail. She licked her lips that were covered in bright blood. She tasted it and then washed herself. "Now, back to the wolf problem...
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10:35pm May 14 2010 (last edited on 6:33am May 15 2010)
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Morana looked at the young dragon, no doubt in pain "Thats enough Feyth, I believe Katai has learned her lesson." she said calmly. She stared at the wolves. "Sunset..." she growled, "Come Feyth, we will hunt them down in several hours." she growled, climbing back to her perch inside the empire's walls. ((emerald/anti went to bed...i think we should wait for her and anti to get back <3))
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10:40pm May 14 2010
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6:38am May 15 2010
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Katai whimpers as she stands in front of beta dragon "im... im... waaaaaaaaaaaa" she starts to fly off without apologizing with tears falling on the wolves like rain. Zariatha watches as the Alpha tears open the small baby-like face of the child dragon, and even though she didnt care much about dragons that scene had made her feel srry for Katai. her stiff postition slackened for a second before her head cleared and froze right back up when she heard Feyth speaking again "uuuh you dont really have to anything but let us p*censored* you... this isnt even Mount Dracona, where we are going is to the base but why wont you let us go past you?" Zariatha proded the dragon as she inched forward with every word.
6:44am May 15 2010
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Morana shook her head..."weak...I will deal with Katai later" she growled to herself. SHe looked at the wolves. And snarled making Zariatha back up...."As I said, SUNSET." she snarled viciously. Zhane looked at the alpha dragon and forgot to hold his tongue. "What happens at sunset? You scaley lizards are going to chase us down?" he growled, he was tired of these dragons making a fool out of the wolves. Morana's eyes turned blood red. And she lunged, clamping her dagger teeth onto his feeble neck, it broke in a second or so. Blood leaked from the beta wolf's neck as it clung to Morana's sharp teeth. She threw the wolf back to the wolf pack and snarled...her teeth red with blood. "Teach the mutt some manners." she growled before relaxing on a nearby stone.
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7:01am May 15 2010
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"You'll regret that dragon" zariatha said spit out the last word like it were a poisonous berry. She bounded over to where the crumpled but not yet dead beta (male). "Dusk, get your tail over here and help me with Zhane..." as quickly as they could through the forest, they made it back to the camp they made the night before. "i need the healer... SOMEBODY GET ME THE HEALER!!!" she was screaming now, outraged that she was unable to protect her beta. when the healer came and took Zhane to be healed, Zariatha pulled aside Dusk and started yelling at her, " WHAT HAPPENED BACK THERE?!?!?! BETA 2 HAS A BROKEN NECK BECAUSE OF THAT MOUTH OF HIS... YOU COULDNT HAVE KEPT AN EYE ON HIM? all alone in her cave Katai cried until no tears were left, "ill show you feyth... i can be as good a fighter as anybody, im not to young..." she had found more tears and couldnt stop them from flowing. She finaly had any idea... "Morana wants those wools dead, right? so im gonna be the one to bring them back for her." Katai walked to the edge of her cave and jumped in to the air,flying to the camp she knew was there... she hoped that no one would go to her cave to look for her but if they did she had made sure to leave a note.
7:05am May 15 2010 (last edited on 7:17am May 15 2010)
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Morana laughed coldly..."Times running out for your beta male..." she stated coldly..."tick tock..." she called after the wolves as they fled. Her eyes as dark as death she strode back to the empire's walls. To find that most were asleep. She crawled into her chamber and wrapped her body around her greatest treasure. All was dark for Zhane...he could hear faint voices but felt his life being drained
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7:26am May 15 2010
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((lets wait 4 anti...i told her we wont go to far...and i dont want to leave feyth behind either :D))
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7:30am May 15 2010 (last edited on 3:11pm May 16 2010)
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8:49am May 15 2010
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"You. killed. my. mate." Dusk took a step forward with ever word. "You she all regret that little trick someday." she said angrily and spun around. kill me now she though, Zhane was dead and there was nothing even the greatest healer could do for him. Her eyes clouded over with grief...
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9:02am May 15 2010
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Morana smiled coldly..."It is not my fault your mate was weak, there was no purpose for him to survive." she stated in a not caring voice. She flicked her tail in an annoyed stance. "I believe the loss of your loved one will cause you more pain then death itself, so I will let you live and imagine that you were to weak to save him." she stated coldly a wicked look in her eyes
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9:04am May 15 2010
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Her eyes widened in anger, "So i supose you won't kill me if I try to kill you." she asked in a sarcastic tone and bit down on the drgons large tail, her teeth so sharp and to the point that she tasted blood...
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9:13am May 15 2010
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"Dusk! Dusk! look im sorry for yelling at you. please come ba..." she stopped dead in her tracks when she say the blood thristy dragon hovering over other beta. "YOU GET AWAY FROM HER YOU FOUL MONSTER!!" Zariatha called to the beast "Run Dusk run!" she ran around her beta to stand between Morana and Dusk. "you have cost me the life of one of my beta, i will NOT aloow you to take another. You are to stay away from her." Katai flew just above the clouds so her shadow would be hidden. As she traveled, searching for the wolf pack camp, she hummed a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her when she was little. "that was the time when she actually had time for me." she was saddened by this thought and while distracted by her sorrow she forgot the falling tear. "i will make this up to her. I will make her proud of me." she continued to cry not able to stop. Far down below the tear drop that had fallen struck the nose of the proud dragon Morana.
9:20am May 15 2010
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"No, I won't let go." Tears streaked her furry face as she continued to bite on any soft part of Morena she could find...
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9:21am May 15 2010
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Feyth, at this time, had wandered bavck to caves to look for her daughter. "Katai, I*m sorry for hurting you, but you know better." she said. She cried when she saw the note. Katai was going to get killed. She flew into the air in search of her daughter
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9:23am May 15 2010 (last edited on 9:27am May 15 2010)
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"Dusk what is wrong with you?" she was worried about her friend's life. Zariatha knew what she had to do but didnt want to play that card. she sighed "Dusk i gave you an order, go back to the camp, or i will have to tell the others you disobeyed a comand from the alpha, you know what that will mean." she hated playing the bad guy but she knew that there was no other choice. Katai heard her mothers voice calling for her. she yelled back, "i will make you proud moher. you'll see, and then you will have time to spend with me" her voice echoed and katai knew she would not be able to be found by sound. a pang of guilt hit her as she thought of how her mother felt when she found her gone, but htat feeling went away when she remebered how her mom would act if she were to get the wolves alone. (we should wait for a sec until funlover6 comes back)
9:33am May 15 2010
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((ok. On moment.) "No. You can't do anything. If anybody'd ever loved you the way he had, you would understand." she reluctantly took one last chomp on Morena's tail and then returned to Zariatha's side...
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