7:33pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm May 16 2010)
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Morana nodded toward Feyth, as she stared at Katai. "Your mother does what she does to protect you from harm...her pride towards you could not increase any more then it already is..." Morana stated in a cold, calm voice. "I am very proud to call your mother my beta, and I look foward to you following in her footsteps." Morana said in the same calm tone...the calmness was a strange tone for her...as she nodded toward the two dragons and turned, and started to leave, her long, armored tail dragging behind her.
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7:35pm May 16 2010
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Feyth whistld a tune that she had once sung to Katai many years ago, smiled,and then wandered after her leader...
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7:50pm May 16 2010
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Listening to Morana talk about how her mother felt about Katai made her feel better, even though somewhere she knew there was lies. but even so the talk had made her tired at last with the sound of the lullaby echoing through the cave, she fell asleep. Katai could not escape rejection even in her dreams. all that night, the young dragon tossed and turned thinking about all the cruel punishments she had ever been given and the fact that there was always something more important to do. All night long Katai tossed and turned and cried, and her heart broke as she dreampt the nightmare.
7:55pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm May 16 2010)
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Morana made her nightly trip through the bed chambers. She peeked into the caves of her allies to make sure all was well. Morana looked into one of her fighter's bedchamber, their light breathing signalled they were asleep, she nodded and moved on. She arrived at her beta's bedchamber and peeked inside. She was about to walk away when she heard the sniiffling of a youth. She cocked her head, and growled lowly and walked over to the dreaming child. She hummed a light tune and stroked Katai's head with her tail lightly to comfort the child. "Forget what distresses...dream my young one." she whispered soothingly but still in her usual tone... before turning. and continuing her nightly checks.
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7:55pm May 16 2010
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Feyth crept into the den that night and curled ehr body around the young dragon, something she hadn't done in a long time and then sang the song: "Hush little Dragon Don't spread your wings Her fire and your talons are good for other things The wolves will not hurt you And the river shall not drench You are my daughter forever... "
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7:59pm May 16 2010
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((awww feyth! thats so cute!))
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8:04pm May 16 2010
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((Thank you, it took me about 5 min to make up -_-' ))
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8:06pm May 16 2010
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((aaaaaaw that was amazing :*) )) Katai awoke curled up in next to her mother and she felt a pang of guilt for ever thinking that she was horrible. Katai slowly and quietly got up and left the cave. A few miniutes later Katai brought in a stag, and began to roast it. When it was done cooking she took a small portion, ate it and jumped out the cave entrence, leaving almost the whole stag for her mother. She couldnt wait for Feyth to wake up so to p*censored* the time, she flew in pretty patters across the sky in a never ending dance in the clouds.
8:08pm May 16 2010
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((feyth that was sooooo amazing :*D your a really good writer)) Morana emerged after a short nights sleep...she couldnt doze, why? she had no idea. She saw Katai soaring through the air and lay on a large stone to soak in the morning sun.
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8:10pm May 16 2010
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Feyth crawled out of the den on ehr four legs and looked at the stag. She smiled, thanked the goddess for the meat and then chomped into it. When she had finished, she pushed it towards Morena, "Would you like some?" she asked. She watched ehr daughter make crcles in the sky...
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8:10pm May 16 2010
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((Thank you.))
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8:14pm May 16 2010
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Morana glanced at Feyth.."No I am fine, thank you." she stated. Her eyes followed the soaring youth. Without taking her eyes off her she said "You have an amazing daughter." in an expressionless tone. Compliments were rare on Moranas part. She remembered when she was a youth...she would have fun in the sky much like Katai, before the pas.ssing of her loved ones.
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8:15pm May 16 2010
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Katai, so envolved with her flying, didnt notice her mother awake for the first few miniutes. When she saw her mother watching her, she made one final loop and dove to land right next to Feyth. "So what did you think of the meat? I thought it was amzing but i wasnt sure about you." Not forgetting her manners turned to Morana and bowed "Good morning" Katai almost sang.
8:17pm May 16 2010
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Morana nodded. "Morning." she stated plainly before turning and starting to walk back to the empire... her black scales glistened in the morning sun.
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8:18pm May 16 2010
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Feyth laughed, "Yes, she is. Even if she is a pain sometimes." feyth smiled and wrapped her tail around Katai, "It was wonderful-" she stopped in mid sentence as she heard cracking. She gazed over at the egg behind her which had turned into soup inunder a minute. "That was for my mate." Dusk turned and fled down the side of the mopuntain, she was invisible in under a minute, having run as fast as she could. Feyth's gaze turned cold as she stared at the dissapearing wolf, but she wouldn't go after unless Morena permitted it...
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8:22pm May 16 2010
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Katai, not having as much restraint as her mother, took off after the wolf. She knew how important that egg was to her and was getting used to the idea of having a sibling. "THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE. YOUR MATE HAD A CHOICE AND CHOSE TO DIE. THAT WAS A DEFENSLESS BABY!!!" she yelled as she ran. Finally she go to a part were she could glide. She kicked off the side wall and was ontop of the wolf in seconds. Katai dropped on top of the Beta wolf in a way so that she couldnt move but was hurt. Katai growled and snarled louder with every struggle from the wolf.
8:24pm May 16 2010
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Dusk wriggled out of Katai's grasp and bit her firmly on her snout. She ran into the bushes and back to her camp as the dragon blead...
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8:31pm May 16 2010
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Katai, more surprised than anything else started to whimper and then cried. her sibling had been killed and she had failed to catch the wolf that did it.
8:33pm May 16 2010
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Feyth shot after Katai, not wanting her hurt too and picked her up. She beat her strong wings and flew back to the mountai nwith Katai in her jaws. "Don't I don't want to lose you too." Feyth said, her eyes fillnig with tears...
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8:36pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 8:37pm May 16 2010)
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Morana's heart race of anger...she let out a long cold snarl, and skyrocketted toward the wolves' camp.... she snarled and set their home ablaze. Sge flew through the flames and saw Zarriatha, she poked her head through the the flames..."A life for liveS" she growled and grabbed the young pups, setting several ablaze to make them suffer, their bodies colappsed lifeless on the ground. She snarled again and clawed the remaining pups, their blood splattered all over the stones in which they were hiding. She roared loudly, and threw several of the wolves' pack members aside, they flew randomly threw the air, several hitting the scenery and others into the flames Morana snickered as she heard bones crack.....she knew she had killed at least 20 including a few pups. Her eyes were almost black with anger... she found the lifeless Zhane and picked him up in her talons, she crushed his spine and listened to the shreaks of surviving wolves...she had no respect for the wolf pack any longer...she snarled loudly and took off, looking down to see almost the whole wolf empire ablaze, scattered with lifeless wovles. She found Katai/Feyth ordering them to go back. With that she let out a low growl and flew back to Mt Draconia... her own scales and teeth/talons dyed with the wolf blood. She disappeared into her own bedchamber, and let herself cool down.
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