8:41pm May 16 2010
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Katai went to the back of the cave, the momment Feyth put her down. she curled up in to a bal rocking back and forth grieving for the unborn child. she would help avenge the life, and no one could say no now, this was her fight too.
8:43pm May 16 2010
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Dusk, "you kill my pups too." she shouted enraged. "I spare you and this is what you do to me." she picked up one of her pups, the live one curled around her and she blew a spark off of him. "Layni... I love you." she said to the dead pup and cuddled her one last time, before racing off to find Zarithia. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Morena, I*m sorry, I over reacted to the situation." Feyth said as she held a dead wold pup in her teeth and two others lay torn on the ground below, she ahdn't seen what Morena had done, she only knew that she had disobeyed...
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8:44pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm May 16 2010)
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((im going to bed... cya all tomorrow <3)) Morana was shaking with anger.... her breathing was hard and quick as she clenched her teeth...."I lost a life...on my watch." she believed the loss of the egg was all her fault. her eyes went cold..."but wait until Dusk sees all the death i caused for revenge." she thought coldly. "You did what you had to Feyth, I am proud of you for that." she looked at the ground still angry...
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8:46pm May 16 2010
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She couldn't help but feel sorry for the young beta who had lost her mate and pups in one day, but on the other hand, Dusk had no right coming up and destroying her egg... (Good Night)
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8:47pm May 16 2010
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(( i going too sorry but i just wanted to say that you people are awesome storytellers... i have goose bumps lol))
8:48pm May 16 2010
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((Well, thank you. Its really only 6:00 here.))
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3:03pm May 17 2010
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5:35pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 6:24pm May 17 2010)
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Katai sat in her spot in the back of the den, not having moved since she sat. She hummed to her self a different song, the song of sorrow all dragons sang at a time of death. She thought about what her mother had said. "Dont worry mom, I'll stay safe." But she didnt even beleive herself. Katai was sleeping by the time Feyth had returned to the den. Zariatha heard the footsteps but didnt know who it was. She tensed, ready to fight but relaxed when she saw it was her beta. "Dusk, thank the gods and goddesses that your alive. I thought for sure you were a goner. I'm sorry about your pups, i couldnt save them. I tried and I failed, please forgive me." She hung her head in shame. "Tonight we will sing in our sorrow, and ask for their safe journey onward." She cringed at the words and tears filled her eyes. Zariatha truned away, not wanting to show her pack, especially her beta, that she was weak.
5:42pm May 17 2010
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((someone talk to me))

5:51pm May 17 2010
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((sorry, uuh. Dusk smushed Feyths egg. Morana smashed the wolf camp. now everyone is either angry or crying on both sides.))
5:59pm May 17 2010
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9:30pm May 17 2010
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"I*m alive!" Corro said as she he danced around his mothers bruised legs. Dusk looked at him with a pang of sadness, he was alive, but Layni was dead...
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9:31pm May 17 2010
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Moranas eyes turned to a sorrowful green once she realized the loss...like all alphas in Mt draconia's past...she let out a long, beautiful note...that sailed through the walls of the empire...signalling the death of the unhatched youth. The note could only be obtained through the vocals of her mother, and now herself. Morana stopped the beautiful song...it was one of the greatest gifts an alpha can p*censored* on after a death. She looked out toward her empire...many young, many strong, many sorrowed..."We must learn to forget the past...and look for the future..." she stated strongly, but the sorrow in her voice was heard..."The young loss, will not go unrewarded...the young one will soar amoung our ancestors, and look down upon us until it is our time to move on." she told her followers. She hung her head..."I just apologize, many of you do not believe I am fit to lead....I cost us to many lives, and my teachings are hard...I take full responsibility for the loss, and you can do what ever you wish to punish such a task...All I can do is ask for your forgiveness..." she looked to the stars and turned, disappearing into the night.
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9:45pm May 17 2010
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Katai stopped singing her song to listen to the alpha's note. A sad note yet comforting at the same time. Tommorrow Katai would fly with others who decided to mourn for the lost child. She walked to the place where the egg used to be, petting the ground. She then lept of the side of the den to fly to the peak of the mountain. It was a tradition to yell from the peak when ever in great sorrow or pain and Katai planned to do just that. She was still the same age but it felt to her that there was no childness left inside her.
9:47pm May 17 2010
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Morana sat upon the mountains peak...the soft breeze blew against her dark scales... The death of the child was her fault she knew... she gazed out into the open air and into the scenery...the view stretched for miles. Her face was expressionless, as she thought....
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9:57pm May 17 2010
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Ignoring the alpha already sitting there, the greiving Katai landed on the peak looking down to the ground. She lifted her head to the sky and roared the loudest she could. when she ran out of air, she stopped but yelled again until her voice broke and she could say no more. Rising she nodded to Morana, not sure if she was seen, and flew down to the lake to satisfy her dry throat. when she was finished, she took off flying not home but to the healer's den, were she could have her throat looked at. She arrived, luckily there were no patients so she could be seen right away. Katai left the den with her voice restored then flying to her cave, she was tired, but the nightmares of the egg kept coming... "How can i get rid of them." she said to herself, for there was no one to listen.
10:04pm May 17 2010
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Morana continued to stare out to the night sky... I have failed... she thought closing her eyes tightly... no tears came, they were lost a long time ago. She stood on her hide legs, and let out a horrible growl, that disturbed the silent night. She knew most of the empires would hear her deafening outcry, the gorund beneath her trembling with every p*censored*ing note...her pitch was high, for she was a pure Dusk Screecher ((it does exist!))...her screaches could cause ears to bleed, or so the legend says... finally she clamped her mouth shut and spread her shadowing wings....she cast off into the brisk air and landed on her home perch...she comforted those in grievence while others tried to explain how it wasnt her fault...she shook her head slowly and moved on... her face was hard and strong, her eyes were the only thing that showed emotion, for in her heart...she failed
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8:49am May 18 2010
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Feyth flew to Morena's side and just floated there, there was nothing she could do at the moment...
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8:52am May 18 2010
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Without turning around. Morana senced Feyth's precense... her gaze still casted to the open scenery, "Please forgive me, I have failed you." she said in her usual voice, but this time included regret and disappointment.
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8:55am May 18 2010
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"Morena, if I hadn't been rooted to the spot because of the loss, I would have done the same thing." she said, trying to be as calms as possible. she pulled her gaze back to Morena and stared at her...
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