8:34pm May 18 2010
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"Its not fine, but its also not your fault. No one could have stopped it." Feyth said, her eyes softened as she saw Morena's anger...
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9:25pm May 18 2010
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Katai woke up screaming, having had the nightmare yet again. She searched for her mother inside the cave but she wasnt there. "Mother!! Mother, where are you?" Katai yelled out the entrance, and then a thought accured to her, what if the wolves had attcked while she was asleep and her mother didnt make it. This scared her, being the only one left in her family. She pounced into the cool night wind, flying through the clouds looking for any signs of battle but finding none. "Mama?" That was something that Katai had not said in years but she didnt notice, because she looked around and found that she had no idea where she was anymore. She had gotten lost and couldnt find her mother, and that sent Katai over the edge. She landed and started sobbing about everything that she thought about. Why did the wolves kill her baby sibling, why was her mother gone, and how did she get lost? She sent up a jet of flames hoping another dragon would see the signal and run for help.
9:39pm May 18 2010
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Feyth glanced down and yipped as the flames burtn her. She dived downwards and and helped Katai up into the air...
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9:45pm May 18 2010
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"Oh, hey mom. How did you get here so fast?" Katai said, a little slow and sleepily. Her flying was ungraceful and without a course that she knew of. She had seen her mother alive and well and that was all that mattered to her. As they flew back to the den, she wispered, "I thought you were gone, I couldnt find you. Where did you go?" And before she had fallen asleep mid flight. (dont worry.. her wings still carry her even though shes asleep, shes not falling to her death. hahahaha)
9:48pm May 18 2010
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"I am with Morena." she said to the sleeping Katai. She tucked her into the pouch on ehr belly and continued flying with the alpha....
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3:01pm May 19 2010
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((i dont know what to post))

3:08pm May 19 2010
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((ya me either... oh wait im asleep so it doesnt matter what my charry does.
4:10pm May 19 2010
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((hah emerald))

4:50pm May 19 2010
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((nice emem)) Morana felt herself stiffen as she saw Katai, worried that she might have lost another one.."It is my fault Feyth, I killed Zhane, and Dusk wanted revenge..." she didnt include the part where she destroyed the wolf camp...
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6:17pm May 19 2010
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((i don't know what to post still))

6:48pm May 19 2010
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"Its not your fault." she tried desperatly to calm Morena, "It was Dusk's." she said...
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8:56pm May 19 2010
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"If Dusk killed your mate, would you want revenge?" was all Morana could say
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9:03pm May 19 2010
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Katai, opened ehr eyes, the voices had woken her but she knew to stay quiet and not interupt the adults. Moranas question was puzzling to her, of course her mother would.
9:39pm May 19 2010
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"My mate. is. dead." she stated through gritted teeth and then admitted to herself that if he had been killed by the wolves, she would have tried to get Revenge...
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10:41am May 20 2010
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((whoa what happened here?))

2:30pm May 20 2010
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Morana nodded, "I know... have you forgotton how long I have known you?" Morana questioned her eyes still cold and angry towards herself...
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3:06pm May 20 2010
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Kalika flew down to a cave to see two dragons. " Hello." she said to the big dragon

3:08pm May 20 2010
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Morana senced a new dragon approaching but senced no harm...she didnt glance as she nodded toward the newcomer and watched the darkening sky.
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3:14pm May 20 2010
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Kalika stepped forward. "Why were you yelling?"

3:30pm May 20 2010
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Morana didnt turn to face the newcomer, her cold gaze focused on an uncertain ob ject... "Because I have failed. I have killed my own." she stated expressionlessly
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