8:25pm Jun 9 2011
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((Due to lack of members, I'm putting this RP temporarily on hold, although new members are allowed to ask for characters, and once I give the say so, you may create them. Sorry to any members who already have characters, but we could be on hold for a while, until all of the leader positions and some other positions have been filled. Feel free to ask around and see if anyone would like to join.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:25am Jun 10 2011
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Name: Adrien Alexander van Aelst
Age: 106; But looks more like 19 Gender: Male
Breed: Vampire
Rank: Leader Looks: He stands at an even 6', with a gorgeous muscled build. His facial features and complexion are likewise flawless (and pale), rounding out an appearance that would be so stunning and alluring to humans it's fairly stereotypical and run-of-the-mill for a vampire. His hair is a wispy platinum blond, falling in gentle waves around his face, gently framing and emphasizing his lovely features. With his soft, ever-present smile he would seem almost friendly, were it not for his gleaming blue-green eyes, which openly reflect a deep-set cruel streak.
He generally dresses rather nicely, with at least a button-down and a tie if not a suit.
Personality: Cyrus is not actually as evil as he might let off, but not nearly as good as he tries to seem. He's self-contained, with a preoccupation with elegance and nobility that borders on an obsession. He absolutely demands that his second and third in command, and to a lesser degree his generals, look presentable and well-dressed in any context and conduct themselves as the ranking members of the ruling kingdom should. Cyrus is generally quite composed, able to keep his temper in check in all but the most extreme circumstances.
He seems constantly self-assured, as if he's just generally convinced that he's better than other people. And yet he's somewhat casual in this self-absorption, thinking nothing of it, as if he's unaware that there's any other way to consider things. He gyrates between overly concerned with how people view him and totally oblivious to it, hinging completely on how worthy he considers the other party. Naturally, he's quite vain.
History: His mother died while he was quite young, leaving him to grow up with his two older brothers and his father. They were descendents of a rather ancient order of vampires, and as such it was only natural for their line to assume the throne of this new kingdom. However, Cyrus was fourth in line, and it took quite a few deaths to put him in charge- not to mention snubs to some other high-ranking vampires vying for position. He's widely speculated to be responsible for his father's death four years ago, and at least one of his brothers', but he has effortlessly avoided any solid accusations.
Relationships: Plenty of women through the years. He has tried to keep private matters private, but of course rumors abound. He's resistant to settling down with one vampiress, and just flits from one to another at the slightest whim.
Family: Nope, totally dead.
RP Sample: The capital building was shaping up to be more of a mansion than a palace, but for once Adrian didn't mind the deviation from his intentions. This was the first time he'd visited construction, and things were much farther along than he'd expected. Perhaps the firestorm that had erupted after his ascent to power had devoured more of his time than he had realized. But it was easy to put that unpleasantness behind him when he was finally presented with this physical symbol of the vampiric kingdom rising up.
Both the palace- mansion?- itself and the city around it were under heavy construction. Everything had to be perfect for the flagship city of the vampires. It would be the capital of the new kingdom, and soon of the world itself. Only so recently had they come out of the shadows, having already set up a solid foundation behind the scenes. Their surge into the world had been swift and unnerving. And yet, so far, it'd been going well. Everything was orderly, and they'd yet to receive opposition from any of the other new kingdoms as they readied their own.
His pale fingers traced the smooth, lacquered mahogany of a newly-installed banister, as the sound of his footsteps echoed emptily back to him from the chamber's vast ceiling. The marble staircase felt sturdy beneath his feet, and in his quiet solitude he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details of the moldings on the wall. He'd seen this place go from a huge strip of empty land to an exquisite display of all of the craftsmanship an ancient race could offer. He knew it was silly and undignified to feel any sort of excitement for something as mundane as a building, but this whole place stood for so much more than that. He was seeing the first little step towards their creation of a new world, and it only made him eager for more. Warlock, Demon, Shifter, Angel, Werewolf- all were bound to fall before them. Adrian was sure of it.
Name: She was renamed Lucia by her first master, so her original name doesn't matter.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Human
Rank: Omega
Looks: Pale blue eyes, coupled with rosy cheeks that have become more and more drawn as of late. Her hair is a strawberry blond tone, usually drawn back into a neat braid, although there seem to be a few strands that always come loose and fall over her forehead. She has a slight build, nearly frail in appearance, delicate, with a small chest and slender hips. Her nose is slightly upturned, and her lips are soft and full. However, this unassuming look must be somewhat deceptive, because a weak servant could never survive for as long as she has. She's much tougher than she comes off, grittily clinging to life even as the human race crumbles.
Personality: She has very little chance to express herself, and generally keeps her head down, so she's rather easy to overlook. As a servant for the werewolves from the tender age of thirteen, she has developed a somewhat blank, distant demeanor, as if she's completely unable to pass judgment on anyone else. She does, however, occasionally reveal a slightly warmer side, but she tries to keep this to a minimum, not really doing much to try and win favor from her masters.
History: Her town was wiped off of the map, swallowed up by the werewolf's kingdom. She doesn't know if any other members of her family were taken into servitude or changed into wolves, but she doesn't really hold out any hope of seeing them again. A few older girls that she went to school with are actually packmembers now, although they don't really acknowledge her any more than the other wolves would. She was snapped up to serve her first master as a personal servant, just because he thought she was a pretty little thing, although that innocent beauty has since faded.
RP Sample: o3o Already got one above.
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5:33am Jun 10 2011
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((Both Lucia and Adrien have been accepted))
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7:02am Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 434
(( Sweet 83! I'm also going to throw in the two ideas that A) The leaders, ambassadors, and other people of the kingdoms should maybe have to meet up in some kind of war room/diplomacy sort of deal on neutral ground, which would give us a way for all of these different warring races to interact! and B) There are literally not enough people on Res to fill up most of these positions, so you might not want to hold out. Also, It'd be just awful to wait for each round of replies if we had, like, twenty roleplayers, so this group size is actually pretty darn good. You could just cull the Warlock race since no one picked that, and the the rest of the leader/dignitary positions could be NPC sort of things that everyone controls or whatever, you know, background characters. ))
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7:15am Jun 10 2011
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((I was going to cut the Warlock race anyway. I like your idea about the interactions though. Maybe there could be an assigned meeting, like you said, where everything gets heated up? Still, I'm going to wait for any more members to join, as we do have a lot of holes. Although I agree on the size, we could use with less holes in the plot. I think that I'm going to have to cut the third in command thing, and maybe the trainees.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
10:34pm Jun 10 2011
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4:57am Jun 11 2011
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((Guys, if any of you want to ask around for people who might be interested or add another character, then that would be great))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:09pm Jun 11 2011
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((Since no one is coming on {future members are always welcome} I guessI give the say so to start, but I could use some help to liven up the plot a bit. Any idea's? Send an rMail to me. Thanks. Here's the intro. I'll use Captus as he's my only charrie currentely, although I may choose to take on another.)) The war was getting harder Berated with blows which can't seem to touch my icy cold, pale and pasty skin, I march forward. I show no fear. No mercy. I plot. I picture my enemy as the monster that I have become. I let my sense's go, and I feel all loss of hope. I'm ready, for war. My troops of blood-thirsty, pale vampires march forward, without feeling, without a sense of dignity, of reality. Feeding, has become harder. The whole vampire race has noticed. That is why we are here. We must kill, to live. I still have some sense to my rage's. I don't need as much. That marks me as an outcast. Still, they march, onward. Stepping over the bodies of those gone before them. Their eyes don't even glimpse at the carnage. The blood bath. They simply march. I do notice. I've always noticed. I can't stop the oncoming rush of guilt as I see the bodies. Some of them I knew. Most of them, though, are nobodys. No one knows who they are any more. Their blood has been sucked until they run dry, their muscle and fat has been eaten by demons and werewolves, their very bones have been cast away. Their souls, if they are still left, are sent to Hell. Ever since the war for supremecy, the Angels left heaven. Without them, the gates have closed. No one has been allowed in heaven in years. Hell is the only place left. That's where the demons rule. If they don't drive you crazy, your tortures will. I force my eyes to look up. The sky is grey with the drifting clouds that seem to be no more than a wisp of smoke. There hasn't been rain in three months. The werewolves are suffering. No one will offer them help. Just as no one will offer us Vampires help. It is a dog eat dog world. There's one golden rule; You Live, or You Die.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:24am Jun 13 2011
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ooc:// Sooo... Should my starting post be at the big Council War Meeting type-thing?
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9:45am Jun 13 2011
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((Sure, if you like. Don't dive in too deep though. Just enter and describe the place or something.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
10:25am Jun 13 2011
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As soon as she entered the council chamber, Hannah sniffed dismissively. The slave at her sighed whimpered, and she shot it a glare. No doubt the poor thing was scared out of its mind. Not only was she not pleased at the decor -far too frugal- but she also loathed being here. Having to meet with the other power players was simply a waste of her time. She would squash them, and that would be it. They all knew of the influx of souls she was recieving, all thanks to those high-and-mighty angels taking a little break from work. Recruiting had been going a bit down until that situation arose. What with all the da.mned filling her domain, it was all to easy for the demons to find souls battered by war, warped by the sight of massacre, and broken in will by torture who were willing to give up their ties to whatever race they were and go through the ritual -painful though it was- for a soul to begiven a demon body. After all, the pain of the ritual was nothing compared to an eternity of slow, unmatched agony in the Pits. No, this was the better option. And so the ranks of the demons were swelling even as those of the other races lagged. Sure, they could all procreate, but angels, at least, had to have a much harder time recruiting. Join the fray and possibly die, or stay in Paradise? Not a hard question to answer. Besides, no one went to Heaven, which in turn made them bitter, and even easier to convince of the perks of being a demon. All this made Hannah feel like a queen, and she dressed as such. Sumptuous silks of bronze, blood red, and a rusty orange drape her body in a dress that emphasizes her figure, the corset shapingher waist and pushing a modestly pleasant chest into view. The colors beamed against her fair skin, her hair wrapping around her like so many waves of gold. Amber eyes peered out from under thickened lashes and sweeps of more bronze on her lids. Some kind of coloring put her lips at a rich blood red to match her dress, though at a glance... It couldn't possibly be actual blood, could it? Why, to kill a slave just for a touch of blood to brighten the lips would be ridiculously cruel, even for a demoness. Wouldn't it? Ah, well. With a snort Honey went to the largest and must cushioned of the chairs, or at least what she percieved to be such, since all the chairs surrounding the round table -how quaint- were identical. The clod, bare stone walls had very little of the glitz and pomp she was so used to at home, but not everything could be perfect. And so the demoness sat, bored, waiting for the lesser leaders to arrive.
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1:16pm Jun 13 2011
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Name: Jade Aleara Simons Nicknames: Allie Age: 21 years Gender: Fae Breed: Werewolf Rank: Alpha Human Form Looks: Jade has medium length, dark red hair, with a mix of brown in it. Her skin is pale, dotted with simple brown freckles, and evenly placed, slightly impressioned dimples when she let her too shiny smile show. Her canine teeth seem just a little bit too long, and her teeth shine unaturally, even without the help of the sun, when it shows, at least. Her eyes are almond shaped, with long black eyelashes, and purple irises brought on by the shift. She has dark red circles that surround her eyes in a thin circle, and extremely dark red pupils, all brought on by the shift. Her eyes used to be a placid mottle brown in color, but when she became a werewolf, they changed, along with her complection. Her cheekbones seem to high up on her face, and stand out just a tiny bit. Her arms are long and wiry. Her legs are also long, yet they have nicely toned muscle. She is skinny, but you can't see her ribs or anything. Even when your on top of a kngdomnd you lead the pack, you get all of the best meat. Looks: Her wolf has a mixed color pelt. On her back in long streaks of fur is a black color. Then, along her sides, is a red tone. Under neath and on the underside of her tail and belly is a cream color which doesn't seem to fit. None of the colors match or blend into the other extremely well, and her fur, although smooth and well groomed, is bristly and bushy. Her legs are long and have good muscle tone on them, especially on her flanks and shoulders. Her ears are large and rounded at the tips, with slightly brownish red fur coloring them. Her eyes are mostly the dark dark red of her human formpupil, except there is a flash of purple somewhere in there. Her tongue is pale pink, and her gums are almost white at times. Her chest is thin, yet not starved. Her tail is bushy and covered in a mix of black and red fur, with a thin cream streak underneath. She stands tall at 6'2", and she's quite lengthy at 7'3". Although being big comes with the shift. Personality: She can be nervous and mistrusting when meeting newcomers for the first time. She will not accept strangers in to her Pack Kingdom. Not unless they some how proove their worthiness to her. She can even suspect a newcomer's motives if she finds them fishy enough. She tends to be a little bit impatient, although she's working on it. Unlike some other leaders, *cough*demonessHannah*cough* *cough*, she can choose to be fair, although she does have a short patience. You would be wise not to anger her, because her size in wolf form gives her the advantage if it comes to a fight. She tries to be just and kind, although she hates continuous arguments. You can bet she will get invovled, and the wolf who did wrong will get punished. She hates fighitng without cause, and often decalres her and her Pack Kingdom Neutral when war breaks out between two of the other kingdoms. This is to protect her Wolves from uneccessary battles. Relationships: N/A RP Sample: See Captus's RP Sample.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:36pm Jun 13 2011
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The day was slightly overcast but rays of sunlight perked through the clouds at random intervals, coloring patches of earth a deep golden tone. Quick pawsteps sent up puffs of dirt as a lithe sandy-furred form strode out of the woods, a small contigent of various animals streaming out behind her. Head held high despite her small appearance the female caracal's quick gray-blue eyes surveyed the scene in front of her in a detached manner, as if she did not care to be here at this time. With a flick of her tail she summoned the two other shapeshifters to follow, their large figures, a wolf and mountain lion respectively, casting a shadow on their leader. Long legs strode forwards resolutely as the caracal's shape twisted slightly, melting into the upright form of a rather tall human. Without breaking her stride the woman grinned, waved a hand and then headed up a cobbled path that lead to the war counsel. Sandaled feet slapped echoingly as Gellyn strode forwards resolutely, her face falling slightly as the building came in view. It was a long log-house sort of structure, though fashioned out of finely hewn rock. The sides were mottled gray and rose to support wooden beams that created the four walls. A fine shingled roof topped it off. Pushing her hands into her pockets Gellyn sighed heavily and walked up the stairs slowly, her feet dragging slightly. A loud cough from one of her followers sped her up slightly and Gellyn padded into the spacious room with a quietness that was characteristic of her species. Her mouth twisted at the sight of the Demon Queen, who had already settled in the largest chair. Raising a brow at the fair-skinned lady across from her Gellyn draped herself gracefully on the cushioned seat, slumping slightly with an air of boredom surrounding her. Oh, if only she could be somewhere else.

7:51pm Jun 13 2011
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Jade felt her thin wolf body bear the unual rise in temperature. It was hot, but there was no sun. 'Ironic' Jade thought, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she panted for breath. Before her stood a building, not fancy or anything, but important enough to still be standing. Jade pelt microscopic beads of sweat drip slowly down her muzzle and face. 'Why is it so da.mn hot?' she thought. There was no answer to her question, and she quickly moved on. She let a slight rippling sensation pass through her body within a few seconds, releasing her anger, and just relaxing. Instead of the red wolf standing on the burning tarmac which burned her paws, was a woman, dressed in ripped jeans which were so tattered from use, and a t-shirt which said in faded blood red letters, 'Led Zepplin'. She had stolen it off some dead kid. Jade made her way forward towards the building. Unlike some posch Leaders, she had chosen to come without a whole array of bodyguards and servants. Up the stairs she travelled and she stood facing a metal door with no windows to see inside. This was for secrecy, but it was also so she couldn't see who was already in the Meeting Room. It was a rather crude invention by humans, but it had its uses. She pushed gently on the doors, and then harder as they didn't open on the first try. The door swung open and she nearly lost her balance, but quickly regained her pride by not tripping. Jade walked rather quickly and took seat next to a rather nervous looking shape-shifter. Conversation wasn't available, but by the looks of the shape-shifter over the demon, she would take the shape-shifter any day. Jade resigned herself to staring at the metallic gray doors, willing them to swing open and break the awkward silence that crowded the room.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:41am Jun 14 2011
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Adrian hadn't really been committed to arriving on time; it was just something that had happened. Fashionable lateness was a more attractive prospect. But as it was, they were just headed out, and they'd be at the building soon. A few of his top generals and his second in blood flanked him as they approached the road to the rendezvous point. They were walking away from a small circle of cars, lovely, expensive cars, which were in a cluster on the pavement. He'd had them park out of sight of the building, not caring to be terribly close to it. A little walk wasn't really much to endure.
It was warm out, but not sunny, and yet Adrian's eyes were obscured by a pair of sunglasses, as were a few of the other vampires'. Even on an overcast day it was bright enough to bother him. But that was only one of the issues he'd had with this little meeting.
Holding it in the daytime might have just been a stupid oversight- or some equally dumb calculated move to inconvenience them slightly, whatever- but he wasn't too impressed with the venue either. They'd pretty much had to come out into the middle of nowhere, in territory that only stayed neutral because it was strategically useless. He'd offered to host the meeting, only for outcries from some of the other races, which was fairly understandable. Yes, maybe a war council was safer on an unclaimed place, but they'd had to arrange a hollowed out shell of a building to shelter in for the couple of days they'd be out here, a huge hassle. And it was nowhere near as comfortable as he would've liked.
But he wasn’t thinking about any other circumstances now. They entered the building hot on the heels of someone else apparently- he heard the door to the meeting room shut just as they were inside. At least that meant they weren't the first there. He was the first to climb the stairs, the idle chatter between his subjects dying down as they neared.
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7:34am Jun 15 2011
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(( Eerr, bump o_o;? ))
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1:05pm Jun 15 2011
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((Gonna wait for kake and Ai (DetNeth106) to post before I do again.))
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1:56pm Jun 15 2011
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ooc:// I noticed that the angels don't have a leader yet. Could I just go ahead and fill that position?
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2:38pm Jun 15 2011
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Name: Michael (like the archangel) Nicknames: None Age: 483 Gender: Male Breed: Angel Rank: Leader Looks: Michael is a tall and handsome man, looking to be in his mid-thirties. The leader of the angels is a towering 6'5, eyes a striking bright blue. The span of his snowy white wings is twice that when fully extended, filling any space quite easily. Usually he only extends them in flight, though is not afraid to use them as a form of intimidation, since the sight of their heavily muscled mass can be a bit imposing for one who isn't used to the sight. His body matches his wings as far as build is concerned, making him look rather like a moving mountain. A broad chest and wide shoulders meet the eye level of the Archangel's number one foe, her Majesty the Demon Queen. This suits him just fine, as it forces her to look up quite a distance to meet his cooblue gaze. Those electric eyes provide a sharp contrast against the shaggy black waves of his hair and the Grecian bronze cast of his skin. He is in every way the Demoness's opposite,and plans on keeping it that way. However, similar to the Demoness, Michael chooses a more archaic style of clothing, preferring the style of a Renaissance lord to more modern styles. Personality: Again, complete opposite of his nemesis, the Demoness. Michael is a gentle, compassionate, and caring leader. He despises unnecessary violence, and should hate war. But Michael was appointed by God to be the War Leader of the angels, and so some small part of him longs for the dreadful thing. This has created smething of in internal struggle in the Archangel. On one side, what angel relishes the rush of battle, and seeing the enemy cowed before him? On the other, he was built for war. He is the Sword of God, with a name that, in the old tongue, means 'Who is like God'. Then, if he is like God, is it the merciful God of the New Testament, or the wrathful, jealous God of the Old? This has plagued Michael for quite some time, making him emotionally unstable and quick to snap at the slightest provocation. Only one thing is certain to him, and that is that evil must be eradicated at whatever the cost. Usually Michael does his best to hide serious breakdowns from the public eye, but things have been getting steadily worse since hemade the decision to remove the angels from Heaven and their usual tasks to focus on the war. Without the souls, angels have been dying without replacement, while his enemy's ranks expand. It makes him feel terrible, knowing that he is to blame for the torture of innocent souls, only adding to the guilt and pressure weighing down on Michael's considerable shoulders. Family: The Archangels are Michael's only family, with the exception of God the Father. So: Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, Raphael, Zofiel, and Zadkiel, the oter six archangels. RP Sample: See Hannah's example
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3:16pm Jun 15 2011
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((@reina, I would allow you, but you already have a leader, and I have a rule against having two leader positions. So I can't allow you to have the Angel Position. Despite the fact that Michael is a beautifully portrayed character, it's against the rules. Perhaps he could be the second in command? Sorry!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.