The Great Kindom of Zayfiden I

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8:50pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 8:08am Mar 30 2013)

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About a thousand years ago, there was a kingdom called Zayfiden. This is
 where you are right now. Zayfiden was a quiet land, a peaceful one. A
magical one. There was a nice, big palace where the royalty lived. The
villagers came to like and admire the king and queen, the prince and
princess. There was a marketplace and many homes, as you can imagine.
The villagers lived in peace, at least for now.







Appearance (pictures are welcome):

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf):




Only two of princes and princesses



Goddess~ Rajarii(Aslin)



Princess(s)- Cyan(Aslin)
Elf Princess~Keanari(Aslin)

Royal Guard(s)- Lilian(Megabyte)

Any other castle person(people)-


Wealthy man/woman-



Peasant(s)-Lola(Purple Meatball)

Forest Warrior(s)- Econa(Aslin)
Allora(Allora Silverfeild)
Confessor(s)~ Kahlan(Aslin)
Mages/ Magic users- Aaron(Megabyte)

Anything else-



-ANYONE can join at ANYTIME. you don't even have to ask

-Try to make this all OLD. We stated on p12 that we're using to much modern technology.


8:58pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 8:24am Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939

Age:23  1/2


Personality:She's very loving. She tries to do whatever she can to please. Her evil brother is the main threat of the world.

Appearance:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf):

Crush~ Kyle


9:02pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 10:56am Mar 30 2013)

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Posts: 154
Name- Lola

Age- 13

Gender- Female

Personality- Dark, Quiet, Shy, Strong, Mysterious, Caring, Not Much Known About Her, Unexpectedly Dangerous,Holds A Lot Of Secrets, Hated by everyone, Likes To Be Alone, Only one in Kingdom with her type of personality, Can defend herself

Back Story- She heard stories that her parents where killed in a fire while Lola was a baby, Someone saved her, brought her to the kingdom, and adopted her. Ran away because Child Abuse from new parent. Now lives in alleys with stray pets. Stays in shadows away from abusive parent. Found Ronnie sleeping in some empty crates and adopted him

Crush- no one

Likes- nature, freedom, Alone time, Ronnie, Magic, animals, flowers

Dislikes- being in large groups, crying in front of people, bugs

Other- not magical but uses things that she finds to make potions to sell. Doesn't go to school but teaches herself from reading book that were thrown away. sometimes runs out of kingdom into a meadow to think.

Rank- Peasant

Pet's Name- Ronnie

Pet's Appearance:

Lola's Appearance:


9:03pm Mar 23 2013

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Posts: 1,939

9:43pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 9:34am Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Ooh, I haven't rped in months /rubs hands together and cackles evilly/ xD

Name: Lillian Rose

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Lillian is Spunky, Charismatic, and Full of Life. You would never guess that she completely hates herself and everything that she does. She quick to love and forgive anyone except herself, and she constantly beats herself up for tiny mistakes. She believes no one will like/love her unless she is perfect, which is why she does this.

Appearance (pictures are welcome): linky (IMAGE NOT MINE I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR IT)
Because it is in black and white, I'll give you the color details. She has very ice blue eyes, dirty blonde hair (with a bleached blonde streak running down the left side of her face), and tanish golden skin. She normally wears a light purple colored strapless dress and dark tan sandals, along with a silver hairpiece and a silver dragon ring that helps her channel her magic.

Are you magical?: Witch always makes me think of cackling evil ladies with broomsticks, so I will call her a mage. Yes. And a very talented one.

Rank: She's the head of the royal guard, the youngest (and first girl) ever.

Crush: I'm not a big fan of putting up crushes before the rp. It is very likely that one might develop though <3 RPs without romance just aren't right.

Other: Mages are generally looked down upon in society, so she has kept her magic a secret from even her parents and siblings (only the royal family knows of its existence, and she plans to tell the man she marries). She used to practice magic up in her attic bedroom in the middle of the night. She is particularly good at casting spells without words or enchantments, and she uses her hairpiece and a silver ring to channel her magic instead of a wand.


9:46pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 9:47pm Mar 23 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
You are auto-accepted Mega! Also guys try to make 2 charries! Please

9:51pm Mar 23 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Sure Aslin c: I'll get another charrie up in a second.


9:52pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 9:52pm Mar 23 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
Okay thanks

9:58pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 3:14am Mar 25 2013)

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Posts: 698
Name: Nate

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Personality: Reckless and bold. Nate doesn't hide his intentions unless told other wise, and is often told off about it. In fact, the only things he is serious about is loyalty, honor and battle. Image having a younger, 4 year-old, loveable, little brother whom you trusted with your life. Who also had an assortment of weapons close at hand and was immature enough to be a two year-old. That's Nate.

Appearance (pictures are welcome): [*whisper* Click me for Nate *whisper*]
He's about 6'6 ft and has an average build. Nate wears a pirate uniform instead of a royal guard one, consisting of: a pair of knee high leather boots; rumpled trousers; a leather waist coat; and a tight fitted silk shirt. Most of his uniform is black, and the only time he doesn't wear it is to formal occasions, where he is forced into a royal guards armor. He still refuses to wear the helmet though.

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf): Mage and Wizard make me think of old men. [like Gandolf] Nate is a Sorcerer, who's very talented in at art of using Elements, especially ones close too him. But he can summon weak amounts of the element and use something natural to extend his power.

Crush: Lillan

Rank: Royal Guard

Other: He's got a slight English accent.


9:58pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 12:22pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Name: Kyle

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: Kyle is very calm and collected on the outside. He has no problem logically thinking through a situation, and sometimes he over thinks things. He is accepting and trusting to a fault; he gives everyone the chance that he believes they deserve. He is extremely loyal and if someone hurts on of his friends, they'd better run.

Most of the image is right, except for a couple things. He normally wears black fingerless gloves, and a light red t-shirt (think of the color red on his boots. That.) If he's on a mission what he is wearing in the picture is what he wears. Everything else is completely correct.

Are you magical?: Nuupe :U He admires people who can use magic though, unlike most of society. He's tried to learn how to use magic, but to no avail. The skill still highly interests him.

Rank: Another Royal Guard. He's sort of high in the ranks, but he certainly isn't the highest. He's in Lillian's hand picked division of excellent fighters because he's an excellent swordsman. His division is called the Rose Division.

Crush: I don't like adding crushes before the start of the rp. Sorreh. There is a very, VERY high possibility that one will develop though. RPs without romance just aren't right <3

Other: He's got a pet black lab named Murphy Linky He loves Murphy to death.
Also, even though he's a Royal Guard, killing bugs him. He's completely uncomfortable with the concept of taking the life of another human being, for he believes that he has no jurisdiction over who lives and who does not. The only way he will kill someone is if it is choosing between their life and the life of someone else (ex: They are trying to kill the royal family, one of his friends, etc.). Even then it isn't something he is okay with, and he strongly discourages it to any guard under him.


9:59pm Mar 23 2013

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Posts: 1,939
Oh and add your crush!

10:35pm Mar 23 2013 (last edited on 12:07pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939




Appearance (pictures are welcome):Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf):Confessor

Rank:Mother Confessor

Other:Confessors can control people with their powers if wanting to

8:22am Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

12:01pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
So when are we planning on starting?


12:05pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 12:28pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
Name: Econa



Personality: She's very pretty. She loves pleasing people. She's spunky. She can be luring at times...She's mysterious and always chooses right. She uses flowers for her spells she gets them from the towns local shops

Appearance (pictures are welcome):Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf):Elf

Rank:Forest Warrior


Other:She can use magic. Dark and light

12:06pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939
Urh I'll start after all of the characters are put up

12:09pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Kay. I'm thinking of making another character. I'll post him in a few c:


12:19pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 12:21pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Name: Aaron

Age: 20

Personality: Aaron is charismatic, outgoing, and fun. Well, once you get to know him at least. He is shy and sensitive at first, but he has a loyal, accepting, and forgiving heart. Once you get to know him, he's super trustworthy and caring. He can have fits of violence though, and they come rather randomly. He's the kind of person you know you can confide in, and the secret will stay with him.

Appearance:tle="" href=""> Linky IMAGE NOT MINE I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT

Are you magical?: Why yes, actually. He's a mage. His specialty is making potions, and he creates spells that tamper with people's emotions. He can also conjure simple elemental spells, and he is pretty good at growing plants magically.

Rank: Shopkeeper. He owns a flower shop in the upper class district. He also sells birds there. There isn't any connection or anything, he just likes flowers and birds /shrugs/

Crush: If you haven't already figured this out, I don't like putting crushes before the rp. I'm sure there will be someone though <3

Other: His parents disowned him when he was little when they realized that he could use magic. He's never been depress nor sad about it though, and he gets along fine without them. He's one of the few exceptions to the general "Mages are looked down upon" rule.
Oh yes, and he has a baby hedgehog named Felix Linky IMAGE NOT MINE


12:26pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939
Your accepted as always

12:27pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Woohoo. He's going to be my last character, so I'm ready to start whenever c:

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