The Great Kindom of Zayfiden I

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12:37pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939
((Okay I'll start with Econa.))


She walked through town looking for a flower shop. She needed to buy a Taro Flower but just couldn't seem to find one. She had looked everywhere she could think of. So, she walked up to a  little girl that was walking down the street happily and put a hand on the girls shoulder.

Little Girl~

"Hello, what do you want?" She said kindly.


Well where did you get that flower? I haven't seen it in any other stores.

Little Girl~

She swirled around Over there she said pointing at a flower shop on the corner.


Thank you sweetie. She walked towards the flower shop

Little Girl~

Your welcome


As she walked through the door a beautiful smell drifted into her nose. She loved the smell of flowers. She didn't see anyone about. Hey? Anyone here?

12:46pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 12:48pm Mar 24 2013)

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Aaron popped his head around the corner. An elven girl was standing in his shop and was apparently looking for someone.

I'll be there in a minute. Just hang on!

He dove back into his fight with a nasty little parakeet that he had just received. He generally loved rare birds, and they normally loved him, but this one was giving him a heck of a time. It was a shame too; the bird was beautiful, and he was ruining its feathers.

Finally the nasty creature settled down a little and he managed to slide it into its gilded cage. It gave him one last glare and decided to ignore him and eat some of the food in its cage.

Nasty little beast you are. Aaron mumbled under his breath. He wiped his hands on his pants to get some of the grime off and walked out front. Just as he was about to help the girl, Felix his hedgehog jumped out of his pocket and started to crawl on his head. He furiously tried to pull at the little hedgehog, but it grabbed at his hair with its tiny little claws.

Felix, stop it! I've had just about enough of you today!

The hedgehog stuck out its tongue at him and gripped even tighter. He finally decided just to ignore the little animal, which of course made it want his attention. Felix walked down his arm and jumped on it to get the attention back on him. Aaron scooped the annoying animal off of his arm and into its little cage. Felix growled a little at him, but eventually gave it a rest and laid down on his cage floor.

Aaron gave a huge sigh of relief, patted down the piece of hair the hedgehog had almost ripped out, and turned to the girl.

Sorry about that, miss. How can I be of assistance to you?


12:50pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She laughed. Do you have any Taro Flowers? I need them for my pet. He's terribly sick. She laughed lightly again. Sorry for interrupting whatever you were doing back there.

12:59pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 1:01pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Don't worry about it. It wasn't like I was enjoying wrestling with a bloodthirsty parakeet.

He laughed a little and waved the girl over. It was obvious to him that the girl had the ability of magic; she had even almost said the full word. He was able to sense the aura of magic around a being. It was odd, but useful nonetheless.

Follow me. I keep Taro flowers in the back, along with all of my other rare flowers. You'd be surprised how many people actually attempt to steal flowers. It's nuts.

Aaron walked through a couple short hallways to get to his back storage room. It wasn't really a storage room; it was more like a garden. He kept all of his favorite flowers in there. Taro flowers were beautiful in his opinion; they were blue roses, only grown by the power of magic.

He stooped down to a small bush in the dirt on the ground. He found a nice looking Taro flower, and cut it off with his scissors. He stood up, brushed the dirt off his pants, and held out the flower.

Here you go, one Taro flower. One of my best too. By the way, don't worry about that slip about your powers; you're in the presence of one of the only accepted mages in society. I'd just be more careful about the word magic; you let it slip once, and it'll spread like wildfire.


1:05pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 1:11pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
Econa parents abandoned  me when I when I was little. I don't know why they didn't like magic. I've heard that The King will kill and magic users if he gets the chance. But it's probably not true
She picked up one of the flowers. A thorn cut her and her blood was gold. She quickly swiped her hand behind her back so Aaron wouldn't figure out her secret. (Surprise Surprise)



She was in the forest playing with a little fawn. It was so cute when it was prancing around. Suddenly, a wolf appeared and killed the fawn. More wolves came out. Cyan's eyes widened. She was scared half to death. She screamed for help. She would never ever ask her father if she could go to the woods again.

1:17pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Aaron laughed.

It's definitely not true. I'm still here, am I not?

He placed the flower in her hand and smiled.

You'll always be in good company here if you want to discuss magic. I've got a lot of potions and spells I could teach you. I've made spells to tamper with peoples emotions; I could teach it to you if you want. That way if someone finds out you can convince them not to tell anyone else. It's really quite useful, but you just can't use it to tamper with love. It's cruel to make someone fall in love, so I purposely excluded that from the spell.

He dug into his pocket and found his notepad. It had the emotion spell in it, plus a ton of potions and flower growing secrets that he had written down in it. He pulled it out, ripped out a page, and handed it to the elf.

The spell is written on that page, along with a potion or two. Come back if you ever want to learn it in detail. Also, that flower is free of charge. It's nice to know another mage will use it for magic instead of just sticking it in a flower and letting it die.


Lillian shuddered. She had a magical sensor on all of the royal family. Currently, Cyan was in trouble.

Don't worry princess. I'm on my way.

Lillian ran off in the direction of the forest and drew her bow and arrow.  Whatever was in there, it sounded nasty. Luckily, she wasn't too far away.

She broke into the clearing and saw Cyan surrounded by wolves. She shot the three closest to her, and yelled at the princess.

Get behind me! I'll clear up a pathway for you. Just RUN!!!

She shot another few wolves. She couldn't tell if Cyan was gone or not, but she knew she couldn't hold them all off. It was an entire pack of wolves, and now they all wanted her.

Princess, are you out of harms way?


1:41pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

A thorn pricked her hand and golden dripped off her hand. She swiped her hand behind her back hoping he wouldn't figure out her secret.(She cries and bleeds gold she has a mysterious secret of who she is.) She bit her lip because the thorn really hurt. She cut her lip and a little golden blood appeared. "Oh no... now you know who I really am"


She grabbed a fairly large tree limb and threw it at the biggest wolf he was knocked out and all the other scrawnier ones whined and scampered away.

1:59pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Aaron looked at her curiously.

Actually, um, no. I don't have any idea who you are. I see you cry and bleed gold, which is pretty cool, but I don't know anything specific. I generally stick with my birds and my flowers, and nothing more.

Aaron racked his brain for something about her condition. He knew absolutely nothing about what was going on. He'd heard of a girl that could turn things to gold with a touch, and someone who could cry crystals, but never something like this.

Would you mind filling me in? I swear on my pet Felix's life that I won't tell a soul.


Lillian smiled as the wolves ran away. Of course, with her luck, one of the larger ones took a bite out of her leg before scampering away with its tail between its legs.

Dang. Stupid dog.

She bent down and examined the cut. It was deep, but the wolves did not appear to be magical. It would heal quickly with the help of magic. She looked at Cyan warily before remembering that the royal family knew of her magic. She mumbled a few sentences and the cut started to close, creating instant relief for her.

She limped over to the tree in which Cyan was and held out her hand to help the princess down.

You didn't get hurt, right princess?


2:01pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 616
Name: Allora Silverfield

Age: 23

Gender: female

Personality: Secretive, and trusts very few. Gaining her trust is hard, but she is a faithful and fearless friend once you do. She loves her pets. all of them.

Appearance (pictures are welcome):

Are you magical? (witch or wizard or elf): I guess I am an elf, but I don't associate with other elves, because they don't like my summoning magic much. They are scared of me accidentaly summoning a demon that I couldn't handle, but that would NEVER happen (*wink.) More like a druid, I cannot cast spells that cause direct destruction. I can however use summoning and transformation magic with ease. My magic comes naturally, and specific spells are not required, unless it is summoning. It is a feeling and desire that drives this type of magic. I am an archer/warrior as well.

Rank: Forest guardian I guess?

Other: Summoning magic requires certain base animals and plants and materials, but essentially I can create both mythical and regular creatures out of the materials with ease. I can also transform my own body into that of an animal, but only if I have absorbed their "essence" by touching them and focusing for a few seconds, letting their life energy seep into my body. I have several pets that live with me in my home, which is a cave beneath a giant tree. The roots of the tree create the walls of the secret cavern which I reside in, and my home expands slightly into the trunk as well. I have one dragon, one gryffon, and a winged ocelot. I still need to think of names for them. The dragon is about the size of a horse, it is green and red and brown, and is a standard with four legs and two wings on its back. It blows fire, and has other magical properties. The gryffon is slightly smaller than the dragon, with a black lion pelt on the backside of its body, and snow white wings and feathers on its head, with the occasional black accents. The ocelot is regular sized, with black wings on its back.

(Lol tell me exactly what you want my role to be in this whole thing. If you need me to alter anything about my character that's fine too! This is gonna be awesome!)


2:15pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

Oh I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you... Well... I have golden blood and tears because I'm the... one that is to guide the princess to victory from her evil brother Kadok who was exiled. He Wants to destroy the world. I just don't trust a lot of people  with that secret. They might be working for Kadok. If I'm killed Cyan might never find out her destiny. I first need to find The Mother Confessor. Then the dragon will come to destroy the city. Which will warn... Oh never mind your probably  not interested...


Are you okay I'm fine...

3:22pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Not interested? This is one of the most interesting things I've heard all month. I actually might be able to help you. I'm good friends with a guy who works under Lillian, captain of the royal guard. She might be able to help you get in contact with the princess and the mother confessor. Lillian's a pretty cool chick if I do say so myself; I'm sure that she'll be happy to help.

Aaron pulled his notebook out again, and pulled his wand from his other pocket. He used magic to flip through a couple pages, then found the address that he was looking for.

Here we go. Kyle of the Rose Brigade, the brigade directly put together by Lillian herself. They're all supposed to be excellent fighters, though they don't really fight much. They're only put in battle when the situation is dire to make sure that none of them are injured.

Aaron pounded the address into his brain, put his wand and notebook away, then looked at the elf.

Would you like me to take you to see him? Oh, and I suppose it might be important for you to know my name. I'm Aaron.


I'm fine Cyan, it will heal with magic. Knowing that you're fine is even better. Now come down from there so I can take you home.

Lillian grimaced as she put more weight on her leg. Okay, so the wolves were magical creatures. That made the wound a little less easy to heal. She probably already had a nasty infection.

Lillian cursed her leg and bent down. She had a little gauze in her backpack, and she wrapped it around her leg. She cast another enchantment on it and put some more weight on it. It hurt a little less.

Let's go princess. Your father is probably worried sick about you, I alerted him before I left.


3:30pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 3:40pm Mar 24 2013)

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...Which would warn the kingdom of an even greater threat that would threaten all of the other kingdoms...the world. Here are the people we need to find. Cyan, Kahlan(Mother Confessor), Lilian, Kyle, Allora,Nate, and Lola. Those apparently are the chosen ones So are you


Okay Lilian...

3:46pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 4:04pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
(( Just so you guys know, Lillian has two Ls in her name xI ))

I believe I can help you find most of them. I know I can help with Kyle, Lillian, and Cyan, and I'm pretty sure that Nate is another member of the Royal Guard. Lillian would know anyways.

Aaron paused for a moment.

But... if I help you, you have to let me tag along through your adventure and whatnot. I realize I'm not a "chosen one", but I can still be of assistance. And Felix would have to come too.

Aaron held out his hand for a handshake. He hoped the girl would allow him to come, he hadn't been on a good adventure in years.

So, what do you say, are you going to take my help or not?


Lillian led the way out of the forest. She chose the safest way instead of the fastest. She knew that the king would be angry if she put his daughter into any more danger than she had already been in.

Soon they arrived at the castle. Lillian's leg was already healing, and it felt good to have it almost back to normal. The enchantment seemed to have helped a lot.

Okay Cyan, you can go from here. Just be careful and don't run into any more monsters that want to take my leg off, okay? I swear if I ever see another wolf again it'll be too soon.


3:55pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 4:09pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939

She smiled sweetly. Of course. She shook his hand. She got some golden blood on his hand but only a little. Oh... now you are a chosen one... once you are touched by legendary golden blood you become a chosen one. Either that or your born with it.


Okay bye.
She ran to the castle

6:25pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 7:00pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 154
~Lola stops her in front of the castle
Lola- please can you help me im very poor anything would be of help to me and Ronnie


7:06pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She stopped. She looked at her bracelet. Here have this. she took off the bracelet and handed it to the girl and smiled. Would you like to come live with me in the castle

7:08pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 7:08pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 154
~Lola smiles
Lola- oh yes thank you i need all the help i can get and thank you for the pretty bracelet

~Lola follows her


7:16pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She took Lola's hand and smiled. C'mon let's go. Hey I have a dog too her name is Mensa she looks like Ronnie.

7:18pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 154
Lola- where'd you get her? ... i found Ronnie in some crates


7:21pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

I found her in a forest when she was a pup
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