The Great Kindom of Zayfiden I

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7:24pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 154
Lola- shes cute


7:26pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939



She sniffed Ronnie's nose

7:26pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 154
Lola- I think she likes Ronnie


7:30pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

She laughed. Aww how sweet

7:34pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 154
Lola- yeh

Lola looks at the bracelet

Lola- this is a very pretty bracelet... where'd you get it?


7:39pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 1,939

I found it in the forest with Mensa

7:40pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Good for me then. Just be careful where you bleed; we wouldn't want every little street rat in the city being a chosen one.

Aaron smiled and started to walk out of the room. He waved at the elf to follow him.

Let's go. We don't want to waste any time on our quest. We'll find Kyle first then Lillian, and the rest will follow. Okay?

He didn't wait for a response and turned out of the door. He remembered something and skidded back. He grabbed a very small flower pot full of dirt and stuffed it in his pocket.

Never know when a flower can be useful.

He muttered to the air. He then turned around sharply and walked out the door. He grabbed Felix's cage and put it in another one of his pockets. He then gave the plants magical food to keep them from dying, and overflowed his bird's cages with food. There was no telling how long he was going to be gone, and he wanted the place to be fine when he returned.

Aaron grabbed his key out of his pocket and opened the front door of his shop.

You might want to get out of there; I'm about to lock up.


Lillian nodded in the direction of the princess. She was pretty sure that she would have to do some more life saving today, but at least she could be positive that Cyan was safe. At least for now.

Lillian decided to visit some of the members of the Rose Division. They were not only her hand picked officers, but also loyal friends. She knew she would always be in good company among her division.

Lillian stepped off the castle grounds and made her way towards Kyle's cottage. He had been one of her first choices for the Rose Division, and he was a great person to rant at. He almost never got angry or upset if you exploded at him, which was good, because Lillian could have quite a temper.

She stepped up to the cottage door and knocked. A familiar voice called out:

"Who is it? Just warning you, I'm armed!"

Lillian shook her head.

It's your captain you dodo. Let me in!

She could here Kyle's laughter though the door. She was almost positive that he had known it was her. The door squeaked open, and Lillian was relieved to see a smiling Kyle behind it.

"Dearest apologies Miss Rose. Please, do come in."

Lillian smacked him on the arm and walked into the door. Ah, how good it was to be among a great friend!


Kyle smiled as he showed Lillian into his house. They were great friends, the two of them. He had used to fancy Lillian, but he was over that by now. They were simply great friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Make yourself at home Lillian. You come here so often it practically is home.

Lillian smirked at him and said:

"Don't mind if I do. Also, I hope you don't mind hearing about my day."

Lillian told him all about her day. It sounded like a monster one too. He listened and nodded. He knew it made her feel better to vent everything out.


7:41pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 7:55pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939

She looked for Kyle to tell him about Lola. She blew a whistle that she always kept when she needed Kyle when they used to play together. She hoped he would recognize it. One could hear it no matter where they were in the kingdom


She grabbed Aaron s hand and ran outside

8:07pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Aaron locked the door with a resounding click, stuffed the key in his pocket, and turned to the elven girl. He pondered a couple sentences in his head then finally chose one to say aloud.

We need to go find Kyle. Luckily, his house is right near here. Follow me and we'll be there in three minutes. Just keep up, I wouldn't want to have to double back and find you.

Aaron whisked off through the crowd. He waved at more than half of the people; he was rather famous for being a socially accepted mage, and he knew most of the people. Others were random strangers who he had never met before. It was weird being famous.

He wove through a couple smaller streets and finally came in front of Kyle's house. He had to skid to a halt as Kyle almost ran into him.


Kyle muttered a couple curses under his breath until he looked up and saw that it was Aaron. He immediately stopped the flow of curses spewing from his mouth and smiled at his friend.

Wow, a ton of my friends are coming by to visit today. What brings you here Aaron?

Just then Lillian walked out of the house. She trotted over to the other two and smiled.

"What's going on? Who's this?"

Lillian, this is Aaron. He's one of the...

Aaron interrupted him.

"I'm one of the only accepted mages in society. And I'm glad your both here, I need to introduce you to someone."

Well, can you hurry? I just heard the princess call.

Aaron nodded.

"Dang, I don't know her name yet. Oi! Elfy, come over here, this is Aaron and Lillian."


8:15pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 8:17pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939

Er hello...(Can he know the prophecy?) I'm Econa. Once I do this you'll know who I am. She took a dagger from her belt and slit her hand. Gold seeped from her hand. She swiped her other hand across her cut. It disappeared. Now do you know who I am? Oh and don't call me Elfy. I'm one of the sacred guardians of the forest

8:31pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Aaron grumbled.

I wouldn't have called you elfy if you had told me your name.

He sighed, and shook his head.


Kyle turned and looked at Lillian. She had the same wide eyed ex
pression that he did. He glanced back at the girl's hand.

Wow, I never thought I'd meet you. I'm Kyle, that's Lillian.

Kyle muttered under his breath. He had heard that prophecy; all of the Royal Guard had. Lillian had enrolled all of the Royal Guard into special classes to learn specifically about it. She had always had a feeling that it would pertain to at least one of the members of the Royal Guard. She had never figured that she would be one of them.


Lillian shook her head. They were all so wrapped up in this girl that they had forgotten about Cyan's whistle. She clapped her hands loudly, and she caught their attention.

As much as this interests me, I would like to remind you that we DO have a princess that whistled for Kyle. I'm going to go find her, because she's already been in danger today and if the slight chance that she is in danger AGAIN is true, the king will have all of our heads. I'm leaving with or without you guys.

She turned around and strode off, her purple dress trailing behind her.


8:34pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 8:35pm Mar 24 2013)

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Posts: 1,939
Uh only Kyle knows about the whistle...


Sorry Aaron. I forget things like that. I mean as in telling things about me.

9:43pm Mar 24 2013

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Posts: 4,754
(( Kyle told Lillian though, which is why they were leaving the house c: ))


3:18am Mar 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 698
[Finished bio. Where should I plonk Nate?]


4:32pm Mar 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 616
I'm so lost. how do people have multiple characters and stuff? This might be too confusing for me sorry...


4:50pm Mar 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 154
~~people are only allowed to have 2 characters so thats y some people have 2 people on~~


5:01pm Mar 25 2013

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Posts: 4,754
(( You can have a few characters. Aslin and I have three each. ))


9:30pm Mar 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
Yeah I'mma delete that rule... heh. Also only Kyle knows that whistle

9:31pm Mar 25 2013

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Posts: 4,754
(( Aslin, only he knows about it, but he told Lillian that he knew something was up with the princess. That's why they were leaving. ))


9:37pm Mar 25 2013 (last edited on 10:14pm Mar 25 2013)

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Posts: 1,939


The clouds turned black and ominous. A ghastly figure stirred up the clouds. It was the dragon that was supposed to arrive in three days. It was three days too early according to the prophecy. Aslin screamed as the dragon spit flames at her. She blew the whistle harder and harder. Hoping to dear god that Kyle would come. She screamed at the top of her lungs as the ghastly dragon landed in front of her yet it was quite a distance away. Aslin was so worked up her face turned pale. She could not believe this was happening. She lost balance and fell to the ground. She was so shocked she couldn't manage to scream the dragon had crushed the castle completely. The screams drowned out the high pitched sound of the whistle. She screamed when she got the chance. When ever would Kyle come.
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