3:14pm Mar 23 2010
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((I must have missed that lol... carry on XD)) "You can trust us, because we are your only chance. You will never get out before the flood waters come, and we have the only flood cave." He pointed to the specialy built flood cave. "Its your only chance." "I think we might have to..." Killerkit said reluctantly. "And we have powers.. we can take them!"
3:16pm Mar 23 2010
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Aurorakit growled,"First a beaver now a rat. We should just eat them all, keep the stupid flood cave and be done with it!" She snapped.
3:18pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:19pm Mar 23 2010)
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"If that is your choice." The rat said and bowed. "Your choice..." The rats echoed sadly. "But I wish you would reconcider." "Reconcider!" The rats echoed. "Please stop doing that." The rat said. "Sto-" one rat was about to echo, then stopped, "Sorry."
3:21pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Ashkit hissed,"I am very hungry." He said thinking it over.
3:31pm Mar 23 2010
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"We have food!" The Leader Rat said. "We have caught it for you, because we knew you were coming!" The rat pointed to a pile of still warm fresh kill, "What cats like, yes?"
3:35pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Err...anyone want to help meh? I am confused beyond confusment XD))
3:36pm Mar 23 2010
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Ashkit looked over at the fresh kill,"Yummy!" He said excited. He started to walk towards the fresh kill pile and then stopped,"This doesn't feel right....Usually warriors must wait for others to eat." He said.
3:37pm Mar 23 2010
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((Okay so.. the beaver that was helping them led the kits to a tunnel, and it started to rain and the tunnel would flood soon. Then Killerkit found an underground cave, but it was filled with rats that are part of a tribe (The Tribe Of Water Cave Rats) the rats said that they will help the kits, but the kits dont trust them... does that help? :3))
3:38pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((A Beaver helped them? o.O So...where can I poof in?))
3:39pm Mar 23 2010
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The Leader Rat bowed again. "You have permission." He said. "We have already eaten, if that helps at all." ((Imma gonna make the leader rat a bio XD))
3:41pm Mar 23 2010
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Windkit padded up to the prey-pile and sniffed it delicately, sighing, she picked up a caffinch and a mouse and padded up to Killerkit, "Are you hungry?" she mewed, her eyes happy with the thought of fresh prey.
3:42pm Mar 23 2010
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((LOL. Tribe Of Under Water Cave Rats? Epic!8D))
3:42pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Hey, Ribunny, you wanna join my new RP? It's still in progress but the Thread is 'Calling all people i have RPed Warrior Cats with' or something ^^))
3:42pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm Mar 23 2010)
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((Det:OKAYZ XD Sather: It was just Water Cave rats XDD that would be funny though XD)) "Oh umm.. yeah." Killerkit replied, I'm glad I have black fur, or she would see me blushing! Killerkit thought.
3:44pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Do Rainkit ^^ She's not as evil/nice as Windkit Xd)) Rainkit smiled gently at the Rat child, who was half her size, "Sure, what's your name? I'm Rainkit." she mewed. ((How about their names are like, ratty things? Like, Cave and Gnaw and stuff XD))
3:44pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:46pm Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 842
ooc; me is baaaaccckkk! will post soon
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:44pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm Mar 23 2010)
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Aurorakit growled listening to Icekit. She started to walk towards the fresh kill pile. She triped on another root flying into Thunderbolt,"Sorry." She said blushing a little. Thunderbolt pulled her up,"It is okay." He said in a friendly voice. He walked towards the fresh kill pile and picked up a mouse from it.
3:48pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:48pm Mar 23 2010)
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((I like gnaw XD)) "I'm Gnaw!" She replied, still a bit shy.
3:50pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Rainkit giggled, "Nice to meet you Gnaw." she meowed and grabbed her ball of moss, "Come and get it!" Windkit smiled, "So," she started, pausing to take a bite of mouse, "do you trust the rats? I'm not so sure but..." she meowed curiosly, taking another small piece of flesh.
3:51pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I still like Scar...Scar is a male with a giant scar going from his nose to the tip of his tail.XD))