3:52pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; whoa, whoa whoa, i didn't say anything! Icekit grinned at a scarred rat in the back. He was watching to goings on with a faint look of amusment. Icekit padded over to him. "Whats so funny?" "Oh, notthhhiinnngg." The rat said, rolling his eyes. "No, seriously, i want to know." Icekit pleaded. "Fine, fine, fine, I'll tell you. Ok, so a couple raggedy kits show up, and everything goes into an uproar. I mean, everyone says you have powers, but what are they??" Icekit grinned "Oh, we will show you."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:55pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Cas, you can join RP...where did Ribunny poof off to? She said "Sure Det" to meh >:( ))
3:55pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 3:58pm Mar 23 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
((Sather:Cool 8D ... Kinda reminds me off Ratt XD) Det: I was hiding XD)) Gnaw happly tried to get the moss from Rainkit. "I'm not sure..." Killerkit said. "But they seem peacefull so far." He took a bit from his own fresh kill. "And they are the only ones standing between us and the flood."
3:59pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit nodded, "That's true, but if they do attack a member of our group, you can be sure I will exact revenge," she murmured quietly, the light of battle glowing in her black eyes. Rainkit tumble over and put her paw on Gnaw, "Got you!" she meowed playfully, letting Gnaw go.
4:00pm Mar 23 2010
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Ashkit walked over Thunderbolt,"So have you ever hunted before? I am sure you probably haven't seeing that you are a kitty pet and all." Thunderbolt hissed,"I am NOT!" He growled,"I don't get why you think Clan cats are so much better." He hissed electricity sparting from his fur. "Well, we are. You eat that weird food, don't hunt, and don't know how to fight." Ashkit said. Thunderbolt let out a howl leaping at Ashkit. Lightning crashed lighting up the cave. Aurorakit jumped out of the way of a lightning bolt. She pulled Thunderbolt off of Ashkit and stood between them,"ENOUGH!" She yelled hissing as her yell echoed through the cave.
4:01pm Mar 23 2010
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((Igotta go! (Foodz XD)))
4:02pm Mar 23 2010
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Rainkit looked up from playing with Gnaw and stared at Aurorakit, Ashkit and Thunderbolt in surprise, "What in Starc...never mind that, but what are you guys doing!" she cried. Windkit snarled as her talk with Killerkit was interuppted by Ashkit and Thunderbolt, "Stop fighting!" she hissed, her fur bristling.
4:05pm Mar 23 2010
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Aurorakit growled,"Ashkit, you need to say sorry right now." "But I didn't do anything!" Ashkit whined. "I heard the whole thing." Aurorakit snapped back. "You are just saying that because you like him." Ashkit said sticking his tongue out. "I do not!" Aurorakit said her voice getting high. Thunderbolt looked at the two arguing cats'Um..Should I do something?" He asked.
4:06pm Mar 23 2010
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Rainkit shook her head at the three and grabbed the moss ball again from Gnaw, "It's mine again!" she crowed happily.
4:07pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 842
Icekit laughed, "See? Is that enough "powers" for you?!" The rat humphed and walked away. Icekit ran forward. "Hey,hey,hey! Calm down! Nothing to freak out about! Honestly, Ashkit, you don't know anything about them, maybe they could totally pwn you with thunderbolts, did you think about that?? Guess not." Icekit nodded at Thunderbolt, "Hey no hard feelings, right?"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:11pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I'm back XD)) "I'm gonna get it!" Gnaw said and tried to jump as high as she could to get it, which wasn't very high. She landed on her back, "Oof!" She exclamed, then got up again "Did you see how high I went?! That was the highest I ever got!"
4:13pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Rainkit laughed, "Great job Gnaw! That was really high." she meowed, giggling with her.
4:14pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Thanks!" Gnaw replied happily, then grabbed the moss ball, "ha! I caught you ofgaurd didn't I?" She laughed. ((Gah! D8 I have to go again D8))
4:16pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Rainkit grabbed for the ball and missed, "Mousedung!" she meowed as she grabbed again, missing yet another time. Windkit stood up and padded over to Ashkit, "Don't make trouble Ashkit," she mewed mildly, her voice exuding the promise of trouble if he wanted any.
4:17pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Ashkit hissed,"Not if we were fighting...My fur might get a little...Burnt but I wouldn't be dead!" Thunderbolt laughed,"I would like to see you survive." Aurorakit rolled her eyes,"Toms..." She sighed,"Always wanting to be better then the other."
4:19pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit sighed, "I agree with you there Aurorakit, but toms will be toms. If you two don't come to better terms, i will make you, understood?" she meowed, her eyes boring into theirs.
4:22pm Mar 23 2010
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Thunderbolt laughed,"I will shock you!" He said poking Ashkit. Ashkit went limp lifting up a paw. His tail stook out and he pretended to be dead.
4:23pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; i feel left out, someone talk to me!! :( Icekit walked over to Thunderkit. "Hey, how long have you been able to do the thunder thing? All your life??"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:25pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit shook her head and went back to Killerkit. Rainkit padded up to Icekit, "Hey," she mewed, looking at the cats infront of him, "Are they fighting or something?"
4:26pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I learned it a few days ago. I am not that good at it though." Thunderbolt said looking at Icekit.