4:14pm Mar 25 2010
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((Lol.)) Aurorakit heard someone talking,"Someone is on the other side!" She said,"HELLO!?!" She called listening to her voice echo through the tunnels.
4:17pm Mar 25 2010
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"WAAAH!!" Frost exclamed "T-T-T-TUNNEL MONSTER!* She hid behind a bush. Candle sighed, "Can't you rub it in my face a little like a normal sister?" He mumbled, then turned to the tunnel. "Yes! We are here! Who are you?" he called.
4:20pm Mar 25 2010
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"That doesn't matter! We are stuck down here with beavers following us, the tunnel about to flood and the best you can do is ask who we are!?!" Aurora snapped.
4:21pm Mar 25 2010
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"My sister wanted to know if you were tunnel monsters okay?!" Candle hissed, then calmed himself down. "Okay, I can get you out.... but you may want to step back."
4:22pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit took a step back. She waited tapping a claw impatiently. Ashkit laughed,"Tunnel monsters? I have never heard of those beofore." He snorted.
4:25pm Mar 25 2010
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Candle glared at the tree untill it bursted into flames. A couple secounds later, he closed his eyes and the flames went out, leaving only the charred remains behind. He then ran up to the kits, "Are you okay?" He asked, "I hope I didn't frighten you." "You frightened me!" Frost said from behind the tree she had switched to hiding behind.
4:25pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 4:29pm Mar 25 2010)
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Posts: 842
Icekit suddenly flashed and turned invisable as the kitty pets burnt down the tree. He stepped forward, unsure what to do.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:33pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit strained a laughed,"Are we okay? We just got chased out of our own clan by beavers!" Aurora hissed.
4:36pm Mar 25 2010
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"You could at least thank me for getting that tree out of the way!" He replied, trying to control his temper, "If I hadn't you would have starved in there!"
4:40pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 842
Icekit glanced at the strange pair. "Whoa! whoa! Calm down, both of you, I am getting tired of playing mediator. Yes, Aurora, we are in a tight spot, but he just saved us." Icekit turned to the tom, and flickered back into sight, "Thank you, for rescuing us."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:40pm Mar 25 2010
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"We could have found a way out." Aurorakit snapped,"I do thank you for helping us, I am just saying we aren't the helpless little kits we look like."
4:56pm Mar 25 2010
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"You don't look helpless, not at all." Candle said, "You look like you could take me down if you wanted to." Frost peeked out from behind the tree, trying to see if there was anything scary around, when she saw nothing bad, she slowly padded out into the open.
4:58pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit coughed,"Well, we probably could." She said feeling a little awkward that this cat agreed with her.
5:00pm Mar 25 2010
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"Anyway," Candle said, "My name is Candle, and my fearful sister is Frost." "Hi...." Frost said shyly.
5:01pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit narrowed her foggy eyes,"I see. Well we really must get going...We have a lot of trvling to do." She said.
5:04pm Mar 25 2010
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"Could we..." Frost paused, "Maybe come with you? You see... we kinda left our er... twolegs." "Those stupid things!" Candle hissed. ((I just called myself stupid 8D ..... Derrrrrr... *Drools*))
5:09pm Mar 25 2010
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((Lol. I do that all the time.)) "Not a chanc-" Aurorakit felt a sharp sting in her foot as Ashkit dug a claw into it. She yelped glaring at Ashkit. "Sure you can come with us!" Ashkit said.
5:12pm Mar 25 2010
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((XD)) "Yay!" Frost said. "Thank you very much!" "Yes, thank you." Candle said, "We would probably die out here without wild cats to teach us how to hunt."
5:14pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit rolled her eyes,"We aren't WILD! We are clan cats...Or maybe think we eat cats too." Ashkit laughed,"I guess we better hurry before the beavers block the exit again. "
5:16pm Mar 25 2010
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"Where are we going... exactly?" Frost asked.