5:21pm Mar 25 2010
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Aurorakit shrugged,"No idea." She answered simply.
5:27pm Mar 25 2010
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"We are going," Killerkit cut in, "Where there is land for us." "Oh." Frost replied. "Then umm.. Lets go then!" She paused, "Oh wait! We dont know your names! What are they?" "Well I'm Killerki-" He paused, "Killerstar... yes.. Killerstar."
5:31pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 842
Icekit nodded to Frost and Candle "I'm Icekit."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
5:32pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurorakit giggled under her breath. "I am Ashfeather." Ashkit said thinking up his new name. "And I am...Um...Auroraclaw!" Aurorakit said. "I am just Thunderbolt." Thunderbolt said in a bored voice.
5:35pm Mar 25 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Mar 25 2010)
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Posts: 842
Icekit glared at his friends. "Well, if we are changing our names then I shall be Icefang." ooc; XP I like it too!!!!!!!!!!
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
5:38pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Icefox! Opposite of Firefox! Or Icenose or Icefur or...Icefang! I like that one the best.XD))
5:39pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"I like those names!" Frost said, "Can we get names like that?" Killerkit blinked, "I guess.." "Can you choose them please, I heard somewhere that the leader chooses the names "Sure...Um.. you can be Frostfire..." Frostfire purred happily. "And you can be Candleflame." "I like it." Candleflame said.
5:41pm Mar 25 2010
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Auroraclaw looked around,"I think we should leave now." She said hearing the beavers slap their tails against the ground.
5:42pm Mar 25 2010
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"Okay." Frostfire said. "Which way is the safest?" Killerstar asked Auroraclaw.
5:46pm Mar 25 2010
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Auroraclaw started to walk forward again. She snifed the air listening,"This way sounds safe." She said walking forward.
5:47pm Mar 25 2010
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"Okay." Killerstar said and followed Auroraclaw.
7:52pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; *cough cough* ahem, u can't tecnically "sniff the air listeing" *cough cough* but no biggie. Its just sorta funny.... Icefang followed a pace of two behind. He still felt like somethings was wrong. He wanted to be at the back incase anything happened to his friends. "Better me than anyone else." He muttered to himself.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:40pm Mar 26 2010
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4:44pm Mar 26 2010
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((I don't know what to post...))
4:50pm Mar 26 2010
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((BADGER ATTACK!!!! >:D)) Suddenly a badger jumped out of the bushes infront of the kits. "PUNEY KITTENS!" It roared "WE NOW HAVE CLANS! WE WILL NOW DISPOSE OF YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!!" ((His name is Bloodstar >:D)) Suddenly many badgers came out of the bushes. "What the heack is wrong with you!?" Killerstar asked Ribunny123 ((Meh. I just wanted a fight scene >D))
4:52pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((LOL. Woohoo! You will all die, badgers!)) Aurora's fur bristled. She growled leaping at the nearest Badger and tried to keep hold of it as it tried to knock her off.
5:07pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Bloodstar roared again and slashed his claws at Aurora. Killerstar quickly breathed fire on the nearest badger, and left it screaming in pain. Candleflame glared at a badger untill it caught on fire and it ran away. Frostfire, getting brave for once, unsheathed her ice claws and clawed at the nearest badgers eyes. The badger screamed and fell over, the ice felt like cold stinging fire in its eyes.
5:15pm Mar 26 2010
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Auroraclaw took a step back just missing the blows. She lept back into action and clawed at its eyes blinding it even though it was already blind(XD). Ashfeather ripped his claws down a badgers back ripping at the skin. He heard it howl in pain and run into the bushes. Thunderbolt hit several badgers with lightning. He heard something behind him and turned around as a badger pounced at him pinning him to the ground.
5:24pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Gnaw (The ratling from earler XD) Suddenly came out of the shadows. Yelling a battle cry, she turned into a creature 5x the size of what she was before, with spikes all down her tail an razor sharp teeth, and quickly threw the badger off of Thunderbolt. Killerstar suddenly had an idea, he stared at a badger in the eyes, "You will jump off a cliff (XD)" The badger's eyes glowed and it ran away to jump of a cliff. (XD) ((Imma thinking about bringing the good beaver back... think its a good idea?))
5:26pm Mar 26 2010
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((What happened?))