5:28pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Mar 26 2010)
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((Okay, so we all left the cave, and met two kitty pets who wanted to join the 'clan' and got warrior names. Then badgers attacked the cats, and Gnaw had followed them all the way and has powers to grow into a gaint rat...hulk....thing. XD))
5:30pm Mar 26 2010
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((o.O Wow, Gnaw is Hard-Core XD)) Rainkit padded beside Gnaw, her tail slack and limp with exhaustion, "Do you know where we're going?" she whispered to Gnaw. Windkit ran up beside Killerkit, "Do you think the beavers are trailing us?" she asked, her voice low.
5:33pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 5:34pm Mar 26 2010)
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((I know right XDD Oh and the badgers.... they are still attacking XDDD))
5:36pm Mar 26 2010
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((Badgers...o.O)) Rainkit jumped as she heard a low growl sound out from the forest they were walking by, "Badgers!" she hissed at Gnaw.
5:45pm Mar 26 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Mar 26 2010)
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((Yup, badgers >:D)) "Oh no!" Gnaw said. "The others! They were ahead of us! They could already be fighting for all we know!" Suddenly, a badger leaped out from behind a bush. It seemed to sneer, then made a sound like a call, suddenly, about five badgers were areound. They stepped closer. Gnaw frowned then stepped towards the badgers. "Leave us alone you big meanies!" The badgers made a sound like a laugh and easily flicked Gnaw out of the way.
5:47pm Mar 26 2010
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Rainkit snarled menacingly as the badger hit Gnaw. The badger laughed deeply and smiled at them, "Two little kitties," he said, shocking Rainkit with his knowledge of the cat language. Rainkit lunged but was knocked away by another badger, a female this time.
6:00pm Mar 26 2010
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Gnaw's eyes widened. Then she started to snarl. Suddenly, her teeth became sharper and she became bigger, and stronger. She growled at the badgers, who backed up a little. "DO.NOT.HURT.MY.FRIENDS!" She snarled swiped at a badger with her now large paw, knocking it againts a tree hard like it did to her. The other badgers stared, then fled. "Are you okay?!" Gnaw asked Rainkit, turning back to normal.
6:10pm Mar 26 2010
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Rainkit shuddered for a moment then looked at Gnaw, "Whatever you did, it was amazing and it saved our lives." she whispered softly.
6:15pm Mar 26 2010
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Gnaw smiled a bit shyly, "I... I guess it was wasn't it!" She said. Then her ears pricked up, "I... I think the others may be fighting more badgers!" She said, straining her hearing.
6:21pm Mar 26 2010
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Rainkit lifter her head, "You're probably right, let's go," she mewed, setting off towards the faint sounds of yowling cats.
6:21pm Mar 26 2010
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Auroraclaw listened,"Should we go help them or try to save the clans?" She asked looking at Killerstar with her white eyes. Her silver fur was clumped together and the black sopt running down her back stood up like spikes.
6:29pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((I need warrior names ^^ -Windrush and Rainstorm-))
6:53pm Mar 26 2010
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((I liek teh warrior names! XD .... lol... Rainstorm is a name of an evil wolf characture I drew, wanna see it? 8D)) Before Killerstar could reply, Gnaw turned into her 'power form' and slashed at a badger that has almost snuck up on Killerstar. Gnaw then turned back to normal and said, "You okay?" "I...I think..." Killerstar said, a bit confused.
6:57pm Mar 26 2010
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Rainkit yowled and leapt on a badger's head, clawing and slashing at its eyes. Windkit darted infront of Killerstar and spat darts into another badger. It fell back, screaming with pain as its eyes were filled with tiny thorn darts. ((Sure :D))
7:04pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Thanks." Killerstar said to Windkit, then turned around and blew his shadow fire at anouther badger close by, who screamed and ran away while it was still on fire. ((Its not that good XD but here it is: tle="Click for a larger view" />))
7:08pm Mar 26 2010
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The badgers seemed to disperse, unerved by the kits' powers. Windkit snarled at one that got to close and it yelped, backing away.
7:10pm Mar 26 2010
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"I think... I think we won!" Killerstar said, then stood taller, "We won againts a whole pack of badgers! No other cats have ever done it before!" He glanced at Gnaw, "And no rats have either!"
7:25pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit nodded, "We are strong, stronger than most cats, and we lived." she murmured. Rainkit glanced at Gnaw, "You ok?" she asked.
9:57am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Yeah..." Gnaw said, "Are you okay?"
11:38am Mar 27 2010
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Auroraclaw growled taking a step backwards,"More are coming!" She said her voice sounding cold. "How many badgers are there?" Ashfeather asked.