3:48pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Four pages and we haven't even started!?! Okay, so we have all the crushes under control except for Killerkit...Who is going to start?XD))
3:49pm Mar 21 2010
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((Neither can Medicine cats but that didn't stop Leafpool.))
3:49pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Full: We will have new rules XD And we no longer follow starclan because they did not warn us, we follow Rock now! XD))
3:51pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((wait, what? :eader's can mate!))
3:51pm Mar 21 2010
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((On with the rp. NOT IT!!!XD))
3:52pm Mar 21 2010
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((Got to go...I will be back in 30 minutes or something. Please don't go to far without me.XD))
3:54pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I'll start *Mumbles* All of the kits are sleeping okay? XD)) A grey cat with many battle scars and bulging white eyes walked up to the chosen kits. "Do you know who I am?" He asked them. Killerkit stared, There is something about him who seems... fimilar... He thought, even though he never met him.
3:54pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((I'll start *Mumbles* All of the kits are sleeping okay? XD)) A grey cat with many battle scars and bulging white eyes walked up to the chosen kits. "Do you know who I am?" He asked them. Killerkit stared, There is something about him who seems... fimilar... He thought, even though he never met him.
3:54pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 3:55pm Mar 21 2010)
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3:56pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 842
ooc; errr.... i would post, but i have no idea were u are going with this.....
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:59pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 4:06pm Mar 21 2010)
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((I'll just post again... but this time once XDD)) After relising the kits were not going to reply, he said, "Rock, my name is Rock." He paused, "And you kits, have powers, unlike any other cat before you. You must leave your clans! Because the beavers are planning an attack, they will wipe out all of the clans!" "What about the rest of the clan?" Killerkit asked. "Forget them!" Rock snapped, "They WONT BELIVE YOU!" "How do you know?!" "I can see the future." Rock said grimly, "And I have seen that if you wait around to try to persuade yourclan mates to go, you too will die! Then there will be no more clans!" He closed his eyes and shutterd. "Now go! RUN! FIND OTHERS WITH POWERS! AND TURN YOUR BACK ON STARCLAN!" And in a secound, he was gone. Killerkit woke up screaming. "We must go!" waking all of the other kits up.
4:05pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Mar 21 2010)
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Windkit squirmed in her sleep and fell into a deeper sleep. She mewled once and kicked her legs, "Who are you?" she mewed, her eyes wide with frank curiosity. She listened on in horror as she heard Rock speak. "Leave the clan? Forget Starclan?" then she shook her head, "If it true than StarClan is a pack of theiving liars. I will go," she meowed at last. Windkit sat up, her fur covered in sweat. She padded up to Killerstar, "i got a dream, you did too didn't you?" rainkit sat up and licked her fur. "Foxdung, what kind of dream was that?" she muttered as she cleaned her pelt.
4:10pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 842
Icekit looked up at the Killerkit. Icekit was still groggy from sleep. Random thoughts kept p*censored*ing through his head. "What?" He asked Killerkit, rubbing his eyes with his paws.
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:11pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"We... Gotta... Leave!" He said, panting, "I.. Had a vision!" He new better then to say dream.
4:12pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm Mar 21 2010)
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Killerkit turned to Windkit, "Yeah... I cant belive Starclan lied to us... last time the medison cat went to the moon pool they said starclan said everything was fine, and that was just yesterday!"
4:16pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit dug her claws into the ground, "Those lying thieves! How could they not warn us about this!" she turned her blue-eyed gaze on Killerkit, her eyes filled with sorrow and anger, "I...I don't know how this could happen. It isn't possible, it can't be. This shakes our faith to the very roots!" she turned her head, her head hung down with grief. Rainkit stared at Icekit, "Wait, this dream was true? No, it can't be!" her eyes widened in horror, "I must tell the leader!" she dashed out of the den.
4:19pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Killerkit put his paw on Windkit sholder, "Its okay." He said, "We can get through this." ((I'll be the leader, okay (Since hes not an official characture i dun have to make a bio XD)) The leader's ears pricked when he heard Rainkit come into his den, "What is it?" He asked.
4:20pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 842
Icekit watched the goings on with growing frustration, Nobody was doing anything, they were all just freaking out. Icekit glared at Killerkit "Explain, right now, what is going on!! Were are we going? What are we doing!"
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
4:21pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
(What? His paw on her shoulder? XD)) Rainkit stumbled over her paws, "Eaglestar (just made it up >.<), I had a dream and some other kits did too. This old cat said that Starclan was wrong and that the Clan's aren't safe at all!" she meowed in a rush, her fur bristling with shock as she recalled the dream.
4:22pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Windkit shook her head, "I know, but....I just can't believe that StarClan could do something so....evil!" she mewed, her tail drooping.