Saria unhooked Torrit and Trace once the two were in the large metal enclosure. She set up 4 pedastals, rings on the cieling as well as rings on the ground... she cracked the whip, Torrit rose into the air and manuevered through the circular hoops. Trace stood on his hind legs and growled dangerously... Saria smiled.
Jason ran after his friend. "You have to go!" he said, "Kamati will fi-" he began, being cut off by Trace's growl... he backed up from the bars and waited Saria to turn around.
"I am not afraid of Kamati and his mutant daughter." she replied calmly. "Have you forgotton I joined the circus at my own free will at the very beggining." she retorted in the same calm tone.
Jason face palmed, "Yes you have! But he'll kill you Saria! Your not indestructable!" he growled, trying to get through to his stubborn friend.
Saria sighed and pressed her face up to the bar. "Maybe so. But he wouldnt dare." she spat... "Have you actually seen me fight?" she growled...
Jason shrugged, "Not in your animal forms but human yes." he replied looking at her. Saria nodded, and turned around. Jason thought, she was a swell fighter in human form, is she stronger in animal? He sighed and placed himself on a small viewing bench several paces away. "What makes you so sure?" he growled.
Saria sighed and didnt turn around, "Well. Im still standing arent I? The most he'll do is have a temper attack and scream and yell and cuss and all that jazz." she sighed, cracking her whip again, an immediate reaction from Trace followed.
Jason glared, "How do you know?" he spat. Saria replied to him in a calm tone. "I've dont worse." she stated. "He yelled. Naturally I talked back. He stormed off, cursing me out. Didnt talk to me for a few days. Then it went normal." she stated calmly once more.