4:59pm Jun 6 2011
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(This roleplay is private for only reinabella, emeraldwing, and I to do. I don't like more then 3 people in a roleplay, so don't ask to join. -_- Thanks. :) ) Plot: Do you 2 want me to put something here? I mean we both read the book, right? I don't think we need to put a plot down. :D But if you want me too, I will... :D BIO FOR CHARACTARS Name: Age: What are you? (As in, Soul, Human, Seeker, Healer, ETC...): History (... Try not to be overdramatic... -_- ) Looks: Other?: (I feel like I'm missing something for the bio, which is why I put 'other' haha. So sorry if I did.) I won't be all wierd and put rules down. But I do feel uncomfortable with cussing and stuff. I ignore it in books, because I make sure I read stuff that isn't the type to cuss on every page and whatever, but..I'd really appreciate it..If you didn't. Thank youu :D Is this it? I've never done this before, haha. :/
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5:16pm Jun 6 2011
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OOC: I'll make my charactar's when you two do. :) Just letting you know...
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5:18pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 4:42pm Jun 7 2011)
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OOC:// Reserved for Emie-chan's character. Name: Song of the Silent (Jade)/Sigh of the Wind (Sakura)/Jacob(Jake) Age: A little under 1,000 years (17)/Same/20 What are you? (As in, Soul, Human, Seeker, Healer, ETC...): Seeker/Same/Human History: (Jade) lived 3 terms on 2 different planets. One was as a Bat on Bat world, her name being Blind Sun Watcher then. She lived one term there before moving on to the water planet for which the name left her memory during hibernation. She spent two terms and the Singer of the Silent Songs. She decided that she wanted to be one of the first to try living a human term. As soon as her third life ended, she was sent off and became one of the leading invaders of the planet. Once others had arrived she found her calling as a Seeker and began to hunt the resistance with her best friend. She met this girl on her first life and had been with her all the way until Earth. When they reached Earth they were inseperable and acted more as one being that two separate ones./ Nobody really knows her history, but once she met (Jade) she knew that they were ment to stick together./Jake grew up with a normal childhood, his interests in space and science fiction consuming most of his time. He didn't really notice the invasion immediately but after a few of his rowdy neighbors suddenly started getting along, he knew something was up. He became cautious for a little while, and almost relaxed for he didn't have any proof. Then the news came, the souls had come and were using humans as hosts. He fled with groups of the resistance and hid, hiding well and not being found. Having learned from his books and movies, he knew how to avoid these 'aliens' and survived even when the Seekers had found them. Looks: http://wallsinn.com/data/media/361/Anime_Girls_1600_x_1200_-_33.jpg
http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20nerd%20boy/VampireBloodrace1441/Anime%20Boy/Pirate.jpg Other?: Jade is in front, Sakura is in back ((None of these pictures are mine. Credit to the artists.))
7:58pm Jun 6 2011
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OOC: BUMP :) Like I said, I'll put my bio's up when I see everyone elses. I don't really have a charactar, so I guess I need to see examples, haha.
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7:58pm Jun 6 2011
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OOC: BUMP :) Like I said, I'll put my bio's up when I see everyone elses. I don't really have a charactar, so I guess I need to see examples, haha.
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9:54pm Jun 6 2011
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Name: Dances With Island Waves (Izzy) / Diana Age: 126 life terms / 18 What are you?: Soul / Human History: Izzy has lived many places in many different forms. The name she has taken with her to Earth was from her favorite planet, one covered with water, in which she spent 29 or so lifetimes. She has come to Earth for a change in scenery, and likes a challenge. / Diana was taken for the transplant when she was fifteen, and has been spending the past two years getting to know Izzy. :Looks: 
Other?: Is quite the gifted singer and harpist.
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11:15pm Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 11:29pm Jun 6 2011)
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Name: Andrew Huy (Andy) Age: 19 What are you?:Normal Human History: For a while, Andy's whole family was able to hide from the Seekers. Including, his mother, father, fiancee - Carrie, and little sister - Beth. Anytime they felt that the Seekers were even just a tiny bit suspicious, they moved to the next place. They were starting to get real fast too, when, out of no where, Seekers were behind them, while they were on the move for their next hide out. His mother, father, and Carrie were slower then Andy, but Andy didn't realize that until he was far enough away to look back, and realized that Carrie's hand wasn't in his. His parents and his fiancee were captured, and already taken away. Just as he started to worry about Beth too, he saw her. She was right behind him, thankfully. Ever since then, Andy has been even more protective of his sister. After their parents and Carrie were captured, Beth and Andy kept going to where their parents planned for them all to go for the hideout. At the moment, they're at an abandoned house in the middle of no where. It isn't a safe enough place for a long time, but it will do for them, for now. Looks: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ypMvh6e78mY/Tb31ouHqMKI/AAAAAAAAAIo/otKjud-4X9E/s1600/anime_guy-1.jpg (Let me know if it stretches the page... :D) Other?: I remeber what I forgot for the bio's... Personality... But is it okay if I just say 'RP it out'? (When I said next to history 'Try not to be over dramatic" I meant like, going all out with being abused by parents or stuff like that. So don't think I'm a hypocrite for putting down stuff like family leaving. I mean, it's kind of self explainatory since it happened throughout the book to. :/// After I wrote it, I was like wow... I'm such a hypocrite. Lolll. Sorry. :/ If you want me to change it, I will...)
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8:06am Jun 7 2011 (last edited on 12:58pm Jun 7 2011)
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Name: Beth Age: 15 What are you?: Human History: *Look ^ at Andy's* Looks: 
Other?: No. :) Unless you guys don't want to do 'RP it out' for personality.
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4:10pm Jun 7 2011
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((Lols, hang on and I will finish my current bio and add a guy...))
4:11pm Jun 7 2011
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( Alriighty :). Do you know if reinbella is on? I feel bad if we start without her/him :( )
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4:39pm Jun 7 2011
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((No I don't... Let me look real quick.))
4:40pm Jun 7 2011
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OOC: Alright. :) Maybe we can make intros, even if reinbella's not on. But we just won't go farther?
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5:10pm Jun 7 2011
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ooc:// Ta-da! I'm here. No worries.
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5:11pm Jun 7 2011
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OOC: Oh okay! Haha. I guess I'll start my intro, you guys are free to do so too. :DDDD!
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5:32pm Jun 7 2011
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The fire Beth and Andy sat by crackled repeatedly, while they tried to make themselves warm. Usually, even while Andy and Beth's family were running away from the Seekers, night still had a comforting noise to it. Cricket sounds all night long, followed by birds singing at dawn. But right now, with it feeling like it was only Andy and Beth left in the world, everything was deadly silent, except for the clattering of Beth's teeth. Andy guessed that, that was half the reason why they both were shivering so rapidly. That feeling of lonliness. Andy and Beth haven't said much since the loss of their parents, and Carrie, Andy's use - to - be fiancee. Beth usually was one to talk alot, expecially when there was alot on her mind. Again, he guessed, she was out of charactar because of the nonpleasent night before them. In the silence, other then the fire, Andy's thoughts kept drifting sadly back to Carrie. Even though there was, of course, not going to be an actual wedding, he still wanted her that way. He loved her more then anything, and now she was gone. It amazed him how easily the Seekers got Carrie, as if she did it on purpose. Just thinking about how it was possible that she could have been slower on purpose, brought back their last intimate conversation. While everyone else was asleep at their last hide out, Andy decided to stay outside, and Carrie chose to stay with him. Through out their empty conversation, she kept bringing up how maybe they should just give up trying. Give up running away after suspicioun aroused. He remembered how worn out she looked. Her last words before walking away from him, and to where she was going to sleep that night was, "I'm done running." Thinking back on that, Andy knew she had let go of his hand, and slowed for the Seekers on purpose. How selfish! Leaving him here, wanting to be mad, yet mourn for her at the same time! How could she? He rubbed his eyes, and said to his shivering younger, oddly silent sister, "Maybe we should get sleep now. We've been in this hide out too long. We may have to leave early tomarrow morning if we see anyone close by." Beth nodded and walked away to the hide out, while Andy put out the fire after putting some fire on a stick (Like a torch, for light to guide him.) and followed Beth.
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11:13pm Jun 7 2011
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( Bump )
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10:34am Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Are they in a forest, the desert... What? You weren't very specific about that, and unless you are it will be extremely difficult for anyone to know how to begin interaction with your characters.
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10:36am Jun 8 2011
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OOC: Oh I'm sorry. I could have sworn I put that. :( I meant to say they were in the forest. :D
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11:25am Jun 8 2011
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ooc:// Alright. bic:// Dances with Island Waves sighed deeply, letting the cool night air breath on her skin. It was absolutely beautiful, with the occasional moonbeam flowing through the trees. She had long since doused her campfire, prefering to bask in nature's light. And so she lay on her sleeping mat, haring the wind rustle in the trees. "You know, Di, this is the kind of thing that could make me want to live out the rest of my lifetimes on earth. Isn't it just beautiful?" In her mind Izzy scooted over, making room for the other still-active mind. Diana imagined it like a movie theater, and now she had front row seats. 'Yeah, it is gorgeous. Remember when M and D always took us out hiking?' There was a trace of sadness in the remembrance, but both entities just shook it off. "Yeah. They loved showing us the different plants and animals. Well, maybe we'll have a kid and do the same for them." Diana couldn't stop the thought that came next, as much as she wanted to. 'And let them get paired with a parasite? Never.' The thought stunned them both silent for a moment, coloring their thoughts with embarrassment. Izzy dropped her voice to a gentle whisper. "I wouldn't let them. We have a choice, you know, to not let them insert our child." And then they noticed the smell of campfire nearby. "Maybe someone else decided to go camping. We should say hi. That would be the friendly thing to do." With Diana in agreement they began the short trek, following the smell of firewood. This led them to Beth and Andy's campsite, just as the man put out his fire in favor of a torch. In her usual essence of cheer and good nature, Izzy called out. "Hello, neighbor! It's nice to see someone else who enjoys camping as much as I do. I'm Dances with Island Waves, but you can call me Izzy."
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12:39pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 12:41pm Jun 8 2011)
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With Andy's mind still falling back on Carrie, he wasn't very interested in his surroundings. He was stuck in his own little world of sorrow. Twice, he almost tripped, and fell on top of Beth from his mind being elsewhere. Finally, on the third time of him grabbing Beth's shoulder to keep from falling, Beth snapped - "Alright. Give me the torch, before you drop it." With no arguement, Andy gave it too her, and they went on their way. After a minute or two, Beth stopped walking. Seeing that she did, Andy did too. "Hey...Did you hear that?" Beth said, curiously. Andy shook his head, slightly, his head still in the clouds. "Look! I see someone over there!" Beth said, excitedly. Other then Andy, Beth hasn't talked to anyone for a long time. She was going through withdraw. "Hi! I'm-" Before Beth could finish, Andy covered her mouth. "Are you crazy?! That person could be a Seeker, acting friendly just to close in on us!" Beth withdrew his hand, and finally understood. Before Beth could say anything else, Andy already had hold of her hand, and started dragging her with him, running past the abandoned house, and going farther and farther away. I'm not letting her let go of my hand this time.
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