12:29am Jun 10 2011
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She listened with quiet reverence, bowing her head in their sorrow when the lost family members were mentioned. The Seekers could be cruel, and to be a Seeker on Earth required violence, something that sickened Izzy more than anything. She began to feel a bit nauseous, though hid it fairly well. In her mind she could feel Diana sharing in the pain, like a cloud bursting in the back of her head. "I was Inserted about two years ago. I am continually amazed at how many things there are to see. Diana says that one of the perks of hanging around with me is that she's getting to go places she never would have otherwise." Attempting a bit of humor Izzy smiled gratefully to Andy, glad for the chang in topic.
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12:49am Jun 10 2011
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OOC: I got writerz block D: I tend to write better in the mornings anyways, so I'll use this post to reply on tomarrow. I'm getting off for now. G'night :DD
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1:13am Jun 10 2011
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ooc:// Nighty night!
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7:51am Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 8:06am Jun 10 2011)
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((Lol, Emie-chan fails. I forgot to came back XS. Anyone have any idea how to bring in the twin seekers? I can bring Jake in later.)) EDIT: Actually, I think I might know how to raise tension between them again. ;) Mind if I suddenly appear out of nowhere.... Hey that kind of sounds like a soul's name 'Appears out of nowhere'.... :)
9:30am Jun 10 2011
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OOC: Emerald wing! YOUR BACK! <3 You should save rp's to your favorites, like I do, so you don't forget any. -__________- Haha 'Appears out of nowhere' DOES sound like a soul name HAHAHA :D I won't post until you do, emerald. :DDD!!!! <3
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7:20pm Jun 10 2011
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((Lols, ya I do but I forgot that I was supposed to come back. XP It's all these finals... They are frying my brain.)) A set of eyes glistened in the moonlight unoticed by the life forces below the hidden frame. In the shadows lurked a girl with a soul long devoured and replaced with a demon. She crouched in the trees, as silent as the heavens she traveled through to arrive on this world. The three humans below were chattering away, sharing life stories, though it didn't matter for they all were very much the same anyway. Except one... A soul? Yes, a soul was among them. It was apparent by the way her eyes reflected any light silver. That left two humans and a soul. She could feel that there were more, hiding somewhere but far out of her immediate reach. Finally she had enough listening to the nonsense chatter of these beings. The soul down with them would be under protection but the humans wouldn't be so lucky this time around. The resistance. She pounced. Her small frame glided gracefully through the air landing behind her sister soul. Blades were drawn. Her eyes reflected silver but something deeper lay under the magestic shine. A churning shadow of pure malice. "You are of the resistance, are you not?" She hissed, looking at the male and the female in turn. "I do believe they are, my sister. They smell of sweat and fear, a look and feel of terror about them. Look at the way they tremble in our presence. Say little humans, do you fear us?" A second voice sounded on the opposite side. The three were surrounded. A second girl stepped into view, just as beautiful as the first but still just as feirce. This one held a japanese style katana. If you looked closely enough at these two, which would have been hard even for a fellow soul, you would have noticed their similarities despite the major differences. Each had the same feel about them, the desire to fullfil their duties as seekers. The first girl had black hair, as black as the night around them while the other had her hair dyed silver to match her reflective eyes. "Do you fear us?" "We are curious to know." "Yes, very curious." "Answer." "Answer." The two whispered, echoing one another in a very eerie way. Neither turned their gazes away from the group, for they knew the effects of their gaze with their words. It produced the feeling of anxiety. "Why do you thing they do not answer us Jade?" The second one asked, finally shifting her gaze to the black haired seeker. "I don't know. Maybe they don't like us. I am sure that they fear us, my dear Sakura." Jade replied. Another similarity. Each girl hadn't used their natural names. Instead they called each other by the names of their hosts. It made it more terrifying when it was short, simple and in the victims own tongue. ((Please oh please try to fight them. XD I has an idea of how to bring in Jake, so maybe two or three posts of struggle. *Feels like a dork for asking* ))
11:02pm Jun 10 2011
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OOC: I dunno how to fight with a roleplay D: Maybe when reinabella gets on, reinabella can try, but I have no idea how to fight. It's a fail. Major. Fail. DDDD: Sorrrry DDD:
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12:22pm Jun 11 2011
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1:26pm Jun 11 2011
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((Lols, I used to have so much trouble with fighting because I always found it like power playing. But as you get more and more experienced with roleplaying, fighting actually becomes rather easy as long as you are careful. XD *Waits for Rein*))
1:30pm Jun 11 2011
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OOC: Yeah, maybe some day I'll learn :DD hahaha |D *Waits Too* :DDD
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12:50pm Jun 12 2011
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OOC: Hey gais :D Uhm, I'm going on vacation tomarrow morning, and won't be back til Friday. Could either one of you just remember to keep bumping this? Or save it to your favorites so you won't forget it when I come back? DD: Anyways... BUMPP :D
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9:16am Jun 13 2011
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At the leap and appearance at her side Izzy squeake, and for a moment was too shocked to do anything. This was a new situation for her. Apparently, it wasn't for Diana. As soon as the sisters made their entrance the human began providing a constant flow of panicked chatter. 'Oh, God. Seekers. I know it. They look evil, Iz. Just look at them. They don't even look like souls. These aren't good guys, Iz, We ha-' 'SHUT. UP.' Once able to hear herself think, Izzy began to take a hold on the situation. Diana was right. There was something wrong about them. Their faces were downright cruel, as was the way they played cat and mouse with her new friends. Friends. It had been a long time since she'd felt comfortable saying that, but Iz felt it was true in this case. Watching their eyes, their menacing stances, and the way they taunted Andy and Beth, Iz became suddenly defensive. Adding that to how they ignored her, she lost it. In Izzy's defense, she hadn't known her body could move so fast. With cat-like swiftness and Grace she spun, collecting momentum before shoving her elbow into the gut of the nearest sister, moving quickly to aim a wallop in the other sister's head, each blow hoping to push them away and off balance. 'We took tai-chi, remember?' That was right. Iz channelled that, using one of the disarming moves to attempt to knock the blades from their hands before pausing, taking a protective stance in front of Beth and Andy. "Leave them alone. They are not resistance, they are just frightened. These are my siblings. I will not let them come to harm." Her soft, brown eyes were boiling now, the color turned from a peaceful hazel to a molten copper, the silver ring flashing with something like menace.
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1:56pm Jun 13 2011
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((Oooh fun! Thanks Rein! I'll make it short so... ya. XD)) The air rushed out of Jade's lungs as she stumbled back a step, catching herself before she fell. Something of a hiss escaped from her mouth as she stood to full height again, gripping her weapon tight. She glanced over at her sister to be sure of her safety but all was fine with her as well. The impact of the girl's blow was enough to draw blood on Sakura's face but the seeker had been too fast for it to do any real harm. She nodded to Jade before picking the sword from the gras.s. Both girls moved at the smae time, in sync with the others movements. Each taking their respective stances according to weapon each gripped their blade with a firm grip. "This child is no sister of ours. The words of these humans have corrupeted her. What should we do about it, Jade." Sakura asked, watching the soul carefully. Jade's features clouded with what would be called disapointment on this world, but just a soon as the feeling had come, it faded to disgust. "A corrupted soul will be dealt with by the others of our society. We shall take her back to be seen by the Healers. No harm shall come to her if she choses wisely but forceful actions will be taken on those who stand in the way of evolution. Doesn't she see we are here to as.sist her? You take the girl, I'll handle the other two." Jade hissed. Sakura nodded, lunging and grabing the young girl by the arm and holding her tightly. She could sense the power the girl had, but Sakura too had powerof her own. More than that of a regular human, but of the soul society as well. This girl would learn sooner or later who they were dealing with. As Sakura lunged, Jade had pounced upward. Her blades were behind her to allow better movement to get closer, but as she landed a loud bang sounded in the forest. Jade hesitated, her eyes widening. She looked down at her stomach to prove the feeling she had a moment before. Blood seeped through the wound and the Seeker collapsed on the dirt, the blood pooling around her. Her breathing became slightly ragged with pain but she was still very much alive. Sakura yelled out to her sister, but hissed in the direction of the sound, pulling the girl back some so that the Seeker was in the shadows but the girl still visible. A young man stepped out of the darkness, a shotgun held in his hands pointed at the remaining two souls. "Is everyone alright? I am sorry it took so long, I didn't have a clear shot of the parasite."
3:03pm Jun 13 2011
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'Gunshot.' The word rang as clear as the shot had, and Izzy smiled triumphantly. Before the grip had been too strong on her arm, and the risk too great of escaping only to end up in someone else's clutches. But help was here now. As Sakura slid into the shadows, dragging Iz with her, the soul stepped into motion. With one smooth, clean flow of movement she twisted, pulling Sakura's arm, still attached to her hand, into a chicken wing, pulling it just a little tighter to switch the grips. Tightly holding both of the Seeker's hands behind her back, all that having taken barely a second, Izzy pushed Sakura back into the light. She turned to the man with the gun, her smile greatful. "Fine, thanks. You came just in time. This is her sister." With what might have been a little more force han absolutely necessary she pushed Sakura beside her sister, though the sight of another living creature bleeding in front of her made Izzy sick. "My name is Dances with Island Waves. Izzy for short. Let me just get my medikit..." She ran back into her tent, grabbing the emergency kit she always traveled with, and expertly removed the bullet on applied the Clean, Heal, Close, and Smooth. Simple and clean. Thus sating her need to assist Izzy gazed scornfully down at Jade, eyes still a harsh copper. "Remember this: I could have let you die."
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4:29pm Jun 13 2011
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Sakura hit the ground with a thud, now that she no longer was dealing with the soul she was worried about her sister. She moved to her side, deciding to help Izzy with her Healing. Jade hissed but made no move to stop the soul from helping. However then man did. "Dances With Island Waves sounds like a parasite name to me. Let me see your eyes." He flashed a light into her eyes, seeing th reflective silver. He held up his gun pointed right at the girl. "Step away from the Seeker. You will not help that monster you parasite. Sit over there." He pointed to a spot a couple of feet away from him, the bleeding Seeker and the two humans. Sakura hissed, turning to face the boy. "Fool, you have no idea what you are messing with..." She was cut off by the sound of the gun. Pain shot through her arm and she cried out in pain. "Shut up you filthy bug. "Are you two ok? These things didn't hurt you did they? My name is Jake, and I am with the resistance. I have come to lead you to safety." He pulled out rope from his back pack and made his way over to the two shot Seekers. He tied their arms up and pulled them to a sitting position. Taking out a whistle, he blew it gently listening to the soft reply. A couple of other people stood out from the shadows, each with a couple of what appeared to be dog collars. They rushed forward and placed one around the Seekers' neck then turned to the other Soul. "Don't hesitate. She is a parasite, but you can turn down the voltage. She deserves a treat for helping us out a little." The boy had a mean smile, hitting the button and watching the two seekers writhe in pain while the other was left unharmed. ((Ugh, we needs to wait for CH.... Huuuuury! ;D ))
7:39pm Jun 15 2011
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OOC Heyy. I'm still on vacation, but I had some time to go back on. I can't reply right now though. Do you think you guys could slow down a bit? DDD: Sorry hahaha :/
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7:47pm Jun 15 2011
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ooc:// Um, just wondering, but was there any particular reason you sent me tu?
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9:39pm Jun 15 2011 (last edited on 9:40pm Jun 15 2011)
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OOC: I don't use TU... And I have a lot. So I usually just give my respals random TU when I'm bored. :///
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10:07am Jun 16 2011
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ooc:// Oh. In that case. Shank you very much.
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7:47am Jun 18 2011
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OOC: No problem :DDDD And sorry this is a total fail. I tried to make it look longer then what it really was by changing the font and size haha. I have a guess on what the resistence is, but I'm not sure, so I just chose for the charactar's to ask. And it just ...looks like a major fail haha. I tried my best, so don't judge D: BIC: It all happened so quickly, that all Andy and Beth could do was cower away, and watch. Andy wrapped an arm around Beth the second the Seekers were spotted, refusing to lose her to them too. After every blow to the other soul, Beth seemed to cringe, holding tighter to Andy’s shirt, and digging her nails into his skin – though probably not realizing it - and Andy didn’t care. But, finally, when Jake was there, and saved them all, and everything seemed safe again, Beth started to let go, leaving nail marks in his arm. The two watched as Jake and the others ‘took care of’ the Seekers, and chose not talk at all. Beth - because she was too frightened to say much, and Andy – as usual, he was in his own little world inside his head, thinking about what the guy meant by ‘leading them to safety’. Andy finally heard Beth’s voice, and it may as well have been from a girl half her age. “Andy? What’s the resistance?” Andy was still keeping her arm around Beth, and didn’t find it safe enough to let go just yet. “I don’t know. Just do what they say, I think there one of us.” And before Andy could shut her up, Beth said louder to the man called Jake. “What’s the resistance?” Unfortunately, she was almost back to her outgoing, jumpy side of her personality. She was already wiggling out of Andy’s grasp, and smirking back up at Jake. Andy guessed it was because, she was probably happy to talk to even more people now.
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