10:17am Jun 18 2011
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During all of this Izzy let herself be shoved around, her eyes on Beth and Andy the entire time. When Sakura was shot she whimpered, tears springing to her eyes. And every time they called her a parasite, she cringed. The was he had looked at her was just so... cold. She shivering involuntarily, trying to drown out Diana's panicked babble. The human couldn't seem to decide if it was good of bad that the humans had come. She accepted the collar, shuddering again at the boy Jake's smile. When she saw the others being tortured she cried out as if she too were being shot, the tears fairly pouring. "Please don't hurt them. Please, God, please... No more pain, no more hurting, just please... It should be me instead, oh please." Her words were somewhere between sobbing and whimpers, her gaze frantic. She turned to Beth and Andy, eyes pleading. "Please make them stop. I'd rather die a thousand deaths than watch anyone in so much pain. Please, they wouldn't listen to me. I helped you, please. God, please." The tears continued, shining in the hazel warmth of Izzy's eyes. Her body shook, face twisted in agony.
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10:54am Jun 18 2011
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Jake smiled at the young girl who had asked about the resistance he was apart of. "The resistance, my dear, is a society of humans who protest against the using of human bodies as hosts to such creatures as these 'souls'. There aren't many of us, saying as the parasites got a head start with their secret invasion but we have created our own community away from places these creatures would normally go. We have set up protective measures and it just so happen you guys triggered one our our alarms. Lucky for you that you did. We would never have found you had it gone any differently." Jake explained, the turning to the girl who was crying her heart out at the sight of her sisters' torture. "Shut up." He growled, stepping forward swiftly, swinging his foot around as if to kick the small girl. Sakura saw what was happening before it did, she knew the humans better than anyone of her kind did. They always revert to violence when an annoyance occured. When she saw what Jake was going to do to Izzy she hisssed, struggling out of her bonds quickly. Before anyone could stop her she had rammed into Jake causing him to loose his balance and stumble backwards. She stood with blood dripping down her arm, taking a protective stance over Izzy. "You may harm us. But you do not target civilians." She hissed, her natural instinct to protect her own too strong to ignore. Jake only smiled and hit the button that would shock all of them. "Listen here. If just one of you steps out of line, I shock all three. And miss Seeker, you should think about the effects on your sister over there." She spun to look at a now unconcious Jade, her whole body quivering with the recent shocks. Sakura stared at him for a moment before returning to Jade's side. "Now, is there anyone else with you?" Jake asked, addressing the humans.
11:39am Jun 18 2011
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Andy watched as Izzy pleaded to Beth and himself to do something to make Jake stop from hurting the Seekers. But what could he do? With not that much food and water lately, him and Beth weren't very strong. Could barely hold themselves up sometimes. And he wouldn't dare let Beth get up and help. Registering in his head that Andy and Beth weren't the only humans out there, and that there was a whole community of them, Beth smiled, and grabbed onto Andy's arm again - But not from being frightened. From being excited. - "Did you hear that, Andy?" She exclaimed, as if lost to everything else that was going on at the moment with the souls. Andy just nodded his head, and kept his eyes on Izzy as Jake threatened to hurt her too, with the collar. "Listen, I really am grateful that your here to help us out. And I bet Beth's grateful too. And, knowing theres more people out there then just Beth and I, it's a relief..." Andy started, saying to Jake while standing up and walking over to him, "But Izzy has done nothing wrong. Don't hurt her. She helped us out, she's not like-" He pointed to Jade and Sakura, "Them." A moment later, he felt someone grabbing on his elbow. He turned around to see Beth, holding on to his elbow. He guessed she was still a little frightened, and needed the comforting touch from a familiar face.
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1:42pm Jun 18 2011
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Writhing in pain and horror, Izzy collapsed in on herself. Finally Diana saw her chance, taking over the body. It was weakened with the steain of holding itself up under the pressure, not used to this kind of torture. Still, she forced it to rise, keeping her voice even. Izzy sat in the corner of her mind, shivering and convulsing with fear and something new to her: Hatred. Ignoring the strength of that emotion Diana looked to Jake, the silver fading from her eyes. "Look, as.s wipe. Izzy isn't the only one in this body. I'm here, too, and we're friends. Maybe you and your gang of thugs are too busy torturing souls doing what they were raised from birth to do to realize that they're living creatures. Yeah, they need a host to survive. Yeah, it kind of takes a planet over. But I love Dances with Island Waves. Can you kill her knowing that you'd be killing me, too? Me, Diana Rivera. I was fifteen when they caught me, and Izzy was scared at first, and now we can't be one without the other. So how does that feel, knowing that for every 'parasite' you kill, you might be killing one of your own? Huh?" She glared, letting the heat of her eyes shine through. Izzy was being totally useless, to scared crap-less to do much of anything. So it was all Diana, holding her own body on two legs and shooting beams of pure disgust at Jake the Human. Suddenly in the mood to rant she took a step forward, putting herself between Jake and the Seekers. "And another thing. It's jerks like you that make jerks like these two think that all humans are violently barbaric. You give humanity the bad connotations because you think with your fists instead of your brain, you mindless oaf. These two were just doing their job, and that one looked like she was willing to die to save Izzy. You're cowards, all of you. Yeah, shoot them when they can't see you then kick them while they're down. It makes me sick to think that souls think of guys like you when they think the word 'human'. So cut it the f*** out."
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1:54pm Jun 18 2011
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((Ooh, Rein is getting angry ;) )) Jake stared, dumbfounded at what was going on. The silver that had been there faded and left something that couldn't have been a soul. Still the soul was there, they had all seen the silver and this girl was telling them she had two names. Unsure of what to do, he just shook his head with a smile. "Parasites these days. They sure do know how to learn. You had me going there for a second, miss. Why don't I let you talk it out with one of my friends? I'm sure he would be thrilled to hear your theories." His smile was cruel again and he motioned to the men who were with him. "You guys stay with this lovely lady and her friend while they get the rest of their group, then meet me back at the center hall. The rest of you are with me, blind fold and gag the souls. We are going home." Jake said, turning around and leaving the circle of trees. Once out of sight, Jake leaned up against a tree with a sigh. Is it possible? Could I save them? No, the creature is lying. She is playing with us by using the memories she stole. Once a parasite is implanted, we loose ourselves and give in. Nothing can be done.
2:11pm Jun 18 2011
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With a roar she moved past the souls, somehow finding the speed in her soft, round body to dart between the two humans, stopping behind Jake. Her glare was openly defiant, and with surprise on her side she slapped him on the back of his head, the way her Momma always had done to her. Not enough to do any serious damage, but enough to remind him that he was being an idiot. "Didn't your momma teach you any better? You don't turn your back on a lady. It's downright rude and my Momma never stood for any rudeness. Never liked a guy who would hit a lady, either." Depite being much shorter than him she planted herself firmly where she stood, fists on her hips. The last of the silver faded, and even through her terror Izzy was shocked enough to laugh. "Well, at least Izzy is finding some of this humorous. Me, on the other hand, now I find it just plain stupid. You're lucky I didn't grab your ear in twist, like I used to with the brats I used to babysit." Even in the darkness her eyes roiled molten copper, as they had when she'd taken down that one Seeker, feeling like she might have to take someone else down to get through to this lug's thick skull. All this was enfuriating the girl, and boy did it show in her wide, expressive features.
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2:25pm Jun 18 2011
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"Ya, but now my mother is a parasite. I no longer feel anything for her, nor her teachings when it comes to survival and the safety of who is left. I will not have you waltzing into our territory when it is obvious you are one of them, you will not take what is left of what I have. You have already taken everything else, just leave us in peace. You think it's easy for me to be this way? When did the soul's invade? Huh, nobody knows. For all I know, my best friends and own family could have been implanted hosts when I was a child. There is no way that I am going to believe anything that comes from your mouth, nor will any one else here. You are just lucky we aren't tying you up and leaving you to starve. Now get out of my face before I change my mind." Jake's voice was full of anger and frustration and it was all he could do from breaking down that very moment and cry. "Just do as you are told and you will be fine, but if you were to hit me like that in front of anyone else it would be death to you. Weither you are a good actress or serious, no one will believe you and they will kill you without a second thought. Again, you are one lucky kid that we came and not somebody else." Jake folded his arms and sighed, looking through the tops of the trees at the stars. In the darkness, a silver tear fell to the ground unseen. ((Ack fail. Later guys, I have a dance recital to go to. XD))
12:42pm Jun 19 2011 (last edited on 4:52pm Jun 19 2011)
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Thus cast aside Diana slipped back, leaving Izzy to retake control of her limbs. Her body sagged, falling to the gound even as the silver slipped back into her irises. She looked up at Jake, indignant, but not as bold as the one who'd spoken previously. Her tone was soft, as accusing as it was non-threatening. "You shouldn't talk to Diana like that. We... We were there when her parents were inserted with their hosts. She saw... She saw the whole thing. Saw the spak that ws them leave their eyes. They didn't even try to fight like she did. It's possible. We figured it out. The human mind just has to find something to grab onto, like a powerful memory, and put all of themselves in that memory. Diana chose her first singing solo in front of a large audience. So when I.. when I entered, I didn't notice. Then she came out, and I was scared. But I saw the memory, how happy it had made her to see her parents in the crowd. We told them how to do it, but they didn't listen. Just... Let themselves go. We thought that if more people knew, humans and souls could be friends. But no one listens We're just kids. And you made her remember. All that. " 'You just gave away a weakness, you dolt. He didn't need to know that about me.' 'I want him to know how bad he hurt you. Because he did, and I'm not afraid of him either. I can be strong.' Di sighed, seeming to smile. 'I know you are. I know.' She walked back to the group, keeping her head high.
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1:07pm Jun 27 2011
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((Bump up for the returned CH))
1:28pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 1:51pm Jun 27 2011)
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OOC: Sorry guys D: There was no internet at my vacation D: But no more vacations, so I won't be so 'not here' in this rp anymore. That seems to happen alot D: Thanks for the bump, I couldn't find this one :D Oh yes, and sorry for this fail, again. I tried to get atleast over 100 words (I did :D), but I had writers block. :D BIC: Funny how one moment everything could be peaceful and quiet, and then turns around to some sort of melee. The more confrontation, the tighter Beth’s grip was on Andy’s elbow. He wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bruise tomorrow morning. He noticed how Izzy’s eyes changed from a bright silver to a copper brown when she talked to Jake, and finally believed that Izzy did have the host still inside her. For the two siblings, there seemed nothing to do but stay where they were, and watch. Beth let go of her grip as Jake and Izzy walked away. He guessed it would be safer for Beth just to stay where they were until someone directed the two somewhere else.
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1:30pm Jun 27 2011
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((Lol, its alright. Why spend a vacation that you might only ever have once on the computer... It's always there and it always will be, so ya. :D No worries.))
3:55pm Jun 27 2011
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ooc:// Now, Emmy, it is totally on you.
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