1:49am Dec 30 2009
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Quinn managed to give a weary nod. She was exhausted. She halted and took long, deep breaths, trying to cease the panting.
2:01am Dec 30 2009
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Lucian turned to the direction where the nearest park would be. "Come on." He panted, walking in that direction, although he was trying to force himself to at least trot.
2:30am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 516
He watched them go,then started to follow them.In his cloak,he was next to invisable to see.
3:07am Dec 30 2009
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Aquinnah followed Lucian, leading Enock by the arm. She had a sudden feeling of being watched. She glanced back, but saw nothing, so turned to Lucian. "Lu, what d'you think they'd do to us if they 'arrest' us? - whatever that is." The term was unfamiliar to her, for Quinn diidn't usually bump into policemen.
5:00am Dec 30 2009
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Lucian shrugged. "Nothing good I bet." He replied then spotted a bench not to far away, "But I'v heard that they toss people they 'arrest' in some room where they spend 'who knows how long' in there."
9:22am Dec 30 2009
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Quinn made a face. "That's mean. I'm glad we got away. And I hope Hidan does, too. I don't want him to be locked up in some stinky room just cause he saved us." She glanced back again, then asked, "Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched? I do." She walked over to the bench and sat there, patting the space beside her for Lucian to sit. She asked Enock to sit on her other side.
10:49am Dec 30 2009
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Lucian sat down beside Quinn then sighed. Tired from running and glad he could sit down. Looking around, he wondered if the cops where anywhere near. "Maybe sometimes," He answered Quinn, "But humans look at us all the time so yeah, I do get that feeling."
6:29pm Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 516
Hidan suddenly uncloaked himself,only for a few seconds,then put it back on.((Lolz Failz.))
9:50pm Dec 30 2009
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Aquinnah nodded. "True." she said. Suddenly, she spotted the reptilian humanimal. "Hidan! You may reveal yourself." She said, laughing. She glanced at Enock and asked, "You alright?"
10:57pm Dec 30 2009
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Lucian gave a little nod of greeting to Hidan, although he did not really want to. He yawned then realized he was tired, a little, but he did not want to go off and sleep at this time.
12:55am Dec 31 2009
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Aquinnah rested her head on Lucian's shoulder. "What should we do now?" She murmured as she tried to keep her eyes open. She found it hard to keep herself from falling asleep, but she managed to do so.
1:17am Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 516
He took the cloak off and said,"I have a safe place to crash for the Night if yall want to come along.No people even know where it is."He said,yawning himself.
3:09am Dec 31 2009
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Lucian turned to Aquinnah. "You wanna go and have a little nap?" He asked her, part of him hoping she would say yes.
4:05am Dec 31 2009
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Aquinnah gave a nod of approval, grateful, "Yes, please." She said, smiling at Hidan. "Thank you, Danny." She gave him a dazzling smile and got up. Quinn glanced at Enock, then at Lucian. "What about him? We can't just leave him out here, can we?"
5:41am Dec 31 2009
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Danny? Lucian got a little confused but shook the thought out of his head. "Yeah, thanks." He said to Hidan. Turning to Quinn he suggested, "We could bring him with us, or.."
7:44am Dec 31 2009
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(( *P*censored*es out from the lostness* ))
8:12am Dec 31 2009
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OoC: -Revives Lauren- Hidan, Lucian, Aquinnah, and maybe Enock are going to a place Hidan knows of after getting into trouble with some cops for scaring a jogging man and his dog. The others are..... I dunno o___________o IC: "..Leave him here?" Aquinnah asked Lucian after flashing him one a smile which said 'weird, aren't I?', tilting her head slightly to a side. "We couldn't do that. We'll take him with us, cause those buggers would be after him. We're wanted." She shivered slightly at the though of being locked up, then turned to Enock. "Let's go!" And she pulled him to his feet, then looked to Hidan.
8:42am Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 3,662
Mei hissed and ran the other way of the others..
2:47pm Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 516
Hidan turned an walked toward what seemed to be a normal house.He walked inside and said a few words in Acient Egyptian.Suddenly,the wall gave way and he walked into a Huge house that was nice and decorated."Have fun."He said,then walked into another room that had a pool in it.He went into the pool and fell asleep at the bottom of it.
5:54pm Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 516