8:17pm Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 516
Bump again.
8:29pm Dec 31 2009
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((Too late to jump back in?~ Real life situations cut me away from Res for a couple of days. What all happened while I was gone?))
I\'m back.
10:08pm Dec 31 2009
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Lucian stepped inside. "Whoa.." He murmured. The place was big, and very nice as well. "So, where should we start?" He asked Quinn, unsure where they could get some sleep.
11:29pm Dec 31 2009 (last edited on 12:50am Jan 1 2010)
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Posts: 516
Hidan slept for a few minutes,then woke up."Oh,my bad."He said,he opened a door to a room that had two huge beds.
12:50am Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 516
3:06am Jan 1 2010
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(( Eh, This is getting weird o_O )) Mei rolled her eye's and slung her hood over her head. "Who need's 'em." She growled, walking up the steps into her apartment, slamming the door as she reached the inside. She fell on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She sighed. "To bad there is nothing interesting to do here." She walked over the window and glared out of it. She shut the curtains then lie back down in the bed. It was getting late, and she was tired from the long day.
5:44am Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 5:45am Jan 1 2010)
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"Here," Quinn answered as she walked over to the bed on the left. She threw herself on it and lay there and heaved a sigh of relief. "C'mon, Lucian," she murmured sleepily, her eyes beginning to close.
11:58pm Jan 1 2010
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Lucian walked over to another bed then made himself lie down. He sighed, soon he would end up falling asleep. He faced Quinn. "How do you think Hidan found, or made, this place?"
1:17am Jan 2 2010
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Aquinnah contemplated. "I have no idea." She said at last. "What about you?" she asked Lucian.
4:39am Jan 2 2010
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Lucian shook his head. "No idea," He replied then yawned. He licked his lips then played around with the bed sheet of the bed he lay on, waiting for sleep to take over him sooner or later.
5:02am Jan 2 2010
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Aquinnah closed her eyes. In a moment, she was asleep. It was nothing more than a catnap, and she always awoke at the slightest sound.
6:49am Jan 2 2010
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---- Four Hours Later--- -9:30 am- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mei's eye's slowly opened to the bright sun that shone through her window. She winced and yawned. Finaly she slung back the bed sheet that she was lie'ing on. She gave on long drawn out stretch and flexed her fingers, then walked over to her window and opened the curtains. Way down in the bustling street, she saw people walking by and cars zooming through the busy street. But to her suprise, a taxi cab arguing with the p*censored*enger's came flying by and slammed into a man on a bike. She almost died laughing, but restrained herself from doing so. She turned away from the window, her tail draging the floor. She glanced at her clock, '9:30 am Friday January 01 2010' Is what it stated. She turned around and walked into her kitchen, her claws clicking like crazy on the white scratch laiden tile floor. It was cold on her paws, but she didn't care. She slung open the fridge and pulled out a hunk of meat. "Breakfast." She said. As she was unwraping it from the plastic wrap it was in, her belly let out a long growl. She smiled and shoved a peice in her mouth. As she was eating she sat down on her sofa and switched on the t.v. It had been on the new's from a while back. To her suprise the new's man on the screen was reporting: "Breaking news! 10:30 pm last night a pack of the once calm humanimals that we once knew, turn savage and scare a fellow jogger whilst they go on a killing spree against our police!!" Mei almost choked on her breakfast as her eye's were glued to the flashing red new's screen. As quick as she could, she ran to get dressed. As she was, she could hear: " We are currently sending the NYC S.W.A.T team to terinate these killers as soon as we can, if all else fails, we have a troop of U.S soldiers on guard." Her eye's turned huge and she rushed to get out the door. She ran outside, the freezung cold air not even pfasing her. She quickly got on the scent trail, and followed it aw quick as she could.
8:43am Jan 2 2010 (last edited on 8:45am Jan 2 2010)
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Lucian blinked awake then realized he had fallen asleep. He saw Quinn then forced himself to sit up. What were they going to do today? He yawned then stood up, scratching the bakc of his right ear. "Hey, Quinn," He groaned, giving one shove to the bed she was lying on, "I think I want to go out from some fresh food. You wanna come?" He walked away from the bed then over to a mirror that was in the room. Standing infront of it, he fixed up the small pouch that was attacked to the rope-belt that he wore. Opening it, he found...a compa$$? "Why do I have this?" He asked himself. The compa$$ was in his hand. It was bronze color and something about it was familiar.
6:51am Jan 6 2010
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Quinn sat up in bed and stretched. "G'morning, Lucian," She said, smiling at him. "What's that you've got?" she asked, as she slung her legs to the side of the bed. Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable. "I've a feeling we're in deep trouble, Lu..." She jumped off her bed and walked towards the door and went to on the television. Her eyes widened in horror as she heard what the news said. "Lucian, over here! Come quick!" She called softly, a lump in her throat.
8:39am Jan 6 2010
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Lucian turned his head around to look at where Quinn had gone to. He stashed the compa$$ in his small pouch thing then ran over to the other humanimal, staring at the television in horror. "Oh no," He murmured. He listened to the news reporter and what he had to say. "We were just having some fun!" He complained.
9:07am Jan 6 2010
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"That was what I was afraid of!" Aquinnah groaned and rested her head in her hands. "Hidan might have saved us then, but in fact, we're in mortal danger now." She slid her hands into his, positive that her heart was in her throat. "We've to do something," Her voice was muffled as her face was buried in his chest.
9:15am Jan 6 2010
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Lucian swallowed, but it was hard to do so. He looked down at Quinn then gave a little sigh. "Maybe we should find the other humanimals?" He suggested. "They're probably going to be on the human's 'kill' list."
10:32am Jan 6 2010 (last edited on 9:57pm Jan 6 2010)
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Aquinnah squeezed Lucian's arm and let it go. "Time for action." she said as she strode towards a box from which she pulled out her cape - a lustrous black - and flung it over her shoulders, fastening the string under her neck. She felt for her crystal dagger necklace, and softly said, "I hope I won't have to use this."
9:36pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian watched Aquinnah. Seeing the crystal dagger, he looked down at his belt then found a black dagger hanging near the pouch. He gave out a quiet sigh then walked over to Quinn. "Do you think we can find the other humanimals around the place where we all met the first time?" He asked her.
9:43pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 516
Hidan slept continusly,though he had hoped no one had noticed,his arm had been shattered by a bullet.((Failz.))