9:59pm Jan 6 2010
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"I'm not sure." Quinn said. "Let's follow our noses. But first, let's wake Hidan and warn him." She suggested quietly. Aquinnah felt the pointed end of her dagger and sighed. She hoped the others would be okay.
10:54pm Jan 6 2010
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Lucian nodded then began walking towards the door Hidan had gone into. When he reached the door he knocked on it. "Hidan," He called. "are you awake? We've got a little problem." He checked the television then found it still on, and still reporting about what he, Quinn, and Enock had had.
12:37am Jan 7 2010
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Mei had finaly found the house. "That is what they are staying in?" She said, but ignored it. She burst open the door, breathing EXTREAMLY heavy, "Ha- have you guy's seen the n- new's yet?" She said.
4:38am Jan 7 2010
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Lucian's ears pricked up then he looked in the direction of the door. Giving one last knock at the door Hidan was probably inside, he ran over to Mei. "Yes," He replied, "We did." He looked over at the television then realized they had stopped reporting about what he and two other humanimals did, but he figured they would show it again later.
5:09am Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 9:01am Jan 7 2010)
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Aquinnah suddenly remembered something. "I almost forgot.." She ran back to the room and returned with a spear. The portion below the sharp silver blade had a red silk ribbon tied around it, its two ends dangling halfway down its wooden body. She smiled briefly at it, then turned to Mei. "They want us terminated, don't they?" She gave a soft sigh. Thinking she heard the wail of a siren, she looked out of the nearby window. Squad cars were patrolling the streets, their blue and red lights glowing. Quinn swore softly.
6:12am Jan 7 2010
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Lucian looked out the window in time to see the squad car pa$$ by. He muttered something under his breath then went over to Mei. "Does that mean that the humans are after you, as well as other humanimals, who weren't with Quinn, Enock, and I?"
3:35pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 516
Hidan slowly arose and groaned in pain.His arm was totaly black,and he couldnt move it."What is it?"He groaned,then yawned.His eyes were blood red.His eyes somtimes turn a reddish color when he is injured.
4:08pm Jan 7 2010
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(I dont know what to poist. So...)) Annalise pushed herself onto he hind legs, and wlaked rather wobbly. The journey had taken them all night. She turned to Rasku and meowed, "This is where I used to live." Pointing to thepark across from the busy street she snarled, "I was there when I first noticed my stump of a tail."
5:31pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 516
7:20pm Jan 7 2010
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8:55pm Jan 7 2010
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9:43pm Jan 7 2010
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Bump.Again.For the fourth time.
9:53pm Jan 7 2010
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Lucian heard Hidan groan from inside the room. He walked over to the room door then replied, "I believe the humans want us terminated." His reply was a sort of growl as well. ((Gotta go.))
3:41am Jan 8 2010
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Mei shook her head. "Yes, they want us all terminated. Even the one's who did not take part in the little attack, they think it would still happen." She caught her breath. "Well, I used to know this guy who lived not to far from me, He was a phoenix raptor dude, he gave out weapon's, and was quite vicious to humans. I think I remember him coming along with a group of us on our way out here, not sure tho." She looked out the window and sighed. "I just don't know what to do." She stated. (( I'll get his bio up ina few :3 ))
4:48am Jan 8 2010
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Lucian thought for a moment. "We could try finding that phoenix raptor guy," He suggested, "although I'm not sure what we could do if we do find him." He sat down on the couch not to far from where he was standing then sighed.
5:14am Jan 8 2010
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She looked down. "Well, he could maybe give us some better protection, weapons? As I said, he used to sell f-60's. {Made up gun xD } They'd knock the face off a elephant." She giggled, but then sighed. "I wish there was something we could do. Our power- wait. We have powers." Sher seemed to be enlighted at that fact, then she sat down on the floor. "But, they are not as strong as we think they are." She sighed once again. "What to do, what to do." She said, hearing some gunman shouting's almost right out side the door. "Oh crap!" She said.
6:31am Jan 8 2010
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Lucian quickly bolted right up. Whoever was outside could try to kill them. He held his hand out infront of him. A small ball of fire slowly appeared. Then he remembered that if they attacked they would want to killed all the more. "Is there a sort of back door or something?" He asked quickly, closing his hand and at the same time the fire ball disappeared.
6:38am Jan 8 2010
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Mei looked silently. "There is... one." Hurry." She quickly iced the floor as they walked. {lol fails Dx}
6:46am Jan 8 2010
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Aquinnah's ears pricked. She stood up and walked towards the door, and pressed her ears to it. She could hear two or three men now. "Police, open up!" a strong masculine voice called, followed by a rap on the door, making Quinn stiffen. "They're coming," she whispered incredulously. Pretty fast, she thought as she leaned against the door. She whispered, "Guys, they're here already. Don't wait to hide; they'd search this place from top to bottom and find you. Get Hidan and jump out of a window or something. They'll try to break in if we don't open the door. I'll keep 'em busy while you get outta here. We need to evacuate this place as soon as we can." Presently, they rapped louder, and Aquinnah clutched her spear tighter. "Hurry," She put her other hand in front of her, fists clenched. A breeze came out of it. "Perfect," She murmured, then motioned the others to leave the building.
6:49am Jan 8 2010
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