2:33am Jan 10 2010
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Mei growled the best she could at the police. Suddenly, a peircing pain entered her back, a bullet. She snarled and hurled the policeman into the wall, as two others jumped on her, she threw one to the ground, then snapped the others neck. Another bullet came whistling by, miraculously, she dodged it just in time. She ran to the cop and head butted him into the bed post, knocking him out. That was all the cop's... For now. She walked over to hidan and fell to her knee's. She clenched her eye's closed and bit her tongue. Two tears slowly crept down her face, she wiped them up before anymore could come. She stood, a determined look in her eye's. "I shall show no mercy." She growled. She clenched her fist, creating razor sharp ice blades. She searched the ground for a thick branch. She took a nice rope from her pocket an tied the ice shards to the stick. She turned to look at the others. Not looking as her normal self at all. "Do as you wish. I'm going to finish what they started." She said, then turned and left the building.
3:31pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 516
((I forgot they had powers.))
4:01am Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( No prob ;o )) Bumpasaurus rex. xD
5:56am Jan 11 2010
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Lucian entered back in the house through the back door then watched Mei go. "Quinn," He called, fear in his voice. He expected Quinn to be fine, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried for the ethiopian humanimal. He looked down at one of the cops knocked out then took the gun that had fallen from his hand. There was still a few bullets in them. Sighing, he slowly stashed it in a pocket inside the vest thing he wore.
7:09am Jan 11 2010 (last edited on 7:09am Jan 11 2010)
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OoC: Hidan isn't really dead, is he? Aquinnah appeared, her hands still behind her. Apart from the bullet holes in her cape and her wounded wrist, she was fine. When she saw Lucian, she threw herself on him, trying to hold back her tears. "Oh Lu," she whispered, blinking back a tear. "Hidan's.... Hidan seems to be dead." Saying the last word required some effort. She rested her head on his chest, wondering why she hadn't stopped Hidan from confronting the cops. She blamed herself for his death. "And it's all my fault."
7:16am Jan 11 2010
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Lucian glanced at Hidan's body then let out a quiet sigh. "No, it's not your fault." Was all he could say. Then he started to think. If they didn't stay in this place, was their a chance that Hidan could have been in better shape? Or alive is he was dead. He shook his head. But what was done is done, they couldn't possibly rewind time. "We can't leave him here, maybe we should move him.. Or at least bring the cops some where else."
7:21am Jan 11 2010
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Aquinnah sighed. "I guess you're right." She looked up at him. "Do you think there's a chance that he isn't dead...?" She was a little unsure, but she had an idea what to do. She glanced behind her. "D'you think you can get this off?" she asked, trying to move her wrists which were still tight in the handcuffs. "It needs a key."
7:28am Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 1,597
"I can't remove it without me probably hurting you, but.." He looked down at the bodied on the floor. "Maybe one of them has the key." He bent down then searched the pockets of the officer closest to him.
7:51am Jan 11 2010
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"That's okay. It hurts quite a lot anyway." Said Quinn, biting down her lip. Damn police.. She thought, trying not to move her wrist, to prevent the bullet from being pushed any deeper. She knelt down and attempted to search with Lucian, though it proved difficult without using hands.
8:20am Jan 11 2010
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"No, not with this guy." He muttered. He moved over to another officer then started searching. He put his claw into a pocket then only found a small piece of paper. "Nothing of the improtance in my opinion," He muttered then threw the piece of paper behind him. ((I think I just spotted Lucian's tail in the pic I used..))
8:33am Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Lol. Now I see it too. You can see just the beginning and the end. And damn, I can't find a pic for Quinn x_x I guess the deion will suffice. Aquinnah stared at the piece of paper. Unable to make head or tail out of it, she turned her attention to another officer, putting her snout into his pocket. "Achoo!" she sneezed, quickly taking it out. "Maybe you'd better search it," she said, wrinkling her nose. "I think there's something inside."
8:43am Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Yeah, it'll do.)) Lucian turned around then was able to catch Quinn sneeze. He chuckled then the tip of his tail flicked. "Searh what?" He asked. "The piece of paper?" Or that pocket you sneezed in? He added silently, not wanting to ask that outloud.
10:49am Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( *ahem* No cussing.))
6:55pm Jan 11 2010
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Posts: 516
((Lolz.Wait for it..))
Out of know where,lighting hit the ground beside Hidan.Then another strike.Several times it hit Cops.More and more it did until the lightning had formed a unusual pattern around him.
6:18am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 1,117
"That silly pocket," Aquinnah said, rubbing her nose with her tail. She suddenly looked up and saw the abnormal happening around Hidan. She looked bewildered as she got up and strode towards the humanimal, cautiously. "Hidan...?!"
7:50am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei stopped, she was halfway to the the scent of the other cops when she heard the lightning. She looked at the small house way back in the distance. "What the..." She said quietly as she glared at the strange happening's at the small house. She tightened the grip on her spear and thought for a moment.
10:15am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian whipped his head around to look at Hidan. "Woah.." Lucian said before turned back to the cop's pocket. He opened it with his claw then saw something shining inside. He pulled it out with his other claw then took out a key. "Maybe this is the one." He said.
10:21am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah strode back to Lucian, and turned around so for him to insert the key into the lock. Her eyes were still on Hidan. What's happening?! she wondered, half panicky.
10:35am Jan 12 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian pressed the key into the lock then turned it. He was relieved when it showed a sign of unlocking. He removed the handcuffs from her wrist then turned his attention to Hidan. He stood up on his legs then got a little closer, but not to close.
6:30pm Jan 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 516
Lightinig struck again,and this time it hit hidans head.But,this lightning looked diffrent.It was red.And,it stayed on his head.then,more red lightning hit his arms,his legs and his tail.It formed what seemed to be a unidentified language.