8:32am Jan 17 2010 (last edited on 8:32am Jan 17 2010)
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Aquinnah nodded and threw the door open. "Let's go." she murmured and ran, dodging the bullets, hoping the other two could escape as well.
5:31pm Jan 17 2010
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Posts: 516
"No.I have to find Mei."He hissed,running back toward the cops.He ran through them,then ran down the streets,calling her name."Where is she?"He hissed.
9:20pm Jan 17 2010
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In the distance there was a huge explosion. You could also hear the howl's and... roar's? Then she shouted back to hidan. "Hidan!" She yelled, her leg had been broken badly, along with her broken tail and bullet's lodged all in her chest cavity.
10:55pm Jan 17 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian watched Hidan go then quickly ran out the door then p*censored*ed some soldiers on all four's. A bullet almost hit his leg and he gave a snarl to the soldier that fired. "We're just p*censored*ing!" he growled then zigzaged his way to Quinn, nearly tripping over a soldier's foot.
11:06pm Jan 17 2010
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Posts: 516
After hearing Mei's Cries,he bolted toward the noise.He found her and ran up to her."your hurt bad."He said,looking at her.His skin glew in the sunlight.A group of soldiers had followed him.They neared where he standed.Then one of them charged at Him.Suddenly,the man stoped.His skin seemed to move as a Barrier of pure lighning srounded Hidan and Mei.
1:01am Jan 18 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei winced. "They hurt me bad..." She said, clutching her hand's around her leg. (( we should make Humanimal's two nao. I'll rmail yu :3 ))
1:10am Jan 18 2010
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Posts: 516
Hidan seemed to change upon hearing those words.His ees glew bright red.His whole body seemed to become electrified."How...Dare..THEY.."He hissed,standing up and looking at all the soldiers.He bolted toward them,grabbing thme two at a time,Electicuting them.
1:12am Jan 18 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei tried her best to put a smile on her face. "Keep at it!" She yelled, trying her best to be elated about hidan's killing. (( In the second episode- Oh nvm. I'll rmail you. x3 ))
1:15am Jan 18 2010
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Posts: 516
The sound of a gun fireing made everything go quiet.The bullet had hit Hidan in the head.Suddenly,hidan turned toward the man who had shot him.The bullet was cracked in two.He flicked the bullet off and grabbed the cop."Help M-"Was all the cop got out.
4:16am Jan 18 2010
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Lucian suddenly was forced to the ground then he realized that two soldiers had him pinned down. He tried to wiggle himself free but it was no use. "You messed with wrong dog.." He murrered then forced his hand against one of the soldiers chest. A small flame was starting to appear and it seemed to have no effect on the soldier, but then suddenly it grew into a bigger fire and the soldier lept off. The other soldier did the same and Lucian was able to run away on all four's, but as he did he threw a ball of fire on the ground in betweem some soldiers.
6:31am Jan 18 2010
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Quinn ran after Lucian and asked, "Are you alright?" She could hear soldiers' feet pounding behind her, and bullets were pelting around them. She managed to knock some away with the blade of her spear, but it wasn't easy. Aquinnah looked over her shoulder. Suddenly, she tripped over something and rolled a little, and hit a soldier, who fell on top of her. Surprised and hurt, she let out a soft whine, and pushed him off her, growling in annoyance, though it was her fault.
6:42am Jan 18 2010
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He glanced at Quinn then gave a nod. "Yes, I'm fine." He tripped a soldier with his leg then asked her, "Where do you suggest we stop?" He thought for a moment. They could hide out in some alley, or go inside a shop, but from the looks of it soldiers were just everywhere.
6:55am Jan 18 2010
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Aquinnah shrugged. "I don't know. Before we look for a safe place to hide, we'll have to give these people the slip. Or they'll get us." She got up and shook the dirt off her white pelt and black cape. "Do you think the other two will get away alright? How will they know where we are?"
8:10am Jan 18 2010
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Lucian still stayed on four's glancing behind them then quickly looking forward again. "We might meet up somewhere," he replied. "and I bet Hidan and Mei could handle some soldiers. I mean, did you see that lightning? Pretty strong humanimal if you ask me."
7:25am Jan 19 2010
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Aquinnah nodded in agreement. "Strong indeed." she said, still standing on her hind feet. For a while, she said nothing, then got down on her fours like Lucian. "What now? Find a place where we'll be safe?"
8:51am Jan 19 2010
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Lucian gave a small nod. "I guess," he replied then started padding forward, glancing behind them to see if any soldiers were near by. "What about over there?" He asked, pointed his claw in the direction of some old house. It looked pretty much abandoned since no light came from inside, but it still looked in good shape.
7:19am Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah nodded. "It looks just rught." she smiled vaguely. "And if any of those soldiers decide to look in there, we could always give 'em a scare; we could act like ghosts." she whispered to him, laughing shortly.
8:04am Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian let out a little chuckle then trotted the the abadonded house. Glancing back to see if Quinn was following. He gave a out a tired sigh. This was one crazy day, and hopefully they wouldn't come into another day like this for a long time, but he douted it.
8:36pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 516
Hidan had totaly lost all calmness.He grabed at everything alive or dead,sparks flying everywhere.Finaly,the last soldier tried to run,but hidan caught up and jumped on him.Suddenly,he stoped glowing everywhere.Before he could do anything,he felt a hug smack on the back of his head.His hands shot to his head as me hissed in pain.He slumped down,then looked up."Ugh..What happened?Who are you?Where am i?"He said,looking at Mei.
10:01pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei flashed her head around. It was another soldier. In his hand's he grasped a gun of some sort. Mei growled. To weak to fight, she summoned the wolf god's to protect her. She turned her attention to hidan, and pulled him into the force field. She placed his head in her lap, and wiped his memory of the poison that the soldier had put into him with his gun. She took a breath and released a long sigh.