6:41am Jan 21 2010
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Aquinnah followed the other humanimal. "It looks sorta creepy." she said as they neared.
8:33am Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian stopped once they were a few feet from the entrance. It was creepy, so he nodded, agreeing with Quinn. But he'll admit, he would prefer to stay in a place like this than in a place filled with cops and soldiers. "Well," he said, padding forward. "let's go."
3:47pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 516
Hidan slowly p*censored*ed in and out of conciousness.His memories were all jimbled up.Suddenly,he went into a dream.He was back in a lab.He watched in horror as his whole family as killed by shock collars.Hidan ran.just run.
in real life he stirred and elled in his dream...
12:41pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 516
7:41pm Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 516
Ofreakinmega bump.
11:25pm Jan 25 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Mei worried herself. "Wake up hidan!! You just dreaming!!" But she knew that her attempts had no outcome. She sighed. "I guess we will just have to wait." Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder. Mei cringed in thought of it being a soldier. But it was not. It was someone... Familiar. (( Bio in a bit. :3 ))
9:59am Jan 26 2010
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Aquinnah nodded and followed Lucian.
10:06am Jan 26 2010
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Lucian stepped inside then stopped when he was a few feet away from the entrance. The place seemed like it was abandoned for a long time. There was some dust on the floor and the wall paper seemed sort of yellow-ish. The floor was made of wood and there were a few old furniture around the room. Lucian also noticed stairs leading to an upper floor. "I want to check upstairs, you wanna come along or stay down here?" He asked, heaving himself up to stand on his legs.
10:11am Jan 26 2010
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"I'd rather come with you." Answered Quinn, not really wanting to stay alone in an old room of an abandoned house. Before following her friend, she pulled open a drawer nearby, out of curiosity. "Nothing but dust," she mumbled, sliding it back.
4:24am Jan 27 2010
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"Maybe there's something instresting upstairs." Lucian suggested, looking up the stairs. He put his foot on the first step and it creaked. He didn't want to stay in this abandoned house, but he'd rather than go and run away from some soldiers and end up having no where to go. Cautiosly, he started walking up the stairs, holding the dusty railing with his right hand.
10:14am Jan 30 2010
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Aquinnah followed silently. Their footfalls and creaks of the stairs seemed strangely loud to her ears. When they reached the top steps, she could see that the furniture was draped with white cloth. At first, she was startled, but then gave a little laugh and advanced toward them. "Weird place, isn't it?"
11:18pm Jan 30 2010
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"Yeah," Lucian replied, walking over to a bed-side table. But there was no bed anymore. "It is." He gribbed the knob of the drawer then pulled. It was stuck. He tried shaking it until finaly, it opened. "Just some more dust." He muttered then reached a claw inside at the back of the drawer. He pulled out a piece of paper. He flicked his right ear in curiousity then opened the paper since it was folded. "You think they were the owners of this house?" He asked Quinn, showing her a picture of two adults and a child.
4:47am Jan 31 2010
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"Possible." answered Quinn, glancing at the photograph over Lucian's shoulder. "Probable, actually. I don't see why anyone would keep any family's picture but theirs." She rummaged through the contents of a chest nearby, which was open and stuffed with items. At last, she pulled out a flashlight whose gl*censored* was near to falling out. "This might help." she suggested, holding it up.
6:57am Jan 31 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian walked over to Quinn then nodded. "We'll just hold on to it." He agreed. "Does it work, though? Something might be broken that's why they"-he flicked the picture of the family-"didn't bother to take it with them.. Um, besides the part of the gla$$ nearly falling out."
8:24am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah shrugged her shoulders. "We'll take it anyway." she flicked on the switch, but nothing happened. Frowning slightly, she banged it against a bureau nearby. Light flashed for a second. Quinn raised an eyebrow and hit it again. This time, the light came permanently. "It works," she announced. "Now what?' she asked, looking around the room.
9:21am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 516
Still unconsis,Hidan started having better dreams,then suddenly woke up.He looked up,then saw the perosn behind Mei.He jumped backwards,his boby cackling with electricity.