9:38pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian stopped. There was a sheep near the barn door. If he ran he could snatch it then he'd finaly have something to eat. Deciding that he would snatch that sheep, he ran toward it. He snatched it in his mouth when he was near then ran back to the fence, hearing some yelling behind him and figured it was the humans in the house. Pushing the ground he jumped over the fence then landed near some rocks. He went behind them then ran away from the fence, the sheep his mouth bleeding and struggling to get out of his grip but eventually went limp.
10:25pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 3,662
(( Sorry, All the spots are taken D; )) Mei nodded and glanced at the lioness. Under her breath she mumbled, "Lower life sporacle." She walked away from the group, it was starting to rain and she was getting tired of the others.
10:37pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 516
((He is showing his gentle side.Not alot of people see it.)) Hidan suddenly turned around and followed Mei."Hey,wait up!"He said in a friendly tone.When he caught up,he said,"I hope i didnt hurt her."
10:45pm Dec 19 2009
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Lucian dropped his prey then crouched down. He looked around. There was a stale scent of human so he probably wouldn't be disturbed. Biting into the sheep, he began to eat, keeping his ears alert.
10:58pm Dec 19 2009
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(( I have an idea! Remember earlier, how mei said that she grew up next door to a reptillian humanimal? Well what if she was to young to know, but it was acctuley hidan? :D )) Mei smiled. "I hope you didn't hurt her, but hopefully knock some sence in her!" She giggled. "You know, you remind me alot of the reptillian humanimal I grew up with." She said. Cocking her head, but still walking.
11:04pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 1,597
((Ooh, nice idea!)) Lucian swallowed the last piece of meet he was able to get from the sheep. After eating he stood up on his feet, grunting as he did. He walked over to leaves, toward the place where he had met the other humanimals. Maybe they were still there, but if not then he could go and visit some human shops and scare people. He chuckled at the thought.
11:15pm Dec 19 2009
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Posts: 516
"I grew up with someone that was just like you.All pretty and stuff."He said,rembering when he was only 3 foot long.Now,at 30 foot long,it had been many years scence he had seen her.
11:30pm Dec 19 2009
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Mei for some reason sucked her stomach in. She could not belive that the once ferocious beast had said that she was pretty. She tried to mumble out a word but failed. She then got it out. "Y- yes, I do belive that I remember that, that must be why I have a odd liking for reptillian's." She laughed a little bit. "I remember one time, I told my mother that I wished that I was one. I was young and couldn't understand that I was a WOLF." She laughed. "Those where someday's, back there in the louisiana swampy forest's. Even tho the kids called me, SwampWolf, I still loved it. There was loads of prey, and other animals, and more things. But then, we got dragged out here in this stink hole." She said, looking up at the tall smogy buildings. "Having to eat those nasty humans, and breath this discusting city air." She had a discusted look on her faice.
8:32am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Quinn was hungry. Isn't there anything here?! She wondered, annoyed. Her stomach rumbled, and she tried to keep it down. Still on all fours, she paced around till she thought it was hopeless. Aquinnah most certainly didn't want to eat a human; it'd cause trouble. After a few minutes, which seemed more like an hour to her, she reached a garbage dump, where several cats were feating. Pew, gross! She thought, sticking her tongue out in disgust. Walking on again, she reached a hotel. At the back, there was a dustbin, on top of which was a half-eaten slice oof pizza. Shrugging, she slurped it down. Hey, that wasn't so bad, she thought, smacking her lips. Near it was an ice cream cone, obviously dropped in accident. Mmm, ice-cream for dessert! What a bit of luck! And with that, she licked it off the ground. Then Quinn made her way back to the little group, content. She stopped by the barn in which Lucian was eating, deciding to wait for him.
9:01am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian tasted the air then got the scent of Quinn. He turned around then saw her, stopped by the barn. He ran towards her, a little glad that he might have something to do other than go and scare some people. "Hi," He greeted when he was near her. He licked his lips, still tasting some blood.
9:19am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah grinned as he saw her. "Hey Lu. Had a nice meal? I see you have!" She laughed, then said, "So, whatcha gonna do now?" Quinn was a little bored, and she liked company.
9:28am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,597
Lu? No one has ever called him Lu, and he thought no one would ever will. He shrugged then answered, "I don't have anything on my mind." He thought for a moment. "Do you wanna come with me and scare some humans or something?" He asked. If he was going to do something like scare humans, he would at least like some one with him.
10:06am Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 10:21am Dec 20 2009)
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Posts: 3,002
Enock growled at the female wolf before she set off with the reptile.Then walked over to the lioness. "Are you Ok, it looks like you took a bad beating." He asked.He smiled then looked at the bite on her neck.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:36am Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 11:03am Dec 20 2009)
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah knew what she called Lucian was a little weird. "I like calling people by nicknames." she explained. "And sure, I'd love to." Quinn answered, with a grimace on her face and a glint of mischief in her clear blue eyes.
10:38am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 3,002
Enock walked away from the lioness after examining her bite mark. "Can I come?"He asked quinn "Please?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
11:07am Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah turned and smiled at the humanimal. "Why, of course, you may, er- What may I call you? I believe we haven't introduced ourselves." She said. "I'm Aquinnah, but you may call me Quinn if you please." She glanced at Lucian, wondering if he minded Enock accompanying them.
12:17pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 516
((I dont know what to post.))
2:40pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 2,842
"I;m fine" Annalise growled, "That stupid wolfess thought I wanted to like, eat her or something." Standing up she flexed her muscles, walked over to the wolves and said, "Am I welcomed by you? Or do you all hate felines?"
2:43pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 2,721
Rasku flashed a grin at a human girl who he had struck up a conversation with. He prefered to hang out with humans, hiding his ears with a hat and keeping his tail tucked in his pants. "See you again sometime!" He called to her, waving as she wandered away. "Alone once more." Rasku sighed, looking out over the lake that sat infront of him. He tossed a stone against the water, hoping it would skip. It didn't, it just sank. "I never was good at skipping stones..." He reminded himself, adding a light chuckle. Using his telekinesis, Rasku picked an apple off a nearby tree and focused deeply as the apple floated over to him. He grasped the apple and took a small nibble, satisfied with the crisp flavor.
I\'m back.
2:48pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Annalise saw the boy in the distance and she thought to herself, He's not uman, he's part animal, I can scent it. She bounded over to some bushes nearby and watched him as she would watch her prey. Some stupid cats kept walking up to her and bruching themselves against her leg, They are my kin, I can't hurt them. Can I?