4:35am Dec 28 2009
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OOC: Alright. I've posted, so I guess it's your turn now =3
6:30am Dec 28 2009
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Lucian gave a nod then peered through the bushes. He spotted some cops around, and the human they had scared was gone. He gave a little sigh of relief, the humans around were much less now and hopefully they would all be gone. "Let's get out of here before we attract anymore attention." He suggested, padding on all fours up to Quinn.
9:25am Dec 28 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah looked doubtful. "But what about Enock? What would the humans do to him? No, Lu, I have to help him." She turned to the policemen. There were seven or eight of them, easily outnumbering the humanimals. She wondered what would happen to Enock if they caught him.
9:46am Dec 28 2009
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian looked back. "Then we'll go get him." He said. "We can stry to get him, but if those humans try to stop us I could try to distract them while you get him outta here."
10:52am Dec 28 2009
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Quinn nodded. Without another word, she stealthily edged her way out of the bushes. It rustled, though she tried her best to be quiet, which attracted the attention of the cops. They turned to her, and Aquinnah knew she was in trouble. "It's one of them!" A cop cried, making her lips curl back into a vicious snarl. She crouched low, as if she'd pounce on them any minute. Quinn saw Enock through the corner of her eye. Then one of the officers yelled, "Get her!"
9:22pm Dec 28 2009
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Lucian jumped out of the bushes and snarled. He ran in the opposite direction where Quinn was in and hoped the the cops would turn to him. And, like he hoped, they did, but some cops where still looking at Quinn. Time to get a little more attention. He thought. He looked around then spotted a police car. I'm probably going to so dead, but.. He ran toward the police car then jumped on the hood. He let out a deep voiced bark, tryign to get the cops' attention.
9:25pm Dec 28 2009
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Mei let out a slight growl and ran as fast as she could to meet up with the group.
11:51pm Dec 28 2009
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Aquinnah gasped as the cops neared her. Then she saw Lucian's act. She smiled as most of the policemen turned their attention to him. But two of them were still looking at her. She growled. They walked up to her. Clever bastards, "You are under arrest." They said, and reached out their arms. Quinn managed to evade them and get to Enock. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bushes with her. "Stay here," she hissed and jumped out again, making her way to Lucian.
12:38am Dec 29 2009
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Lucian jumped down from the hood of the car when one of the policemen tried to hit him on the head with this black stick that was attached to his belt. Lucian didn't know what it was, but he has seen them use it before. He pushed a cop out of the way then ran to Quinn. "You got Enock?" He asked quickly.
1:23am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 516
((Whats happening peeps?Lolz.Catch me up?))
10:02pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 3,662
(( *ahem* *pokes rules* Nu cussing..? But I forgive yu ;3 hidanfais: We are totally ingulfed by ploice and we need your help, hence you are a crocodile xD ))
12:56am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 516
Suddenly,a cry could be heard,One of the cops suddenly fell to the ground,and was dragged into the bushes.A crunch echoed through the place.From the bushes,a dark figure went up to a cop.Before anyone could react,Hidan slammed his jaws down on the Cops head.He twisted and ripped."Go while you all have the chance!"He hissed,using his tail to break the back of a cop.
1:08am Dec 30 2009
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"Over there," Aquinnah said, pointing at the bushes where Enock was. She turned to Lucian. "Now, this is what I need you to do. I want you to take him as far from here as possible. They'd be looking for him too. I'll keep 'em busy till you get him outta here, and meet you soon afterward." That was when she noticed Hidan's act. "Hidan, no!" she cried. "Stop it! You'll get us into deep trouble! Us and yourself." She hissed, but ran to the bushes and caught Enock by the arm, pulled him out and ran away nevertheless, beckoning Lucian to follow.
1:21am Dec 30 2009
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Lucian took one look at Hidan then dashed off to follow Quinn. "Well, at least they might be after him more than us now." He said, although part of him didn't believe himself. He growled at himself, nearly tripping over a rock stuck on the ground.
1:27am Dec 30 2009
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"Whoa, Lucian. Watch it." She murmured, steadying him with her free hand. She sighed. "Maybe so, but they'd want us humanimals exterminated, seeing how vicious one of them can be. That's why I wanted him to stop. I guess I'd have helped the cops to prove that we aren't as vicious as they think we are, but I couldn't stay there for another second. Too much blood. Mind you, not that I like those men." She said as they dashed down the street.
1:30am Dec 30 2009
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Lucian followed her from behind, glancing at a human who was watching them dash down the street. He nodded in agreement, although Quinn had probably not seen him do so. "We should stop some place where the humans won't think we would go," He suggested, "Or atl east somewhere where there aren't much of them."
1:36am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 1,117
Aquinnah nodded in agreement. "But where? Humans are everywhere." She panted a little, wanting to sit somewhere and eat a good lunch.
1:40am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 516
After making sure they were gone,he suddenly turned and ran.He ran to the nearest water source,a lake.He slipped in and swam under.People in the lake fleed as he swam to the oppiste s*censored* and ran back into the city.He ran past a few people,then made a break for a builing.He ran in it and conceled his self.
1:42am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 1,597
Lucian stopped then panted, looking around. There was an alley not to far from where they were, but it was betweem two shops which had humans going in and out. "Well, we could just stop and find a bench in a park or something. And if the humans look for us, I guess we could make a run for it."
1:47am Dec 30 2009
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Posts: 516
Hidan waited a bit,then cloaking himself,walked out and down the streets."They probalbly wont want to be near me now."He said to himself.He walked past two shops,then stopped for a moment to wipe blood from his mouth.