5:11pm Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 11:19am Mar 29 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( Yep, we're good. ))
Time passes quickly when you're focused on something. Thus, before I knew it, I was standing before the old mirror in the back of the room, looking myself over as my hands ran across the fabric of the dress. It fit well, all things considered. I was told that I and my mom had always looked alike. I had never guessed that it was that little of a difference.
The dress was held up by two fine, little silk straps; I didn't have quite large enough of a bust to go strapless. The back was very, very low. Quite uncomfortably so at that. The bottom reached clear down to the small of my back, winding delicately up my sides to my shoulder-blades, where another one of the thin straps was tied. The bottom edge of the skirt rolled to about halfway down my calves, twisting around my frame in a loose, but not incredibly airy base.
As I looked myself over in the mirror, I felt out of place. I had never worn anything so formal or so dressy; or anything more beautiful in my life. Still, my eyes hinted at just the slightest note of sadness.
"Can I come in?" a voice called quietly from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder in the mirror, seeing Raden standing on the other side of the curtain. I didn't answer, so he dared to let the sight of one of his eyes slip through at me. His gaze softened when he saw the ex pression on my face, and he gently pulled the divider aside. He moved up behind me without a sound, resting his hands on my shoulders as we looked at each others reflections. "You look beautiful." he murmured tenderly, gaze flickering not to the dress, but to my eyes. I couldn't hold his gaze for very long, and before more than a heartbeat had passed I forced myself to looked away.
"I don't like it. It's not me." I muttered, looking down at the dress. I was surprised when I felt his finger hook under my chin, pulling my face up to look at him. There was surprise in my gaze, I could see it reflected in his golden, hazel eyes.
"What you're wearing will never matter. It's what you are that counts." he said, looking between my two, icy blue eyes. The hands that had gathered his shirt into fists slowly loosened as he looked me over, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb. I let my tensed muscles relax a bit as I stared up at him, both of us unmoving. "I would never change that for anything."
I felt myself melt inside. He was too good at getting to me. That we were a bit closer than friends was still uncertain, but of all the people of Panam, I would never have found someone that meant more to me. The trust we shared was unbreakable. The happy times we had shared were ones that could never be forgotten. We had changed, morphed, and stayed by one another's side for our entire lives. Raden was the only one I could ever call a true friend.
He let me go a moment later, staying close by my side as he had me turn back towards the mirror. Before I could say a word, he was gone.
A short minute of silence passed as I looked myself over, his words echoing in my head. At the calling of my brothers, however, I made my way slowly out towards the others. The oldest three of our group exchanged looks, then Raden moved forward to open the door. The two boys rushed outside, laughing and chattering at one another as they went. At my father's urging, I followed next, then he came out, then Raden closed the entry behind us, moving forward to my side. I left the house barefoot; my boots had been soaked in the morning's bath, and I didn't have anything else. I felt the refreshing prickle of the street under my feet as we walked, Raden's hand eventually entwining with mine.
We worked our way nimbly through the streets, growing ever closer to the Justice Building in the center of District 8, where names would be called for the Reaping. Today seemed almost haunted. Today, two children would be ripped from their families and shipped off to their deaths.
Soon there were more. More people. I called both of my brothers back towards me, making sure they were right by my side as we made our way into the depths of the crowd.

5:37pm Mar 23 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 6,948
((Can I just go straight to the reaping, I don't have much to say otherwise XD))
 <-- Click me
5:50pm Mar 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( I'd prefer there be a transition post. The walk, something of the sorts. But please don't start into the Reapings yet. ))
5:59pm Mar 23 2012
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Posts: 64
6:00pm Mar 23 2012
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Posts: 6,948
((no, I mean, can my characters like walk to where the reapings take place?))
 <-- Click me
6:01pm Mar 23 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Ohh, if that's what you mean, then yes. Just stop before the announcer comes online. ))
6:33pm Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 6:33pm Mar 23 2012)
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Posts: 6,948
I growled as I walked into my home. It smelled of smoke and fire, the markings of a true District 2 home. Aaron walked after me, something he did almost everyday. I shuddered to think what I would do if I or any of my younger sisters or Aaron were picked. I didn't think I would survive. My skills were swimming and cooking and making weapons, I didn't specialize in using any of them. Ah well, I wouldn't be picked and even if I was, I would learn one of them. If I had to choose one, I would probably attempt to learn the sword or one of my favorite weapons to make: A long handled spear-like weapon with a bent end like a scythe.
Aaron's voice shook me from my thoughts and I spun around to face him. "What happens if we get chosen." He said solemnly and I stared into his eyes.
"We survive and try to win, what else can we do when the whole world is against us." I murmured, out of reach of my younger sister's innocent ears. "It's time to go." My father stayed here with my youngest sister, Flin, while my mother, Aaron, my two sisters (Lily and Petin), and I started towards the reaping. I noticed my mother's eyes, usually filled with pain and sorrow, were staring ahead of her, as if a fire had been lit in her soul...
 <-- Click me
11:07pm Mar 25 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((-is now a capitol citizen- =P))
11:24pm Mar 25 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ -Is so entirely tempted to join as District 7- o.o ]]
11:27pm Mar 25 2012 (last edited on 11:27pm Mar 25 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
(( Oh mai god do it Vinnii. <33 ))
12:02am Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 12:41am Mar 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,786
[[ ... Okay, you convinced me! <3 hehe ]] Name: Clayton Lowe (Clay)Gender: MaleDistrict: 7Age: 17Height: 5' 10"Weight: 130 - roughlyAppearance: Clayton is slim, but muscular. He's been learning to chop wood and work with knives and axes at the early age of 9. From having to work in the woods all day, Clay has tan, some say permanently dirty, tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6OTY1NzoyMzpza2luOmQ2YmEwNjdiMmI5NzA4YzNjY2M4Y2ViMjM3Yzg1NDFjOnotMTA2My0xNTIyNjp3d3cucmVzY3JlYXR1LmNvbQ%3D%3D">skin. His hair is near black in color, cut short to his head to keep out of his hazel-green eyes when he works. Personality: Clayton is down-to-Earth. He always takes a situation seriously and nearly never laughs. He finds the whole Hunger Game situation barbaric, as his father did, but will never voice his opinion. He is the silent, obedient type, willing to observe his surroundings and learn from them.History and birthplace: Clayton was born and raised in District 7. He lives with his mom, his one older brother and his one younger sister, who he would lay his life on the line for. He has taken many
tesseraes, though he stopped counting once he hit twenty. His father was killed in an 'accident' in the forest, ironically after he started voicing his opinions about starting a war and objections upon the Games. Other: He has a girlfriend. :o Her name is Mandy! Though I'll only be mentioning her in a few posts.
Name: Patricia Gaines (Patty)Gender: FemaleDistrict: 7Age: 15Height: 5' 1"Weight: 100 even.Appearance: Patricia is short and petite, but she does happen to have minor curves. She has olive colored skin and long, long black hair that she keeps in a tight bun. Patty has long, dark tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_2" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTMwODU6MzU2OmV5ZWxhc2hlczphNDA5MmM4OGIxNTlkNTY2Y2Q4MTQ2ZGM2Y2Q0ZGE4Yjp6LTEwNjMtMTUyMjY6d3d3LnJlc2NyZWF0dS5jb20%3D">eyelashes that make her chocolate brown eyes pop above her freckled-covered nose and cheeks. Patricia has that face you want to trust.Personality: Patty is very open about herself, leaving nothing unsaid. She fully supports what the Capitol does, and lets everyone know it. She doesn't fully grasp the harshness of the situation, and since her name has only been in the drawings 10 times, she doesn't have a fear in the world of her name being picked. Patty doesn't realize what she has, or how helpful it could be to her.History and birthplace: Patricia was originally born in District 11. She has a distinct knowledge of edible plants, medicinal plants and how to climb trees. Her mom was a type of 'town-healer' and taught Patricia much of what she knows. When she was 11, her mother married a man from District 7 and they had to move. Since the transition, Patty has learned several important factors: How to build a fire, how to use trees as shelter among other things, etc. No siblings.Other: She's never had to tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTYzMTY6MTI3NzpzaWduIHVwOjNhMjVjNTI5Mjk0NjA4OTBmODEzMTRiZTMyY2E1NzcwOnotMTA2My0xNTIyNjp3d3cucmVzY3JlYXR1LmNvbQ%3D%3D">sign up for any Tesseraes.
[[ My bios suck, but they're just for my use really. xD I'll repeat most of this stuff in my intro, and beyond. :3 Be postin' in a moment! ]]

12:27am Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 10:47am Apr 9 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( BIO's approved, Vinnii. Feel free to toss right in. However, I would like to point something out for all:
When children are signed up for drawings, the number of tickets put into the bowl increases each time. The first year (12) has one ticket put in. The second year (13) two tickets are put in. And so on. Do not forget this.
I have constructed a chart of the MINIMUM number of times a character will have their names placed in the drawing. Please edit your posts to fit this.
12 - 1 13 - 3 14 - 6 15 - 10 16 - 15 17 - 21 18 - 28
I think my math is right. xD ))
1:22am Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 10:18pm Mar 29 2012)
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Posts: 694
has Quit this rp
1:31am Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 1:58am Mar 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Whoops, I thought it went just once a year. But that makes sense. I fixed it. :3 ]] District 7: ClaytonI grabbed the handle of the over-used ax and gripped it in between my two calloused hands. The well-worn wood grip felt familiar in my grasp. A sigh escaped my lips as I lifted the tool above my head, aiming for nothing, landing on nothing. The ax fell through my fingers, landing on the dirt with a soft 'thud'. A sound that somehow calmed me. "Clay-Clay?" A small, quiet voice shattered my nearly silent world. It was my little sister, Caroline. She was only six, but that meant nothing. Her blonde hair was pushed back with a light blue ribbon tied in a bow; it probably cost me a week's worth of pay, but seeing her there was worth it. I walked to her, opening my arms to embrace her in a hug. "Caroline," I said, pushing a strand of her curly blonde hair back behind her shoulder. "You're not supposed to be out here... You're going to get your pretty, blue dress dirty." I forced a smile to sweep on my doubt filled face, hopefully calming the little one's doubt. Caroline looked down at her dirty, black shoes. They were already caked with dirt from the short walk from their house to the woods. "Come on honey," I said, picking my little sister up to my hip. "I'll take you home so you can clean those shoes." I was never very vocal to anyone, not even my brother or tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6OTY1NzoyMzptb206MTc0NjM1MTJmYmVmNjU4NzkxOTRkZGFlYmViNDBkN2Y6ei0xMDYzLTE1MjI2Ond3dy5yZXNjcmVhdHUuY29t">mom. But when it came to Caroline, I would say anything to bring a smile to her face. "Clay," Caroline started in a timid voice, digging her face into my shoulder. "I don't want you to go." Just from the sound of her voice I could tell she was close to tears. I picked up my ax and pushed it over my shoulder, careful not to get it close to my sister. "I'm not going anywhere, Caroline," I said to her in a strong voice, one that countered my true feelings. My name was in the drawing 21 times alone, not even counting the Tesseraes I had to put in. That meant my name was in the drawing at least 40 times, which wasn't a good sign. "I'm going to stay here and tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTMyMzc6NDpoZWxwOjMxZjdhMWZjZTA3YzhmMzBiNzA0MDMzZTI5MWM5Y2FiOnotMTA2My0xNTIyNjp3d3cucmVzY3JlYXR1LmNvbQ%3D%3D">help Victor and Mom take care of you." A poked her belly softly, pushing her 'tickle-spot' perfectly. The soft giggle escaped her lips before her words did. "Are you going to take care of Pickles too?" She asked, her eyes shining expectantly. She was talking about the Squirrel that she fed everyday. It always came back to our house from the woods, so, Caroline took it as a sign that it wanted to be our pet. "Of course I'm going to take care of pickles too!" I said, laughing at her comment right before our house came into sight. Okay, so 'house' isn't really an appropriate word. It was more of a shack. A really wobbly shack at that. "Go get mom to clean your shoes while I get ready." I told Caroline, setting her on the ground and pushing her forwards to the door. It didn't take long for me to get ready. I washed my body and face in record time, though it felt like a life time anyways. Every minute during reaping day felt like an hour. I walked to my bedroom, only to be shocked at the sight on my bed. It was a pair of slacks and a nice button down shirt. It had to be one of the nicest things I've ever seen. I traced my newly-cleaned hand down the soft fabric, remembering when I had seen these last. Then, the memory hit me: My father's funeral. Victor was wearing them. I clamored into my clothing, knowing the reaping was to happen soon. Seeing how my sister wasn't yet old enough for the drawing, it was only my life that could be taken today. I took a shaky sigh to try and call myself, though it barely helped. A knock at my door startled me, though I knew who it was. Mandy was the only one who ever knocked. I felt her arms wrap around my waist before I even heard her walk across the room. Maybe the fact that I could hear my heart beat covered her seemingly noiseless steps. I couldn't tell for sure. I turned my body around and embraced her in a tight hug. I could feel her delicate body shaking beneath mine. Then, her choked sobs came. I could tell she tried to hide them, but the effort was futile. "Mandy.... Don't cry," I shushed her, attempting to stop her tears. "You're not going to be picked. You've never had to put in any tessaraes and you're lucky enough as it is." I couldn't let go, though, on account if I saw Mandy crying I wouldn't be able to make it out the door with a few tears shed of my own. After she stifled her sobs, Mandy lifted her head up to look at me. "It's not me I'm worried about." She said softly, her voice just above a whisper. "It's my brother... It's his first year of putting in his name and I'm so scared he'll go!" Mandy closed her eyes at the sad thought that might come. "And you..." She continued, eyes still closed, her face once again buried into my chest. "I don't know what I'll do if one of you go. I love you." Those three words nearly tore down my emotion-stopping wall. A tear almost slipped down my face. But I held it back, as I've always been able to. "Mandy, don't say that because you think you're going to lose me." The words almost seemed harsh, but I hadn't meant them that way. I didn't love Mandy, and she didn't love me. It was just the fear of loss, the fear of loneliness that propelled her to say that. I pulled Mandy back to get a better look at her: She was wearing a faded pink dress, one with beaded flowers on it. She was beautiful, but a pretty dress didn't make her that way. I sighed and grabbed her hand in mine. We walked out the door in silence, her sad, tear streaked face countered my blank, almost ex pression-less one. I nodded once at my mother before picked up Caroline with my free arm. It was a ritual, it seemed. For the past three years I had gone to the Reaping with Mandy at my side and Caroline on my hip. Hopefully it would be the same next year, but one never knew. ~ Patricia
"Oh, Patty! You look so gorgeous!" My mother practically squealed with delight. "Not that you aren't beautiful any other day," She added quickly, a guilty look in her eye. I nearly scoffed at her comment. She was always too generous with the compliments ever since she forced me to move. I was practically sick with them.
"Yes, mother." I said, my tone obviously annoyed to the max. I flicked my long, black hair out of my face, leaning in to examine my dirt-free skin, the uneven bangs I've always hated, and the row of dark freckles I have always loved. But that was just my face. There were so many other things I loved, and hated for that matter, about my body.
I glanced down the mirror, examining every inch of myself. My short, 5 foot 1 inch self. I had practically no curves, which I deemed as both good and bad. I rubbed my soft hands together, not feeling any roughness or any callouses. Then again, if I had any of those things, I could just 'whip up' a cream to help them. It was my specialty, so to speak.
It had been only four years since I moved to District 7, yet I still had no friends. I figured since it was my loyalist affection towards the Capitol, but that was just a guess. It could have been my standoffish personality or my lack of genuine concern for my fellow man, but I couldn't pinpoint it. Maybe it was everyone else, and not me. But who knew.
"Patricia." I heard my step-father's stern voice behind me. I shuddered under his mere presence. "We're ready to go. Are you?" His voice was as cold as he was, which was really saying something. He was the coldest man she had ever known.
"Yes, David." My voice had grown small. He frightened me more than I'd like to say. I dared to glance in the mirror, only to see his reflection glaring right back. I figured that he hated me because both his wife and child had died in labor. Maybe it was the fact he was Pro-Rebellion, a fact I have threatened to take to the Peace-Keepers many times. Of course, this always landed me a blow and a threat to my life. He always made sure I never went there, and I didn't.
I walked to the open door, my shoes squeaking on the floors as I did so. I kept my gaze down as I passed his looming body. This year, I swore to myself as I crept down the hallway, this year I would be Tribute, whether my name was called or not. If I just volunteered myself, everyone would be better off. I would be a beacon of hope in my District, and I could get away from him.
As I shook my head of the thoughts, I placed a fake smile on my small face. "Ready, mother," I said in a sing song voice, one I used every year of the Reaping. I gripped her into a tight hug, knowing it might be the last I would get.
[[ Patty is a fail. x3 ]]

1:35am Mar 26 2012 (last edited on 1:38am Mar 26 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 694
I walked slowly with Hunter by my side. I am watching the others getting into the group. My reaping dress is red with green gems made by my brother who is a stylist. I wish he could be with me at the reaping but his busy. Hunter and I stand waiting till we have to go and sign in. I have so many entries because I needed Tesseraes for my family.
I play with my watch, thanks to being in the technology distract, I get lots of little gadgets but my watch is my favourite possession, it was from my mum who adopted me. I sighed as I walk to stand with the other tributes and keep glancing at Hunter. We are best friends, we are rarely apart besides at night but even then, we sneaked out to meet up and talk about stuff. Hunter has the same entries as me, I hope he doesn't get chosen, he doesn't got what it takes to win not even with lots of training. There is no chance, he is so sweet. Others say he has a chance, that he isn't as sweet as he acts like he is but I don't believe them.
10:47am Mar 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Waiting on Iceheart and Kupala. c: ))
10:59am Mar 29 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Bump. ))
11:03am Mar 29 2012
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Posts: 3
I love Rps... Are there still places open? And could I join?
11:22am Mar 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( If you're literate enough, then you most certainly can. ^ ^ Just read the first page, any of the Districts that are not listed are open for the taking. Then read over all the other posts, just to get yourself up-to-date. :D You can post an intro first (preferred this way) or you can post BIOs and then an intro. ))
1:33pm Mar 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3
Ok... so I guess I'll take District 1. Thanks so much for letting me join, and I'll do my best!
Leena's POV "But Mother!" I practically cried. "Everyone else is wearing it. Why can't I?" "As I said before Leena, I will not allow you to dress that way. It puts District 1 to shame." Mother faced me with her hands on her hips. Gemma Swingrose was a tall, blonde, willowy woman of the age of 45- but that was only a guess. She wouldn't reveal her true age, even to me. And as some people say, like mother like daughter. I am as alike Mother in her attitude as I am Father in his looks. Everyone knows not to mess with me, because I absolutely always get my way- except with Father. I had his long, wavy auburn hair and narrow green eyes. I was short, but still skinny. I had his dash of freckles across my cheeks (I am told they are adorable)> But that is where the likeness ends. There is no way I could ever be like Father. He is too good, too kind. Even Mother says so. And that is why she divorced him. Right now, I was preparing for the reaping- the biggest social event of the year- and this would be my last. I had been counting down the days for almost a month, and with the help of my closest (and coolest) friends, I managed to purchase the most lovely gown. It was a soft, metallic grey silk that shimmered in the light. Along the sides, there was light green embroidery of flowers- I was told it brought out my eyes. It was tight fitting and ended just above my knees. Mother and I were now only disagreeing about the neckline. The neckline was my favorite part of the gown- it was what they call a "sweetheart" and it was strapless. My mother, who wore the most daring outfits, was suddenly having a problem with it. It was "too showy", she said, "and if you don't get chosen, you'll never wear it again." "But Mother, we both know that money isn't the issue here..." I looked at Mother, giving her my most charming look. "And if I don't win, I'll let you wear it." Mother huffed. "Fine. But don't say I never let you have anything."
Coda's POV I sneezed and wiped my nose on the corner of my sleeve. It was dreadfully cold out, and I had caught a cold. Oh well, I thought. It's the reaping today. The reaping! My one chance out of this hell that was my life. I lived in District 1- the "richt" district. Oh, there were the occasional rich family, and maybe they made a majority, but there was a fair amount of poor people as well. I lived on the streets,in the alleys between the department stores that sold expensive designer clothing that I would never afford. My food came from the dumpsters of five star restaurants. Sure, it wasn't good enough for most people, but it was more than good enough for me. Achoo! Another sneeze caught me off guard and started a coughing fit that lasted for a while. I was sick, and there was no denying it. My only chance would be to be chosen. To be fixed up by a doctor and given food- good food- for once in my life. I was eighteen, I had plenty of entries, thanks to my tesserae. I had plenty of extra tesserae now. I used to live with my family on the streets. My mother, and my father, my brother, and the one I loved most of all, my baby sister. We all had white-blond hair and ashy grey eyes and could have passed for any rich family that lived in District 1- except we wore rags. We ate trash. We probably stunk because we had nowhere to bathe. I remember those days with fondness. I grew up loved, if not nurtured, and to repay them, when I turned twelve, I signed up for tesserae. Five extra to add to my one ticket. I did this continually, year after year, until last year. That brings my total to 63. I am ready to be chosen.
Side note: Here is how I calculated his tickets (the first number is without tesserae,the second is with tesserae)
12-1 6
13-3 13
14-6 21
15-10 30
16-15 40
17- 21 51
18- 28 63