11:34am Apr 2 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
11:34am Apr 2 2010
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12:39pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:47pm Apr 2 2010)
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((-yawn-)) Damien was perched on the edge of his armchair, a worn out leather book balanced in his lap and a candle sitting on the table beside him. Glancing up from the inky words on the page, he let his fathomless eyes drift to the balcony that took up most of the far wall. From where he was sitting, the only thing he could see was the crisp, cold midnight sky, and the small spots of light that pierced the eerie darkness, that he knew could only be stars.
He stared outside, lost in thought about stars, until he turned his attention back to his book with a heavy sigh. With one hand he traced over the aged pages carefully, and in his mind he could almost imagine being able to feel the words under his sensitive fingertips. He closed the book slowly, letting his eyes study his bedroom over in detail.
The room was roughly the shape of a square; the walls were painted indigo with a steady hand, and the floor was covered in expensive tiles that looked like marble or another stone. On the north wall, a large mahogany door with an old br*censored* handle was shut tightly, hiding the hallway from Damien’s eyes. On the left hand of the door was a dresser of fair size, made out of the same weathered wood that the door was made out of. Br*censored* knobs decorated the drawers, making it look like an ancient artifact.
He let his eyes float to the east wall, where the balcony was. There was a large doorway cut out of the wall, with heavy dark blue curtains, currently pulled back, to cover it whenever he wasn’t in the mood for any fresh air. From where Damien was sitting, he could see the railings on the balcony, made out of br*censored*, and he could feel the chilly air dance around him and send shivers up his spine.
Damien then looked to the south wall, where his bed was pushed right up against the wall horizontally, and a large, rectangular cage was pressed into the corner of the room. His bed was large and grand; something that often bothered him and kept him up at night. The sheets were all a dark shade of blue, as were the pillowcases, and the blankets on top were a shadowy black in color. The bed frame looked to be made of wood, mahogany like everything else in the room, and the blankets were made out of a fabric so soft he couldn’t even begin to describe it.
Blinking a few times, he looked at the cage pressed into the corner of the room. He didn’t have to peer to far past the thin bronze bars of it to see what was curled up inside. He already knew what was there: Two small, plump rats with ribbons fastened around their necks. There was a gray one, the dominant male of the two, with a black spot on his head and a smoky black ribbon. His name was Pippin. The other rat, a little smaller than Pippin, all white with a brown head and band around his stomach, was Percy. Percy had a beige ribbon tied around his neck.
Damien then glanced at where he was sitting, against the west wall. He had a desk pressed against the wall, which was angled slightly so he could draw to his heart’s content, and a large dark blue armchair, which he currently had on an angle so he could lean against the desk and read. He swept his gaze around the room once more, a frown tugging at the corner of his lips.
The room seemed empty, neat and organized. There was no evidence that your average teenager lived here; it looked more as if someone had just died and they were cleaning out their room of all possessions.
He set his book down on the edge of the desk gently, standing up with grace that was beyond human-like. He strode across the room in silence; even though it was nearly midnight, he was in the mood for a walk. He needed to clear his mind of all his troubled thoughts. _____________ Jace sat on the bottom of the stairs, a grim ex pression on his face as he watched life in the castle go on normally around him; did nobody else care about the humans like he and his companions did? Did nobody else want to keep the species from disappearing? He blinked sadly, standing up. He probably should have gone to bed, as it was nearly midnight, but he couldn't sleep and night made him more comfortable to walk around anyways. He walked through the wide-arched hallways in random directions, his goal on where to go not clear for even himself. _____________ Sarah shifted just outside her bedroom door, when nobody was looking. She could feel as her fingers retracted into her hands and changed to form paws with small sharp claws. Her nose and mouth stretched from her face, forming a muzzle filled with sharp teeth. Her ears stretched from her head, forming larg ears that resembled a chihuahua's. Fur sprouted from every pore in her body, making her look like a beige fuzzy person. Her body shrunk, her spine twisted and bent, extending at the tailbone to form a tail. She stretched out happily, blinked her beady black eyes as she looked around. She was no longer a highly-attractive teenage girl; she was a small pale brown fennec fox with sharp hearing and great reflexes. Sarah began to wander the halls, despite the fact that she only came up to most people's knee caps. ((WOW. Damien's part is long. xD Sorry.))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:52pm Apr 2 2010
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wuss poppin jimbo
4:36pm Apr 2 2010
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((I finished my bios. Sorry there was a power outage.))
5:13pm Apr 2 2010
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((m'kay. Accepted.))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:18pm Apr 2 2010
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((Yay! Intro coming soon.))
6:03pm Apr 2 2010
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Karina sighed and walked through the halls around the castle, wandering around thoughtlessly. She began running her fingers over every flat surface in her reach, searching for something to be wrong or out of place to use as an excuse to bunish the servents and cleaners that lived throughout the castle. She sighed again as she got to the end of the main hall, there hadn`t even been a speck of dust on the surfaces throughout the great hall, and not a sinle attom of dirt upon the floor. She looked around quickly, still intent of finding an excuse. When nothing above the floor of the ice looking tiles of the great hall was out of place, or left unclean she smirked, "They learned well. I little too well." She said quietly to herself. She took a deep breath as her body began to shirk and fur grew from her body. Her hands and feet turned to paws, and her finger and toes to claws. She growled as she walked back down through the hall, listening peacefully at the sound of her unsheathed claws clicking against the tile. ~~~ Shade slithered through one of the much small halls. He stayed close against the walls, knowing Karina usually wandered the halls at night with her claws unsheathed, not caring who or what she stepped on. He had learned this the hard way. One night when he was younger the queen had become suddenly angered and raced through the halls, stepping on his slim, scaled body, and making a cut in his side, through his tough scales. Never again did he wander throught the center of the halls at night. ~~~ Tonsou walked along with Fiona, both in human forms. Tonsou grabbed Fiona`sarm and pulled her against the wall as Karina pas.sed by. Fiona was new to being out in the halls this late at night so she didn`t under what exactly to do, and what dangers lurked in the castle. She sighed as the large black panther turned and padded into one of the different halls. she looked at Tonsou and nodded in thanks, as she saw the small scratch marks, left from Karina taking the same path every night though the castle, that had just gotten a little bigger. ((I`m not sure what to do with Lucien since he`s a human.))

8:45pm Apr 2 2010
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Damien walked through the hallway, past his mother, emotion rushing through him like a black tidal wave. Her presence sickened him to the bone, and he was forever wishing she would just perish in some freak accident or something. He continued past her without another word, not even glancing at the heartless creature that had given birth to him. As he skirted the edge of the wall to avoid being stepped on by the Queen, he accidently bumped into Tonsou and Karina. "I'm sorry," he said, looking at them with fathomless black eyes that didn't quite match his words. "Are you okay?" His mouth twisted into an unhappy grimace. _______ Jace strode down the hallway with cat-like grace, not surprising as he was a snow leopard in animal form anyways. But currently he walked on two legs, his bright mischeivious silver eyes scanning the dark hallways for something -or someone- to play with. He spotted a snake (Shade) slithering along the wall and followed it. _______ Sarah trotted past the Queen with a repectful nod of her head, blinking her twinkling black eyes nervously as the cougar pas$ed by her. She quickened her pace, skirting the edge of the wall to avoid any further notice. Instead of going around, she weaved her way between Damien, Tonsou and Karina's legs, furry tail waving through the air behind her like a flag. Her huge ears were pricked, listening to the even the slightest sounds around her.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:00pm Apr 2 2010
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Karina icnored them all as she wandered through the many halls that weaved through the castle. ~~~ ((It`s Fiona and Karina. Karina is his mom.)) Fiona squeecked as Damien bumped into them. Tonsou laughed and smiled at him, "Yes, we`re fine. It`s okay. She said happily, knowing Karina could still hear her. She sighed quietly and looked at down at the floor where, in her quick fear, Fiona had shifted. Fiona quickly shifted back and laughed imbaras.sed, and uncomfortably. He cheeks turned red and her face got hot. Tonsou looked at Damien, "She new to being out here this late." She said with a laugh. ~~~ Shade turned to Jace and picked his body up. His streched out his hood and hissed angerly at the boy. He swayed to the sides and flicked his tounge in agrivation. ((I cant spell right now.))
9:14pm Apr 2 2010
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((Sorry. o__O I fail at remembering names. )) Jace smiled, pupils shifting into slits like a cat's. He watched Shade carefully, letting his body bend and shift until he was covered in silver and white fluffy fur. He insheathed his claws, watching as their sharp points glinted in the faint lighting. ________ Damien nodded, eyes grimly serious. "It's not wise to walk around at night," he said gently. "Things here..." A frown tugged at the edge of his mouth. "Things here are going to ruin lately." He turned around without another word to Tonsou or Fiona. He started to walk away, fixing his flat black eyes on the hallway floors. He didn't feel like the next heir of a powerful kingdom; he felt like one of the humans locked up. Horrible, unwelcome and hopeless. Exactly who he was going to visit. He took a sharp right turn, veering onto a spiral staircase that lead beneath grounds. With each steep stair he could feel the air grow colder, and could almost feel all the weight pressed ontop of him. The air seemed thick.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:28pm Apr 2 2010
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Shade hissed again. Raising his head higher and spreading his jaw wider, revealing his highly vemonus fangs, a warning to Jace that he wasn`t afraid to bite him. ~~~ Tonsou and Fiona watched him walk away, both pretty confussed. They soon both shrugged the meeting off and continued their walk. ((We need the king. XD))
11:23pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 11:16am Apr 3 2010)
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Name: Charles BloodThroat Age: 2363756 Uknown Gender: male Species: Shapeshifter. Personality: He's a butt. Charles is a steady ruler, but harsh on humans and anything to do with them. He cares about his son, his wife, killing humans, and maintaining his kingdom. That's pretty much it. Other: Looks: Charles is tall and muscular with slightly tanned skin. His hair is cut short, and is arich brown colour. His eyes are a bright, lively hazel. He chose his form young; he is a grizzly bear. ((There. Just in case.)) _________________________________ Jace let out a coughy yowl, baring his teeth at the snake. He slashed at the air threateningly as a warning; take me, and I'll take you with me. His silver eyes flashed as he took on the challenge. ________ Damien's feet hit the floor, and he was thrown into utter darkness. He blinked, trying to adjust his eyes, but the damp, cold dungeon seemed to enjoy making him feel blind. He stumbled around, hands outstretched, as he felt around for something. Anything. His hand his one of the bars to a cell, and he called into darkness, "Anyone in there?"
wuss poppin jimbo
12:25am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Yay. Is the dungeons where the humans are?))
Shade hissed again then truned and comtinued to slither away along the wall of the hall. His rough scales made a small scratching sound as they rubbed against the wall and tile floor.
((Sorry. I'm not sure what to post.))
12:30am Apr 3 2010
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Soul padded through the halls, her large claws making light clicking sounds as she walked. Her tawny feathers shone like bra$s in the dim torchlight and her large black eyes gazed around cautiously. She walked past the dungeons and heard a voice calling from the farthest one. Anothe human? she thought despairingly as she went to investigate. She gave a soft croak as she neared the cell, the putrid scent of decay stinging in her sensitive nostrils.
12:34am Apr 3 2010
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((I put pictures for Felan's human and wolf form.)) Felan was in his animal form, a black wolf. He was trotting around the hallway, beside the wall to his left, since he couldn't sleep. He glanced to his right and saw a snake slithering against the other wall. He let out a short, and almost faint, growl. He had found snakes okay when he was a child, but when a snake bit him when he was around ten he had begun hating them.
12:42am Apr 3 2010
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Soul shrugged her feathered shoulders and padded away from the cell and scent, her lion-like tail swinging as she went. She climbed up the stairs, her claws making little scraping nosies as she did. Stepping back into the light, she saw a snake and wolf fighting. Her curiousity sparked, she walked forwards, her black eyes watching intently. ((FYI, she's a gryffon ^^))
1:03am Apr 3 2010
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10:29am Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 11:20am Apr 3 2010)
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((We all know she is we saw her bio.)) Shade hissed at the gryffonthat was now there. He now was surronded by the three, he was definatly going to bite someone before her got away. He hissed again, then raised his body up and started swaying again. He hissed once again, this time opening his jwas wide, to reveal his fangs, giving the two new comers the same waning he gave Jace.
11:10am Apr 3 2010
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Jace smirked, following after the snake with unsheathed claws. He prowled through the hallways, having fun trying to get bitten. ____ Damien sighed, and closed his eyes. He shifted on the spot. He could feel his arms and legs melt together to form one long, limbless body, and he could feel himself shrink and get smaller...his tongue split in half...his eyes transforming to see in the dark... When he opened his eyes, he was about ankle level to the floor. He could see past the bars now, and the blackness didn't seem as black anymore. He hissed, eyes searching the darkness for any humans he could free. ____ Sarah tripped, and toppled into Felan with a faint yelp of surprise. She stood back up, flushing under her light brown fur, and looked at the wolf with frightened black eyes. Is he mad? She angled her huge ears towards him, a little nervous because she was much smaller than he was. ((Yes, humans are in the dungeons. xD))
wuss poppin jimbo