11:22am Apr 3 2010
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Felan jumped back and cast an angry glare at what had toppled into him. His fur bristled slightly, and he was a little worried that it was some one bigger than him, but he relaxed when he realized it was just a fennec fox, an animal smaller than him. "You should watch where you're going," he said, the fur lying flat again. ((They can talk to each other in their animal forms, right? Even if they're different species?))
11:26am Apr 3 2010
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((Sure, ;P)) Sarah blinked up at him, frowning a little to herself. "I'm sorry," she said stubbornly. "Who are you?" She sat down in front of him and swept her tail over her front paws, yawning. She yawned widely, revealing rows of sharp white teeth.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:32am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Lucien sat silently leaning against the back of the cell, just staring at the ground. He sighed and moved, hugging his knees closer to him, trying to get the warm he wasn`t getting from the cold walls. He heard the hiss and looked around trying to find the source, but it was too dark for him to see, so he icnored the noise and continued trying to get warm. ~~~ Karina trotted down the hall and saw Jace, Felan, and Soul around the wall. She looked down and saw Shade, coiling up as he continued to hiss. Shade looked over and suddenly stopped hissing as he saw Karina sit down and watch. He looked down, bowing his head respectfully to the queen. ((Sorry, I have really bad post block right now, I juts woke up...*yawns* Are you gonna play the king?))
11:34am Apr 3 2010
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Felan watched her sit down and yawn before answering, "My name's Felan." He moved a paw away from the fennec fox when she yawned. If she was going to attack him, although he found it not likely, he didn't want to get bitten by her sharp teeth. "And you are?"
11:41am Apr 3 2010
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"My name is Sarah," she said, craning her neck to see him. "Sarah Sparks. My mother's name is Melony Sparks, high preistess." Sarah blinked, and smiled a little. "It's nice to meet you Felan." She flicked her ears, picking up a low hissing noise that could only be a snake. She was terrified of snakes. ______ Damien slithered between two of the bars, blinking his bloody red eyes. He had heard movement in this cell, so he decided to see if the person inside was human. He dragged his body across the icy stone ground, feeling his tempature take a dramatic drop. Being cold blooded: not one of his brighter ideas. He slithered over Lucien's foot, and then coiled his body and looked at the human cautiously. ______ Jace blinked at the Queen, dipping his head even though he had the craving to dip his claws deep into her back and bite down on her throat. He shoved the thought away, but not before a coughy chuckled escaped his throat. His silver tail flicked across the ground.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:18pm Apr 3 2010
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((Are you gonna play the king?)) Lucien looked down, now that Damien was closer he could seethe blood red eyes and the outline of the coiled body. He sighed and just watched the snake. He knew there were at least two snake shifter, the prince and one of the queen and king`s followers, though he wasn`t sure if there were any others. He just sat there and continued to stare down at the coiled snake. ~~~ Karina sat there and continued to watch them all.
12:29pm Apr 3 2010
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(( Uh.. Only if we really, really need him at some parts. xD)) Damien's forked tongue flickered from his jaws, as he watched the human; he didn't seem scared or freaked out, so he slid away and shifted on the spot again. Upright on two legs, he flicked the hair out of his face. "My name's Muerte," he said, smirking slightly. "Who are you?" __________ Jace looked at the Queen with defiant eyes. He'd always been the trouble maker of Damien's group. "Can we help you?" he said, smirking coldly.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:58pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul looked around, her gold eyes whirling with curiosity as she watched the scene unfold. Who would you be? she asked using mindspeak, as her beak was unsuitable for normal speech. It was also easier for her to get her emotions and idea across like this.
12:59pm Apr 3 2010
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"Lucien." He said quietly as he hugged his knees closer. He then just sat there and stared at the spot Damien had just left. ~~~ Karina smirked back, "No." She said simply before wrapping her tail around herself. the tip settled in front of her and twitched in amusement as she continued to watch them.
1:44pm Apr 3 2010
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"Well, Lucien," Damien said slowly. "I'm going to get you out of here." He grinned, peering at his new friend through his black bangs. _____ "Well then," Jace said sharply, "Run along." His silver eyes flashed dangerously, and his claws scraped along the ground.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:46pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul looked at the Queen and Jace, sighing, You must be the Queen, she thought glancing at the women with interest.
11:39pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan had heard the low hiss, too, then asked Sarah, "You don't like snakes too, huh?" He glanced around. There was a gryffon not to far away, as well as a black panther. He didn't know both of them. Well, at least he didn't think he did.
11:52pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul glanced at the wolf, Felan, is it not? she thought, her tone formal. She appraised him with her slanting gold eyes, judging his looks. You are the wolf shifter, she put in as an afterthought.
12:20am Apr 4 2010
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Karina snapped and growled at Jace, "You will no speak to your queen in such a manor!" She growled through bared, pearly white teeth.
Lucien just sat there and continued to try to warm himself. He icnored Damien, not really caring if he was left alone again.
3:19pm Apr 4 2010
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Jace bristled, standing up and fluffing out his fur. "I don't serve the Queen," he spat, narrowing his eyes. "I serve the King; you are only his wife to me, and you deserve no power." A coughy yowl escaped his throat. Muerte's going to kill me for this... _________ Damien snorted. "Yeah, thanks for the 'thanks'." he mumbled, turning around. He hooked his hand outside of the bars, keys in hand, and unlocked the door. He looked back at Lucien with triumph. _________ Sarah blinked, a little shudder running up her back. "I hate them," she said quietly, swallowing slowly. She glanced behind her, trying to shake off the feeling something was watching her from the shadows.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:21pm Apr 4 2010
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Soul padded out of the shadows, looking at the group. Jace seemed to be backtalking to the queen, You go guy, she thought as she grinned lightly. It was time someone told the queen what most really felt of her.
6:03pm Apr 4 2010
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Karina gave a sly smirk, this exactly.the kind of thing she needed to get intertaning trouble going. "Oh really? Let's see what the king thinks of that comment." She said triumphantly before turning and racing down the hall towards her chamber she shared with her husband.
Lucien looked over at him as he heard the keys click in the lock. He sighed again, then leaned back against the wall. He had given up on try to escape, he as tired of running away only to be taken down and dragged back by the queen.
4:44pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien threw the door open, and glanced back at Lucien. "Get up," he said sternly. "I've only got an hour to get you to the library." ____ Jace sighed, and followed after the Queen with a quiet sigh; she was such a nut. ____ Charles sat in the throne room, looking drowsy with his half-shut eyes and his tilted crown. He wore the crown at all times; his wife didn't get so much as a tiara, and his son didn't get anything either. It symbolized power.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:13pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Karina was running past the thrown room and smelt Charles. She turned quickly on her paws, then pounced forward and ran over to his thrown and shifted while next to his thrown.
She smiled flitingly then kissed his cheek. She then frowned and pointed at Jace, "Charles, I want him out." She said saddly, "He was talking to me like I was a servent. He was saying he wasn't going to serve me because I was just your wife." She said frowning saddly.
Lucien looked over at him, then sighed, "I don't see the point. The queen's just gonna catch me and throw me back in here like all the times she plays her games."He said as he stood up.
6:18pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien spat angrily at the human, patience worn out. "Just get your butt up before I have to drag you there; because I swear by the gods I will!" His fathomless black eyes flashed. ______ Charles frowned, and looked at Jace. "Jace? Why, he's one of my best Knights! What would I do without him?" He played with his crown, and looked at his wife uncertainly. "And surely darling, you do know that you don't really have any power over MY knights. I mean, they are MY knights, after all." He smiled a little. "but you can play with the humans." Jace's whiskers twitched in amusment; that's why he back-talked the Queen. Because he was irreplacable. Haha! He thought in her direction, Eat that!
wuss poppin jimbo